Hcppner Families Enjoy Trailer Trips Through Washington Mr unit Mr, Hill Collin daughter I'ntly und I.Inm, unit Dr mill Mm. Wnlliiii- Wolff. Hill, SlH'lli'V, Ki'llcy, Tommy nnil Cathy, linvc Iuth viKtit Ion -ItiK In the uliili of WnHhlngtim rwntly. Th Wolff Ml Sunday, July 17, Mi'l (tin Collin on tlu (of luwlnu IV. Thi. Iw fiimlllm mi'l Ml Kllnip Mrmorlul 1'nrk on HihhI Caniil wlirri' thcrp wi-re ivlli-nl fiu-llltim for their IrnlliTH. They n-mnliH'd thrro for 'V cml lny clmimilnti, nltililiu-4. Inu, flulilnu ml KwltnmlMK. Ihi-il IravrlKil tiortli lunu thu hor of I'UKi't Sound to Crr ivtit Lnkr mid to Crynlnl Roach, AmIi Beach mul Nruli Duy on llie Slrult i,f Juan do Kuiii. The famlllo Roparatoit nt thl iHiliit In their vacation. The Col lin continued null III alonu thu I'aciflL- count of tin Olympic IYIiIiimiIu, Mtopiiii nl Kalulocli luteal Cuitip, unil thru returned homo hv way of Portland where they vialted, an they hud on ihrir way north, with Mr. ami Mr. Wait llnrKT, former llepp. ner reMilent. They arlveil home Krlduy, July 2'J. The Wolff returneil . ulonj (he euntrrn nhore of thu Olym pic 1'oiiIiihuIii mul Ntuyeii at a new Washington State 1'iirk on Lake Chriaiuun neiir llooilitport. 'I hey returneil to llepp ner Thuratluy eveiitnu, July 2M. lr. Wolff wa nhle to add new khcll to hi nhell collec tion at a result of thin trip. A noteulile Item U the ahell of the Kcotlurk clmn which U na tive to the Olympic I'eitlnaulu ami hn Itetunie rare an a re Milt of It flnu ftttliiK quality. Church Youth Plan Melon Feed Monday Youth I'elloWHhlp of the i-p 1iht ami lxlncion ChrlNtlun anil Mrthmlli.t ihiinhew hav mheihili'il a witermelon feed and hiMitenaiiny fur Monday evening AiikunI 8. Cnim- and devotion are alm hcliiu iiliin tied to liiMire an evening filled wun youuuul tun and fellow-klllp. All IiIl'Ii u-lifwil Bud -4il!tii. eod youth of the area are In Vllcii In rtttiwt fn Hut fifl whli-)i will henln at 7:.'K at tlie Lex- melon l ily Park. Any oiu who U In need of a ride from IIi-ihiiuv- In nulo-d In meet nl the Ilfponcr Christian church at 7:00. Tlnine attendlttK are ahked to contrlhute 2.V to hare cxih'Iihc for the water- melonit. Mr. and Mn. Jtrry Sw.en.y anil nun rut traveled to Ver nonlu Sunday, where 1'nt enroll ed at the numiner camp for hoy, the Hob I'erry SlMirt ( nmii, Ho la one of 102 boy en rolled from over the Mate for thl week at camp. The boy will receive a wide variety of NMirt training during their May there. Put will be a frehman at Heppncr Mich achool thla full. Mr. Barbara War has re turned to her home In Corvallln after HiM-ndlnk' the pant month In Hcppner a. the Kuest of her hIMcr and family, Mr. and Mm. Carl Kln. While Mm. Ware wan here tihe wu, able to nee their brother, Dick Kennedy, who drove up from Corvallla. Mr. Kennedy brought with him another Corvalll resident. Mm Leah Meier, who wax a school- mule of all three when they were In school In NebruHka. NOTICE To Water Users We arc experiencing an unusually heavy use of water due to warm weather and just plain wastefulness of what wc have. Please help by sprinkling in the cool of evening. Last year wc were able to put 637 gallons per minute into the system. This year wc arc pumping 750 gal lons per minute and going behind. We must be careful of what we have. Your cooperation would be appreci ated. Water Superintendent No Leads Found Towards Locating Missing Woman A of Wednendny nlRht, myi- tery atlll mirrounili'd the disap pearance, of a woman, Margar et Dayton, AH, who foiled to re turn to the Harry rroudfoot ranrh. Butter Creek, after going to the More In Lexington Sat urday afternoon, Sheriff C. J. D. Ilauman auld. Mm. Dayton, who aliio tome time ukciI the lant name of (linen, wa houKckceper for Karl Curt la who Uvea In ep. arute hounc on the I'roudfoot ranch. Althouch she ha a Plymouth cor of her own, she took Cur- tl' car, a 15 Rambler, to go to the store in Lexington Satur duy becaUKe tires Were flat on her car. With her wan Curtis' dog, a big boxer named "Moose," She was Inst seen leaving the tavern In Lexington about 2 p.m. after being there for about an hour, the sheriff said. No one wu able to say which dir er! Ion she took when she left. The Humbler, which was aqua blue In color and bore the li cense number GBO 563, now ha an outdated Ucenxe, expir ing July 31. Curtis had purch ased a temporary license, and the sticker remains In his house. Mm. Curtis also left her iMTHonal belongings, Including clothing, two new nylon uni forms, eyeglasses and other cf feels. The sheriff suld that shit came from Montana, and he was checking at a restaurant In llelenu, Mont., where she work ed before coming here. She ac cepted the employment on the ranch here nfter meeting Curtis In l'endleton, Sheriff Baumun suld. Her mother Is living In Aber deen, Wn.