Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 04, 1966, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wranglers Sponsor
Prc-rehearsal Dinner
For Wedding Visitors
A ciiumlll of Wrangler club
memhiv MTVed nit hontx for a
lire rehearsal wedding dinnor
Friday i-vi-nlng, July 29. at the
rounly fnlr annex. Mnny nut of
town friend and relutlve of
the fnmltlea of tlu bride nml
grown, Slurlre Krwln ami I'fc
Kuhard Clark, with f nU'rtatiu'd
l tin M.ilurk dinner prior to
the ren-iimny rehearsal. The
grown, hi wever, wa mill i-n
rmite from hlx army ban,. In
the rant and did not ar
rive until the following after
noon. Wrangler members who were
in chargo or helied with the ar
rangemenU Included Mm. Kolce
Kulleton. Mm. Howard Bryant.
M Albert Ket.Mh, Mr. Bob
Steagall, Mm. Ora h'vuns and
Mm. Jim Nincui'.
tiueMa went heated lit table
dttraitlvely decorated with flor
al arrangement which tarried
out the bride' wedding color,
lavend.-r and white. A cleverly
iotumei kitchen doll made of
uwful kitchen article by Mr.
Marvel llebert, centered the
food table. About 50 person
were present for the evening.
School Friends Honor
Judy Smith Sunday
At Bridal Shower
Si-hiMiI friend of Judy Smith
Joined to honor her with a lirl
dal hhow.-r on Sunday, July .'II,
ut 2 p.m. a' the Lutheran Church
j-oolul room.
lluti"M' for the party were
Pain McOihe, Karen Mct'urdy
Hid Anna Marie Brlndle.
Itefreshment of foaming
punch and a Htriwhrry cake
deviert were nerved from a t-i
Me deinrated with a floral cen
ti rplm- innde by Mrs. Pal Hrln
Cuettn included Mrs Marvin
I'udlwrg Mm. I.ee Padberg.
Marilyn Scalese of Pendleton.
I'eggy Snyder, (ilnny Moore,
Sheridan Wyman, Trlclu Far
ley. Jean Marie llealv. Cull Hal
ly, Janet McCurdy. Marti Ilx
on, Shnr n DUon and the lion
Mid Smith will become the
bride of Kenneth Wright at a
ceremony Saturday. August i, at
2 At) pin. In the snncliiaty of
the lleppner Methodist church.
Mrs. Todd Honored
At Farewell Dinner
Bridge friend of Mr. Robert
Todd gathered for pot luck
farewell dinner In her honor
Monday evening, Auguitt 2 at
the home of Mm. Lynda Dun
i ,i
Following dinner the group
played bridge and micr enjoy
ill di'Miert. Ikilorca wa preent
ed a silver howl witlt an en
graved liuwTlptlon.
Those attending were Mm.
Herman Winter, Mrs. Bob Hen
ry, Mm. Lynda Dunlap, Mm.
liolH-rt Benson, Mr. Bill John
son, Mr. Joe Bnlfe, Mm. Gerry
Sweeney, Mm. Robert Abram
and Mm. Todd.
Rhea Creek Women
Host Bridal Shower
A bridal ahower for Judy
Smith, the riuuuhtcr of Mr. and
Mr. Glenn Smith of lleppner,
wa liclt Friday afternoon, July
'i'X at the home of Mr. and
Mr. Klmcr Palmer.
loKtfHc for the party Riven
by the Home Kconomlcs (Tub of
the Hhea Creek Grange were
Mm, Klmer Palmer, Mm. Ron
llngiiewood, Mm. Barton Clark
and Mr. Walter Wright. Thirty
eight KueKt Joined In Karnes
and nhared In honoring the
bride to-be.
Summer flower and wedding
bell were ued a decoration,
ami the cake made and decor
ated by Mr. Iton 1 1 ague wood
wa In the Hliape of wedding
bell. AnhInIIiik with the Nerv
ing were Mm. Hagucwood and
Mm. Palmer; Mm. Harold
Wright and Mm. Glenn Smith,
mother of the proiecUve brid
al couple Mured.
Call Hatty. Carol Anne Raw
lln and Nondu Clark aMlted
ludv In aliening her many love
ly gltt".
Byerly-Tolar Wedding
Next Week in Idaho
Mr. and Mr. John Byerly of
Boise, Idaho, have recently an
nounced the engagement and
coming marriage of their dau
ghter, Carol Marie, to Michael
Gray Tolar, Irrlgon. ami of Mr.
anil Mm. Hay Tolar of Kcho.
The couple will exenange
marriage vow on Saturday,
August 13, In Cstlck, Idaho,
near Boise.
Miss Byerly attended Boise
College and Kuslern Oregon
College. During the past year
she ha been a teacher In the
Boardman elementary school.
Tolar hold a master degree
from Eastern Oregon College,
and I principal of A. I . Hough
ton elementary school In Irrlgon.
