Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 19, 1967, Section 2, Image 9

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Heppner, Oregon 97836, Thursday, January 19, 1967 Section 2
TV Officers Elected
At Annual Meeting
ION F. Monday evening the
lone Television Corporation held
Its annual meeting In the leg
ion Hull with approximately 41
in attendance.
Mm. Venter Ilnms was re
elected decretory treasurer, and
Kdmnnd Brlntow was rech-cted
ns a director. Howard Crowell
was elected to fill the vacancy
of director left hv ltll Bishop
who did not wish to run again.
Ioor prize of free 'IV were
won lv F.ldon Tucker, six
months; Klrner Kills, four
months; and Mm. Vlda Hellker,
two months.
The amplifier have been or
dered to replace the obsolete
one on the main line. Thin will
boost TV and KM radio reception.
Kxpectally designed tupoffs
have olno been ordered lor
home with color television.
These tupoffs are supposed to
Hive a better color picture than
is received at present.
Members of the senior class
served refreshments after the
Miss Bonnie Morgan will be
Installed as Worthy Advisor of
I he lone Halnlwiw Assembly on
Sunday. January 29, at 2:30 in
the lone Masonic hall. This will
be an 0en Installation.
Grangers are urged to attend
a pot luck lunch at 12:30 p.m.
Sunday. January 22. The regu
lar Pomona meeting will be
held at 2:00 P m.. followed by
First and Second Degree work.
All the Granges In Morrow
county have been Invited to
participate In this worn.
Mr. and Mrs. George Port.schy
of Portland traveled to lone on
Sunday to get their children
who have been visiting with
ilielr grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.
Ilershul Townsend for the past
few weeks.
'Hie Wednesday Pinochle club
met at the home of Mrs. John
Jepsen last week. Mrs. Oliver
Ivvin won high, Mrs. Hob Har
rison held low, and Mrs. Ken
neth Howard won the traveling
prize. Following cards, the Indies
surprised Mrs. Wayne Bull with
lovely baby gifts and cords.
Week end guests at the Harold
Sherer home were their daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Kelly Andrew of La Grande.
Topic Club was held this week
at the homo of Mrs, Lindsay
Klnrald. Mrs. Gene Rletmann
presented a review of the Broad
way play, "Hello Dolly." as the
program. Thirteen members and
guests answered roll cull by
naming a current play. Mrs. Uoy
Llndstrom was assisting hostess.
Leaving by plane Tuesday for
San Francisco were Mrs. Kannle
Griffith and her daughters, Mrs.
Hoy Llndstrom and Mrs. Dwight
Haugcr, Lake Oswego. They are
attending to some business of
Mrs. Griffith's late brother, Byr
on Goodall.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crum re
turned home this week from
Seattle, Wn after attending the
National Wheat League conven
tion. Cltv Officials Ar Instaild
The City Council met last
Tuesday evening. Councilman
Don Bristow served as Installing
officer for the group. Jim Bar
nett was Installed for another
year as city mayor. Also re
elected were BUI Rletmann and
Ray Boyce as eouncllmen. Mrs.
Ray Boyce will serve again as
treasurer, as will Mrs. Howard
Crowell as city recorder. Newly
elected Bob Drake was also In
stalled as a councilman.
A dinner party was held at the
Tupadera in Pendleton on Sat
urday, hoorlng Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Klncald on their wedding
anniversary and Mrs. Darrel
Padberg on her birthday. Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Marlatt, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Barnett, and Mr. Pad
berg also enjoyed the delicious
lobster dinner.
Attend Goodall Servcices
Mrs. Kannle Griffith, Mrs. Roy
Llndstrom, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Griffith drove to Astoria
this week to attend funeral ser
vices for Byron Goodall of San
Francisco, liis interment was be
side his wife In Hammond, Ore
gon. Mrs. Griffith's niece, Mrs.
Harold Gaggs of Oscar Island,
and a nephew, Alton Turner of
Baker returned home with her
for a visit.
Friends will be glad to know
that Victor Rletmann hus re
turned home from the hospital
and is much improved.
Mrs. James Marvin, Mrs. Ern
est Chrlstopherson and Miss Re
berca Case attended a Relief
Society convention for the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
day Saints on Saturday In Rich
land, Wn. They reiurned to
Richland again on Monday even
ing for a Youth Leadership work
shop. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of
Baker and Mrs. Esper Hansen,
Portland, have been visiting this
past week at the homo of the
Victor Rietmanns.
Mrs. Herb Peterson was hos
tess for a Friday the 13th pin
ochle party In her home last
week. In honor of the occasion
only low prizes were given.
Those receiving prizes were Mrs.
Roy A. Llndstrom, Mrs. Leland
McKlnney and Mrs. Keith Rea.
Ion Church Poltioni
rilld lor Coming Tar
The annual meeting of the
lime United Church of Christ
was held Sundav after a pot-
luck luncheon, that was planned
by Mrs. Lewis llulvorscn and the
Women's Fellowship.
