Tillicum Club Plans Events Br MART LEE MARLOW HOAHOMAN -The Hoanlman Tillicum club In planning to hold (nNhlon show mm tlmo In May. The exact data will bo publlHhi'd latrr. plan wir dls cuiwtl rrRardln II at the mwt ln ( the club Uxt wrck at thi home of Mr. Vernon Rua- 1 1 Willi Mrs. Roy I'artlow a Cu hoNleu. Mr. Joe Tntone will be In rim r co of the affair. Klnal plana were made for the prlnn convention of IMstrlet 7. Oregon Kederntlon of Women' Club to be held here at the crantje hull April 18. Appointed In rhurse of program covera and mime tat! U Mm. Hoy I'artlow; favor. Mr. Tatone; and corns g e. Mr. IVwev Woxt. Jr., and '& llllllnfi. Tliere will be a coffee hour from 9 10 am. The Home Kninomlf Club of Green field Crnnue will aerve lunch eon at noon. The club will aKitlM with the mobile X ray unit which la to be April 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Announcement wn made that the dnnre In honor of Prince Linda Tatone of the Morrow County Fair and Itodeo Court will be held In Ileppner AukunI The next meeting will be at the home of Mm. Ralph Skoubo April 11, at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mr. Ron Danlela were honored with a aurprluc houne warmln party at their new duplex home Sunday nlht, given by member of the Board man Tillicum club. Present were Mr. and Mr. Vernon Russell, Mr. and Mr. Ronald Black, Mr. and Mr. Ralph Skoubo, Mr. and Mr. Carroll Donovan, Mr. and Mrs, Dewey West, Jr.. Mr. and Mr. Joe Tntone, Mr. 1-aVern Purtlow and Mr. Zoe BllllnR. Mr. and Mr. Don Kublk and children Terry and Kathy of Portland were week end visitor at the home of Mr. Kublk'a brother and nlxler In law, Mr. and Mr. Hill Gregory. Mr. and Mr Rob Hutching and children Bill, Norlta and DUk apent the week-end at Trego, Mont., vUltlng tit the home of Hutching' parent, Mr. and Mr. D. M. Hutching. Mr. and Mr. Art Hoblrwon and children CurtU. Craig and Curen of FohhII were Sunday visitor at the home of Robin aon'a parent. Mr. and Mr. Clyde Robinson. tllen Word, superintendent of school at Adrian, wa an over night visitor last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mr. Jim Har per. Sharon Donovan. Rtudent at EOC, La Grande, apent the week -end at the home of her parent Mr. and Mr. Bernard Donovan, She had a her house guest, Linda Harris of Athena. Mr. and Mr. Walter Hayes spent the week -end In Kugene visiting at the home of their daughter, Margaret Beall. Mr. Glen Carpenter accompa nied Mr. Orvllle Carpenter of Umatilla to Spokane, Wash, last week where they have been visiting Mrs. Orvllle Carpenter's relatives. Anna Mae McQuaw, student at Pacific University, Forest Grove, spent the week-end here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr. Karl McQuaw. She had as her house guest, Steven Malhcwson of Gruss Valley Calif. Dewey West, Sr., of Woodburn was a week-end visitor here at the homes of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dew ey West, Jr., nnd his non-ln-luw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Car roll Donovan. Ills grandson, Phil Hutson of The Dulles, was wlih him. Mr. and Mrs. Clove Hlnton and daughters Kathy, Judy and Georgia went to Uklnh over the week end to visit at the home of Hlnton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hlnton. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely went to Whltstran, Wash. Sunday to visit at the home of their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Vaught. Their granddaughters, Gail and Kelly Vaught accompa n I e d them home to visit this week. Mrs. A. R. Fortncr and neph ew, Gary Hasktn, went to Port land over the week-end to vis- We Will Deliver Your Processed Mcot Jsjvtov ' Chargt SCC IlPm 1 1 Heppnar, Fgjj"" Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE: MONDAY AFTKRNOON ALL DAY WEDNKSDAY FRIDAY MORNING Follett Meat Co. Ph. 567-6651 Hermlston, Oregon On Hcrmiston-McNary Highway It at the home of Mr. Fort tier' daughter, Isalielle Duvl. Mr. and Mr. Harold Baker and children Ron. Randy, Kar. en and Krlstle and Mr. and Mr. Ken Jenkins made a trip io romeroy, wasn. Sunday. Visitor last week at the home of Mr. and Mr. Duntc DaltiMO were Mr. Daltoao's un cle. William Duwe of Bowman, Mont., and her aunt, Rotte llusch and Anne Bunch of Butte, Mont. They went from here to Portland. Frank Parmer of Metropolis III., former resident here, was here last week visiting friends. During hi stay here he was with the A. 8. Air Force. KTN.1 Larry 11. McNeil of the U. S. NIW I hnma nn a 91 day leave at