Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 08, 1966, Sec. 2, Page 3, Image 11

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    Grange Members
Enjoy Picnic
llli'lil over from hint wrt-k)
ll()Alt)MAN . CrtM-nf I r I l
CrniiKi iiU'iilt" wun iii riivnlly
In HitiiiInIom nt lln lmmt of Mr.
Mini Mr. Nullum Thorpe with
21 atli'iKllntf. ThoNii rH o n t
from lliinrdmari Included Mr.
Claud fonts. Mm. Ia-o ltiMit, Hoy
Hull, Mr. ;lrn CitriM'Mti'r, Mr.
ml Mm. Kri'U MIIIit and child
ren Wnlli'in end ItoitnU, Mr.
and Mm. W. (i. Scchafrr and
Mm. Krank Mnrlow. Others were
Mr. nnd Mm. Andrew Skllen of
Irrlitoii, Mr. nd Mr. Victor Ni'ul
of Ki'hu, Mr. Lurry Thorpe nnd
iliiujfhicr Janice, Judy and Jen
nie of lleinlHlun.
Mm. Glen Cttrpenler wan host
c.iN fur thn Uoardmun Garden
Club nt her home recently. Hull
cull wan answered by telling of
a flower project for this month
The club voted to buy a Ut
ter barrel for the city. Mm. Loo
Itout wan appointed to contact
city oMIcluiM about tho bt-Mt
pluee to put It.
In a gumn played Mm. Claud
("out won the. prize. Mm. Krank
Marlow received the door prize.
Mm. Kulph Kurwood rend an
article on the cure of bulbs.
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mm. Walter Wyss
September l'J.
Mr. and Mm. Claud Worden
left limt week for Union to v lu
ll their son -In -law and diiuch
ter. Mr. and Mm. Lyle Williams,
then to Payette. Iduho to vbdt
another Hon In law and limit: li
ter. Mr. and Mm. Dullan Korlh
num. Friday they left for Jop
lln, Co., for an extended visit
with Worden' brother and sin
ter In law. Mr. nnd Mm. Cliff
onl Worden.
l.alan Kbilcy left hiM week
for her home In Anchorage.
Alaska, after vlsltlm; the ptiNt
two and n hulf month with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs Gene Itls
ley. Her aunt. Mm. Lyle Willi
ams of Union took her to Seat
tle, Wash, where she took the
plane for Anchorage.
Pain Kuhn visited several
days In Valleyford, Wush. with
Luun Burn. Visiting Pain here
lu.st week was Nancy Mori an of
Kennewlck, Wash.
Marrletta Ayllnu and her fi
ance, Peter Kumohr of Monterey
Park, Calif, are here to visit for
two weeks at the home of her
brother-in-law and ulster. Mr.
and Mm. Wayne Kuhn.
Mr. and Mm. F.d Skoulio of
Corvulll were week-end vlltor
at tho home of Skoubo'a step,
father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Warren. David and
Jnnell Skoubo returned home
with their parents after vi.sltlng
here a week. Sunday visitors
were Mr. and Mrs. Huh Uruwn
of Pendleton.
Mm. Don Downey nnd Mm.
Italph Karwood went lo Ulex
Sunday to visit at the home of
Mrs. Kni-wood's brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mm. Itu
dolph Stelnke.
Week-end vlsltom nt the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ka.sh
were their n and dauuhter-ln-Inw,
Mr. anl Mm, Darrel Rash
and daughters Valerie and Dc
nice of Portland, and their
sons-in-law and daughters. Mr.
and Mrs. Hill Gctz of Hood Riv
er, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Ted Pen
nes ami children Michelle nnd
Shawn of llermlshm.
Mr. and Mrs. Uov Bray of
Paradise. Calif, visited Sunday
morning at the home of Mrs.
Bray's aunt, Mm. l-co Root.
Mr. nnd Mm. Carl Crops of
KelloKR, Idaho, visited Saturday
nt the home of Mrs. Crops' unc
le, Roy Ball.
Mrs, A. K. Kortncr has return
ed from a trip to Junction City,
Kans. with her daughter Mrs.