The following people were
chosen to fill expired terms In
the church. Re -elected were Don
Hrlstow. moderator; Mrs. Bob
Itletmann. clerk; Mrs, Alfred
Nelson, treasurer, and Kenneth
Smouse. finance secretary. Mil
ton Morgan was elected to the
position of vice moderator.
Vacancies In the following po
slllons were filled hv Kred Mar
tin and Ia-v Palmer as deacons;
Mrs. Marlon Palmer and Mrs,
Jim Lindsay as deaconesses;
Ray Boyce and Pete Cannon on
the board of trustees; Mrs. Nor
man Nelson as rhureli scnoot
superintendent; Mrs. I .re Palm
er on Board of Christian Kduca
lion; Mrs. Lindsay Klncald, Mrs.
Paul Pettyjohn, and Mrs. Kldon
Tucker on music committee;
Lurry Rletmann and Rotlo Craw
ford on auditing committee, and
Mrs. Dinar Rletmann and Mrs.
Muikham Baker, council mem
bers at large.
Rev. Walter Crowell read his
letter of resignation due to his
retirement and It was regretful-
Iv accepted. The congregation
also voted to maintain a 9:30
a m. worship hour during the
summer months.
Boardman Sailor
Aboard Kitty Hawk
Seaman Apprentice Alan W.
Moore, son of Mr. Rollow E.
Moore of Rt. 1, Boardman, has
reported for dutv aboard the at
tack aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk,
presently In the Gulf of Tonkin,
operating off the roast of North
Vietnam, according to a release
from the Fleet Home Town News
The Kitty Hawk's planes fly
dally missions, providing a mo
bile striking force capable of
destroying the enemy's supply
ami communication lines.
This Is the Kitty Hawk's third
Vietnam cruise and her fourth
Western Pacific cruise since her
commissioning In April. 11.
She is homeported in San Di
ego, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Daliell re
turned home Monday evening
from a week-end trip to the
valley. They visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gaars
land at Kagle Creek, with Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Crawford at Al
bany and at the Tress MeClint
ock home In Monmouth. They
were surprised to find that Mrs.
Met Unlock had been in the hos
pital for a foot Injury; that
. their son, Jay, was just recov
ering from bead Injuries receiv
ed In an airplane accident near
Eugene; and that Tress McCllnt
ock had Just returned home
from the Corvallls hospital
j where he received treatment for
a heart attack.
Cemetery Board
Sets Resolution
IRRIGON The Irrlgon Ceme
tery Maintenance Board held a
meeting January 2 and the fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
"In order that our records can
be properly kept, people re
questing the Irrlgon Cemetery
Maintenance Board to hold lots
for them for future use, will be
required to pay for them at the
time of request, either In full,
or by a series of regular pay
ments until paid In full.
"If the owner's plans change,
he may sell the lot back to the
Cemetery Maintenance Board at
the purchase price.
Mrs. Donald Lelghton was ad
mitted to Emmanuel hospital In
Portland last Monday for treat
ment of back Injuries received
In a fall in early September.
Frank Shade was rushed to
the hospital at Pendleton Sun
dav morning after an accident
at his home. He fell from a tree
and has been In serious condit
ion. Week end visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Isom were Isom's
nephew. Wesley Larson and his
father, Oscar Larson of Port
land. They were on their way
home from a trip to Monument.
A group from the Assembly
of God church surprised Mr. and
Mrs. Bade Rand with a party
In honor of Mrs. Rand s retire
ment and Mr. Band's birthday.
Visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Graybeal Is Mrs.
Graybeal's daughter, Mrs. Merl
Pacheco of Los Gatos, Calif.
Mrs. J. A. Shoun is confined
at the St. Anthony hospital In
Mrs. Harvey Warner held a
party for her Sunday School
class of Junior girls. Games
were played and refreshments
Mr. and Mrs Duane Reeder of
Portland were week end visitors
at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Ellen Reeder, and his brother-In-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Stewart and family.
Steve Smith, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Smith, is home af
ter being discharged from the
See Bee's section of the Navy.
He was on duty In Viet Nam.
Susan McCoy and Terry McCoy,
students at Eastern Oregon Col
lege, were home for the week
end. Both attended the Riverside-Umatilla
basketball games
at Umatilla. Terry is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCoy and
Susan Is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Warren McCoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Partlow and
Sheryl were the week end visit
ors of her cbrothcrln-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Berg
and Ronald of Vancouve, Wash,
and Mr. Part low's brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ver
non Partlow of Hillsboro. They
also visited Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell McCoy of Vancouver and
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berry of Portland.
