PNG Club Members Travel for Meeting In Milton-Frcewater Member of Hip l'nt Noble UriiMiU rluliit i.f Holly Itehekiili mid Sntm Sow I Iti-beknh loil. ! (V,Hltcll'l til n Npccliil lnv. I tit Ion of tilt 1'iiHt Nolile CrnmlN liil of Integrity hvlie k u h l-W:e, Milton Knt witliT, mill loliirtl tin-in In it hcm-IhI nf ttr noon on Saturday. April 1, ul tln Milton TrcfwiitiT lutll. About eiiextM from I'axt No-I'll- CrntulN t'ltilm In Morrow mid t'limlllld coutitli'H were enter talneit nt n HprltiK liinrlieon, Mntl t ti mu'cihI H"i:inin which in rluilftl t-nti-rlalnlnu vim'uI ii ml titiin Iiith, croup Muslim tinil ('uiiii-m, with ni awarded. Tluwe nttondltiK from Holly Indite were Mr. Joel KtiKlemnn, Mr. Joe Yorom. Mr. Frank Itoliln.Hon, Mr, t'lmrlri Padlierit, Mrs. (Veil Jones, Mr. A, K. Mil eke, Mrn. Florence McMillan. Mrs. A I Fetneh, Mrs, An hie Miinker unit Mr. OrW I'iiiIImtk. M.ihltiL' Hit trip from Sans Solid Indue were Mr. Kil t.n Trace, Mm. A lift l.utlrell, Mr. Lrtltn Archer, Mr. I.urllle I'ar rhli. Aila I'lpcr mill Mrs. Al ihu Kirk of llerinlNton. New Members Join Auxiliary, Dance Set Three tii w ini'tnlii-iK were In itiated Into Hie Amerlrnn LckIoii Auxiliary tit Us Arll meeting Monday nlnlil In Hit' Legion hull. New iiii'mln-rH tiro Mr I'tiiytim Sweck. Mm. Jan llenly, both of II''1iht, tint! Mrs. Joe Yoeom, I.exlntton, I're Mdlnit during the Initlittlon tt-r t-inonv was Mrs. Frank llattilln. president Also (luring the meet iiiH, I'lan., were 11111111' for wrv liii tin- lxs ilt a I biiniut-t on Ap rll 15 Tin' Uelon meeting was ile Miti-d to iiwikliiu plans for the pulilk- d. mm, oil Saturday, Ap rll H, at th l-ei-ion hall. Itoy (.'uai-Kif.l,tih and his orchestra will provide tin musk. A K'H'il t-rowd enjoyed Iht pot lin k dlr.r.ei at :.' p tn.. with M-M-rnl diHir prizes awardi'd. Easter Monday Party Enjoyed by Players Caster Monday, March 21, was the occasion for an annual card party n'ven by All Saints' Kpls copal church women at the par ihh hall A law Kroup of play- is. sum of them Irnm lone and ( ' i ll. catiii- to i-njoy a pleasant vetting ! hildgp and pinochle Bridge prizes were awarded t (hi cliu.c of the evening I" Mrs hill Collins, high; Mrs. Walter Jacobs, second, anil Mrs. flub ' Jrpsen, door prize. Those reeclv inn plnotl'lr prizes were KmIht HergMnnti. nigh; Mrs, Hob I)iblis, second, and Flossie My wlnnel of the dinir prize CowBelles to Host Guests at Luncheon Morrow County CowHelles will meet for a combined busi ness and social meeting on Fri day. April 7, at the Wagon Wheel banquet room. It Is un til unced by Mrs. Wave! Wil kinson, president. The meeting will start with a no host lunch eon at 12:00 noon. Special guest of the day will tie Fonda Miller, Oregon Cow Helles president, of Union, ac companied by other state offi cers. All members are uracil to be present, and other interested visitors will he welcome to attend. Legion Anniversary Observed by Post 95 lone American I,eglon and Auxiliary, Post No. 95, observed the birthday anniversary ot the l-eglon otganiz.atlon at its last regular meeting Thursday even ing. March 30. Families and guests joined members for a fried chicken pot luck dinner at the Legion hall. Attending from lleppner I'ost No H7 were Jerry Hood and Hill Alsup. Oilier guests Included Mrs. Sharon (lormnn and son Andy, and Mr. nnd Mrs. U'wls I In Worsen of lone. Legislative Program Scheduled for Grange The 1 yislatlve eommittee of Hie Lexl'ifiton Grange will pre sent the program nt the reRtilar grange niectinR Saturday even lnj, April H, at the Lexington Grunge hull, aceordhiR to Sirs. (Veil Jones, lecturer. A tfiiest sneaker will discuss current legislative matters fol lowing the politick dinner, which will he served nt 0:30 n. m. A business meeting will fol low the program. