Montana Mother Is Travel Companion On Vancouver Trip Mr. C, K. Mi'Qunrrlii ha re cently returned from trip with her imtlhrr, Mr. Lucy Ijehner of MInmouIii, Mmil., lo Victoria, Vmihmmivit Island, nnd Vancou ver, II. ('. The trip wm it birth iluy gift from Mr. McQunrrle lor Mrs, M-hncrii With ulrthdny. One of the hlnlilluhl of the trip Wtt the chance uiiM'lltiH on; the boat from Seattle to Victor la, with it Mr. Ilepimcr. After vmiuim wnn mm it wn (Uncov ered that he 1 a nephew of lli'lirv lli'UDiier. for whom the town I named. Ho had never! nvcii in lleppner, hut n a crown man, wa a itrocer In Walla Wall a before wring Into the coin liUMlncH In Seattle. Many IntcrcNtlnu nnpecta of tho two lleppner fumllle were din cuKned and Mr. McHJuiirrlo In vited him to visit the town nam ed for hi uncle. At the time of their visit, Van couver wa celehratlni; II l(K)ih year of the union 01 the col onic of Vancouver Inland and the mainland with Canada. The two women enjoyed a Nhort lde trip to Hom-hurii to eo Mrs. Mcguarrle' onln law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. Dick Ituhl nnd Dana. Mr. Leh ner then went lv plane from I'urllaiul to her linmo in Ml aoula, and Mr. Megunrrlc re turned to her home In lleppner on Saturday, September 2. SOOETY immmti ww,HiwwwwwwtiiwiiiiiMiwii in iiiiiini iiiimiiiiiiMiHHiiHilMHiimn I v - ; : (t ! ii , T . 1 ; i ) ...J Rainbow Installation Planned for Sunday Lynda Orwlek, daughter of Mr. and Mr. dene Orwick, will be Intitalled new worthy ndvl or of Ruth Assembly No. 50, Or der of Italnhow for Clrls, at for mal ceremonle Sunday after noon, September 17, at 2:0 Fro. at the lleppner Masonic tall. ComltiK to nslM with the In. xtallutlon will be member of the llermlston DeMolay Chap ter, A reception will be held for MIk Orwick and her new offi cer following the ceremony. All member are ured to be present. Flott's Truck Service PHONE 989-8420 Tot Fait and Dependable FREIGHT TRUCK SERVICE From Portland Including Dally Overnight Sarrtc Saturdayi MOVING? CALL US GENE ORWICK MISS SANDRA JABA3 James Farra to Wed Maryland Girl Soon The encRRement and coming marriage of Miss Sandra J a ban of llyatavllle, Md., to Jume A. Karra, win of Mr.- and Mr. Wil liam 1. Karra, lleppner, ha re cently been announced. The couple will exchange their marrlaue vow on Satur day, September .'), at the Cruce MethixliKt church In Takoma I'ark, Mil. Following their marriage, they will make their homo In Hawaii where Karra l. station cd with the U. S. Navy. He re ceived initial training In com puter work In Washington, b. ('.. and ha continued work ing In that field In Hawaii. The bride-elect 1 a laboratory tech nician In the Washington, D. C. area, and make her home with her mother In Hyatsvllle. Karra wa a graduate of lleppner High school In 12. and ha been serving In the Navy ulnrc early 13. Church Youth Join In Mountain Retreat A youth retreat, which will provide ChrlHllan fun and fel lowship for aeveral lleppner and 1-exlngton young people, la planned for thl week end, ac cording to Mr. Jay Wheclhouse, one of the adult director. SiMinsor for the outing, to be held at the Herman Green mountain cabin, are member of the MethodlKt Youth Fellowship and Christian church youth. 