THE MM GAZETTE-TI MI HEPPNER Heppner, Oregon 97836, Thursday, October 27, 1966 Secjj Youth Celebrate 'Spook Night' Bf KATUERINE L1NDSTR0M t INK llallowi-cn wus crlr lirnli'il In (one on MohiIjiv even ill)! Willi I lie usual number tif Minill i:lmsls, niib n s, unci wltrlu'tt nlmmil In tln nlclit. Oiii- of Ihi- hlclillchl.H .f Hip (veiling was a spook house iir numH by MIsm Hlln Ki-rr and MK.s Ki'licccit Camo nsHlNind by hiimi' nt the older school jjlrln. Kmh "trick or Irt-alcr" who :nll fd, win iiinducli'cl on a person al Irlp lliroucli the viirlou liaunlx deslRned lo provide a few extra thrills to itn evenliiK of fun. All Hie KfK'le school classes through Hie sixth rade enjoyed Halloween parties In their rooms on Krldav afternooii. All hut sixth grader wore costume. 'Hie eluhth Krade with the its .sl.stani'i' of their room mother, Mrs. Henry It. Krehu, planned u party for the Me vent h erade at the (Veil Hall. Thev (leeorated n empty house nearby f,,r n "sKxik house" and also decor ate.i the hall with a searerrow, Halloween masks, etc. The party was an old fashioned Hallow een party with n taffy pull, pop. pint: corn, and lot of other Karueft nnd entertainment. Tin me winning prizes were: Christina MeCabc nnd Hetty Creenup, np le ratlnit: Wendy Christopher son. rarvlnR the rleverest Jack o lantern; and Brock I.lnnell nd Mary MrKIIIftolt, for the lanelni; contest. Mis Case, Miss Kerr, Mm. Jerry Martin, and the seventh urade room mother, Mrs. James Burnett, were chap crone or the party with other parents furnishing transporta tion. Another Halloween party was held on Krlday ttluht nt the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kohert Itletmnnn celehratlntt tlx birth day of their (ton, Joe, and his eouslns, Mark nnd Brian Itlet mnnn. Tills wns a "hobo party" and the uucsta met ut the Bill Itletmnnn home In town nnd were taken to the country hy the Hletmnnns on a truck. The party was held In the Rally decorated shop nt the ranch, which also contained a haunt ed room, that the boys were al lowed to enter n few at a time. Itelayn, bobbing for apples, nnd other names were enjoyed. He frcNhmcnts of dnnut nnd cider served In the cans were served the Kucsts. Assisting the Hlet mnnns with the party were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Itletmnnn nnd Mrs. Hoy Hurst from Arlington, Mr. and Mrs. I,ouls Carlson, and Mr. and Mrs. James West. Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Tews re turned this week from an Inter est lin trip hv let to Minneap olis, Minn. Mr. Tews was n lay delegate of Blue Mountain Con ference of the North rnclflc Dis trict of the A L.C. to the Amer ican Lutheran Church Conven tion held every two years. The KsiO delenates nre composed of one-half laymen nnd one-half clergymen. Thev were able to visit with Itev. John KydKren, a former pastor here, who Is now ennaced with work In the au dio visual depurlment of the church. Inirlnc the week -lone convention the Tews children, Natalie nnd Hill, stayed with Mr. anil Mrs. Verner Trnedson. Family iiIkIh was enjoyed nt Valby Lutheran church oil Sun day cvculni' with a pollock din ner and Halloween party for the children. Paul Tews made a short report on bis trpl to the A I..C convention, but will j;lve a more complete report, when his slides are developed. Child ren winning prizes for the best costumes were: Kathy and Lar ry I'almer In the nursery depart ment; Marilyn Warren nnd lilcky Peterson for the primary, and Julie .Inter and David War ren were winners for the Junior youngsters, Hosts for the even Inn were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Itobert 1'elerson, Mr. and Mrs. Itoner I'almer, Mrs. William Howl Ins, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Oscar 1'eler son. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kessler enter tained a icroup f lys on Wed nesday evening with a senven I'er hunt nnd other (.'nines. Those attending were Scott IteKK. Tommle nnd Richard Ilamlett, David Tucker, Bob nnd David .inter, Dick Snider, and Stewart und Stephanie Kessler. Refreshments were served at the close of the party. Confraternity Sisters, Mary Claire Inez and Christine Baker, met on Tuesday with the local catechism teachers to review the venrs program. Mrs. Garland Swnnson had a luncheon for the Sinters nnd Father Raymond Heard before the meeting. Mr. and Mrs, Milton Morgan, Mr. nnd Mrs. Karl McCnbe, and Mr. nnd Mrs. F. T. Martin drove