Wide Range of Art Interests Covered By Students on Tour Museums, Kalli-rles, wrk liow nnit rliiNxrcMimn with jmlnllnK. urulpiurM, art pro duction of nil klllilM, wito view. H liv 12 forlunntf llrppm-r hlph whool nrl Mluil.-niii who mnilc ruiil trip t KiiKcne on rVb rurv 2tl it nil 27. AivorrtluK to nrt hmlrurtor Ml Terry I.lmwurn, Hip limn In bio wn rnnfuly 1m If I out In HilvniHv nntl l ho trip vvpnt off lnnncrl. The croup left "(lipni-r Sunday rrmrnlriK by bu nnit nrrlvod nt Kurimib at llin-c thai nftrrnoun. KlrM Ktop wiu ih Art Mili um of thi Uitlviwliy of Orn eon wht-r thrrp wrro two ex. hlliltn of trtiotomtilm, nn exhib it of Kiitchlna iIoIIn ami an ex hibit of oil imlntln,. pu, n f. mom t-ollrrtlou of Oriental art, Afli-r n dhort tour of tbi mm pun, the RtiKb-ntM nt nt the Unl vrntllv Student Union iiml vis-Iti-il nn rxblblt of mirly clny AruiTlcim tihotoRrnpliN In tho Stiiilcnt Union Knlli-ry. Bmk to litiNlncNK on Monday mornlnn, utter neeltiK n movie Sumlny nlejit, tho Aturtent made ii tour of thr University of Oregon nrt furllltlin, Inr-lu.f. Inn the wi-nvlriK nml jewelry rie nnrtment where they were guid ed by Ion Duiu-nn, n ntudcnt rtHNlstnnt In the (ewelry nb, who rxplnlned the lowrlry pro ifKM ninl hIiowpiI weaving jroj ti m lixmiH. In the fi-riimli'ii depnrtmerit they miw n tlemonf.iratlon of "throwlnt; n pot" on n potter"! wheel, the kiln and imttery pliH-fn In varloun tiiee of con struction. Mr. Znch. hcail of the HCiilp-turr- department, then allowed them the prweK Involved In rulpture and Uo took them to the Kradunte student lub whew law works are constructed and nut. Art education project, ihc School of Architecture, pnlnt inn, Ilthournphlnij and Milk screen lab rounded out this part of the tour. After lunch the group left the university and toured the Maude 1. Kern art Rallery and n-hool at Lane County Commu nity College where they watch d Ktudertta dketchliiR with a live model, tried mttira wheel for themKelvea and nw nn ex hibit of the work of two Uni versity of Oregon Maulers In Sculpture, Jerry Dodd and Hon I. The touring croup wa nioM Interested In these works of sculpture, since they had een unfinished work by these men at the graduate sculpture lab earlier. Mr. Vernon, the cur ator of thin museum, Interpret ed the work. Last nrt visit of the trip wan to the 12th Avenue art gnllery where a display of prlntmnker'a art was on view Including en liravlngs, llthogr a p h . block prints, aquatints and eachings. Here also there were many sculptures In the garden. Following a short shopping trip to the campus, all the Heppnerltes boarded their bus and started for home at 3 p.m. Those taking the trip were Sandy Bryson. Joy Miller, Peggy Snyder, Paula .ilewert, Bonnie Kessel, Sue Chally. Marsha Sow ell. Jan linger. Karen Curnutt, Nalbro Cox. Stan Rauch, Ttm I-oyd, Mrs. Hill Slewert. Leonard Munkers nnd Mis Llncecum. Iota Chapter Hears Committee Reports; Support Projects Join Chapter of Alpha Roc State. IVltn Knppn Gamma, met In Pendleton for Its Febru ary meeting, with members from Morrow and Umatilla counties present. President Lnvelle Province heard reports from all commit tees that have been active since September, plus accounts of community and world service projects by the local groups, Funds were allocated to such worthy causes ns Cnre, Salva tion Army, State Hospital He tnrded Ward, funds to Foreign Exchange student, for Grant-in-aid and a Memorial Fund. The Iota Chapter also voted recruit ment aid to a high school stu dent Interested in future teach er study In summer school at K astern Oregon College. Program guests for the meet ing were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Et ling of Milton -Freewnter. Mr. Filing, a wild flower hobbyist nnd photographer of note, has captured beautiful pictures of tne wild nowers in this region. He presented colored slides with appropriate stories, Indian lore poetry, and musical accompani ment, which were very much enjoyed by his audience. Next meeting of the Chapter will he in Mllton-Freewater on March 25. Members attending from Mor row county were Ruth Bentley, Gladys Hobbs, both of Irrlgon; Zoe Billings, LaVern Partlow, both of Bonrdman; Gladys Ely, lone; Rachel Dick and Velva Bechdolt, both of Heppner. ilOETY WMIHIWWIllllniMMMHmuM.MuMtm.,t m Mutm HIHIIIIIIIJIJIIIIIIIMHI mi ft COMPETING SPEAKERS In IOOP