the home of his parent, Mr. and Mr. Ray Mc Neil, before reporting to San Di ego, Calif, for further duty. Wllma KerpUHin of Auhlnml visited four day at the home oi ner parent, Mr. and Mr. Arnln Hue. Tracee. Terrv and Tammy Ferguson returned home with tholr mother after visiting their grandparent for two week. Mr. Dclmcr Hun and Mrs. Tom Hilling were hostcsse for the card porty at the grange hall Friday night, sponsored by the Home Economic Club of Greenfield Grange. High prlr.es were won by Mr. Uonard Be- ilord and Faye Anderson; low went to l,eonard Bedord and Mrs. Walter Wys; and Mr. Wy and Ed Kuhn won the pi nochle prizes, Cafeteria menu for Riverside High school and Boardmnn Grade school for the week of April 10 14 are a follow: Monday cold beef sandwich es, green beans, pickles and berry cobbler. Tuesday pizza and salad, applesauce and filled graham crackers. Wednesday hamburger carrots, lettuce and pickles, and pudding. Thursday creamed chicken with biscuits, pears and cheese salad, pickled beet and cookies. Friday clam chowder, veget able stick, egg sandwiches, cake with berry sauce. Bread, butter and milk are served with all meals. Mr. and Mr. Vernon Russell were host for a farewell pot luck dinner at their home last Friday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stenger, who are moving to Pomcroy. Wash. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Skoubo and son Dirk, Mr. and Mr. Bud Michel Mr. and Mr. Verne Mlnnlck, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baker, Mrs. Don Downey, Shirley Earwood, Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Moore, Dennis Stenger and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Walker, the latter of The Dal les. The Riverside High school baseball team will go to Stan field for a game April 7. Phone 676-9228 for G-T want-' ad service. HEPPNEH GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. April 8. 1967 Regional Meet Set at La Grande To Talk Colleges More than one hundred Invi tation have been sent to key community leader In the ten eastern counties of Oregon to participate In a regional confer ence of Colleges for Oregon's Futnre on Friday. April 7. This meeting, to be held on the East ern Oregon College campus, Is the first of several regional meetings planned throughout the stute. The purpose of the meeting i to Initiate a contin uing discussion on the Implica tions of the recommendations made bv Post High School Study Committee In their 20-month "muster plan" study. The featured speaker for the conference will be Dr. John R. Howard, president of Lewis and Clark College, president Howard was the chairman of the state study committee. The report, "Education Beyond the High School" has stimulated wide spread discussion among repre sentatives In business, agricul ture, labor and government when It was presented to the public this fall in Portland. The La Grande meeting Is an out growth of the state level meet ing, and will consider the re (tort In the light of needs of the eastern region of the state. The La Grande conference will be opened at 10:00 a.m., with Dean of Instruction Carlos K. Easlev outlining the program for tho day. Following Dr. How ard's address, a panel discus sion of the future of post-high school education In eastern Ore gon will take place. Panel mem ber will Include Tom Benson ette, state representative, Dis trict 25; Bert Campbell, Burns; Fred Martin, lone; Wallace Mc Crae. president, Blue Mountain Community College; Eugene F. Vorls, president, Treasure Val ley Community College; Averno M. Rempcl. president. Eastern Oregon College. Dr. Ralph Mecie, Director or Divisional Relations for Continuing Educa tion In the State System of Higher Education will be the moderator. A "working" luncheon will take place In Hoke Hall from 12:30 to 1:50. Representatives from each of the counties will work together to plan activi ties concerning problems of higher education in their res pective counties. Dean Easlcy will summarize the conference which will ad journ at 2:00 p.m. Among those expected to at tend from Morrow County are Frank Anderson. Mrs. Ronald Black. Richard Carpenter, L. E. Dick Mrs. Carroll Donovan, Ho mer Hughes, Maxwell Jones, David Potter, and Ralph Skoubo. Mrs. James Monahan left Sat urday to spend a week In Lake Oswego and In Portland. She accompanied her sister, Mrs. John K. Paulson and son Kerry on their return to their home In Lake Oswego, and will visit with her daughter. Theresa In Portland. The visitors were Eas