1'lana are to leave Friday even ing, September 15, at 7:00 p.m. from the Methodist church, and return by 10:00 p.m. Suturday. Coming from Podrtland to participate In the retreat are Jack and Itha Matthew and 12 of their young people from that city. Those attending ara asked to bring warm clothing, sleeping bag, flashlight, Bible, cookie, or ono hect cake per family, and $1.23 for meala. Anyone who desire further Information may contact Mrs. WheelhouKf at 676-970V High School PTA Organizes for Year High school PTA officers held n slnrt meeting InNt Thursday evening with Principal Dick CarM-nter to organize for the coming year. Current officer are Bill Wealherford, president; Dave Harnett, vice president, and Mrs. Paul Warren, secretary-treasurer. Reception planned for the hlk'h school teachers Will be a politick supper affulr on Wed nesday evening, October 1. IN COMMUNITY SILVERPUATE 24 PIECES FREE i Rag. with purchm of 48-Pc. "Dlnnor-for-8" Sot at the regular prlc of $99.95 (chest optional extra) You get FREE; e lead Drink Spoon 6 Oytltr Fork a TMspooni New Country Manor Chest (Rog. $25) optional extra $17 with purchase of above set ummA . .Ln iiH ,j ill ITU iT-IH JlTT fliliJl - ' ' - -4 a.via iahdi iLvimnTnnr rutni xrricTioN aonKim on OFFER ENDS DEC. 26, 1967 "Something from the Jeweler", la alwayi lomething specicd." JEWELERS Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 6 P-M. 177 MAIN ST. HEPPNEH Ph. 676-9200 1 BankAmericard "SrIen STAMPS Carnation Club Plans Saturday Food Sale Several Items of business were under discussion at the September meeting of the Car nation Club of the Degree of Honor Protective Association. Member w'ere Invited to the home of Mrs. Adolph Majeske in Lexington for the meeting Krlday evening, September 8. With Mrs. Lincoln Nash pre siding, discussion was held on sponsoring a food sale, and the date of Saturday, September 16, was chosen. A variety of home baked goods will be sold, start ing at 10:00 a.m. in the Jaycce room, next door to Peterson's Jewelers. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Carl King, Mrs. Mary Bry ant, Mrs. Nash, Mrs. Bill Farra, Miss Doris Robinson, Mrs. Karl Soward, Mrs. Ed LaTrace, Mrs. Alice Lutrell. Mrs. Alice Mc Cabe, Mr. Ed Gonty, Mrs. Pete McMurtry. Mrs. Bill Cunning, ham, and the hostess, Mrs. Majeske. P5S a " Inn DR. A. D. McMUBDO, rloht la shown accepting a special certif icate of appreciation from Bob Eaton, chairman of the Gilliam Morrow SeUctiv Servlco Board No. 31. for haring gWen 25 years erlc as an uncompensated member of the Selective Service 8Ttem. (Condon Globe-Times Photo). Doctor Rewarded By Service Board ciation of Dr. McMurdo's "25 years of service to the nation, as an uncompensated member of the Selective Service System," awarded at Washington, D. C, on June 1, and sicned bv Pres ident Johnson; Lewis Hershey, director of selective service; Sprague-H. Carter, state director,-and Tom McCall, governor. In thanking' Eaton and the board members after the pre- A "certificate of apprecia tion" was presented to Dr. A. D. McMurdo Monday morning at the meeting of the Selective Service Board No. 31 In Condon. The special award was present ed to him bv Boh Knlnn Ton. don, chairman of the board. Among those, witnessing the presentation was Marcel Jones, board member, from Heppner. The certificate was in appre- Sorority Program Has 'Home' Theme The first fall meeting of Beta Omega Chapter of Epsilon Sig ma Alpha was held at the home of Mrs. Gene Rietmann in lone. In keepinc with the vear's I theme of "The Home," Mrs. Rietmann prepared a script for a "yesterday show" which fea tured guests In costume from various periods, such as cave man, Roman, Victorian and pio neer. Assisting hostess, Mrs. Marlon Green, also appeared in costume and told what the life of a housewife was many years ago. Mrs. Lindsay Kincaid acting as Barbara Waters, read the script for the mock television show. Members were served nlrt fashioned scones and homemade i Jam for refreshments after the business meeting which was led by tho new president, Mrs. Roy Llndstrom. First Fall Meet Set For Camp Fire Girls First fall meeting of the Camp Fire Girls will be Tues day, September 19, at 4 p.m. in the basement of the First Chris tian church, according to Mrs. Joe Bartlett nnd Mrs. Bob Rid dle, leaders. All girls from the fourth grade up are invited, and moth ers are asked to come, too. The Camp Fire program has activ ities for girls of aces throuph high school, and so older girls I are aiso inviicu. Activities of the organization continued through the summer months. The group took a hike, held n cookout and made toys for the hospital nursery. Any wishing further informa tion are invited to call Mrs. Bartlett at 9!)