United Nations contest Saturday In Pendleton wer that hlqh school student, left to right Julia Hawkins, Pendloton; Murray McBrldo, HermUton; Merrt Jacob. lone; Leslie Schuenlng, Helix, and Mildred Nanequ. Pilot Rock. UN Speaker Rated Highly Against Stiff Competition Although she faced "rough competition" and missed being a winner. Heppner High school's Merrllee Jacobs did a very fine Job with her United Nations speech in (lislrk-t competition at tile Pendleton Odd Fellows hall, Sunday, March 5, according to R. G. (Pelei McMurUy. Mo Muriry and his wife who U ills- trlet secretary. treusurer for the U. N. contest, attended the meet ns they have for many years ami taped the speeches as they were given. Winner of the district contest Legionnaires Plan For Coming Events At Monday Meetings A climax of the American 1-egion and Auxiliary dinner Monday evening at the Hepp ner hall was the observance of the 4H:h anniversary of the state American Legion organi zation, founded In l'Jl'J. A large decorated cake, prepared by Mrs. Ruby Munkers, was served In Its honor. Attractive Easter dec orations centered the dining ta bles. The date of Friday, March 24, wns set by the Auxiliary for Its Easter bake sale. Members are alo selling tickets for the linen chest which Is to bo giv en away Saturday evening, March 11. at the Legion dance. An attractive collection of items are included In the chest. In cluding towels, sheets, pillow cases, thermo blanket, hand made pillows, large white rug, dish towels, and other all new items which would be useful In any home. The public Is Invited to at tend the Legion Dance, to start nt 9 p.m. Saturday evening, March 11. The Quackenbush orchestra will furnish the mus ic, with admission set at $1 per person. Late lunch will also be served by the auxiliary. was Murray .McBrldo of Herm Iston high sc hool, the only boy entered. Second place was won by Mildred Nunegus of Pilot Rock; Mi-is Nanegus, who Is also a Happy Canyon Princess at the Pendleton Itound-Up, was enter ing for her second year. Place rulings below the first two places were not announced- Sophomores and Juniors in high school are eligible to en ter this contest with a trip to the United Nations and Wash ington, I). C, as a district prize. Among those attending the district contest besides the Mc Murtrys were Merrllee and her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Jacobs and Jack Sumner. Sum ner is assistant for this area to Mrs. Altha Kirk of Hermiston who is di-'Uict chairman of the Odd Fellows' contest. Preview of Musical Play Heard by Club Membei.-: of the Heppner Mothers' Club wer etreatcd to Mothers' Club were treated to Sake," the musical revue to be given at All Saints' Episcopal church next Tuesday, as they met Monday evening, March 6, In the home of Mrs. Loren Lu core. Mrs. Robert Jones presented a recorded version of the revue accompanied by written copies of some of the songs. Charac terized as a humorous satire the play touches both light heartedly and thoughtiully on modern church and community attitudes. Despite its gaiety it delivers some very sobering points. In a short business meeting Mrs. Herman Winter, president, appointed a nominating com mittee and welcomed three new members, Mrs. Kenneth Meth vln, Mrs. Bob Bergstrom and Mrs, Jim Wlshart to the club. Mrs. Lucore and co-hostess Mrs. Roice Kulleton served a delicious layered chocolate des sert for those present. Heppner Unit Plans Evening Meeting "A housewife that Is more than just a housewife Is one that attends a Home Extension meeting every month." This Is the Invitation of the Heppner Home Extension Unit as It In vites homernnkers of the area to join them for a meeting Thursday evening, Marcli 9, at 7:30 p.m., at the Heppner fair grounds dorm. An interesting lesson is plan ned on the topic, "Values In To day's World, and Family Com munications." Mrs. Marjorie Wilcoxen, county extension agent, will lend the discussion. All Interested women in the area are invited to attend. ST. PATRICK'S DAY SPECIAL! TIE TACKS $I.OO jet . : a "' -'..'. ;--, -i ' jl : 4.' "Something from the jeweler's, is always something special" JEWELERS Store Hours! 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. 