WEPPNEH ETTE-TOfflE MORROW COUNTY, LOCAL NEWS SIDEWALK BAZAAR JULY 18-19 THE GAZ Heppner, Oregon 97836, Thursday, July .17, 1969 Sec. 2 Arlington Court Takes Second Place at Condon Rodeo Event Br LORRAINE BALL IONP Marv Ann Pottvlxhn daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee reuyionn, won the women s barrel race at the July 4th cele bration in Condon. She was one of 22 contestants. The Arlington court of which Miss Pettyjohn is queen, and Jeri Krebs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Krebs, is a princess, won 2nd place In competition with other visiting queens and courts. Teresa Tucker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Tucker, is home from the hospital recov ering from a recent car accident She is able to be up and about Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree and grandson Scott, motored to Ta coma this past week returning on the week-end. They visited with their son Ronnie Crabtree, who is showing steady improve ment from a recent car acoi dent. He U able to be up for short intervals In a wheel chair. Harvest U beginning In the lone area on the north side, along the area bordering the bombing range. Some of the wheat being cut appears to be pretty heavy. No estimates were available, however. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nichols were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David McBeth and familv. of Port Townsend, Wn. Thcv also visited with his moth er, Mrs. Clara Brown and sis- ter In Hermlston. Before return ing to their home the families en loved several days camping in the local mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Barnhart and daughters of Redmond vis ted over the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherer. Their daughters remain ed with their grandparents for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Dick McElllgott are the parents of a baby boy, Richard Mark. 7 lb.. 11 oz., born at St. Anthony hospital In Pen dleton on Friday. July 11. at 2:00 p.m. He Is welcomed at home by 11 other brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Akers, Jr., of Plneridge. S. D., and their familv visited recently with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Ak- Grangers Enjoy Film, Talk on Norway By DELPKA JONES LEXINGTON Lexington orange met baturday night at 8 p.m. for its regular meeting. Preceding the meeting a most interesting program was provld ed by Amund Kvam. IFYE stu (lent from Norway, who has oeen a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson. Films and sou venirs were shown and a most interesting talk was given. Pot luck refresh monk WAra onlniraH During the business meeting ii was ueciaea to schedule an initiation in October for the four persons recently voted in as members. it was announced that the grange will vacation during .nuKusi ana September. Pomona Grange will meet in Lexington the last Saturday In October. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Breed ing and sons of Portland spent the week-end In Lexington with his mother, Mrs. Lola Breeding. The annual Steagall-Anderson picnic was held at Bull Prairie over the week-end. Among those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall of Lexington and their daughters and famil ies, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dougher ty and children of Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Leyva and child ren of Hood River, and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brandhagen and family of Pendleton. Also Mrs. Lola Breeding, her son and familv. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M Breeding and sons of Portland, a daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dennis and family of Portland, and Mrs. Wanda Jones and sons of Hood River, as well as a host of cousins and other relatives. A potluck dinner was enloycd at noon. Jerry Grant and Andrea Smith, grandchildren of Mrs. Lola Breeding, spent several days this week with her. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones, Mrs. Florence McMillan, Billy Irvin and Willie Moreau were dinner guests of Mrs. Bob Taylor in Boardman on Sunday and help ed celebrate the birthday of Kevin Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Orwick and son, Mike, left last week-end for Dallas, Texas, where they will attend the national Elks' convention. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Padberg returned from Portland where they were called by the serious illness of Mrs. Padbergs moth er, Mrs. Amy Sperry. Mrs. Sper ry has been moved to Clarkston, Wn.. where she is a patient in a nursing home In that city. Art Turner of Portland returned home with the Padbergs for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Messenger and children of Portland are vis iting at the Bill and Carl Mar quardt homes. Dexter Miles and children of Montana are visiting his moth and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dunbar. Miles Is working local ly in the harvest. Mrs. Miles re mained at home with the other children. Mrs. Gail Burkenblne Is em ployed at the Morrow County school district office, starting ner work on Monday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Denny McMillan were Mrs. McMillan's mother, Mrs. Audrey McCarl, and her broth er and familv, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin McCarl of Harrisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mor ris and Mrs. Kay Morris, rela tives from Missouri. Three Links Club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Palmer. Plans were made for the Sidewalk Bazaar and sewing days were planned for the summer in order to have thines prepared for the fall ba zaar. Those present were Mrs. A. F. Maieske. Mrs. Florence McMillan, Mrs. Ken Marshall, Mrs. Annie Keene, Mrs. Ralph Burcham, Mrs. Oris Padberg, Mrs. Ruth MeCabe, Mrs. Archie Munkers, and the hostess, Mrs. Palmer. Lovely refreshments were served. Greg Leyva of Hood River is now employed at the Lexington airport, where he is spraying for Mel Boyer. ers, and other relatives and friends. They also visited in Portland before returning home, with his brothers und sisters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Akers and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Akers. WAC Grange will miH't at the home of Mrs. Vlda Heliker on July 18 at 2:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dockter and children have returned home after an extended vaca tion visiting with their parents. Mr. Dockter enjoyed some fish ing while away. Mrs. Wallace Matthews re turned home last Thursday af ter being confined to the hos pital in Pendleton for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely and son. Duane. visited In lone on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers. They stopped by on! their way home from Pasco, Wn., where their son had participat ed with the Salem Drum and Bugle Corp, who had performed on Saturday at Pasco. Mrs. Vera Rletmann and Mrs. Ruby Roberts motored to Port land on Tuesday, where Mrs. Roberts was to consult a phys ician. Mrs. Dclsie Chapel and Cas sy, Mrs. Joe Engleman and Frankie and Joan McElllgott en joyed a motor vacation through parts of Oregon, stopping at Redmond and Crater Lake and other scenic points In that ar ea. At the recent St. Paul Rodeo, Patty McCoin split 2nd. 3rd and 4th place averages In the wom en's barrel races. Keith Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson, has return ed home from the Pendleton Community hospital where he recently underwent back sur gery. He will be in a cast for sometime with limited activities, but he is showing steady im provement. He would welcome visitors. John Krebs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Krebs, Is spending a two-week leave with his parents from the Army. He will return to Fort Sill. Okla., for further training. W. C. Walters motored to Spo kane, Wn., for a few days on business and visiting relatives and friends. Gus Jannsen motored to Se attle to visit with his daughter and son-in-law who are visit ing from California. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ball and Cliff Aldrich visited Sunday in Hermlston with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson and family. Simp- Elks Delegates Convene in Dallas Mr. and Mrs. Gene Orwick and son, Mike, left from Port land by plane on Saturday, July 12, for a flight to Dallas, Texas, where they are attend ing the National Elk's Conven tion, planned for July 12-17, at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas. The couple will be represent ing the Heppner Elk's Lodge No. 358. of which Orwick serves as Exalted Ruler. The couple's son, Mike, will stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Afton Gayhart. at their home in Hillsboro, Texas, about 50 miles from Dallas, while his parents attend the convention. Following the meetings, the Orwkks plan to visit at the Gayhart home for a few days before starting the Ions: trip home. son and family had just return ed from attending the Steagall reunion at Bull Prairie. ft ALWAY8 FIRST QUALITY QUALITY llgpJIfDAYS Like It! Charge It! STORE HOURS 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. GONTY'S JULY 18-19 SHOES - SHOES - SHOES! Girls' and Ladies' 1 RACK 5Qc l RACK 95c 8 OTHER RACKS INSIDE STORE Air Steps - Miss Wonderful - Charm Steps 1.95 to 8.95 A. .wo WOMEN'S DRESS CLEARANCE 150 DRESSES TO CHOOSE FROM ALL SUMMER STYLES Group I ORIG. S6 and $7 Now $ Group II Group III ORIG. ORIG. $8 to $10 $11 to $15 5 Now $i Now $10 Men's and Boys' SPECIAL PRICES $4.95 to $g 95 CANVAS OXFORDS SLIP-ONS $2.95 SYMPHONIC STEREO J4995 PORTABLE WAS $6955 Zm MOTOROLA STEREO H 3995 PORTABLE WAS $49.95 MOTOROLA HI-FI only 2SJ95 PORTABLE HAIR DRYER only g95 MANNING-BO WAN STEREO RECORD CASES 5 I9 45 R.P.M. RECORD CASES o 150 45 R.P.M. RECORDS 10 for" joo GRAB BAGS U Heppner Ph. 67S-S264 Special! Big, thick towels in zrngy colors bath towtfi 2 for 1 fact lowed 3 for 1 washcloths 5 for 1 Generously sized and luxurl o u s 1 y thick towels. Moss green, honey gold. WOMEN'S JAMAICAS $1.99 Asst. Plaids, Solids Sizes 6-IS Women's Sleeveless Blouses 2$3 Asst. Prints, Solids Sizes 32-38 7 only WOMEN'S UNIFORMS 5.77 White Only 6 only WOMEN'S BLOUSES .. now 3.99 Orig. $5 60 only WOMEN'S SCARVES .. now 44c Orig. $1 - - 21 only WOMEN'S BRAS now 2.88 Long Line Orig. $4.50 30 only WOMEN'S TANK TOPS 3.00 100 Polyester Sizes S, M, L MEN'S SWIMWEAR REDUCED Now $29 ASST. STYLES AND FABRICS SIZES S. M. L. ORIG. 3.98 Back-to-school dresses with Penn-Prest.' 3tox, 2.99 7.0 14,3.99 Crisp polyestercoffons in plaids, stripes, solids, iust about everything and not a one needs ironing. Styles a young fashionable loves. Men's Orig. 4.98 18 only WALKING SHORTS now $2.99 Men's 8 only STRIPE KNIT SHIRTS 99c Boys' Orig. 2.98 6 only WALKING SHORTS now 1.99 Boys' 14 only SPORT SHIRTS, short sleeve ... 99c 10 only TODDLER'S PLAY SETS now 2.99 Orig. 3.98 Infants' Orig. 2.98 8 only DRESSES now 1.99 Girls' 8 only CARDIGAN SWEATERS 99c GIRLS' PANT DRESSES now 2.99 Sizes 7-14 Orig. $4 and $5 Girls' JAMAICA AND TOP SETS now 3.99 Sizes 7-14 Orig. $5 Girls' SLEEVELESS TOPS now 1.99 Orig. $3 10 only SLEEPING BAGS 11.99 6 Lb. kit.. .WW W". ' Iff 9 6 ? ju. i , i GIRLS' SWIMWEAR REDUCED ASST. STYLES AND FABRICS SIZES 1-4 SIZES 3-6x SIZES 7-14 ORIG. $3 ORIG. $4-$5 ORIG. $5-$6 Now $99 Now $29 Now $g99 r mrinnrnwi '- - gwWi L if ' Men's Penn-Prest sport shirts at a low price 1.99 Solids, plaids, regular and bultondown collar styles. Polyestercotton blends. They never need ironing! Short sleeves. Sizes S-M-L-XL 12 only WEB CHAISE LOUNGES $5.99 10 only BLANKETS 100 Rayon 4.00 80 yds. COTTON SHEATH LINING now 44c yd. Orig. 69c 50 yds. POPLINS now 77c yd. Polyester and Cotton Orig. $1.29 2 only QUILTED BEDSPREADS 9.99 Twin Size WASH CLOTHS, Asst. Colors 12 for $1 ! .1 BOYS' SWIMWEAR REDUCED ASST. STYLES AND FABRICS SIZES 2-7 SIZES 8-20 ORIG. $1.79 and $1.98 ORIG. $2.98 Now $-S 44 Now $-fl 99 JL T Special buy! Colorful accent rugs. 3 styles! 2.88 27"x4S Viscose rayon pile with latex coated backing. Oblong shag with fringed ends, oval cut and loop pile, and tone on tone tufted style.