Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 25, 1968, Page 5, Image 5

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    Grange Picnic Slated
August 4 at lone Park
IONE All member nnd
friend of Willows Grange are
invited to picnic on Sunday,
August 4, at 4:(X) p.m. In the
lono city park. Tho committee
in c-harRe Ktutes that drinks, Ice
cream and eating utensils will
be furnished by the Rroup.
Another picnic that local res
idents mav he Interested In is
the annual Morrow County pic
nic to be held as usual in Laur
elhurst Turk in Portland on Sun
day, August 4, at noon. Every
one is welcome to anena ana
enjoy the afternoon vlsltlne.
Miss Susan Llndstrom. mem
her of the Pendleton Round Up
Court, Hew by private plane to
Cheyenne. Wvo.. Sunday morn
lug to appear with the court
In the Frontier Days celebration.
They were to return on Wed
nmil.iv from Wvominu.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Martin and
Jimmy are vlsltlnjr with Mr. and
Mrs. I.nrrv Ketsch this week.
The Martins are from Mrs.
Fetsch's hometown of Orient,
Mr. and Mrs. Dwlcht HauRen
of Lake Osweeo visited with rel
alives on Tuesday as they were
returninc home from a vacation
in Canada, which included at
tend inff the Calgary Stampede.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crawford
and family arrived Friday from
Portland for a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Art Dalzell. Neal, who
has been here vlsitinji his
grandparents, will return on
Monday with his family.
Company at the Lee Palmer
home this week were Mrs. Pal
mer's uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Clacence Nash, of Neche,
N. D.
Week-end guest at the par
ental Harold Sherer home was
Mrs. Judy Andrew of Corvallls.
On July 12 Mrs. Lewis Hal
vorsen, Mrs. Larry Prock, Mrs.
Leo Crabtree and Mrs. Archie
Munkers drove to Salem to at
tend the weddine of Miss Wan
da Jean Hoffman to Harlow
Kibbev. The women returned on
Mrs. Alvln McCabe and boys
arrived here Monday lor a visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Leo Crabtree. On Tuesday, Ron
ald Crabtree of Seattle and Scott
Wilson of Tacoma drove down
for a visit. Ronald returned
home in the company of his son,
Scott Crabtree, where the boy
will visit for a while. Mrs. Mc
Cabe and Ashley left on Thurs
day but Kevin and Jim remain
ed for a visit with their grand-Darents.
Mrs. John Voorhees of Port
land stayed at the home of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Wate
. Crawford, this week-end. Mrs.
Voorhees accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Peck and Natalie
who came for a visit at the
Milton Morgan home.
Mr. and Mrs. Huston Bryson
returned home July 13 follow
ing the wedding of their daugh
ter, Sandi Bryson, in Portland.
Mrs. Bryson's mother, Mrs. Betty
Siverd, accompanied them.
Mrs. Bob Jepsen was hostess
for a coffee hour last Thursday
morning on the occasion of Mrs.
Ray Boyce's birthday. Those en
joying the morning togethei
were Mrs. Dave McLeod, Mrs
Arnie Hedman, Mrs. Bob Clough,
Mrs. Ernie McCabe, Mrs. Gene
Hall, Mrs. Herb Ekstrom, Mrs.
Gene Rietmann Mrs. Bill Riet
mann, Mrs. Bob Rietmann anc"
Mrs. Mike Luedde.
A family picnic held in Ken
newick, Wn., at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Les Roundy was at
tended by Mr. and Mrs. George
Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay
Kiiu-ald and girlx, and John Kin
cald. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Round
ay and Lt-Uey and Mr. and Mm.
Larry Longhrakc, all of Seattle,
were also there. The croup en
joyed the hydroplane races In
the arternoon.
Miss Cindy Ekstrom flew
home with her cousin, Dorlnda
Steiger, who has been visiting
here from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Matthews
and Deniece drove to the Elgin
Stampede on Sunday to watch
the Morrow County Rodeo Court
iipicnr In the festivities there
Queen Berniece Mutthcws and
her court, who rode In a con
vertible, won a prize award
among the many competitive
courts In the parade.
On July 24 Mrs. Omar Riet
mann will depart by plane from
Seattle on a 22-day Churchill
tour which will take her first
to Copenhagen, Hamburg, Igls,
Brussels, and on to Moudon,
Switzerland, the birthplace of
Mrs. Rietmann's ancestors. She
hopes to locate descendants of
her fnmily who are still living
in the area.
