HEPPNER r.rTTE.TlMES. ThrtdT. Dumber 14. 1967 'Candlelight Service " " ZT llnitP Boardman ii III 1 - it 4! - sv .7 V MS. AND MRS. HENHT BAKER J Ion cot the llrst piece of an nlveraaW cake at a reception honoring them on their 50th annivenary at Valby Lutheran church November 18. Bakers Are Honored On 50th Anniversary At Valby Reception Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker of lone were honored on the oc casion of their 50th wedding an niversary at a reception Novem ber 18, given by their children at Valby Lutheran church. They have resided in the lone com munity for the past 42 years. The Bakers were united in marriage at the bride's home In Gustavus, Ohio, on November 18 1917. They came west in 1919 to Walla Walla, Wash. In 1925 they moved to lone to their present farm home, where they have since resided. All of their five children were present for the reception. In- eluded are uavia caitei w iuhc, Merle Baker of Portland, Clar pnee Baker of Heppner, Betty Orton of Wood burn and Helen Schlessner of Pendleton. They are grandparents to 22 grand children and one great-grandson. All of these were present, except five grandchildren. Other out-of-town relatives present were Mrs. Baker's two brothers, Mr. Baker's four sis ters and three brothers, plus nu merous nieces and nephews. A family reunion was held at the Baker home following the reception. . Ladies Missionary Society of the Valby church served as hostesses, taking care of ar rangements and serving during the reception hours. A beautilul white three-tiered anniversary cake, decorated with gold flow ers, was topped with the num erals "50" in gold. Gold ribbon streamers extended to four in dividual cakes surrounding it. The happy couple received many good wishes and congrat ..i..tio (mm th Inre pather- ing of friends and relatives who attended. During meir yeara to gether, they have been very ac tive in church and community affairs Wedding of Niece Attended by Couple During Portland Trip Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggles traveled to Portland December 8, for a combined business and p'easure trip and to attend the wedding of Ruggles' niece, Miss Lcona Ruggles, to Clifford Thom as Alexander, Jr. The wedding was held at 7:30 Friday evening in the Valley Community Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Ruggles also at tended the reception following the c remony. On Saturday Ruggles bowled in the state finals of the Bowl Down Cancer tournament at Kell ogg Bowl in Milwaukie. At last report, he naa piaceu sixm m the state competition, but final tabulations are yet to be report ed Saturday evening, the couple attended the Holiday on Ice show at Memorial Coliseum. They re turned home Sunday, December 10. Reception to Honor John Wagenblasts The home of Mr. and Mrs. Al vln Wagenblast in Lexington will be the scene of a reception which will honor their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Wagenblast, on Sunday afternoon, December 17, be tween the hours of 2:00 and 5:00 p.m The young college couple was married September 17, and are presently enrolled at Oregon State University. A special invi tation is extended their class mates in the Heppner and Pen dleton areas to attend, as well as other friends and relatives of the family. Sundav Reception To Honor Wrights 1 invitation is extend ed friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Orian Wright to at tend a reception which will hon or them on weir aim weuuwB DnnlvppRflrv. on Sunday after noon, December 17. Friends and relatives in the surrounding areas are invited to come to the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert (Junior) Wright in the Ruggs area Deiween uie hours of 2:00 and 4:00 p.m., and extend greetings to the honored couple. Club Entertained At Schwa rz Home Mrs. Len Ray Schwarz enter tained members of her pinochle club on Friday evening, Decem ber 8, at her home. Holding high score at the end of play was Mrs. Joe Balfe; sec Mih Mrs nick Robison: low, Mrs. Pat Hammond, and traveling- Dinochie. Mrs. Bob Laughlin. Other members present were Mrs. Merlin Hughes, Mrs. Dan Brosnan, Mrs. Jim Follensbee, and the hostess, Mrs. Schwarz. Couple in Marriage BOARDMAN Miss EJrrne IX- Anne Wear, daughter ol uarroi """" ... ' u,,Urilman and Dean wt-nr . , Anno Hudson Wear of Portland, became the bride of Kurt Jlenry Cantenbeln. son oi wr, . Henry Gantenbeln of Boardman. in a 2 p.m. double ring ceremo ny Saturday, noveinuo . . " d mm Community lT. u ,.,.,, II, lli"M service was performed by the Rev. Hen ry Wnrcer or wesu, - le of the groom. ai.un. Wuhn tans Be- nun. ..mj... - - cause" and 'True Love, accom panied by Mrs. Allien ' who also played the nuptial music. . , . ,,, The brine. Riven in mail bv her father wore a floor length sheath gown, In white luce over crepe. It was. fashion ed with a high neckline ana long sleeves. Her nine iooi vni was held in place by a large white rose, and attached were two blusher veils. She carried a bouquet of Jack Frost roses and stephanotis, and wore the tra ditional blue garter. Miss Karrol wear whs im . i.i nt hnnor and wore a floor length olive green sheath gown, fashioned wnn waist ana long sieevc, lace overlay on the bodice. She nnrl ctpnhanOtiS. and had a green velvet ribbon headpiece. Bill Getz of The Dalles was i . nr, snH Tnnv Branco of Areata, Calif., brother-in-law of the groom, was usner. ceptlon was held at the church. The cake was served by Mrs. George Neeley. Mrs. Arnold Classen poured the coffee, and Mrs. Tony Branco, sister of the groom, was at the punch bowl. Mary Wear, sister oi me uuuc, had the guest book, vnr her daughter's wedding Mrs. Wear wore a green knit wool suit wnn Drown accessor ies The grooms momer cnue . ...... .ninpoH cVipnth dress with black accessories. Both had cor sages of white carnations. For going away me uhuk changed to an olive green wool dress with green shoes and bag. Her corsage was of white roses and stephanotis. m.. k,i,io to a mfifi Graduate of Riverside High school and at tended Blue Mountain college. has been employed at Meier & Frank Co. in roruunu. groom is a 1960 graduate of Riverside High school, and is a member of the National Guard. He received six months army training with the guard. After a short trip they are living in Boardman where the groom is in the dairy business with his father. . , , , Out of town guests included the groom's uncles and aunts, Mr. ana Mrs. sruiui .-iuui.j of Nenana, Alaska; Rev. and Mrs. Henry Warber of Mesa, wooh Mr. and Mrs. Walter iren r.1 Camaa Wash.! MrS. niorio Hanphpm of Estacada: his grandmother, Mrs. Minnie uantenDein, anu ins umv.c drew Gantenbein, of Gresham; rA Vila vrtiiclna. Snndv haneberff of Monmouth, Janice Haneberg of Bellingham, wasn., anu ma rie and Jerry Schmuck of Portland. Conventions Call Venards to Valley Mr. and Mrs. John Venard at tended the 40th annual Oregon Wheat League convention held at the Sheraton Hotel in Port land the week-end of Novem- bVenard then attended inform ative sessions on banking in Cottage Grove from December 4 through T. Mrs. Venard trav eled on to visit in Grants Pass and then on to visit her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Knokey in Medford. The Venards returned home Friday, December 8. Gazette-Times ads pay ,. I .".'I " m tm ru n 11' T , a,M.iiumm"'"""'""'" mmr mym .p- " "' MR. AND MRS. KURT HENRY GANTENBEIN Group Makes Plans For Coming Dinner Members of the Heppner Jay-cee-ettes will hold their regular monthly meeting Thursday, De cember 14, at the home of Mrs. Lyle Jensen. Time of the meet ing will be 8 p.m. Plans will be made for a pro gressive dinner to be held Sat urday, December 16, and elec tion of new officers will be held, it is announced by Mrs. Jerry Hollomon, president. All members are urged to at tend this meeting When you patronize Gazette Times advertisers, you help make a better paper, leu mem you saw it in the Gazette-Times. Bride-elect Feted At Shower Prior To Friday Wedding Miss Kathy Coppock of Port i i nmtoH hv friends lanu ww . v-. Sunday afternoon, December J, at a bridal snower given in honor with Mrs. Matt Hushes, T- 11 Daad Mn V IVlAtl Hayes, Mrs. LeRoy Gardner, and Mrs. Jack vanwiniue as nusi- The shower was held at the Hughes home ana was unturn ed by about 37 guests. restive iiuiiuu,, " - - - - shades of green were used about the rooms, ana me reiiesiimcm table was centered wun a nun . . K Hnll Special guests were Miss Cop- Grade School Musicians Instills Spirit of Christmas . , winner Ele-1 Finale of the evening was o AUairnre ui r.rn. proilD Of lour BiirriiiK uonu mentary sch'H.1 Christmas Pj Xrs bv the seventh and gram Monday evening was num ,ntt.rmodlato band, moved swiftly " i rnnac-1 Full balance of instruments spirit of Christmas as a ca pac-1 , ) , B(KM, ,,rPS.ntatloii of i,y crowd enloyed he me rry rovm,ir which closed with voices oi cniu nn "'"ft"",, "d thc familiar "Santa ciaus is iZoZmo to the Coming to Town, arrangea oy Christmas season. Thc pr'oCram was presented to Children In grades pnrf.nis and adult menus in uiu through eight presented an ac-1 , lp !e room Monday romnllsneu mu-ntui ' , "T. ii nlgni. in"" " Songs of the chorus and small ( hpnrd the program i carl r. uroups carried out -- '."" and was pn-M-iiieu Christmns Is So Manv '" under the direction of Mrs. Ola Mae Groshens. Tinkling bells, played by Tnmi .Meador. Dlanna n ; and Snery mtiim, .