Impressive Memorial
Honors Past Members
At Pomona Meeting
IONK Morrow County Po
mona Grange No. 2l met Sat
urday evening at the Lexington
Grange hall. The meeting was
preceded by a cold supper con
listing of a variety of cold
meat, cheese, aalada, hot and
cold drink, and dessert, pre
pared by women of the Lexing
ton Grange.
The program presented by thn
lecturer, Immediately followed
A memorial service by Wil
low Grange of lone was given
In memory of 13 member, who
passed away during the past
year. A tluet, "The Old Rugged
Cross" wa sung by Carl Mar
(liiunlt and Hurley Sagcr, add
ing much beauty to the service.
They wer.' accompanied by Mrs.
Marquiirdt at the piano. A
beautiful memorial drill and
t ibli-au by the Lexington
Grange was given, with Mr.
Joe Yocom In charge.
Mm. Lloyd Johnson played an
Interlude of plnno selection
while the hall wa prepared for
the illm showing of a travel
ogue, "Highroad to Yoscmite."
The trip h gan at Reno, Nev.,
anil look the tourists to the old
mining town of Virginia City, to
scenic Lake Tuhoe, up the It,
INK) foot drive to the beautiful
setting f Yoscmite Valley. All
enjoyed Ibi scenic 28 minute va
cation. The next Pomona meeting
will be hi Id In Bo.irdman at the
new hall of Greenfield Grange
on October 27. This will be an
all day meeting.
When you patronize Gazette
Time advertisers, you help
make better paper Tell them
you saw It In the Gazette-Times.
Social Gatherings
Welcome the Return
Of Garnet Barratts
Mr. and Mm Garnet Barratt
returned to lleppner Sunday af
ternoon. July 24, for their an
nual summer visit, orrlvlng In
their familiar home surround
ing In the midst of a typical
Eastern Oregon dust storm.
Thev left their home In Mesa,
Ariz., on July 12, visiting friends
and relatives In Salem and
along the Oregon coast on their
trip north. During their month's
slay here they will live In one
of the Barratt apartments.
On Monday, July 23. Mr. and
Mm. Ralph Thompson entertain
ed a group of friends In honor
of Mr. Barratts birthday. Be
sides the honor guests, Mr. and
Mrs. Baratt, were Mr. and Mm.
Frank Hamlin, Bob Lowe and
the hosts.
Mr. and Mm. Frank Hamlin
honored the Baratt-i on Sun
day, July 31. with a patio din
ner at the Hamlin home. Other
guests were Mr. and Mm.
Thompson, Mr. and Mm. La
Verne Van Marter, Jr., Frank
Turner and F.lalne George.
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Rhea HEC Members
Plan Grange Picnic;
Sponsor Baby Shower
Home Economic club of Rhea
Creek Grange met at the home
of Mrs. Ron llaguewood last
Thursday afternoon.
It was decided to hold the
Grange picnic on Sunday, Aug
ust 14, 1:.T0 p.m., at the Anson
Wright Memorial Park. All
grangers and their friends are
Invited to the potluck picnic.
Member who have birthdays
during the months of June,
July, August and September
will be honored at this time.
Following the short business
meeting, a pink and blue show
er party was held for Mrs. Wil
liam RU1. Games were played
and refreshments of coffee and
lime pie garnished with water
melon and cantaloupe bits were
served, following the opening of
many lovely gilts.
Those present were Mrs. Ieon
ard Rill. Mrs. Cecil Lutklns,
Mrs. Walter Wright. Mrs. Elmer
Palmer, Mrs. William Bergstrom,
Mm. Ned Clark, Mrs. Harold
Wright. Mrs. Adrian Bechdolt,
Mrs. Bob Stevens, Mrs. Ray
Wright, Mrs. Barton Clark. Mm.
Tom Huston, Mr. Ray Drake,
Mrs. William Rill. Mrs. Ben An
derson, Mm. John f'.raves, Mrs.
Mary Wright, Mm. Evelyn Far
rens , Miss Marilyn Bcgstrom
and guests, Mm. Everett Harsh
man, Mm. Harold Stevens and
Amanda Warfleld.
Shower Compliments
Former Heppner Girl
Miss Judith Hamilton was
guest of honor at a bridal show
er held Saturday afternoon, July
30, In the banquet room of the
Wagon Wheel Cafe.
Mrs. Ron Leonnlg. Ilene Wy
man, and Mm. Francis Rea were
hostesses for the pleasant occas
ion. The room was decorated
with the same bright pink
which will be featured In Miss
Hamilton's wedding August 13
In Bcavcrton. Sheridan Wyman
arranged for the decorations.
Cool refreshments of straw
bcry angel food cake with whip
ped cream were served. Mrs. Rea
and Miis Wyman poured coffee
and served punch.
Mm. Carol (Tholberg) Owens
and Mm. Rea assisted Miss
Hamilton In opening her many
lovely gifts. The three girls
were former classmates at
Heppner High school.