Bruce Lindsay and sons Jim and
John. Thev visited Sherry Lind
say and Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim Mars
ton, and nlos went to Yellow
stone Park. Mrs. Kortncr Is In
Portland this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. llnrry Shlpp
were visitors one day last week
at the home of Mrs. Shlpp's sis-ter-ln
law, Mm. Krunk Marlow.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey West, Mr
and Mrs. Carroll Donovan and
children Jerry, Jack nnd Curol
Ann, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk
Bates spent last week nt Line
oln Beach near Lincoln Cly.
Also there with them were
West's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Dewev West. Sr., of Woodburn,
his brothers-in-law and sisters,
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Russell and
children Danny Kaye, Dalene
nnd Steve, Mr. and Mrs. John
Hutson and son Phil, all of The
Dalles, mid Mrs. West's parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Snm Beeks of Ar
lington. The Wests, the Wests,
Sr., nnd the Beeks nlso went to
Cloverdale to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Hamilton, former resident
Mr. and Mrs. Don Downey
were In Portland two dav; iaXt
week. Jerry and, Wayno Downey
liaVc been visiting lo: a week
In Estacfldn at t home of heir
untie ami fcunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Colli
Mr. Phil LaCombe left Sun
day for Jerome, Idaho to visit
for two weeks at the home of
her parent!., Mr. and Mrs- Alan
Completes Training
Army Pvt. Ted S. Hoffman, 20,
r.,. m nnrl Mrs. Arnold I.
iinffmnn. Route 1, Bonrdman,
completed eight weeks of ad
vanced Infantry training nt Fort
mi.... v-nr. Aumicf 13 He re-
coived specialized Instruction In
small un tactics ami in
oikVi uionnnnn ns the M-14 rlflC,
ih M.nn mnchino gun and the
3.5-lnch rocket launcher.
(Held over from last week)
KINZUA The regular Cnmn
5 Women's card parly was held
Monday nlelit with Barbara
Mortlmore im hoMi-ky for II.,.
evening. High was won by Jean
Mcdluck, low by !,oln Kerrel,
and traveling by Kva DcMerrlt
and Doris Stuliblefleld. Criintl
high for the series went to Bet
ty Murdock with second hluh
going to Marie Hulelt. Others
playing were Marie Rhoton,
Nuney Hawk. Sue Mattlson, Car
ol Norrls nnd Kltn Kerrel.
Mm. Hli hard Mortlmore and
family und Mm. Tom Jordan
were In Heppm-r last Tuesday
for IniKlncHM, shopping, and
medical rare for Mrs. Jordan.
Mr und Mm l.lnwl slhi-linn
and duughter Glcnda and Mm.
iii-mcnei MuraocK were in 1'en
dleton Thursday for business
and medical care for Mr. Shel
ton arid Glcmlu.
Mm. Ruslv Medlork and sons
John and Mike, Jill Anderson
and Mm. Karl Norrls were busi
ness visitors o Prlnevllle Sat
urday. While there John had
medical fare.
Mr. and Mm. Lowell Sharp
went to John Day Inst Saturday
to visit with Hup Gregg who Is
m tne nofcpuai mere, lie was
Inlurcd In a construction acci
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reed and
sons of Bend were week end
guest at the Rusty Mcdlock
and Krank IieMerrlt homes.
Mm. Tom Jordan was hostess
Monday for her daughter Leslie
on her fourth blrthduy. Tho
youngsters played games, had
hlrlhduv cake with all the trim
mings and watched Leslie open
her gifts. Helping Leslie cele
brate were Cralir and Tlmrnv
Jordan, Roger and Kurl Mortl
more, Jill Anderson and Melody
Kills. Mrs. Kills helped Mrs. Jor
dan. Mrs. John Hawk and Mrs. Karl
Norrls were business vlsltom to
licppner Monday.
Miss Sharon Kay Mube whose
marriage to James (,'loud was to
take place Saturday afternoon
was the guest of honor Monday
evening at ft miscellaneous bri
dal shower at the grade school.
uumes were piaveu wun tne
prizes going to Virginia Kelso
and La Villi- Jelllck. Sharon
then opened her many lovely
gifts assisted by her mother,
Mm. Wllma Mube and her sis
ter Sharyl. A specially decorated
cake with coffee and punch was
served to all present by the host
esses Naurene Benson, Glenda
Shelton, Rose Merry Stubble
field. Doris Stubblefleld. Wantta
Hubbell, Arlene Schroeder, and
Hazel Kendle.