- - ground to the opening four-part round "I Love to Hear the Christ Bells". A greeting song "Helgh-ho Heppner People Here" was used as a welcome and entrance song for the chorus. Serving as narrators to Introduce several of the num bers were Benham Malcom and Jeff Marshall. . Familiar Christmas carols, dressed up in new arranga ments. Included "Silent Night-, nvha Child is This?", "O Holy Night", "We Three Kings , y small groups. i n,li.u1ncnr mi Drawing cimiu.i..v plause were seven boys who loined in harmony in a humor ous arrangement of "Down at the Barber Shop". Taking part as barbers and customers were Greg Davidson, Barry Munkers, Luke Padberg, Ricky Pettyjohn, cnariey ounhki, .... yv and Garv Hunt. Verses of the """Jr. V.tir Knan" were sung by John Roark, Jim Mar- quardt. Jonn L.uciaiu, j nutt, Mike Warren, Joe Kenny and Kelwavne Haguewood. Second part of the program was a group ui t'".""- ed numbers by the fifth grade : , , i i AifaMoA hv Ar- Deginners uanu, -, nie Hedman. This was followed by a variety of five waltz and march numbers by the sixth grade band, which displayed confidence and good control oi instruments. .,ML.nnKirl fn nit?n school students Monday morn ing. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients who were admitted to Pioneer Memorial hospital during the past week, and are still receiving medical care, are he following: A. C. Crowell. lone: Florence Nolan, Heppner; Martin Riggins, Spray: Vern Fisher, Spray, and Marjorle Wilcoxcn, Heppner Those who received medioal care and were later dismissed, were the following: Dolores Ay ers. Heppner; Dean Wimer, Kin zua. and Darrell Smith, Condon. Mr and Mrs. Frank McFad- .1 urn nnnOHTlOinff nen. nt-uuii, " to the World" and Jingle Bens . tne brth of their Iirsi cnua, a Several individual students were j dauehter. born Thursday, De S L as soloists and in ' b(.r 7. She has been named pock's mother, Mrs. Harry -o r,t Portland and Mrs. Wilbur Van Blokland, Heppner, motner oi tne Roum-ctc". ... Guests were served cnifion cake with whipped cream, .i.aiitliarriiic nnrl coffee. fnnnnrk's marriage to i . . Ww 1 . . T DUlrlnnrl M-Hl hp HtI - Uaie VOII DJUIV1BJIU , day, December 15, at 8 p.m. in pns. A reception at St Helens armory will follow the ceremo ny cember 7. She has been nameii Bill! Jo, and at birth weighed 7 lb., ZVi oz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Howell, Hepp ner, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nichols, lone. Auto Hits Cow Jim ollfi iiiait Hieh school senior, and son of Mr. ana Mrs. wes " caped unhurt Friday night after his car struck and killed a cow on the Heppner-Pilot Rock high way near the John Hanna place. He was returning to Heppner after taking a friend home fol lowing the basketball game here. The car skidded on wet pavement when he applied the brakes, and it spun around on the highway iouowing me im pact. Front of the car was pad- iy aamaneu in w the cow and other cattle, own- i- y Vini onnnr. ed oy Jjon oeiiiiciii "i-K"1 ently broken out of their pas ture. An unusual number of ac cidents have been reported re- ii.. x Vtittinnr rlor ceniiy, ui v.x,, emphasizing the need for par- i i - in i irrVit ririvinfT LJCUiai LttiC ill i y ft Pinochle Club Plays At Keithley Home A Christmas season card par tv was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Keithley on Sat urday evening, December 9. Those present to enjoy the two tables of pinochle in play were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Jensen, and Mrs. Koy uavis, nr. Mrs. Eiwayne uergsiruni the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Keithley Men's high and the traveling pinochle prize was won by Ei wayne Bergstrom and Mrs. L.yie Jensen held high for the worn- eI1Guests were served refresh ments of pumpkin pie and col-fee. Mr. and and FOR THE CHILD WHO HAS TOO MUCH mxjx torn OR TOO LITTLE A SAVINGS ACCOUNT OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY Accounts Now Insured to $15,000 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS 4 LOAN ASSOCIATION BOX 848 PENDLETON Our colorful styles and fabrics will light up his Christmas with smiles. Mke it aWght Qhristmas for I ROBES GOOD SELECTION IN ALL SIZES DRESS SHIRTS ALL COLLAR STYLES, WIDE ASSORTMENT OF COLORS, ALL SIZES SPORT SHIRTS NEW COLORS AND PATTERNS WOOL SHIRTS FINE PENDLETON SHIRTS, A PERFECT GIFT FOR ANY MAN DRESS RAINCOATS WITH ZIPOUT LINERS SWEATERS A FINE SELECTION IN MANY COLORS, STYLES JACKETS SLACKS PAJAMAS SHORTS BILLFOLDS AND MANY MORE WONDERFUL GIFTS AT- GARDNER'S MEN'S WEAR MART and LeKOT GARDNER THE STORE OF PERSONAL SERVICE" HEPPNER