to Condon Sunday afternoon to nttend the 75th anniversary cel ebration of the Condon United Church of Christ. An open house was held In the afternoon fol lowed hv n banquet for nbout 21 K) people und an evening pro gram. Former pastors, Rev. Handy Mlddleton of Portland, nnd Itev. Harvey Goodllng of I n-sende Ix ks, were on the pro. gram with Itev. James Jones of Fnterprlse. Harold Pat tee, chnlr man of the trustees, conducted the burning of the mortgage. The Condon High school chorus sang some beautiful musical select inn. Rev. Richard Trotter Is the present pastor of the Con don church. Itev. nnd Mrs. Walter B. Crow ell left on Sunday afternoon for Portland, where thev will receive medical attention nnd visit rel atives. Cuests of Mrs. Jesse Wnrfleld from Tuesday to Thursday this week were her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rex Klsk of Kennewlck. The high school class of the United Church of Christ intend ed a Halloween party at Hcpp ncr with the Methodist Youth Fellowship on Sunday evening. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jepsen. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth Smouse I returned on Monday from a few -days spent at Portland, Salem, i and Corvallls. Thev visited their1 sons, Kenneth Lynn, and Carl ; and their daughter Cherllyn. In Portland they visited Mr. Smous- e's mother, Mrs. Anne C. Smouse, and called on Mrs. Hor- tense Martin and Mrs. Alfred Nelson, Sr., at Terwllllger Plaza. ! Women Hurt In Accident Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy A. Llnds- , trom spent the weekend in Portland, where they called on her grandmother, Mrs. Bert Ma son, Sr. Mrs. Mason was badly; bruised nnd shook up In an : automobile accident on Friday near Milwnukie. Mrs. Sara Mc- i Nntner and Mrs. Kmrna Kvans. who were riding with her, were; taken to Oregon City hospital for treatment. Mrs. McNumer i was suffering from broken ver tebra and a sprained ntck, nnd i Mrs, Kvans with a broken hand. All three ladles live at Wlllnm- ette Manor. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Bergs- trom returned on Thursday from a trip to Seattle. They brought Mrs. Kffle Land of Port Orch ards, Wash, home with them fori a visit. The two ladles are sis ters. The Friendship Club of Cecil met at the home of Mrs. Grover lurtis on Thursday afternoon. On Saturday evenini? the mem bers and their families met at I the Cecil Hall for a potluck din-1 ner nnd cards. nauonai unmrv Week was observed In lone by members of j the Topic Club, who visited the grade school rooms and present ed reviews or new books avail- nble in the lone Public Library. Many new children's books are put on the shelves each fall. Mrs. Pete Cannon Is acting as librarian nno the library Is op en from 2::0 to 4:30 each Mon day and Thursday afternoon. Those visiting the school were Mrs. Gene Rictmann, Mrs. Mil ton Morgan. Mrs. Lindsnv Kin- cald, Mrs. John Proudfoot, Mrs. ifoy w. undstrom, and Mrs. Omor Rletmann. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Davidson and son nnd Geruldine Morgan spent the week end at the gir s' parental home. Mrs. Mattie Mor gan, their grandmother, accom panied them to lone to visit re- ntives. She has Just returned (Continued on page 5) COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rewinding INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL farm Avn unut Pedhm27TT61 r i i ft i 1 3 3 ! ;: J "I It? 1 Sf w Ford talces over in the Faciie Northwest Our '67 Fords ara taking over In Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska. Quietest Fords In history. Strongest, too. Because they're built better. All-new Mustangs. Performance-minded Falrlanes. Falcons so plush they're called "short limousines. See your Ford Dealer and take over a '67 Ford. 67 Galaxle 500XL 2-Door Hardtop See your Eager Beaver Northwest Ford Dealer today! ANNUA nH tz cz LI v u Lrr? L7 L of Members of CLU LICTiDC C N IMC LEGION HALL FOSSIL. ORE. Thursday, November 17 Registration 11:00 A.M. Regular Meeting 1:15 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER: OWEN W. HURD Managing Director of WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM BUILDERS AND OPERATORS OF THE HAN FORD NUCLEAR POWER PLANT GRAND ELECTRIC DOOR CLOTHES PRIZE DRYER ALSO Numerous Electrical Appliances Will Be Presented As Door Prizes LUNCH SERVED By Fossil W.S.C.S. vie Shown And uring Reqisfrafioi Heppner Auto Sales, Inc Heppner, Oregon