-8108 or Mrs. Rid dle at 676-5397. lone Lions Slate Heppner Meeting Next meeting of the lone Lions club will be In lleppner on Monday, September 25, at the Wagon Wheel Cafe, starting with dinner at 7 p.m., It is announced. First meeting of the fall was in lone Monday night with 15 present. Everett Keithley told of the forthcoming Punt, Pass and Kick contest fur boys 8 to 13, nnd the Lions club agreed to help sponsor the event, which will be October 7. Elementary School Picks Yell Queens Four Heppner Eleme n t a r y school girls have been elected as eheerleadetrs for the year, two from the eighth grade and two from the seventh grade, Prin cipal Al Martin announces. The gills chosen are Patty Lu cianl and Betty McLeod, eighth rrade: nnd Barbara Klwm Bobette Jones, seventh grade. HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. September M, 1967 3 Over The Tee Cup Br MARIE McQUAHRIE Nine girls who braved the dewey grass to play golf on Tues day, Ladies Day, were Barbara Clough, Beverly Gundwson, Mary Lou Kelly, Helen Schaffitz, Kar en Thompson, Coramae Ferg uson, Suzanne Jepsen, Zelda Sunlger and Mario McQuarrie. Mrs. Sunlger, of Florence, was a house guest of Mrs. Jepsen. Three of the girls are comparatively new at this game of "swing the clubs" Karen, Barbara ana Su zannebut are coming along with "vigga" and doing very wen. Prize for low score on No. 7 was a tie between Marie and Helen, with Helen winning the sentatlon, Dr. McMurdo com mented, "this was Indeed a won derful surprise and I value It more highly than compensation, as money is of short duration and this honor will be eternal." Dr. McMurdo has been the only doctor to have served on the Condon board, and actual number of years has been much longer than the past 25 years. toss. A ball for low score on No. 9 was won by Karen. Having these new golfers out and playing with such enthus iasm give the "old timers" a shot In the arm to keep on play ing, and playing well. Glad to have you. Golf starts at 9:00 o'clock as the weather Is cooler now, and will continue at that time until further notice. A hort business meeting was held before playing. The girls are happy to report that new chairs for the club house have arrived and we want to thank Glna Leonard for her part in getting them. Let's have more of the "vet erans" out next Tuesday. DANCE Live Music EVERT Friday & Saturday At The WAGON WHEEL CAFE Heppner 676-8997 0LW rti FOR HEARTY YOUNG APPETITES NABISCO OREOS 2 890 BETTY CROCKER AU GRATIN or SCALLOPED POTATOES 2 89O 303 TINS s&w PEAS, BEETS, GREEN BEANS $ For 303 TINS s&w r FREESTONE . PEACHES, Li L or PLUMS H" r $n For Standby PEANUT BUTTER 3 $M9 4 FISHERMAN 14 ox. FISH STICKS FISH KRISPS 59C FOLGERS COFFEE 3 Lb. per lb. 10 oz. Instant $ 1.39 SiW 8 oz. SWEETENER 69c N ALLEY'S 21 ox. LUMBERJACK SYRUP 39$ LARGE SIZE FROZEN Reg. 99 John's (Cheese or Sausage) 73C NEW CROP RED DELICIOUS APPLES 190 LETTUCE 2 heads 29 LARGE SLICING TOMATOES Lb. 15c RADISHES OR GREEN ONIONS 2 BUNCHES 13$ USDA CHOICE mi MASTS BLADE CUT Lb 59c ARM CUT Lb 69c OREGON CHIEF Wieners - - " 550 OREGON CHIEF Bologna BY THE CHUNK Lb. 390 PRICES GOOD SEPTEMBER 15 & 16 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET ORIIN STAMP -ft