Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 20, 1968, Sec. 2, Image 9

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    State 'Hello' Program Greets
Visitors; Chamber Takes Part
Oregon's two famous slogans
Relax In a Stute or Lxcite
mcnt" and "Slav and Tlay An
other Day" are Joined by i
third motto this vi'iir in nrepar
ation for the expected Influx of
,(XX),000 visitor during the
tourist season.
The new slogan, created bv
the State Highway Department's
Travel information Division of
ficials for Operation Company's
Coming 1968, is: "Help 'Em
tinner Longer in Oregon." By
a happy and not-so-strange co
incidence, the slogan's initials
spell "HELLO" a short and
friendly terra perfectly suited for
Heppner-Morrow county Cham
ber of Commerce Is participat
ing In the HELLO program. Its
special events and community
affairs committee, of which Le
Koy Gardner is chairman, has
distributed "Hello" lapel but
tons and posters to welcome vis
itors and inform them that the
local people are happy to give
them tourist Information and
I ,yX 1
CALL LeRof Gardner. 678-9218
help make their vlsita here more
At the same time the com
mittee has distributed booklets
describing things to see and do
in Oregon during the summer.
This year's Company's Coming
campaign Is a departure from
past years In which community
clean-up was the dominant
First publicized in 1967. the 12
page booklet for tourist lists
points of interest and dates of
special events for most areas of
Oregon. The state la divided in
to tour regions for handy ref
ctence by the out-of-state vla
iter. More than 20,000 copies of
the booklet were distributed to
touriest-orlcnted businesses In
Oregon last year.
Gardner has copies of the
booklet and other materials
available to those who would
like to participate In the Hello
He points out that a visitor
staying an extra day or two in
ine community is a great help
wnen multiplied bv hundreds.
If every visitor to Oregon in 19C8
lingered only one day longer.
the state's revenue from tourism
would Increase by approximate
ly $80 million.
Salvation Army
Seeks Public Aid
On Fund Appeal
Follow-up letters in the final
phase of this year's annual Sal
vation Army fund appeal are
being mailed this week, accord
ing to Ted Smith, chairman of
the local service extension com
mittee for The Salvation Army.
The mail appeal this year was
necessitated by the sudden pass
ing of James Rover, Salvation
Army service extension repre
sentative, who had been sched
uled to conduct the campaign
in this area.
Smith reported that response
thus far to the mail appeal has
been good. However, he empha
sized that success of the fund
ing program depends upon all
in the area responding to the
"Without a complete return It
will not be possible for the Sal
vation Army to continue a full
scale helping program for the
coming year for those in need
in the community," Smith said.
Through the Savation Army
extension program, some 23 dif-
lerent services are provided,
with the local service extension
committee coordinating the pro
gram. The Salvation Army
meets needs wnicn no other pro
gram is equipped to do, includ
: ing provision of emergency med
ical aid, transient welfare, farm
fire relief, disaster aid and care
for unwed mothers, among oth
ers. Smith urged those who have
not yet contributed to mail their
checks as soon as possible to
Bill Siewert, treasurer, Bank of
Eastern Oregon, Heppner, Ore
gon. Any who receive follow-up
letters after already contribut
ing are asked to be tolerant as
it does take time to cross check
.the records.
Smitton to Retire;
Robert Pool Named
Robert Pool, 30, presently res
ident bridge engineer at On
tario, will replace Laurence
(Larry) C. Smitton as district
maintenance superintendent at
Pendleton, it is announced by
Forrest Cooper, state highway
Smitton is retiring after more
than 40 years with the State
Highway Department. His re
tirement will be effective July
1. JiHiH.
Pool is a 1959 graduate . In
civil engineering from Oregon
State University in Corvallis
He is also a registered profes
sional engineer. After joining
the Department in 1959, he
served two years of military
service in the Army.
Pool returned to the Depart
ment in 1962 and worked on the
Astoria Bridge as an assistant
resident bridge engineer. He
worked in La Grande in 1965
and moved to Ontario in 1966.