( according to a report given to the sheriff, but her name Is not known here, and authorities do not know who to contact there In the hope of tracing the missing woman. State police have been unable to turn up a lead on the car, and us of Wednesday night there were no traces of the woman, the dog nor the car. Speculation continued that she mav have met with lout play. Mrs. Davton is about 5 feet 7 Inches tall, weighs ubout 130 lb., has dark hair and blue eyes. No picture of her Is available. Residents Puzzle At Flying Object Br BLANCHE McDANIEL HAB.DMAN, RHEA CKEKK Most of the Ifardman residents are snorting stiff necks this week, due to gazing up at an unidentified object last Satur day evening. Mm. Huston Lesley was the first to spot the object early In the evening and It looked like a large white kite moving very slowly. Later In the evening U appeared to aepurate with a bright green light on one ob ject ana red light on the other. Mm. William Kill was guest of honor at a pink and blue shower, held at the Ronald llaguewood home July il. ihe honoree received many useful gifts. Chiffon pie and punch were served to about 25 guests On July 2'J, Miss Judy Smith was honored at a bridal show er, held at the Elmer Palmer home. Mrs. Ronald Haguewood buked two large cakes in tne shape of two wedding bells and served the 36 guests. Judy was presented with many lovely and useful gifts. Both shower parties were siKinsored by the Home Eco nomics club committee of the Rhea Creek Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruger of Sherwood and Mrs. Jill Woul let and three children of Port land sMnt several days at the Walter Wright home last week. Mrs. Kruger Is a sister to Mr. Wright. They also visited at the Barton Clarka and Ray Wright homes. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ow en of Prinevllle were recent vis Hum at the Walter Wright home also. Mrs. Fara Smith and a friend of l'endleton spent one day last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hus ton Lesley. Mrs. Smith Is a sis ter of Mr. Huston. The group went rock hunting on Opal Butte while they were here. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jackson, Greg and Kim of Vancouver, Wn., visited the past week-end at the Adrian Bechdolt home. Mr. Jackson la a nephew of Mm. Bechdolt. The children remain ed for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Enger of Sweet Home were recent guests at the Albert Wright home. Water Ski Troupe Is Crowd Pleaser At Lake Festival Featured attraction of the famous "Suds and Sun Festival" at Soap Lake, Wn., water show on Saturday was the perfor mance of the Increasingly pop ular water ski show group from lone, Hermlston and Richland, operating under the name, "Cir cle E Trampoline and Ski Club." This group, whose popularity Is Influenced to no little degree by the youth of the performers, Is probably the only show group now operating who refuses to do the "nothing acts" such as banner carrying, etc., and who are willing to insert into the show contract that if they fall to take a scheduled and diffi cult act past the crowd without falling, a deduction Is made from the original contract on a pro rated basis. Many tourists who made up the auitlence of the Suds and Sun show and had seen many of the nation s top water ski shows, insisted that this show topped them all. One elderly gentleman Invited the group to view his movies of the Cypress Gardens Show which he had ta ken recently, showing the sin cerity of his evaluation of the two show.4. A better than usual perfor mance was given by the 'never fail" boys, Tom Helmblgner, Joe, Mark and Frank Halvorsen, Fred llinkle, Gary Heimbigner; pretty little girls, the oldest Just turned 18 Vicky and Bev Hin kle, Kathy Watt, and Robin Clark. Thif newly added Jackie and Joyce Howton gave an es pecially good performance. Sudsy and slick water of Soap Lake added to the extreme dif ficulty of the pyramids. Handles, shoulders, or anything wet with the oil-like water provided a handicap, however the flawless performances pleased the prin cipally tourist crowd. HEPPNCR GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. Augtut 4. 19G8 See us ror envelopes of all kinds. The Gazette-Times. Miss Hamilton Sets August Wedding Tit unit Mn John W. Murnhv of Pendleton are announcing the comlnp wedding of her daughter, Judith K. Hamilton of Portlund to James Stuart John son, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Johnson of Portland. The wedding will be at two o'clock In the afternoon on Sat urday, August 13, at St. Bar tholomew's Episcopal Church, 3455 SW 112th, Beaverton. uii Hamilton wa a gradu ate of Heppner High school In 1963, ana has recently Deen era ployed In Portland. Fair Features Family Ticket Umatilla Count v Fair is fea turing the ten dollar "Economy Euy" family season ticket, good for all lour days oi tne lair, Aug ust 10-13. and the Junior Rodeo, August 12 and 13. These tickets mav be purchased from any one of the four girls of the fair court, or from the ticket stand lo cated at First and Main street In Hermlston. Any size family will be admitted. The daily admission will re main the same: 75 cents for adults. 