Mrs. Carol Norrls was hostess
Wednesday evening to the mem
hers of the Friendship Club at
the Camn 5 Community Hall.
High was won by Pat McMlnn,
second high by Barbara Mortl
more, and floating by Sharon
Bell and Ruth Jordan. Others
playing were Betty Murdock,
Jean Medlock, Rita Coulee, Sue
Mattlson. Dinah Jackson. Naomi
Rice, and Doris Stubblefleld.
In Heppner Friday were Mrs.
Krank DcMerrlt, Mrs. Tom Jor
dan, nnd Mrs. Herschel Mur
dock. Mm. Jordan had medical
Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk were
In Heppner last Tuesday for
medical care for John. Before
returning home they went on to
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Norrls and
Mr. and Ms. Richard Mortlmore
and family went to Tumalo
State Park Sunday where they
met Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bus
tlnn and Karen and Larry
Stumper of Roseburg and had a
Mrs. Llovd Shelton and Dol
ores and Mrs. Herschel Murdock
went to Salem Sunday where
Dolores will take part In 4 11
club activities.
Mr. and Mm. Dell Anderson
and family of Post Kails, Idaho,
visited at the Ralph Mcdlock
home Sundav and took home
their daughter Jill who had
been visiting the Medlocks.
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Jordan Monday were Mr.
and Mrs. James Vlllings and
daughter Linda of Myrtle Creek
and Mr. and Mrs. Don Potter
and sons of College Place,
Driver Applicants
Must be Identified
Beginning September 1, all ap
plicants for original Oregon
driver licenses must present
positive proof of Identification
prior to obtaining application
The new regulation is design
ed to prevent falsification of li
cense applications, reduce age
discrepancies, espoc 1 a 1 1 y on
minors' licenses, and aid In es-
tnhllcVitiKr b nnrmnnent drive"
,.... ,A K- - - -
license number system bDsed on
Vern'L. Hill. Director of the
Department of Motor Vehicles,
said the new regulation was
currently being useu in more
than 20 states.
Under the new reqircmeni,
nny applicant must produce pos
ltive proof of identif Icat 1 o n
when applying for an original
drivers license or an insiruc
tlon permit. Any applicant un
der 21 years old must also pro
duce proof of age.
Examiner Coming
A drivers license examiner
will be on duty in Heppner
Tuesday, September 13, at the
courthouse between the hours of
9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.. accord
ing to an announcement receiv
ed from the Department of Mo
tor Vehicles of Oregon.
Co-op Employees
Take Training
Fifteen employees of Colum-
I Im Bnsln Klectrlc Cooperative
participated In a one-day cm-
jiloyce training program nt the
(elitiller rltv hnll (in Toi-Mfliiv.
August 30. The purpose of the
session was to familiarize em
ployees with latest Information
and ti'ituilooc-s enublinir them
t provide better customer ser
vice. At the cooneratlve's renuest. I
lour employees of the Bonne
ville power Administration dis
cussed electric space heating,
controls, Insulation, water heat
ers, and Improved ways of serv
ice. SiM-akers for the meeting
were: William Galbralth, power
marketing specialist: Dick Nv-
land, ixiwer use engineer; Gene
Rogers, power use engineer, and
Paul Hauffc, power use spec
ialist. Monument News
(Held over from last week)
held IIk rnonlnr mm-tlncr lnur
Thursday afternoon on the Mat
teson lawn, with eight mem
bers nnd three visitors present.
They put together and tacked
out a quilt. Mm. Matteson
served iiv cream, strawberries
and punch. Next meeting will
he September 15 at the home
of Mm. Mae McWillls. Alma
Settle won the white elephant
and the door prize,
Bible study was held Friday
evening at the home of May-
nnrd Hamilton bv Rev. IL L.
Berkey of tho Spray Baptist
church, with 14 present. After
the meeting, refreshments were
served, then Rev. Berkey show
ed pictures that he had taken
around the country.
Mnv IVtfn ttlnfnn Hrnvi tft
Heppner last Wednesday morn
ing where she picked up her
daughter. Mm. Sharon McKln
non and her two girls, then all
went to Portland, returning Fri
day evening.