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Group Honored On Birthdays
MONUMENT The annual
January birthday party was
held January 7 at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tippet on Ru
dio Road. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Groen, Can
yon City; Mr. and Mrs. Rod
Mabe, Fossil; Mr. and Mrs. Lon
nie Harris, Heppner; Mr. and
Mrs. L. D. Vinson, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Gassner, Clarence Holmes,
Mr. and Mrs. Tippet, Miss Deb
bie Tippet and Curtis Whaley
of Klmberly; Mr. and Mrs. Bud
Engle, Cottonwood; Mrs. Hattle
Rubcnstrof. Jack Sweek, Mr. and
A Mrs. Jim Croker and Mrs. Mar
tha Matteson. all of Monument
Cards were In play during the
evening, with Mrs. Fred Gass
ner winning high for ladies;
Clarence Holmes, high for men;
Mrs. Lonnie Harris, low lor la
dies, and Lonnie Harris, low for
Gifts were exchanged among
those having birthdays. Relresh
ments were enjoyed at the close
of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hudson
took Ted Murdock to John Day
hospital where he was entered
with pneumonia.
SP4 Gene E. Hunt spent a
few days visiting relatives In
Fox and Long Creek. He will
leave January 23 for Ft. Lewis
where he will depart for 13
months service In Korea.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shelly and
family of Fox spent the week
end at the Jerry Hudson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis took
their son Darrell to Portland last
week for a checkup.
Mrs. H. W. Scott and son Rob
In and Mrs. Elmer Matteson
drove to Bend last Tuesday on
business. Gene Hunt accompa
nied them to Prlnevllle to visit
two sisters, returning home with
Mrs. Scott that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Harris
spent the week-end here from
Heppner, visiting their folks, the
George Capons, and the Tippet
VERSARY Napkins with
names imprinted; Monogram
med Playing cards; Regency
Personalized Note Stationary;
Wedding Books. Inquire at
FRIENDS WONT rscogniz her. but this Is Susan Benson, mem
ber of the Bluebirds who visited the Gazette-Time last week.
She Is talking to her leader, and the photo was taken from
the back, revealing the face on the back of her cap. (G-T Photo).
Society Estimates
196? Cancer Cases
An estimated 20 persons In
Morrow county will be treated
for cancer in 19C7. according to
"1967 Cancer Facts and Figures
for Oregon," released by the
American Cancer Society, Ore
gon Division, 200 Park Bldg.,
The estimate adds that seven
In the county will die from can
cer during the year. It is ex
pected that there will be 13 new
cases, and that treatment will
save four cancer patients from
dying. The sheet adds that
eventually 1150 In the county
will eventually develop cancer
and that 6'.K) in the county will
die of the malady if the pres
ent rate continues.
Throughout Oregon, the esti
mate is that 8,599 cancer cases
will be under medical care dur
ing the year, that 3000 will die.
Metsker maps of Morrow. Gil
11am, Umatilla. Wheeler countle.
on sale at the Gazette-Times
$125 each.
Come! Bring Your Friends!
-Everyone is Invited-
Pinochle Card Party
Saturday, February 4
7:30 P.M.
Sponsored by lone American
Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 95
Lots of Prizes
$1.00 Per Person
Delicious Refreshments
Member, Federal Deposit Insurance, Corp.
Test Taking Course
Offered at BMC
A two-session short course in
test taking will be offered Jan
uary 24 and 25 by Blue Moun
tain Community College. The
program is being sponsored by
the College evening division
and counseling department to
assist persons planning to take
civil service and other Job
placement tests.
The first session will be dc
voted to pointing out hazards to
be avoided in test taking plus
techniques and a practice timed
test. The second night will be
devoted to self analysis and dis
cussions of the questions given
In the practice test.
The course is open to the pub
lie at no charge. Both sessions
will be held from 7:30 to
p.m. in Room 7, lower building,
on the camDUS. Further Inlor
matlon ls available by phoning
the evening division, Z7b-lJbO.
More Fun, Always...
Phone 676-9228 for G-T want
ad service.
At the TWO Sparding New
112 Rooms
Timt C5D31 3E3 2451
150 Rooms
nt m mm
"Well, for goodness sakes
I didn't realize you could
do this kind of printing"
How many times we've heard this said we have no idea but it has been umpteen hundred.
As a matter of fact, we are now equipped to lay-out and print almost anything you could possibly
want except money and stamps, of course.
ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS FORMS: including forms up to six or seven copies using NCR (no
carbon required) paper.
LETTERHEADS: designed and printed so your correspondence will show your pride in your bus
iness. Envelopes printed just like you want them.
STATEMENTS: to fit your particular needs.
CHECKS PRINTED TO FIT YOUR NEEDS: Business cards - wedding, anniversary announce
ments. You name it we'll help you design it and print it.
WE ARE DEALERS FOR: Continuous Register Forms - Sales Books
- Meter Tickets - and Many Others . . .
Why not give us a call when YOU need some printing we want and appreciate your business I
The Gazette-Times
Ph. 676-9228