With headquarters in Pendleton,
his district contains mast of
Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Church to Have
Artist Speaker
Ben Larson, immediate past
president of the Oregon Art As
sociation, Portland, will be a
special guest speaker at the
Sunday morning service of the
Heppner United Methodist
church June 16, according to an
nouncement by the Rev. Melvin
Dixon, pastor.
Mr. Larson will present an il
lustrated sermon in oils or pas
tels during the morning worship
service at 11 o'clock. The pub
lic is invited to attend.
The church will go on sum
mer schedule on Sunday, June
30, with the exact time to be
announced soon. Bible study and
prayer fellowship are held each
Thursday evening at 8:00, and
the pastor invites members and
interested friends to attend.
Adventist Church
Members Attend
Camp Meetings
Elder and Mrs. H. E. Preston
returned Sunday from Walla
Walla. Wash., where they had
been in attendance at the an
nual camp meeting of the Upp
er Columbia Conference of Seventh-day
Adventists which be
gan June 6 and ended Saturday,
June 15.
Also In attendance from Hepp
ner were Mrs. Iva Booker, Dr.
and Mrs. Gerald Jones, Dr. and
Mrs. Harold Huber, Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Crasser, Mrs. Orlin Hus
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Marion
A "wild man from Bornoe"
who is now a devoted Christian
and a member of the Seventh
day Adventist mission in his
land, told (through an interpre
ter) of his life in his land and
of his conversion to Christian
ity through the ministry of El
der A. G. Youngberg over 30
years ago. Dressed in his nat
ive head-hunter's attire and car
rying his sword with which he
cut off heads previous to his
conversion to Christianity, he
expressed to the congregation on
the camp grounds his apprecia
tion for the missionary program
of the church in his country,
according to Elder Preston, local
pastor of the Adventist church.
Elder Preston will bring to
his congregation a report of the
camp meeting at the morning
service Saturday morning, June
i, he said.
lttH m iiiii'JrXVEK
Heppner, Oregon 97836, Thursday, June 20, 1968
Sec. 2
Serves in Vietnam
Army Private First Class Ste
phen R. Part low, 21, whose par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Part
low, and wife, Gloria, live on
Route 1, Roardman. was assign
ed May 30 to the 101st Airborne
Division near Blen lloa, Viet
nam, as a rifleman.
Giles French Writes of Morrow Post Offices
Morrow county residents did
very well on the few Questions
proposed to them recently; the
answers to most of them were
found by women of Morrow
county when they published
their account a few years ago.
Appended is a list of post of
fices once in Morrow countv and
would any who think of them
selves as old timers be able to
locate all of them?
Now a list of old post offices
is not necessarily historical even
though It Is from such things
that history is written. Transpor
tation changes have made it pos
sible to concentrate twenty-five
post offices Into five without re
ducing the time it takes to mail
a letter.
What Is Important or seems
Important to this writer, Is the
way people lived In the days
when two dozen post offices
were fell to be necessary. Con-
(U before Morrow indicates establishment In Umatilla county)
(W before Morrow Indicates establishment In Wasco county)
John McCabe, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernie McCabe, and Matt
Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rod
Murray, are spending the week
at Perry's Sport Camp, located
near vernoma. Mrs. McCabe
took the two boys to the camp
on Sunday, June 16, where they
will receive a week of special
ized basKetbau instruction.
Oregon visitors bring new dollars into our
economy dollars that help create new
jobs, dollars that buy local goods and
services. If we make our visitors happy,
they'll enjoy themselves more and stay
4onger. The longer they stay, the more
our area benefits!
HELLO means, Help 'Em Linger
longer in Oregon.