Frank K der ana jonnnie
Stussi drove to Ontario Satur
day to sec BUI Elder on busi
Mm. Rex Dick and Mrs. Clyde
Cavender spent Thursday and
Friday at John Day, getting
things lined up for displays for
the fair.
Mm. Virgil Reynolds drove to
Prlnevllle lust Thursday, then
on to Salem to visit her broth
er. Richard, returning home Sat
urday evening.
Dale Whltuker and family of
Idaho came In Saturday even
ing to visit his sister. Mrs. June
Hutchison and children.
Bob Cantwell, who has bought
land from his aunt. Mrs. Del
Sandlin near Klmbcrly, has
started his new house.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Howell
of- Sprav visited Sunday in the
home of his folks, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Howell.
Mrs. Ruben Patzer visited a
few davs last week with her
folks In Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Porter
moved Friday to La Grande,
with Mr. and Mrs. L. Osborne
helping them. Thev spent the
night there then came back to
finish his work at Fred Shanks.
Mrs. Dorothy Dulaney of Wal
.nnni ;nttirdav night ana
limn -"--
Sunday with Edna Moore
Mr. and Mrs. i-tco
and granddaughter, Mrs. tan
u drove to John Day last
Thursday on business.
Mr. ana Mrs. unic
and children spent a week on
a vacation camping trip. Mrs.
Ann Chapman and Mina Brown
took care of the store and post
office for them at himberiy.
Miss Sharon Lily, sister of
Mrs. Jerry Hudson, came from
Portland for a recent visit .Also
Mr and Mrs. A. W. Lily of La
Grande, parents of the women,
visited in the home of Mr. ana
Mrs. Jerry Hudson.
Mr nnd Mrs. Tom Miller of
California were recent visitors
here. Tom lived here when his
son Spike and family lived here
-. - . . . ii ...... .
on the oia w.-su . ,!
Mrs. Ross McDonald and
children vacationed recently at
the home of her folks, Mr. and
M. Vank Williams. She was
known here as Barbara Willi-
aThe Tom Erhardt family was
here from Portland recently, vis
itmg her folks, the Roy Davis
'aMry'and Mrs. L. J. Matteson
and three children of Long
aeek and Mrs. Jessie Scott and
,1 SOns helped Elmer Matte
son0 cdebrate his 75th birthday
Don't forget .. . '
every litter bit hurts
Published at a public atrvic In cooiv
ratio with Tha Advartiaing Council.
' 4';
f' . I . mm. 1
R. A. (DICK) DAVIS haa
named economic and Industri
al development manager for
Pacific Northwest Bell in Ore
gon, according to Dale Slush -er,
local manager lor the com
pany. Darts replaces R. W.
Kelleher who was recently
appointed to a dlrUlon engi
neering poet with PNB In
Portland. As economic and in
dustrial development manager
for PNB, Darts will work wltb
many statewide organisations,
both public and private. In
encouraging economic devel
opment and promotion of in
dustrial and business growth
in Oregon.
Heppner Elementary School
And Heppner High School
Monday, Sept. 12 Hamburg
er and spaghetti, vegetable sal
ad, fruit, bread and butter, milk.
Tuesdav Chill, crackers, hot
rolls, butter, Jelly, celery and
carrots. Jell-O, milk.
Wednesday Beef stew and
vegetables, cottage cheese and
fruit, crackers, cake, milk.
Thursday Pizza, green salad,
green beans, cantaloupe, milk.
Friday Peanut butter sand
wiches, vegetable soup, cabbage
slaw, apple crunch, milk.
. .
Main Street Show
Set in Pendleton
Billed as "The Greatest Free
Show In America", the Main
Street Cowboys Main Street
Show during Round-Up Week In
Pendleton, September 1417, is
slowly being put together and
chairman Dean Nagley says It
looks like another good .year for
visitors and Round-Up guests.
The Cowboys Main Street
show Is called uninhibited west
ern entertainment, with gun
fights, fiddling and horshoe con
tests and a whopping big med
icine show.
