HEPPNER GAZETTE -TIMES. Thursday. August 11. 1 966 FW. THE GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner, Oigon 8T836 MORROW COUM1IS NEWSPAPER The Heppner Gazette established March 30, 1SS3. The Heppnef Times established November IS, 1S97. Consolidated February 15, 191Z "o NIWSPAPIt rUIUSHUi ASSOCIATION NATIONAL NIWSPAPt I WESLET A. SHERMAN Editor and PuhlUhei HELEN E. SHERMAN Aasodate ruNtthw Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 pjn, Monday through Friday; 9 ajn. until noon Saturday. Subscription Rates: $450 Tear. Single Copy 10 Cents. Published Every Thursday and Entered at the Post Office at Heppner. Oregon, as Second Class Matter. Hail to Our Royalty! Coronation time is at hand for Queen Erna Lynn Win chester of the Morrow County Fair and Rodeo court and for Princesses Verina. Barbara, Susan and Mardee. The event will be Saturday night at the rodeo grounds. Official reign of this comely court will start as of that time, but the girls have been serving the county all through the summer with their appearances In other communities. At each of their appearances they have won the hearts and approval of the crowds. Many compliments have drifted back to the effect that our people should be very proud of this court, not only because of their attractiveness, but be cause of their personalities, their conduct, and the skill In horsemanship they have displayed. These compliments serve to heighten the pride that all of us in the home area have In them. Jaycees have been making a special effort to provide a fitting program and proper ceremony for the coronation, and it is expected that a large corwd will be on hand Saturday night to pay homage to the queen and princesses. Hail to our royalty! Their pretty smiles and winsome ways make them fine ambassadors to other communities and ex cellent hostesses to visitors here. May their reign be most pleasant and enjoyable. Korean Orphan Families Attend Reunion Picnic By DEL? HA JONES (Held over from last week) LEXINGTON KOTS ( Korean Orphan Tot.s Society) held a pic nic in The Dalles recently at the Soriosis Park. A fine crowd was in attendance and those attend ing report a very fine time Mrs, Florence McMillan motor ed to Joseph, last Thursday where she visited Mrs. Ann Saw yer over the week end and con tinued on to Baker where she will spend a few days with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager and three children were recent The Dalles and Portland visitors. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Smith and girls have returned to their home in Hamilton, Montana, after several weeks travel in Oregon. They all visited last week at the Marquardt homes. Penny, Charma, Lolita Mar quardt, June Ledbetter and Carol 1 HuehpS Werp amnnir Ihnco oninn Those attending from Morrow j to Cove to Christian Church County were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marquardt and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bill B. Marquardt and child ren, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wilson and children of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Morris McCarl and child! en motored to Harris burg where they spent the week end visiting Mr. McC ail's mother. iLrs. Bertha Hunt motor ed as far as Beaverton with them where she visited her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Irvin, who have been spending several weeks at the Florence McMillan home and the C. C. Jones home, have moved to Hood River where they will be for several months. Vafda an i Billy Irvin returned home with their parents while Vicky Irvin remained for a fur ther visit. Mrs. Ed (Ardith) Hunt has re turned to her home after a stay in Pioneer Memorial Hospital. COMMUNITY 1 BILLBOARD I Coming Events QUEEN CORONATION AND DANCE Saturday, August 13 Heppner Rodeo Grounds For Queen Erna Winchester Pre-Coronation "smoker", 7 p.m. Dance, 9:30 p.m. Music by Jimmy Cox and Colorado Troubad o r s of Pendleton. 1:30 4-H HORSE SHOW Sunday, August 14 Heppner Rodeo Grounds, p.m. Open to all 4-H Horse Club members County Fair Premiums for ' horsemanship and horse showmanship. ELKS' BENEFIT Duplicate Bridge Party Tuesday, Aug. 16, 8 p.m. Charity party for Elks' Clinic. Eye summer camp for a week. