Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 15, 1966, Sec. 2, Image 9

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    Church Resumes Schedule
For Fall and Winter Term
By KATHEHINE UNDSTHOM , tcm degree. Mr. Kenneth
lONIv Full schedule ni the
lone United Church of thrift! linn
been resumed. On Sunday morn
ing H. illy liny mid rromotlon
Sunday was held for large
group of children. Third grade
voungNtcrit, who have been at
li'iidlni; regularly, were present
ed Hlbles, They Included Cluy
Went, Diivld Tucker, Joe Kiel
iniinn, Udtoy Ken, Skve Krehii,
John lOkstrom, and Arllndu Al
drlch. Tin- church school atnff and
teachers were Installed In n ded
lent Ion service during the wor
ship hervlce. Mm. Norman Nel
son U superintendent assisted
lV Mm. Fredrick Martin. Music
ians arc SiiKiin Jepsen and Mm.
Waller Roberts. Mm. Lewis llul-
vorsen will serve as secretary
asaMed by Mr. Walter Jacobs.
Nursery homo visitor are Mm.
Keith Ilea, Mm. Milton Morgan,
and Mm. Wayne Hums. Mm. U-e
I'almcr and Mm. Lelnnd M Kin
ney are In charge of the three
year olds and Mm Hill lili-l.
miinn and Mm. James Wt-Ht, the
lour yeur om cmitiren.
Teaching the grndo ncliool
children ore Mm. Tlill Kmert
and Mrs. Keith Ida, II ml and
second grades; Mm. Arthur
Llndstrom and Mm. Itobert lioit
kln, third and fourth grades;
Mm. HolM-rt JepKt-n and Mm.
Fredrick Martin, fifth und sixth
grades; and Mm. Hubert Kiel
munn and Mm. Adon llamlett.
seventh and eighth grades. High
school teuchem will Include. lon
Brlstow, Hubert Jepsen, Mm.
Lindsay Klnntld, Mm. Henry
Krcbs, Mm. Hoy W. Llndslrom,
and Mm. Norman Nelson on sub
stitute. Fredrick Martin will
Instruct In the adult cluss.
Following church services a
short meeting was held during
which the 17 church budget
was presented and approved.
The annual stewardship din
ner will be held Sunday even
ing September 25, with the Rev.
William Meyer, conference min
ister on church extension and
stewardship, as guest sH-aker.
lie will also speak at the morn
ing womhlp service.
Newcom.r Welcomed
With Clothlnq Shower
Mm. Iterle Akers, assisted by
Mm. t'Jeo Chllders, entertained
last Thursday afternoon with a
pnrtv honoring Mm. Richard
Klnzer and her son, Herbert,
who recently arrived In the
United States from Ormany.
Karh of the guests brought a
gift of clothing for the eleven
vearold, since he was able to
bring little with him.
Those attending were Mrs.
Tom Breshcam, Mrs. Lewis Hal
vorsen. Mm. Lloyd Johnson, Mm.
Oscar Lundell, Sire. Lloyd Klce,
Mrs. Kny llelmhlgner, Mm. Lee
Talmer Mm. Arthur Dalzell,
Mrs. A. H. Marlck, Mm. Marion
I'ulmer, Mm. Harold Sherer, Mm.
W. C. I'rawford, Mm. Harvey
Smith, Ms. Bill Snow, Mrs. Kuby
Klnzer of llermlston Mrs. Irene
Samples, Mm. Dennis Wnrren,
Mrs. Clarence Warren of Ilcpp
tier, Mrs. Muxlne Hoffman and
Mm. Claudia I'lmental of Con
don. Kenneth Lvnn Smouse left on
Tuesday for Oregon State Uni
versity, where he has been Riv
en an assistant teaching fellow
ship In science for the coming
year while working for his mas-
Computer Matching
2803 S. E. 122nd
For FREE Personality Test
iksfrom Farm Chemicals
Is Proud to Announce
Another Service to The Community
Portable Wheat Treater
No Job Too Large or Too Small
Home Owned ond Operated
Phone 422-7289 or 422-7430
Smouso and Cherllvn will uc
company him ns far as Port-
land, where they will ishop for
a few days.
Mr. and Mm. Mrry Barnes
and baby of I'endleton have
moved Into the small Miner
lloltz house In Second Street. He
Is employed by Kkstrom Chem
ical Co.
Committee Make PTA Plana
The lone IT A executive com
mittee met Monday afternoon.
Mm. Krnest Chrlstophe r o n,
president unnouiiccd the follow
ing chairmen have been ap
pointed for the coming year:
membership and room mothers,
Mrs. Koliert Kletmann and Mm.