ter week-end guests at the Mon ahan home. A PLAN RECOMMENDED BY SWEENEY MORTUARY LET esl4 PAY THE FUNERAL BILL Insured Protection Against Funeral Expense A few cents a day pays Pays In IfulL regardless of funeral bills. amount paid in. Available to all ages 1 to 90 years. Protects one person or the whole family. Helps protect life Insurance. - ... . Any Funeral Director may be selected. This Mortuary Also Endorses the Oregon Funeral Plan Underwritten by the American Guaranty Life Insurance Co Portland, Ore. MAIL COUPON WITHOUT COST OR OBLIGATION M -T Purple Shield Plan 311 I O 3140 East Bumslde w Portland 14. Oregon Please Send . . . Complete Information To: NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE Underwritten by Pierce National Life Ins. Co., Los Angeles, California SWEENEY MORTUARY. HEPPNER, OREGON Livestock 4-H Club Plans to Enter Show The Ronald Haguewood home was the place for the meeting of the Rhea Creek Livestock I 4-H club on March 20. Mem ber discussed taking our proj ect to The Dalles show, and also the rides provided for those going. Dave Hall gave a report on livestock showmanship. He stat ed that one of the most Im portant things to remember In showmanship Is the cleanliness and neatness In both the ani mal and the 4-H member who Is showing the animal. John Hall gave a report on different type of salts and min eral for cattle and sheep. After the meeting Mr. Hague wood served refreshments to the members and five guests. The next meeting will be on April 16 at the Bernard Dohcr ty home. Dean Wright, reporter Charles (Ted) McMurdo flew to Lexington from Portland Sunday on a solo flight after taking private flying lesson. Ilia mother, Mrs. A. D. McMur do, met him at the airport for a short visit, but his father, Dr. McMurdo, was working at the ranch and didn't get to see him. The Portlander ft a part ner In the Water Treatment Corporation of America. ENVMiK for jajjh EVERY BUSINESS NEED GAZETTE-TIMES SUPPORT THE 1967 MORROW COUNTY CANCER SOCIETY FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN ARE ALIYE T0DA ffi&ffi&nl 'CD CANCER . KCAlJSE THfy WNT TO MfyP'k THlR DOCTORS IN TIME RfSWwlCkfi WIS IS MORE PEOPLE JW 1HM UK CLEVELAND "V tfy Wi l&fcQ m ATLMTA combihid fdjtfONE CHILD IN 7.000 DEVELOPS CANCER EACH YEAR AND MANY Of THfSt COULD BE SAVED THROUGH EARLY DEJECTION AND PROMPT TREATMENT YfT MOPE SCHOOL CHILDREN DIE OP r&urco TUAU CtUUd AMY OTHER DISEASE.' eh american cancer society f APRIL 1-15 WELCOME THE REPRESENTATIVE WHO.WILL CALL AT YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS Mail Contributions To Jim Wishart, Morrow County Treasurer Memorial Gifts Always Welcome FIGHT CANCER IN MORROW COUNTY WITH A CHECKUP AND A CHECKI rHIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BT TOUB HOME-OWKED BAHK AS A COMMTJHITT SEHTTCS HANK OF D Eastern Oregon HEPPNEB ARLINGTON IONE MEMBER. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION New Cake and Frosting Recipe For The 7 am BAKING CONTEST Oregon Wheat Growers League Domestic Wheat Utilization Committee MRS. MARGE GRAVES, Morrow County Chairman This is a standard recipe that must be used by All Contestants The entire recipe reads as follows: 4 egg whites 2-14 cups sifted flour lVo cups sugar 3V1 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt Mi CUP shortening 1 cup milk 1M teaspoons vanilla In small bowl let egg whites warm to room tem perature, about 1 hour, freheat oven to 350 de grees. Grease and flour two 9xiy2 inch layer cake pans. Into large bowl, sift flour with sug ar, baking powder and salt. Add shortening 34 cup milk and vanilla. At low speed beat only until ingredients are combined. At medium speed beat 2 minutes. Add unbeat en egg whites and rest bf milk. Beal 2 minutes longer. Pour into pans and bake 30 to 35 minutes. WHITE MOUNTAIN FROSTING li cups sugar 1 tablespoon light corn syrup cup water 2 egg whites 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix sugar, corn syrup and water in saucepan, cover and bring to rolling boil. Remove cover and cook to 242. degrees or until sprup spins a thread. Just before syrup is ready, beat 2 egg whites until stiff. (To hold a point). Pour hot syrup slowly into beaten egg whites. Continue beating until frosting holds peaks. Blend in 1 teaspoon vanilla. NRE.CA For more information regarding rules, contact either Mrs. Marge Graves or the Morrow County Extension Office This Publicity A Public Service Of Columbia iasin Electric Co-o "Serving Morrow, Wheeler and Gilliam Counties"