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Messenger. Sr., of The Dalles spent the week end in Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. O. W- Cutsforth and family are enjoying a fish ing trip into the Wallowa Mountains. Mrs. Bid Marquardt and Mrs. Carl Marquardt entertained with a birthday party honoring their children Douglas and Sherrie Marquardt one day last week. Games were played and refresh ments were served to the follow ing, Kelly, Kirk and Cheri Sager, Donna Htrmann. Jeanette and Mark Piper, Marie and Jack Yo com, Russell Rourke, Margaret and Curtis Vial!. Word has been received in Lexington that W-I Joyce Peck has finished her basic training in the WACS and is now station ed at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson and daughter Willa left Tuesday morning for Seattle, Wn., where they will visit their son, Bill, who is employed there at the Boeing company. Tell the advertiser you saw it in the Gazette-Times. Chaff Chatter Wes Sherman Ll'CI JOHNSON of Washington, D. C, the president's daugh ter, was married Saturday with pomp and fanfare and national color television coverage. She and her husband took the as sumed name "Krisbie" to try to obtain privacy on their honey moon. Judy Smith of Heppner, Ore Ron, was also married Saturday in a pretty ceremony In the Methodist church with no fan fare. She and her husband. Ken, left on their wedding trip with no reporters on their heels. If we were a young girl, we'd rather be Judy than Luci. AS TO Lucl's wedding, we'll say It was a good thing It didn't occur at the same time as the Clay-London fight, which was on the same day. This would have caused some battles on what TV program would be viewed. Mommas have a hard time resisting the opportunity to watch a wedding, and pop pas could care less. And some poppas have a hard time resist ing viewing a heavyweight ti tle fight, and most mommas could care less. We'd just as soon watch a toothpaste commercial as to view either. XAV1ER CUGAT. 66. must fig ure that if Frank Sinatra and Justice Douglas can do it, so can he. So he ups and marries a girl in her 20's, saying, "Some men are old at 20, and some are young at 40. 1 am one of those." Sounds like the band leader has left himself open on a case of an indefinite antecedent May be he was old at 20. SO THE Fred Gimbels drove 300 miles to play golf on the Wil low Creek course! No, that's not exactly right, but when they were here Monday on their va cation stop, they did play golf on the course, and it was the first time Fred had set foot on it after they had lived here all those years. You see, when Fred and Betty lived here, they had no inter est in golf and spoke of it with some disdain. But somewnere, after leaving here for Cottage Grove, then Yakima and now Lincoln City with PP&L the golf bug done bit, and they have it bad. Rumor has it that son Rick, now a six-footer, beats his dad on the links, but we wouldn't want to start any fam ily arguments. TRAGEDY STRUCK the Odd Fellows' United Nation Pil grimage last week when the bus in which the Northwest winners were riding was involved in an accident in Minnesota, enroute home. A woman from Idaho, one of the chaperones was kill ed and several students were injured. There was a report that the Helix girl, who won the right to make the trip in competition at Pendleton earlier this year, was hurt, but her name was not among those listed in newspa per accounts as requiring treat ment. Kathy Melby competed for the right to make the trip but lost in the Pendleton competition, it mav be recalled. Pete McMurtry, who has been an ardent supporter for the IOOF United Pilgrimage here, said that this is the first time such an accident has marred the trip. It is to be hoped that this will not discourage the lodge from continuing the fine venture. LABOR UNIONS are now giving green stamps for members' attendance at meetings, accord ing to an item in the Indus trial Press Service. Maybe this N0W--GIVE HER ANOTHER KITTY! red ' YW 1 Today she's a little girl, cozy in the comfort of her home, happy in the companionship of her kittens. Tomorrow, or so it seems, she's grown up . . . and needing all the things a financial "kitty" can buy. Fortunately for parents, Savings Accounts keep growing, too! Money grows fast . . . and your account is assured by an agency of the Federal Government. Open an account with us . . . put something in the "kitty" every payday. She'll