Don McKlllgolt; social activities
Mm. James West; ways and
means, Mr. and Mm. Donald l'e-
itcrson; program. Mm. Richard
McKlllgott; and publicity, Mm.
Hoy W. Llndsirom. It was decid
ed to have the teacher recop.
lion on Thursday evening. Sept
ember 22 at 8;00 p.m. featuring
a visit to the classrooms.
Mr. and Mm. Kay Ilelmblgncr
and Tom and Joe Halvorsen
spent Monday In Tort land.
The annual stewardship din
ner for the United Church of
Christ will be held September
25. Guest speaker for this even
ing and for the morning wor
ship service also will be the
Kev. William Meyer, new minis
ter of church extension and
stewardship of the conference.
There will be Just one dinner
this year so the membership Is
urged to take note of this date
and attend on Sunday even
ing. Wednesday visitors to the lone
urea were Mr. and Mm. Walter
Sammls of Los Angeles. Mm.
Sammls Is the former Nedra
Ageo and had lived neur the
Kenneth Smouse home many
yearn ago. The Smouscs were
away on vacation, but they call
ed on the nearby Alfred Nel
son family, before continuing
their trip to Idaho.
Cheryle Lundell was taken to
Kugene this week-end by her
parents, Mr. and Mm. Raymond
Lundell. where she will enter
the University of Oregon for her
sophomore year.
Stephen Llndstrom left on
Sunday for Pacific Lutheran
University at Tacoma for his
Junior year.
Mr. and Mm. Kldrcd Corson of
Vlctorville, Calif, arrived Friday
for a visit with friends and to
attend to business.
Rainbow GirU Elect Officers
Rainbow Girls of Assembly
No. HI had a busy evening as
they resumed meetings on Tues
day evening. Initial Ion ceremo
nies were held for Nancy Ash
urst. A report was made on the
float for the Morrow County Ro
deo parade. The girls received
second prize for a float depict
ing "The Wizard of Oz". Klcc
Hon of officers was held with
Teresa Stefanl selected as wor-1
thy advisor; Bonnie Morgan, as
sociate advisor; Linda Nichols.
charity; Teresa Tucker, hope;
Willn Johnson, faith, and Bon
nie Hynd secretary. Worthy ad
visor Bonnie Akers presented a
girt to advisory board member,
Mrs. Omar Rlctmann. who has
been 111 recently. It was an
nounced that Bonnie Hynd has
been chosen Grand Representa
tive to West Virginia and she
was escorted and introduced to
the girls.
Sunday afternoon and even
ng several from here attended
the Christian enlistment work
shop at The Dalles. The United
Church of Christ was represent
ed by Robert Rlctmann, Donald
Brlstow, Bill Rlctmann. Robert
Jepsen, and Rev. Walter B. Crow-
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse
and family have returned from
an enjoyable vacation spent at
Seattle Vancouver, B. C. and on
Vancouver Island. In Seattle
they were guests of Mrs. Strums.
Hcppner, Oregon 97836, Thursdoy, September
e' cousin. Mm. Harold McMIl
Ian. They attended the Pacific
National Exhibition at vancou
ver and were fortunute to see
a magnificent performance by
H, f 'unnillnn Mnunties. Thcv
also rode a newly Installed lift
on Grouse. ML. which takes
neonle un about 3.000 ft." for a
ounoramlc view of the mount
alns and the ocean. They spent
some time visltlnc the Interest
Ing sights at Victoria, Including
the observatory.
Keith Nelson Is confined to
Pendleton Community hospital
with hU back In traction. He
suffered an Injury In Friday's
football game with Dufur dur
ing the first half. It la hoped
he may be home In a few days.
Kelikers Entertain Relatives
Mrs. James Gorman and son
Andy of Glen F.IIen, Calif, are
visiting her mother Mrs. Don
ald Hellker and Mr. Hellker. She
arrived last Tuesday and on
Wednesday Mr. Hellker's cousin,
Karl Devlne of Indlo, Calif, came
for a visit with relatives. Mr.
Devlne and Mr. Hellker's moth
er. Mm. E. C. Hellker, left for a
faw days visit with Mr. Dcvlne's
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tomp
kins at Glens Ferry, Idaho, They
will return this week, when
all of thern plan to attend the
Other guests at the Hellker
home on Monday were Mm. Hel
lker's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Ross of San Diego, who dropped
by for a visit while on a trip
to Oregon. They were accompa
nied by Mr. and Mm. Hlday
from Martinez, Calif.