Thise present at the shower
Included th hostesses, also Miss
Hamilton, Sheridan Wyman,
Mrs. Carol Owens, Shannon Ma
honey, Mm. Omer Huston, Mrs.
Paul Jones, Mrs. Raymond Thol
berg, Betty Sorenson, Mm. Rolce
Fulleton. Mm. Sam Johason,
Mm. Claude Graham, Mm.
Wayne Ball, Mm. Robert Ben
son and Mm. Pat O'Brien.
HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. August 4. 1966
Tell the advertiser you saw li
In the Gazctte-Tlmes.
Girls of 4 Counties
Urged to Participate
In Wool Style Revue..
When District 14 Style Revue
Is held at the Tapadera Motel
banquet room In Pendleton on
November 19, girls from four
eastern Oregon counties will be
competing for prizes In the 1966
"Make It Yourself With Wool"
sewing contest.
Gilliam and Wheeler counties
have been added to this dis
trict, which previously included
only Morrow and Umatilla
GirLs, ages 10 to 21, who make
their own garments or iu
American loomed wool, are eli
gible to enter, according to Mrs.
Robert Hosklns, district director.
Girls will be divided Into
three classes, beginning with
sub-debs, ages 10 to 13, who
may make either a Jumper or
skirt and compete only at ais
trict level. The Juniors, ages 14
o 16, and seniors, ages 17 to
21, may make a two-piece suit,
coat or dress, suitable for school,
party or formal wear.
First place award for each
Junior and Senior will be an
all-expense paid trip to com
pete in the state contest, held
December 2, at 8:00 p,m, In the
Mayfalr Room, Benson Hotel,
Entry forms for the district
contest are now available from
the county extension agents
and from the district director,
Mrs. Robert Hosklns, Box 1211,
Th Bar. and Mr. Vara Green-
halgh and family of Rockwood,
Tenn., arrived Wednesday for a
visit with her parents, the Rev.
and Mrs. Earl Soward. On a va
cation trip, the Greenhalghs had
spent Tuesday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Soward In
Boise. Wayne is the son of the
Rev. and Mm. Soward.
Ho Experience Necessary
Gladys Atsv Ph. 567-6789
Nielson Plans Trip
To Native Denmark
To Visit Relatives '
John Nielson of Heppner was :
probably as disappointed In the
sudden failure of the airline
strike settlement over the week
end a anyone in the country.
He Is making a visit to his na
tive land of Denmark to visit
his wife's four sisters and his
own two sisters and two broth
ers, all .f whom live near Cop
enhagen. As of Monday, he did not
know whether he would be
going by slow train or fast
train from Hlnkle, or by plane
from Portland in order to be in
Chicago In time to leave at 7
a.m. Saturday, August 6, for his
over the K)lc flight to Copenhagen-
Niel-ion will meet his daugh
ter and son-in-law and their
daughters, one 16 and one 17.
In Copenhagen for the family
visits. The daughter and son ln
luw will be making the trip
from theii- home In Seattle.
On Nielson's return flight, he
plnns to leave Denmark Septem
ber lfi. at 3 p.m. and arrive at
Seattle at 5 p.m. the same day,
with time changes considered.
He will then return to Heppner.
Active Evening Set
For Senior Citizens
At Coming Meeting
With special music by the
Huston Lesleys for dancing, and
with other entertainment plan
ned, including cards, blngo and
singing, a good time is prom
ised for all who attend the
Heppner Golden Age Club at its
regular monthly meeting at the
Episcopal parish hall Tuesday
evening, August 9. Members
and friends are Invited to meet
nt 7:00 p.m. for a potluck din
ner. Frank Turner, song leader,
announces that there are now
enough song books for every
one. Pianist for this meeting
will be Mm. C. C. Carmichael
who will play something spe
cial, as well as being accom
panist for lively group singing.
Members who are on the sick
list at this time are Eugenia
Huston, who broke her arm on
a trip East, John Wlghtman who
Is home from the hospital af
ter a minor operation, and Syl
via Wells who Is at the Hepp
ner hospital for treatment.
All who are over 50 years of
age are Invited to come to the
Couples Participate
In 'Unique' Bridge
Charity Tournament
Mr. and Mrs. LaVcme Van
Marter, Jr., have played many
evenings of bridge, but probably
have never played at a more
unique duplicate bridge tourna
ment than the one they attend
ed Monday night, July 1.
They were guests of the
Rogue's Bridge Club at an
American Contract Bridge Lea
gue charity tournament In the
recreation hall of the Walla
Walla State Penitentiary.
The Van Marters went to the
tournament with Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Edminston and Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Ttukositz of Hermis
ton; La Verne Jr. and Mr. Ed
mlnston placed fourth highest
in the tournament.
A large part of the group play
ing were members of the
Rogue's club which Is an orga
nization of prisoners and Mrs.
Van Marter said they were ex
cellent bridge players.
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