Miss Janice Snider returned
home this week after a two
week's stay with her uncle and
aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Don How-
ell, in Tolovanna Park, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Formt furken
bine and family returned Sun
day evening from a week's va
ration spent in the Puget Sound
area while staying at the home
of his mother. Mm. Nina Case
of Poulsbo. The family Senl
one day In Seattle at the Se.
aide Acquurlum, located on the
waterfront, enjoyed a day at
fishing and boating on beauti
ful Hood Canal near the float
ing bridge, and on Wednesday
evening traveled to Port An
eele. where they spent the
night before catching the ferry
early next morning for Victoria,
B. C. Canada, for a day of sight
seeing. There they toured the
Parliament Buildings, visited
the famous Empress Hotel and
gardens, and enjoyed a horse
and buggy ride throughout the
city viewing famous landmarks
and many lovely homes.
A two-day pack trio Into the
Wallowa mountains near Los
tine was enjoved by Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Raymond and Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Mecham last
week-end. The two couples
drove to the mountains near
Lost! tie and from there rode
horseback to the numerous lakes
In the area, among which they
visited were Mirror Lake, Moc
casin Lake and Glacier Lake.
The couples estimate that they
rode 18 miles the first day and
about 23 miles the second he-
fore returning to Heppner Sun
day evening.
Quarter Horse
Tune-Up Day
Set Here Sunday
Second of the summer's Tune-
up Days, sponsored by Colum
bia Basin Horse association, will
be held at the Morrow County
Fairgrounds on Sunday after
noon, July 28, starting at 1:00
p.m., according to announce
ment by Beverly Buchanan, Her
miston, secretary of the organ
ization. Tune-up Day is open to all
registered quarter horses. There
are no entry fees for the class
es, no registration or enty ahead
of time. Ribbons will be given
to three top places.
Judge will be Jim Gorman of
In charge of the day's activi
ties will be Dr. James Norene
and Floyd Jones, both of Hepp
ner. Divisions in the halter class
es will be for mares of all ages,
geldings of all ages and stall
ions of all ages.
The six other classes will in
clude Western pleasure, bit
reining, pole bending, barrel
racing, hackamore reining and
Western riding.
The first Tune-UD Dav was
held in Hermiston, and the next
one is set for September 8 in
Spectators are always wel
Wayne Lamb and mother.
Mrs. Berniece Lamb traveled to
Wallowa Lake early last week
where they met her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bui
Cunningham and family of On
tario for a few days of visiting.
The Cunningham family travel
ed on to Heppner to spend a few
days visiting relatives In the
area, and the Lambs traveled on
to Seattle to spend time visit
ing at the home of her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Lamb and family. They
expected to return to Heppner
Tuesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Munkers
and family and Mrs. Jerry Rood
and daughter, Dede, gathered at
the Rood mountain cabin where
they met Jerry Rood and Dale
Munkers Tuesday, July 16, for
a picnic dinner, honoring Dale
on his 12th birthday. The fol
lowing week-end Mrs. Munkers'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Teague of Eugene, visited at the
Munkers home.
Perforated and Solid
Sold at Cost with Tanks
Northrop Steel
Fabricating Co.
Kermiston-McNary Hwy.
Phone 567-5757
Office Of
Dr. Gerald Jones
Will Be Closed
July 27 through August- 4
For Vacation
Why it pays
to call ahead for
There's nothing more dismal than a string of "No Vacancy" signs
after a long day's driving. So do yourself two big favors when
you travel by car: (1) call ahead for reservations and (2) plan
to stop early enough to get a really good rest. Your trip will be
much more pleasant. And safer. S Pacific Northwest Bell
Ptrttfthf Nuiomrid. Ml Spurn
I t; n if r 1 I 3tll I i.T
u 1 ''J VS-V -J
A i .
HEPPN.!VO 676-9417
L. r
I i . 'V ". i.i. 1.1 1 I ' I
y :
J &mmA
l J--.- J 9
Reg. 49.95 Now 4 Q88
ly ..............-..-,yrrry
fan . e9 r. r
Mystery Plcgs. T ?i.00 ,Sk&M
ea. tlw r '
See 0
ur 19$ Table
Values to $5
NAILS, SCREWS Reg. 10c pkg. Sale gc
HAMMERS Reg. 79c Sale gc
FAUCET fir SPRAY Reg. 50c Sale OQc
V 7
i: C TOYS j
' 7.
Bats, Balls, Gloves,
Jump Ropes, Chem.
Lab, Dishes, etc.
and up
Notebooks, Pencils, J
each J'
4c and up
lie eo
Many Items Going Fast
Don't Miss This Chance
To Buy Below Actual
Wholesale in This Store
wide Stock Liquidation
Inter-State Sale and Liquidators Co.
L r Boys', Girls' Baby's
Rea. Sale
BOYS' SHORTS $2.35 $1.88
BABY SLEEPER 3.27 2.64
V . - , ?r
Children's Classics
Tom Sawyer, Little Women
REG- Sale OOc