Bill Akers has enrolled at
Lewis and Clark College for his
senior year. He went to Portland
early to start football practice
and was at a meeting on the
campus Sunday evening, when
fire destroyed the campus gym
nasium and much of their new
football equipment. The foot
ball boys saved the schools tro
phies and some equipment. Fire
was believed to have started
from a lightning strike.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom
Jr. and family recently return
ed fom a vacation. They first
went to Wallowa Lake, then
went through Central Oregon as
rar south as Crescent City. They
came home via the Pacific
Coast highway coming Inland to
Salem for the last of the State
Susan Baker and Donna Point
er are attending St. Mary's
School for Girls near Beaverton
this year and Pam Proudfoot
has returned for her senior year
at St. Paul's School for Girls at
Walla Walla. Her brother Paul,
has enrolled at Bishop Dagwell
School for Boys at Portland.
Roland Ekstrom took a truck
load of cattle to Colfax, Wash,
last week for the Palouse Em
pire Fair. It was a qualifying
show for Hereford breeders. He
won first place with a bull and
first place with a heifer and
fourth place on another bull.
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Ekstrom Sr. were there on
Thursday and Friday to help
show the cattle.
Mrs. Ernest Chrlstopherson
and family spent the week-end
In the Willamette Valley, where
they visited Mr. Christopherson
and other relatives. In Portland
they called on Mr. and Mrs.
Max Barnum In their new
Mr. and Mrs. Verner Trocdson
spent the week-end at Crater
Lake National Park and at Red
mond. Mrs. Victor Bertner of San
Jose Is here visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jodie K. Mor
rison. Before returning home
she plans to go to Ontario and
visit her brother-in-law and sis-
Three Links Club Sets
Plans For Coming Events
Club met at the home of Mrs.
Annie Keene on Thursday of
last week for Its regular meet
ing, with the group furnishing
the refreshments.
Plans were discussed further
on work for the coming bazaar
and turkey dinner. Committees
were announced as follows:
cooking and serving, Mrs. C. C.
Jones, Mrs. Alonzo Henderson,
Mrs. Joe Yocom. Mrs. Ruth Rob
inson; bazaar committee in
cludes Mrs. A. F. Malcskc. Mrs.
Oris Padberg, Mrs. Florence Mc
Millan and Mrs. Archie Munk-
ers. un tne decorating commit
tee are Mrs. Ed Hunt, Mrs.
Charles Colley and Mrs. Charlie
Plans for the next three meet
ings were made, with the Oct
ober meeting to be at Mrs. Alon
zo Henderson's home in Hood
River with Mrs. Henderson fur
nishing the main dish and the
club furnishing salads and des
serts for a pot luck dinner at
The November meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. Al Felsch
and the December meeting at
the C. C. Jones home. Mrs flrla
Piirthnrir hrntltrhr in a hirtVwlu.r '
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Dick DeBls-
schop and family. Mr. Bertner
will enroll at Santa Clara Law
school this fall.
Tass Morrison left on Fridav
for Oregon State, where she will
assist with rush week at Alpha
Chi Omega.
Mrs. Paul Tews was hostess
for the Topic Club on F'rlday
afternoon, when Mrs. Elmer
Griffith reviewed the book 'The
Supreme Court'' by Andrew
fully. Mrs. John Proudfoot was
assisting hostess.
Miss Virginia Jcoscn socnt
the week-end here visiting her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Jepsen and other relatives be
fore returning to Potland.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree
spent the week-end at CoUax
helping their grandson, Jimmie
McCabe, celebrate his fourth
Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Ellis
have returned from a vacation
at Huntington and other points
of Interest In northeastern Ore
gon. Mrs. Ida Grabill returned
home with them after a visit
with her son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright
In Baker.
Boys 8 through 13 ...he a winner!
fft9s easyiltfs funHtfs free!
Enter our
ltmt9 Pass
S: Kick
15, 1966 Sec. 2
cake honoring Mrs. Keene on
her birthday.
Those present for the after
noon were Mrs. Altha Kirk and
Mrs. Earl Eskelson of Hermis
ton, Mrs. Elva Ruhl, Mrs. Cleo
VanWInkle. Mrs. Al Fetsch, Mrs.
Frank Robinson. Mrs. A. F. Ma
Jeske, Mrs. Oris Padberg, Mrs.
Florence McMillan, Mrs. Alonzo
Henderson and the hostess Mrs.
Mrs. George Hermann has re
turned home after a few days
stay In Community hospital In
Mrs. Edna Munkers is home
after a stay In Pioneer Memor
ial hospital in Heppner.