be glad you did! OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY would be a thought for the Heppner FT A. which has had trouble getting manv out for meetings. But we doubt if their dues, unlike the unions' are high enough to stand the cost. THERE'S A nice pictorial lav out in the August issue of Ruralite telling of the work of the Morrow County Jaycees with emphasis on their sponsorship of Little league here, pictures are included of the Braves and the Indians, as well as one of some of the Jawces wives, one of Dr. L. D. tl'mp) Tibbies, and another of Prest dent John pankev and Vice President Wayne Harsln in con nection with their sign project. Well agree, It's nice to have those Jaycees on the Job! AN ITEM in The Forest Log, published by the State IV. partment of Forest rv. reports, "Recently the department re ceived a postcard addressed to 'Mr. Warden Fire." Now to be consistent, that company in communicating with an allv of the department should address him as, "Mr. Bear Smokey.' "' MAYBE WE SHOULD dedicate the following storv to the sev eral newly weds in the current wave of August weddings here: An old freight conductor on his 50th wedding anniversary told the story of how his wife cured htm of a once terrible temper. "We had been married Just about three months when I came home hungry, onlv to find burned food on the table. Mad as could be. I threw mv plate out the window. My wife hes itated for only a fraction of a second and then she grabbed up the serving dishes, knives, forks, spoons, cups and saucers and even the tablecloth and threw them all out of the win dow. Then she propped her hands on her hips ami declared: 'It's all right with me only Bishop Here Sunday Bishop Barton of the Mission ary district of Eastern Oregon will he at All Saints' Episcopal church In Heppner for Holy Communion at 10 n in. Sunday. August X A coffee hour and vestrv meeting will follow the service. 3 to Get Degrees At E0C Exercises Mr. and Mrs. Eail Chrtsmon of Beaverton were here over the week-end visiting his mother, Mrs. Frank Adklns, Mr. Chris men is District Manager of Aloha Trailer Co. of Beaverton. next time you should ahead of time If you eat In the garden! tell me want to 3 Day Holiday In PORTLAND Save This Coupon 3 DAYS 2 NIGHTS for 2 people ALL FOR 1150 Mall Coupon Todav for Reservation I Famllv Plan - 2 Rms. $11 I l Swim In the sky I Free sauna baths Free garage . . . phone No tipping for luggage I Commercial rates for traveling men 21 11 r. Food Service Telephone 226-7831 The Park Haviland A MOTORISTS HOTEL S. W. Park at Salmon In Three persons from Heppner will receive decrees from lost em Oregon College at annual summer session commencement Friday, August 12. the college announces. IVnald Clark, Jr., will receive a nacneior oi Micme mi general studies, Lawrence lireen and Opal Sllva will receive bachelor of science degrees in education A total of Kl candidate are wheduled to receive degree at the exercises of whom Xt will be master' degree, The niminencement Is nt JO am In th HV Coliseum with John M, Miller, professor emer itus of education, delivering the address. Th Elmer Schmidt family vlslled relatives In the Spokane area from Jnlv If I to August 1, Kor throe days of lilts time they were nt U" cabin of Mr. and Mrs l.es llelden on l.ke Co collalu near Spokane, Mr, Mel ,en Is Mr Schmidt' lster. Ddkotd to Rrrtn Pharmaceutical Nd with All Frccklon Fast Service to Your Door Your prescription will be accur ately filled as the doctor order ed. When speed counts, count on us. Night and day service. At night phone Lynn Pearson. Ph. 676-5548. MURRAYS REXALL DRUG Heppner 676-9610 II ... n . 1 .III . . - 1 5. vv. rarK at saimon in 'Ml i i i . !L...r:?:'....; HI HI " 1 1 ' " 9 FOR J A MORROW COUNTY j ! FAIR AND RODEO QUEEN mm im WINCHESTER Sponsored By MORROW COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO ASSOCIATION SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 ADMISSION $1.50 PER PERSON Fair Pavilion Heppner MUSIC BY DANCING 9:30 To 1 SUPPER SERVED JIMMY COX AND HIS COLORADO TROUBADORS GET ENTRIES READY NOW For Morrow County Fair, Aug. 23-26. SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY C. A. RUGGLES Insurance Agency Heppnar P. O. Box 247 PH. 676-9625 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF KTIX, PENDLETON BOX 739 PENDLETON