By being your usual friendly self. By being
helpful. By telling visitors of the things
to do and places to see in our area. By
showing them that Oreoon is the vacation
Ask our Chamber of Commerce how you
can help. Call LeBoy Gardner, 67t-d2l8
NAME COUNTT 1st POSTMASTER MAIL WENT TO Established Discontinued
ACTON U Morrow 7111879 61918H8
ADAMSV1LLE W Morrow Silas Miles Hardman 491884 63018H5
ALPINE U Morrow G. H. Parsell Galloway 1031884 7271894
ATWOOD U Morrow H. Thompson 10221883 11201888
BOARDMAN Morrow 7131916 still
CASTLE HOCK U Morrow Boardman 831883 5161926
CECIL Morrow Louis Balsiger 711902
CECILS U Morrow James Rast 1031867 8171870
COYOTE Morrow Irrigon 6171904 5151912
DAVIDSON Morrow G. Davidson Eightmile 4261893 8271897
DOUGLAS Morrow L. Morgan 123118SK) 2271906
EIGHTMILE U Morrow Heppner 9101883 341941
ELLA U Morrow Frank Ovtatt lone 4241882 9301910
FARRENS Morrow Lillian Page 591908 1211909
GALLOWAY Morrow J. J. Galloway Echo 7311886 9301915
GOOSEBERRY U Morrow - I. R. Esteb lone 1031884 1311918
HEPPNER W Morrow G. H. Stansbury 231873 still
IONE U Morrow Aaron Royse 5261884 still
IRRIGON Morrow Frank Holbrook 11161903 still
HARDMAN U Morrow Out 1943 to 1946 6151881 extant in
LENA W Morrow C. E. Hinton Heppner 611J873 8311942
LEXINGTON Morrow Nathanial Yeats 11111885 still
MIDWAY U Morrow Henry C. Myers 10271874 211881
MORGAN Morrow A. C. Morgan lone 2271906 1311955
MOSADA Morrow Alice Albright 9231915 order
PARKER'S MILL Morrow Mr. Maxwell Hardman 641907 12151925
PETTYSVILLE U Morrow A. C. Pettvs lone 12241878 319 1887
PETTY S Morrow S. P. Jones lone 1191900 5151901
SADDLE U Morrow Mr. Douglas 11201882 12211890
SALI NEVILLE U Morrow Mrs. Benefid Heppner 191884 421886
SEPANEK Morrow Bertha Sepanck Echo 821917 9141918
SINNOTT Morrow S. Osburn Hardman 4291916 2281918
STOKES Morrow D. Bailey Umatilla 5261897 4251899
STRAWBERRY Morrow J. C. White 371904 123119081
WILLOW FORKS Wasco Amanuel Pettys lone 631872 122418781
alder Bertha Sepanck, undoubt
edly a woman of some enterprise
and ambition, living six miles
northeast of Lexington. Perhaps
her home has been swallowed
Into great wheatfields, but Ber
tha Is there In spirit. She. like
Frank Ovlatt, who opened the
post office at Ella where it did
business for 28 years, are a part
of the background of Morrow
Like ancestors you can't get
rid of your background. It Is
there like the rings in a tree
trunk Indicating a part of your
growth; It is a part of you.
Some people almost always
young people try to lose their
backgrounds, to be something
else, pretend to be ashamed of
grandpa. It Is impossible, every
one is the product of his an
cestry and his background. That
Is the reason history is import
ant and to understand history
is to understand one's self.
Change yourself if you want to
and if you can. But knowing
what you are and how you got
that way is a good thing before
chanpini? it.
Electric Motors
Power Tools
o Hydraulic Jacks
Alemite Equipment
421 S.E. 4th Pendleton
Pbone 276-5862
Save Money and Enjoy
Spring-Time Freshness
with a new Frost-Free
Electric Freezer or Combination
Save money by "freezing" your gar
den's surplus fruits and vegetables.
Easy with an electric freezer; not
messy like old-fashioned canning
Buy seasonal specials when prices'
are low, Your electric freezer keeps
them fresh until you're ready to
serve. Reduces shopping trips, tool
Unexpected guests are no problem
when there's a freezer filled v.ith
good food. It's almost like having a
supermarket in your own home I
Electric Freezers quickly pay fori
themselves with the money you
save by home "freezing," and lower
prices on seasonal specials.
Examine the wonderful new freezers and combination
refrigerator-freezers at your favorite appliance dealer,
Colunito lasiii Electric Ce-op
"Serving Morrow, Wheeler and Gilliam Counties"