Joe Palmer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Palmer, who Is a
patient in Pioneer Memorial
hospital following injuries sus
tained in a car accident, is re
ported to be recuperating nice
ly. Mr. Palmer underwent min
or surgery following the acci
dent. Greg Davidson had the mis
fortune to cut a knee quite bad
ly in a bicycle accident on La
bor Day and was taken to Hepp
ner to a physician for medical
Mrs. Ann Sawyer of Joseph is
visiting this week at the Flor
ence McMillan home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hunt have
returned home from California
where they were called by the
serious illness and death of Mrs.
Hunt's father.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones were
dinner guests at the Glenn Pay
ton Ranch at Keating on Sun
day. Earl Miller visited his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Miller
of La Grande on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker were
Portland visitors last week
where Mrs. Baker had medical
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Groshens
and sons visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Darnlelle ov
er the week, and with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Breeding. They make their home
in Grants Pass.
Bill Johnson has returned to
Seattle where he is employed.
Trannie Parker is a patient in
Pioneer Memorial hospital in
Heppner. She was taken there
last Tuesday.
When you patronize Gazette
Times advertisers, you help
make a better paper Tell them
you saw it In the Gazette-Times.
WIN distinctive Medal of Achievement awards . . . three for
each age bracket ... a total of 18 awards in all! Qualify for
all-expense-paid trips with dad to further competitions at NFL
Top winners will go on a "Tour of Champions" with both parents
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Miami, Florida! It's fun! It's free! You compete only with boys your
own age which gives you a wonderful chance to win!
YOLItS FJtEE at registration time., .a tips book on punt
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an attractive PP&K tie-lapel pin.
Remember ... you must be accompanied by a parent or legal
guardian to register. " ' ' . '
a rrn
Club Sets Plans For Coming Party
KINZUA Regular meeting of
the Camp 5 Womens club was
held last Wednesday evening at
the Camp 5 Community Hall
with Eva DeMerrit as hostess
for the evening.
During the business meeting,
over which President Bettv Mur-
dock was In charge, Marie Hu-
lett resigned as chairman of the
card party to be held on ScDt-
ember 17, and Lola Ferrel was
appointed to assume the lob as
chairman. Betty Murdock donat
ed a crocheter doily for second
prize to be drawn for on Satur
day when thev draw for th
crocheted bedspread.
Ten members were present
and the door prize went to Nan-
cy Hawk. Crazy 8 was played
with high going to Ruth Jordan
ana peggy Ashmead and low to
Etta Ferrel and Nanev Hawk
The September birthdays were
C. V. Allen of Wieser. Idaho
came Friday to get Mrs. Allen
wno nad spent the past week
visiting her son Vincent and
family. The Aliens returned tn
Wlescr on Monday,
Jiggs Bowman and son Vic
were business visitors to Hepp
ner Wednesday. On Thursday
Vic and Glenda Shelton went to
For The 1967
Two Tickets To Two
Performances of the Rodeo
Heppner-Morrow County Chamber of Commerce needs
your help in choosing a theme for the 1967 Rodeo Pa
rade which it sponsors. Requests have been made that
the theme be chosen early in order to allow more time
to plan entries.
If your idea Is judged best, you will win the prize two
tickets to the Saturday and Sunday afternoon perform
ances of the rodeo in August, 1967.
Make your theme idea general enough so that it can
apply to a wide variety of floats and entries.
Anyone may enter this contest Just fill in the blank
below and bring or send it to the Gazette-Times, Hepp
ner, by Friday, October 7.
My suggestion for Parade
Registration Closes
October 7
Local Competition
Set For
Saturday, October 8
Bring Your Mom or
Dad ... Get Full
Details Today at . . .
Pendleton where they took en
trance examinations for Blue
Mountain College.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hollomon
of Milton-Fteewater visited with
friends here on Friday.
Chuck Rickert, who Is In the
Navy and has been stationed on
the USS Ticonderoga off the
coast of Vietnam, is on leave
and is spending It here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Marvin Saddler of Seattle
pent the week-end here with
jls parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
in Saddler.
Mrs. Louis Lorengel and fam
ily went to Richland Saturday
to visit with relatives and for
Linda to register for the fall
term at Columbia Basin College
at Pasco.
Mrs. Richard Mortlmore and
Mrs. Tom Jordan were business
visitors to Heppner Saturday
where Mrs. Jordan had medical
Mrs. Susan Whitman, Port
land, came recently to be house
keeper for Mr. arid Mrs. L. D.
Neill. She is the former Susan
Allstott, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Allstott, formerly of
Eightmlle. She says she is glad
to be in Heppner again.
PH. 676-9152