50 cents for students, and 25 cents for children unde six unless accompanied by their par ents. Daily tickets do not admit the purchaser to the Junior rodeo. Unless a family season ticket is shown, rodeo admission will be one dollar for adults and 75 cents for students. Church Youth Join In Zone Camp-out Teenagers of the congregation of the Church of the Nazarene In Heppner attended a zone campout at the headwaters of the Umatilla River In the Blue Mountains last week-end. About 45 young people from churches in Pendleton, Arling Owen Leathers is (bowing good improvement following re cent surgery in a hospital at Walla walla. He returned nome July 25 and has been con valescing at home since. Mr. and Mrs. Leathers planned to go to the mountains for a few days to give him a chance to rest and recover. Church Assumes Care Of Lexington School Park for Recreation In order to avoid losing the Lexington school ground as a recreational facility for the town of Lexington, the Lex ington Christian church nas leased thf park-like grounds from the Morrow County School District on a year-to-year basis. Rev. Al Eoschee announced this week. The church will assume the responsibility of maintaining the park using water donated by the City of Lexington and the school owned sprinkling equip ment. Harley Sager will be in charge of the work and the pub lic is invited to use the parK at all times. It is hoped that with the aid of individuals and the commun ity a real recreation center with Dlcnic tables and playground equipment can be developed. Earl Ayres Leave On Caribbean Trip Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ayres left Heppner Wednesday on the first leg of their trip that will take them on a 10-day cruise In the Caribbean area. They were to go to San Fran cisco and fly from there to New York. They expect to leave New York Saturday on a cruise ship, going to the San Juan Islands and Puerto Rico. Ayres won the trip in a con test with other Mercury dealers in his division, placing first among 28 dealers in his cate gory in sales. ton, Hermlston, Pilot Rock and Heppner attended, 'iney were members of the Nazarene Young People's Society. The group camped and en joyed devotions, wiener roasts and campfires. Those going from Morrow county were Rev. Don McCarty, Gary Adams. Charity Beggs, Joy Beggs and Cathy Crum. POWER CONTROL ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE WE REPAIR: Electric Motors Power Tools Hydraulic Jacks JUemlto Equipment 421 S. E. 4th Pendleton Phone 276-5861 Examiner Coming A drivers license examiner will be on duty In Heppner Tuesday, August 1G, 19oo, at the Courthouse Dot ween "- . hours of 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.. according to an announcement received from the Department i of Motor Vehicles of Oregon. ; Persons w ishing original liccns- , es or iH-rmlts to drive are asked to file applications well ahead : of the scheduled closing hour j In order to assure time for com- ( pletlon of the required license ; lest. Umatilla County Invites You! J? Hermiston, Oregon AUGUST 10 through l3 "Economy Buy" FAMILY TICKETS -- $10 Good For All Four Days Of Fair AND FOR JUNIOR RODEO. AUG. 12. 13 GET THEM AT TICKET STAND, FIRST AND MAIN STREETS, HERMISTON JO FAIR FOLLIES COWBOY BREAKFAST AUGUST 11. 12, 13 6 A.M. McKENZIE PARK u i ikmocnc l cvuiditc DAILY ADMISSION TO FAIR: W I UMlIXLWJ Ul LAIIIUIItf Adults 75c, Studonts 50c, Children Under JunloCr Rodeo: Adults $1; Students 75c. JUNIOR RODEO, "ECONOMY BUY" Family Ticket good AUGUST 12. 13 : - for all shows throughout the fair and . . rodeo, " - BIG FAIR PARADE SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 10 A.M. Downtown Hermiston Enjoy Tomorrow s Better Living Today... in a Total Electric, GOLD MEDALLION HOME THE MODERN FUEL: Gold Medal lion Homes are heated the safe way with flameless Electric Heat. It's cleanest, most comfortable system. WATER SYSTEM: You get all the water you need ... at the right tem perature . . . with an electric pump and water neater. 3 Bl Oft IfK.- J J J I bJKT, 1 w BRIGHT IDEAS: Gold Medallion Homes feature belter home lighting. Switches near all entrances mean greater convenience and prevent accidents. Make yours a "worth-more" home ree inormation about Gold COOK BETTER, TOO: You cook the modern way; with clean, flameless electricity. Select either "built-in" or free standing range and oven. , . . we'll gladly give you Medallion Homes. NRECA Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Serving Wheeler, Gilliam, and Morrow Counties