'Girls' State Great' Delegates Tell Club At Luncheon Meeting "Our government heeiime n reality to im through our r-xprr-Ioikv nt Clrln' Stale," MIha Ver Inn r'remh tvolnted out In her talk to memWrii of the Sornpil. mini rluli nt lt luni-heon meet Inii I ii l Thursday. MInn French nttil MIn Martha IVck, (IclCKttlfM to (ilrln' SlHlO In Knlorn In June, were itucstii of the club, and npiike rntliun IiihIIcrIIv of the experience nnd knowledge quitted Ml Hm 2flh nn linn 1 confc-ri-nre, upoiiHored by lite American I-crIoii Auxil iary. The t;lrl were two of 2f7 del-i-Kittc attending the ncmdonN, enlovlntt a proRrnm which com memorated tin Silver Anniver sary. Delegate were divided In to nix imititlfi nnd 12 eltles. In elcctlonx, Mnrthit wan chosen a Hv councilman nnd Verlna nerved ax a county commlHtilon er. hc)inn ornanie rule and (Mdli'le tor the fclrht to follow. rntlerrm of court ysteniK nnd procedu r e n were realistically presented to delegates through a mock trlul by rortlnnd attor ney, hxclicmcnt connected with procedure of campaign milieu and elect limit brought memories to the two girls, when election were held between the two par ties, Federalists nnd National ists. Martha was elected to a Mate senate position. Delegate were ImpreHMcd with vlittni? the state legislative assembly rooms In the ciipltol Climaxing a niemiir.ihle five lityi was an Inspirational candlelight cere mony and ftnu session In the capital rotunda. A reordln( of songs by the assembly wan en joyed during the luncheon pre ceding the program. The Soroptlmlst program of October 13 was devoted to re port by Mrx. Wavel Wilkinson, president, and Mm. Kmtle Croshrns, official delegate, of the annual District 2 meeting In I.akevlcw. The lleppner club wait one of 22 clubs represent ed In the district, with 135 members registered. Special dis cussion was reported on work shops which they attended, those on classification and mcmlwrshlp, ami on Internat ional goodwill nnd understand ln. The district meeting was held September 23 and 24. with district officers urcsldlnR. Also present was Regional Governor llcrnadlnc Batters, former Dis trict 2 President of Vancouver, Wn. A new member. Mrs. Glenn Smith, secretary of the Morrow County Fair nnd Kodeo, Is being welcomed Into the lleppner club. A birthday cake was served In honor of Mrs. Charles Stnrks, nml a "good wishes" card was presented Mrs. Lcta Thomas as a token of appreci ation, prior to her return to Ari zona where she will spend the winter months. moETY Coihj'w Cvcnts miDAT, October 28 Civic League Rumman; Sal, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Old Tryco building. Homecoming Football Cam, Hoppnei . Wahtonka, 8 p.m Rodoo Grounds. Homecoming Dane, following gam, high school multipurpose room. FFA Spaghetti Feed, Element ary ealeteria, from S p.m., af tor Homecoming parade. SATURDAY, October 29 Civic League Rummage Sale, 9 a-m. to 8 p.m., old Tryco building. Tea honoring Mrs. Al Ullman. Amanda Duvall home, 2 to S p.m. Public Invited. ! Pomona Grange, Greenfield hall, Boaidman, from 10:30 a.m. Combined Rainbow meeting, lone. Condon, lone Assem blies! Heppner Masonic Hall; 5:30 potluck, visitation of Grand Worthy Advisor. MONDAY, October 31 Chamber of Commerce, Wagon Wheel, noon. Legion Auxiliary Card Party, Legion Hall, 8 p.m. Halloween Dance, high school students, 7:30-10:30 p.m St Patrick's parish halL TUESDAY, November 1 Al Ullman luncheon. Wagon Wheel Banquet Room. noon. Golden Aq Club, Episcopal par ish hall, potluck dinner. 7:00 pan. WEDNESDAY. November 3 CowBell business meeting and luncheon. Wagon Wheel Ban quet room. 11:00 a.m. Morrow County Livestock Grow ers annual meeting, 10 Uh Elks Temple. Farm-City Ban quet 7:00 p-riu, high school multipurpose room. THURSDAY, November 4 Soroptlmlst Club, noon lunch eon. Wagon Wheel banquet room. Cub Scout Parent Meeting, 7:30 pjiu. Bank of Eastern Oregon conference room. SATURDAY. November 5 Turkey Dinner, Lexington 100F Hall. 5:30 to 7:30 p-m. Fruit Cake Sale, Beta Omega Sorority, Heppner and Ion. When you patronize Gazette Times advertisers, you help make a better paper Tell them you saw It In the Gazette-Times. CowBelles Schedule Important Meeting An Important meeting has been called for members of the Morrow County CowBelles for Wednesday, November 2, at the Wagon Wheel Banquet room. Several Items of Important business will be discussed, with the new officers presiding, start ing at 11:00 a.m. A no host luncheon will follow at noon. Reception Sunday Honors Harrisons On 50th Anniversary Family and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Harrison of lleppner gathered at their home Sunday, October 23, to celebrate the couple's Golden Wedding Annlvorsury. Hosts were their three children nnd families, Mr. and Mrs. Audley Kanouse of F.ugenc, Mr, and Mrs. Hennlng Martinson of Cortland and Mr. and Mm. Fred R. Harrison of l'endli-ton. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison were married In Condon on October 23, 1916. Attending them at their wedding were her ulster and his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Harrison, who celebrat ed their golden anniversary In August af their home In Con don A third sister and her hus band, Mr. and Mrs. David Courtney of Forest Grove, reach ed their 50th anniversary In June. l'Jfrl. The purents of these sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fitzgerald of Condon lived to celebrate their CDth wedding anniversary. The KItzRerald family moved to Condon from Michigan In 1912. Mf. Harrison' farrilly came from England. He was born on a wheat ranch near Condon and later operated this ranch for a number of years. I The Harrisons lived near Con don until 1946 when they moved I to Heppner where Mr. Harrison worked In the lumber Industry until his retirement three years ago at the age of 75. Nelsons Are Feted On 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson entertained his brother and sis ter in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson, Jr., on Sunday with a Bicelal dinner honoring them on their 2!lh wedding anniver sary. Guests were members of the two families and Miss Juli anne Smith of Portland, fiance of Ken Nelson. On Wednesday night the couple were guests at a sur prise anniversary party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Martin following choir practice. Hostesses were Mrs. E. M. Ba ker, Mrs. Lindsay Kincald and Mrs. Martin. A large decorated wedding cake was served the guests, and beautiful bouquets of chrysanthemums decorated the serving table. Guests were members of the choir, their husbands or wives. The Alfred Nelsons were Join ed In marriage October 25, 1941, In Portland. Tea on Saturday Honors Mrs. Ullman In honor of Mrs. Al Ullman, who will visit In this area this week-end, a tea will be held at the home of Mrs. Amanda Duvall on Saturday afternoon, October 29, between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. Assisting Mrs. Duvall with the arrangements will be Mrs. Clarence Kosewall and Mrs. Al Lamb. All women of the area are Invited to come to the Duvall home and Join In the social af ternoon honoring Mrs. Ullman. Mrs. Ullman will be a house guest of Mrs. Duvall for the week-end. School Bells Church Women Start Plans for Bazaar Women of the Episcopal Church are making plans for the annual Christmas Bazaar to be held Saturday, December 3, In the parish hall of All Saints' Episcopal church. An antique booth, luncheon, handmade and home-cooked articles will be sold, according to Mrs. Eddie Gunderson, president of the group. Regular weekly Bible study meetings following the 7 pm. Wednesday Evensong service are a feature of ECW this year, with the Rev. Dirk Rlnchart teaching about St. Paul. By DAVID POTTER I Superintendent Morrow County Schools During this school year, we would like to acquaint you bet ter with some of the many out standing teachers that we have teaching in the schools of Mor row County. Mrs. Joy Smith of Irrlgon has taught In the Irrlgon schools for 23 years. She has taught classes In English, mathematics, Journalism, and biology at the high school level. The teaching at high school level was dur Ing the first years that Mrs. Smith taught at Irrlgon. Her teaching In more recent years has been with children of Jun ior high and elementary school level. This year she Is serving as librarian at A. C. Houghton, teaching classes In Junior high school English, and is the seventh-grade home room teacher. Mrs. Smith and her husband, Robert, are the parents of two sons, Michael and Stephen. Michael is a freshman at East ern Oregon College In La Grande, and Stephen Is on his second tour of duty In Viet Nam. The Smiths own a 600-acre ranch at Irrlgon. They raise Black Angus cattle on the ranch. For relaxation, the Smiths enjoy hunting, fishing and traveling to different parts of the country. They have tour ed the Northwest. F.aatom Unit. ed States, Alaska, and Mexico. wnen asked what he would like to add tn th nrticlo hlnj written about Mrs. Smith, Mick Tolar, principal of A. C. Hou ghton School, said, "Whenever we need a question answered, we call on Mrs. Smith." Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lalah of Salem werp WMlr.AnH visit. ors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Sher man and family. Mr. Leigh was former advertising manager of the Stayton Mall, of which the Shermans were co-owners be- lore moving to Heppner, and Is now working part time on the Staff Of the Mills Citv Fntop. prise. The couples toured the new Boardman area before their return nome on Sunday. Father and Mn. f Wmrm Spencer of Coquille were here irom tuesaay io rriaay 01 last week visiting at the home of thplr Knn.tn.1aur anrt Hanolttaf Mr. and Mrs. Ned Clark and tamiiy. 'ine men were success ful hunters. ANNUAL TURKEY DINNER SATURDAY, Nov. 5 5:30 TO 8:00 P.M. Lexington IOOF Hall SPONSORED BY Holly Rebekah Lodge Turkey Dinner With All the Trimmings Cards & Bingo Following Lots of Prizes Everyone Welcome Proceeds to Remodel IOOF Hall Dining Room V 1 11V1JLJ V mm TT71 to decorate your home ELGIN cordless electric wall clocks Coottnporarjr implied Ijr thai parUcily bifida luiurioutly grained, go Hint walnut and glowing brail accent. Thu cord. Icm alectric anaitarairrt hai ipun plat in um-n tied dial and matching finial. No, E 69 Dimension! t 20 i 20 plua finial. Kftar- $22.50 Mulching ftcoae., pc. "Something from ths wler's is alwaT something pedaL" Store Hoursi 9 A. M. to 6 P.M. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST- HEPPNEB JEWELERS "STTS-bn SWIP8 lone Auxiliary Plans Election Day Dinner Ionp American Legion Auxil iary has announced plans for serving an Election Day Dinner on Tuesday. November 8, at the lone Legion Hall. The dinner will feature roast turkey and dressing and home baked pies and rolli, with serving to start at 12:00 noon and continue as long as there Is demand. Price of the dinner has been set at $1.75, with pre school children free. Also, the auxiliary will serve home baked pie and coffee dur ing the afternoon election hours at the hall. Proceeds from the day's pro jects will go toward making improvements to the Legion Hall. Former Heppner Folk Guests of Robinsons Mr. and Mrs. Creston Robin son were hosts for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Labhart and Chris Friday night and Saturday after the Grant Union Heppner football game. The Robinson's son, Dean, a student at Treasure Valley Community College, was also home for the week-end. Tre Labharts returned to their home in John Day Saturday af ternoon and Chris remained. He was to have had a ride with Dean as he drove back to school on Sundav, but due to mech anical difficulties on Dean's car the Robinsons took both boys to John Day where their son was able to catch a ride back to college with friends. Auxiliary to Sponsor Halloween Card Party A public Halloween card par ty will be given by the Amer ican Lecion Auvlllnrv nn KTnn. day night, October 31, at 8 p.m. in me region Hail. Bridge and pinochle will be played for prizes after a dessert lunch. Profits from thi nnrfv will an toward purchase of gifts for service veterans in the Portland Veterans' hospital. These gifts are eagerly sought by veterans and Include all kinds of Items intended to be given by the veteran to his family. region Auxiliaries all over the state are participating in the project. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hams and Mrs. Paul Pnttvlnhn return. ed from Seattle on Sunday with the Hams' four-month-old dau ghter, who had been at the Uni versity of Washington Medical School since the last of August. A rare liver disease was diag nosed and the baby will be un der medical care at home for some time. They will return to Seattle Sunday for checkup. uiom STEAK U.S.D.A. CHOICE Kzy ( lb OREGON CHIEF Wieners )N " 1 - l . - V A r-V T-BONE STEAK 950- CHOICE 55c 'b. HAM HOCKS ... 29c lb. 1 Gallon PLAIN OR SMOKED LIVER SAUSAGE CIDER 69 BY THE CHUNK 490 Lb. BAR S 1 LB. PKG. SLICED BACON 79c TNT 28 OZ. POPCORN 39c SEAPACK OYSTERS 3 for $1 BETTY CROCKER PANCAKE MIX .... $1.19 NABISCO 1 LB. BAG COOKIES 2 for 85c HOODY-S 2 LB. PEANUT BUTTER 83c 40 OZ. BISQUICK 45c . - -. : ; . . . - - t INDIAN RIVER PINK Grapefruit mmm 10 - l CARAMEL APPLES r Ifl and POMEGRANATES L For IVV CAULIFLOWER .......... each 29c SSL TOMATOES lb. 19c FLAV-H PAC IVt LB. I FOUR FISHERMEN 14 OZ. SHOESTRING I FISH POTATOES . 4 for 89c STICKS 59c KILL'S BROS. COFFEE 1 - 69c 2 - 1.37 3 - 2.05 10 ox. Instant $1.29 PRICES GOOD OCTOBER 28 & 29 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET SrIen ' 3 I