Nagley said all the contracts
have not been returned, but sev
eral of this year's Main Street
acts have been signed including
a new musical group from Med
ford who call themselves the
Caballeros with a 'Tijuana
Sound". The group Is composed
of nine boys between the ages
of 15 and 17 who comprise a
brass band.
Back again this year will be
Loyd Manzer, the champion
left-handed fiddler from Cald
well, Idaho; a square dance
group from the Country Cous
ins; the Pendleton Rangers Jun
ior Drum and Bugle Corps, the
Athena Highland Scottles, and
one-act dramas to be produced
by the Pendleton Community
Theatre group.
John Conroy, director of tne
Medicine Show, reports he has
lined up a new kind of variety
show. There will be more dan
cers this year and Leo Llebs
musical gioup will feature "The
Song Bird of the West" vocalist
Dolores Patterson of Pilot Rock.
Conroy advises that Dr. Horace
Dropplns elixir Is now in - the
vat "brewl n g health - giving"
properties and will be ready by
Round-Up. Says Conroy: "If the
Elixir doesn't cure, the dancing
girls wilL" The elixir, he notes,
Is approved under medicare.
Arlo Fjelland, co-chairm a n
with Dean Nagley of the Main
Street show, says the amuse
ment rides will provide enter
tainment for young and old.
Pony rides will also be avail
able for children.
Malnstreeter Bill Foster re
ported the Main Street Cowboys
MODERN Business Operation
. Whatever Your Printing Needs May Be See Us
Guaranteed Satisfaction Prompt Service
The Gazette-Times
Dealer For Moore Business Forms
HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. September 8. 1966
Rev. Melvln Dixon. Ph. 676 9224
Sunday School classes for all
ages, 9:45 a.m.
Worship Service, 11:00 a.m.
M.Y.F.. Sunday, 7:00 p.m.
Choir rehearsal, Tuesday, 7:30
Bible Study, Thursday, 8:00
WSCS, 1st Wednesday, 7:30
Rev. Dirk Rinehart, Deacon
Sunday: Family Worship,
10:00 a.m.
Church School, 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday: Evensong, 7:00
E.C.W. Second Wednesday,
7:30 p.m., Parish Hall.
Rev. Donald R. Pederson
Ph. 676-9940
VALBY: Worship 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School, 10:20 a.m.
HOPE: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.
Worship. 11:00 a.m.
Evening Service, 7:30 P.m.
Prayer Meeting, Wed. 7:30
Fall Quarter Adult classes,
Tues., Sept. 13 Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m.
Al Boschee, minister, 676-9209
Bible School. 10:00 a.m.
Morning worship, 9:00 a.m.
Family Night Services, Sun
day, 7:00 p.m.
Christian Women's Fellow
ship, third Tuesday.
will again sponsor the horse
shoe pitching contest for pers
ons from nearby communities.
The championships are to be
Thursday, September 15 from
nine to noon at Minnie Still
man Park and are fre to the
A real western "shoot 'em up'
gun fight is set for about 8:15
p.m. on Main St, September 16
17, staged in the vicinity of
Main ant Emigrant streets.
Phone 676-9228
American Legion Hall
Glen T. Mecham, Br. President
Priesthood meeting, 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School, 10:30 a.m.
Sacrament Service, 11:30 a.m.
Rev. Billie Alsup, Ph. 676-5581
Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m.
Evening Service, 7:00 p.m.
Mid-week Service, Tues., 7:00
Father Raymond H. Beard
Ph. 676 9462
ST. PATRICK'S (Heppner) Sun
day Masses, 7:30 and li:uo
ST. WILLIAMS (lone); Sunday
Masses. 9:15 a.m.
Confessions, SL Patrick'! Sat
7-8 p.m.
Al Boschee, minister.
Ph. 676-9209
Worship Service, 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.
Family Night Services. Sun
day, 7:30 p.m.
Choir Practice, Thurs., 7:30
Rev. Don McCarty
Ph. 676-5529
Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.
Worship Service, 11:00 a.m.
Evening Service, 7:00 p-m.
Rev. Walter CrowelL pastor
Ph. 422-7530
Church School classes, for
youth and adult, 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m.
Pator Paul Cole
Ph. 676-5517
Sabbath School, 9:30 a.m
Church Worship, 11:00 ajn.
Prayer meeting Tuesday, 8:00