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Robinnette of Allcel visited nt the Owen leathers home while they were here to attend the memorial services Inst Wednesday for Mrs. Hob Thompson. LOSE WEIGHT Ot iimnzliiK roHiilta wlion you tnke our product culled SLIMODEX. No liri'U'rlplliin nccilod. You must Iiiho uirly fiit or your money back. .SUMOMKX In a tablet and easily swallowed. No atarvliiK, no apeo lul oxorelno, no harmful druifg. SUMODUX ensta 3.00 and Ii mild on this GUARANTEE: if not (mtbfli-d for any reason, Just re turn the unused portion to your ilrtiKKlst and get your full money bark. SIJMODIC.X la Bold by: MURRAY REXALL DRU03 217 N. Main Mall Orders Filled. SOCIETY Mttli ttlMlttHntttllt(lttil((tMtMfMHMH NUMIMH MMMHettt HWMHH HHMMN MWMWIMIWUHMtWIM WW MISS GINNT MOORE (Cut courtesy of l.a (Jrande Observer) Dinner to Precede Elks' Installation Offleern for the coming year for Klka UxV.f No. 35H, will be Installed at the regular Mge miH-tlnK Thursday evening, Ap ril Stiief-eefliniy Jerrv llnrrtri,! hs exalted ruler will be Claude Uratiam 01 neppner. Wives of past exalted rulers will tin-pare and nerve a t- clal dinner from 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. In keeping with Ladled NiKht. Business Students To Attend Meeting Seventeenth annual meeting of Oregon' Future Business leader of America high school liludenls taking bsulness courses will be April 7 and 8 at Oregon State University. Some 350 student representa tives from the state's 28 high school chapters will attend with their advisor. Various business contest are scheduled during the two day meeting, including typing, shorthand bookkeeping, business machine operation, spelling, speech and parliamen tary procedure. Speakers will outline new developments In business and career opportuni ties. Kay Daggett is president of the lleppner High chapter, and Mrs. Bernlce Struekmeier is advisor. SCHOOL LUCNH MEMO Heppner High School and Elementary School April 7 13 Friday, April 7 Peanut butter sandwich, vegetable noup, let tuce wedge with dressing, fruit cobbler and milk. Monday April 10 Bean and franks, vegetable Jello salad, rolls, fresh fruit and milk. Tuesday, April 11 Sloppy Joes, corn, carrots and celery, plum and graham crackers and milk. Wednesday, April 12 Macaroni and cheese, cabbage salad, tomatoes, fruit cobbler, bread and butter and milk, Thursday, April 13 Mor, bread and butter, beets, fresh fruit and milk. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carr and sons had a their guest last week-end friends from Mon mouth, Mr. and Mr. Steve Hole. Common "red" measles kills nearly 500 children a year In the United States. GRAND OPENING NEXT WEEK PETTYJOHN'S HEPPNER HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, April 6. 1967 Elbert G. Belmoro, father of Mrs. Arnlt- Hedman, left last week after six week' visit here with the Hedman-family. Mr. Bclmore, from Marquette, Mich., was on his way to Chi cago where he will visit Mer vln Dale Belmore, a son. and family; then he planned to vis it two brothers in Milwaukie, Wise, and go on to St. Charles, 111. He has been working sum mers at the St. Charles Coun try Club for the last five years. Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo left Tuesday to spend a few days In Portland, where the doc tor will attend the 43rd nerle of Sommer Memorial Lectures at the University of Oregon Medical School on April 5, 6 and 7. The lectures will also be in coordination with the annual meeting of the alumni associa tion of the University of Ore gon Medical School. Dr. McMur do was a personal friend of the late Dr. Ernst A. Sommer, in whose memory the lecture are conducted through the Sommer Memorial Fund. SKATING NOTICE For Remainder of Season . . . SKATING FOR YOUTH- Friday Nights Only, 7-10 p.m. (THIS WEEK ONLT, APRIL 7. 6:30-9:30 P.M.. DANCE FOLLOWING). SKATING FOR ADULTS- In Response to Many Requests Saturday Evenings, 7-10 p.m. RINK AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES Morrow County Roller Rink FAIR PAVILION. HEPPNER LOT & WAYNE HARSIN Ginny Moore Candidate For Miss La Grande Title Miss C.lnny .Moore, a popular Junior at Kastern Oregon Col lege, La Crande. Is oomjietlng for the crown of Miss La (luimltr, r.t'i7. as one of six can didates for the honored title Tin' uttii ftlve UO year old d;iu filter of Mr. an 1 Mrs. U-slii-t rim) Moore. Ileppmv. has had many honors In royalty, both at liippner l!l;:h school where she (rndiiated In 191 nnd since en rolling In collece. Among Her campus resjnsl hilllirs Is the serving as presi dent of her dormitory. West l)or Ion. She was urged to run for Miss l.a Cirande, according to in Interview bv the Ln (irande Observer, bv the hoys In Hunt Hall. "I have always envied those In the Mis America Pag eant," she remarked. If given an opportunity to travel to any place In the world, she would choose Paris for Its excitement and fascination. Glnny's hobbles are sewing, swimming, horseback riding and reading. "In other words, she raid, "I like everything." Her talent number In the com petition will probably be a comedy routine with singing, titled, "Second Hand Hose." The popular coed Is a mem ber of the Saber' and Is major ing In secondary education, with plans to teach English. During hummer vacations, (Jin nv has been employed at the First National Bank in lleppner. See the leather watchband that isn't . . .Im rental y mm 1 '.!. W" ROMUNDA by Speidel Men who like fino leather, take to this superb new Speidel watchband on sight. It's a handsome combina tion of classic style nnd modern engineering. Romundn looks nnd fuels like leather, yet wears like iron with the "twist-it, lurn-it, tie-it-in-a-knot" metal lic construction Hint hns made Speidol TWIST-O-FI.EX Wntchbnmls n household name. Be the first to wear or give this new breed of watch attach ment. Choose from our Ronuinda selection, now. Bordered in: gold filled $8 95. stainless steel $0.50. Choice of black or brown. "Something from the Jeweler's, is always something special." JEWELERS Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. 177 MAIN ST., HEPPNER Ph. 676-9200 OPEEIN i OTAMPB n ALICE L0VE Sfm, JELLY L HONEY GRAHAMS AZr ra1 2ib59c tMAm&'-M CHILI LM'fcXr V BSC OB HOT PSli?f si W Nestles Qik 2 lb-79c jkT S 3 JS. fRED 2V2 CU. FT. jVli(n) BARK DUST 99c v 1 lb. 69c 3 lb. $1.99 ifWi USDA Choice 2 lb. $1.37 kHA H I Arm 10 ox. Instont $1.39 I f3 69Clb' GREEN TIP BB Roasts cude 59c .b. BANANAS H PORTLAND ROSE Lb. BUS SLICED BACON lb. fiQc hJI Strawberries .. 3 cups $1 asSted BEGON CmEF f Corn on Cob .... 3 for 29c 1 A Occident I iymm Sm pancake m,x 'Ii Red Leaf and Romaine PMKl-WirnTT'" Coupon Good Frl-Sat, " Lettuce 2 heads 29c brrrl -J PRICES GOOD APRIL 7 & 8 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 v 00m00m'' gi '"""v. 't s n'ce save w'ce ji ''sis ibzzzs jfi 'ow Pr'ces an