177 MAIN ST.. HEPPNER Ph. 676-9200 BankAmericard Rebekahs Make Plans For Easter Bake Sale At a regular meeting of Sans Soucl Rebekah Lodge No. 33 In tho Heppner IOOK hail Friday, March 8, members made plan to have a benefit bake sale Sat urday, March 25. Special feature of the program was nn Inspiring reading on friendship by Mrs. Tom Huston, vice grand. Mrs. Ud LaTraee, noble gran., and Mrs. Huston presided over the meeting of sixteen members and one guest. Following the meeting re freshments were served by Mrs. Lincoln Nash and Alice Luitreli. McCobes are Greeted On 35th Anniversary IONE Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mc Calx? celebrated their 35th wed ding anniversary with a family parly at their home on Wednes day evening, February 2Z Their two daughters, Mrs. James Pet tyjohn and Mrs. Leland McKln ney were hostesses and served a decorated cake, ire cream, and coffee to those present. Guests Included the McCabe'a two younger dauchters, Chris tine and Doris; Mr. and Mrs Karl McCabe; Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Keene, and Kathy, Rich ard, and Stuart; Mrs. Annie Keene; James Pettyjohn and Karl James, Linda, Jerry, and Nancy; and Leland McKlnney and Kurt. Kenn, and Elizabeth Lions' Anniversary Occasion for Social Evening Last Week IONE The lone Lions Club celebrated Its sixth anniversary and the fiftieth anniversary of Lions International on Satur day, March 4. with wives of members ana other special guests present. The evening be gan with a social hour at the Ix-glon Hall, followed by a bun fiuet served at the Masonic Hall, and concluding with a dance at the Legion Hall. Distinguished guests present were Robert Witherell, District Governor of 36 (i of Lions In ternational, and Mrs. Witherell of Pendleton; Paul Mytlnger, president of Pendleton Lions Club; Dean Nagel, secretary of the Pendleton Club and Mrs. Nagel; Ray Boyce, Zone Chair man of 36 G and Mrs. Boyce; and Charles O'Connor, Lions In formation, and Mrs. O'Connor. Donald Brlstow, president of the lone Lions was master of ceremonies at the dinner. After the introduction of guests, Mr. Witherell spoke to tin grouo A 15 minute movie of the history of the Lions Club was shown. Gerald Peterson won the stereo-radio, which was given away during the evening. Herbert Ek strom Jr. received a prize for selling the most tickets for the stereo and William Ling won second prize In the sale. HEPPNEH GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. March t. 1967 County Fair Awards Discussed by Unit Discussion of county fair demonstration awards was an Important part of the business of the Rhea Creek Extension Unit meeting held March 1 at the Rhea Creek Grange Hall. It was announced that the Homemakers' Festival will be held Wednesday, May 10, at the Lexington Grange hall. Chair man Mrs. Roger Palmer remind ed members to bring gifts for the state hospital In Pendleton at the April meeting. Mrs. Marjorie Wilcoxen, coun ty extension agent, presented the interesting and often need ed lesson on "Family Commun ications and Moral Values in Today's World." A potluck luncheon was en joyed at noon by the extension members and their guests. GROVE DRIVE-IN FRI.-SAT.-SUN. March 10, 11 & 12 "TEXAS ACROSS THE RIVER" STARRING Dean Martin. Alain Delon, Joey Bishop A SWINGfNTUN ROMP THAT FRACTURES THE FRONTIER I PLCS "THE BOT CRIED MURDER", with Veronica Hurst Phil Brown, and introducing Fraser Tuny" Macintosh Hermiston GROVE DRIVE-IN THEATRE Ph. 567-6234 ADMISSION $1 per person, Children 12 & under fre with parents NAIXET'S Mayonnaise Pork Spareribs - - lb. 590 Old Fashioned AU Meat FRANKS - - - - - A90 Portland Rose Sliced Bacon - - - 690 N ALLEY'S Tartar Sauce Cocktail Sauce Horse Radish Sauce 3 For QOC WALLET'S SANDWICH SPREAD a o.9 SUNSHINE BISCUIT CO. KRISPY CRACKERS 2 Lb. Box S7 CELERY - 19 RADISHES 6- b,5C APPLES Red Delicious - - - lb. lOc Grapefruit Indian River Pink 2 for $,00 NAIXET'S MUSTARD N ALLEY'S 15 OK. BEEF STEW or CORNED BEEF HASH 2 79c Nalley's PICKLES SWEET NUBBIN. POLISH, CUCUMBER CHIPS 22 ox. 390 NALLEY'S Dressing FRENCH CHUTNEY. 1.000 ISLAND tepsi Cola Hills Bros COME 1 lb. 67c 3 lb. $1.99 21b. $1.37 10 ox. Instant $1.39 6 Pack 12 ox. Btls. PLUS PURCHASE OF PACK OF MOUNTAIN DEW AT REG. PRICE ALICE LOVE JELLY ............. 2 for 89c Grape. Mixed Fruit Strawberry w-. PRICES GOOD MARCH 10 & 11 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice. to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET orIen STAMPS