Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 21, 1966, Page 5, Image 5

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    Africa Calling
If tx-on long time since
I've lust written and I apolo
gize but tin cnd-ofschool rush
cut the better of me. I was In
it lili; hurry nil the time and
hardly Kt olf a note to my
on rent a In ttui lnt two weeks
of term. It's been a while Mince
I heard from you hut I aupiKwo
Hint auimner Hot you awny from
the desk ami outside.
School's over and I'm here In
Nliimey mrw with only 11 day
before we leave fur Kurope, We
fly to Marseille, France, on the
21 of thl month. From there
we Htnrt our Kuropenn journey.
We will rent a car In Mursclllc
nnd then drive for three week
through the rent of Kurope.
Mom and Dnd will fly from far
Ik on Au?UMt I t hack here whllo
I fly to New York from London
on the 12th or 1.1th. I'm sure
looking forward to getting home
hut 1 don't mind the little de
lay considering what's In More.
School finished on June 2fl. A
little long by lleppner stnnd
nrclN hut then we don't Mart
until the luM of September. Th1
uerk of the '.'Dili we had our
flnnU nnd the lunt week (three
wrupup.: We not ur lent back
dnVK) wild wort of a general
nnd checked hook. The rent of
the time wnii free no we had
plenty of time to pack and Set
rendy to leave. On Wednesday
we nt our Krndes and then I
left on Thursday morning for
Cotonou. I went to Cotonou with
the Ambassador nnd his dau
ghter and met my folk there
the name day. The last week at
Hchool we had one-net play ;
preKented by each house. I had j
u maor rule In our plav and j
we won the competition. My i
grade were fairly good too, no
that InM week wasn't too had.
I got straight As except a I) In
(e-otm-trv. 1 was proud of my
self with the exception of thut
one B.
The drive from Cotonou to
here wn very pleasant and we
drove it In one day. Since then
I've Just been taking It easy
Monument News
MONl'MKNT Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. It. Thomas und three child
ren of Sacramento, Calif., visit
ed a week at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. It
Thomas, Sr., of Klmberly.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kex Dick of
Klmberly entertained 3 out- of
town guests over the July 4th
week-end. among whom were
three daughters. Mrs. Penny
Sehnndera and son came from
Kupert. Idaho; Sallv Dick, who
works on the (Gazette-Times pa
per In t'orvnlll was home for
a week, and Mrs. Jackie Hum
ton nnd two children of Kast
Lansing, Mich., spent two weeks
at home. There were also three
brothers of Itex Dick nnd their
families present.
Mrs. Ann Math-son of Gaston
spent two weeks visiting nt the
home of her cousin, Klmer Mat
teson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kingman
of Sacramento, Cnllf., spent two
weeks visiting her folks, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Klmer Mntteson. They
also visited with the LnVerne
Matteson family of Long Creek,
with her sister nnd family, Mr.
nnd Mrs. 11. W. Scott, nnd with
n brother, D. L. Mntteson of
Pendleton. On their return to
Sacramento, n nephew, Robert
Dnle Scott went home with them
for a three weeks vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reynolds
und Sandra vacationed recently
at Mngone Lake nnd along the
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ancel Dugnn
nnd son Mike of Tueomn, Wn.,
were holiday visitors nt the
home of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. K.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Thorpe of
Dnyville visited on July 10 with
their son-ln-Inw nnd daughter,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Boyd Hlnton.
Doris Vinson, Roberta Croker
nnd Mrs. Kloyd Vnughnn took
little Ann Vnughnn to Pendle
ton on July G for medical at
tention. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Derbin nnd
children nnd Mrs. Arvela Gres
sel nnd daughter came from
Prlnevllle for a few days visit
and to get the Gressel baby.
On their return they were ac
companied by their mother,
Mrs. Recta Hlnton, who has
been tnking enre of the bnby.
Frank Klder, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Boyd Hlnton, Mr. and Mrs. Bll
lle Nenl nnd two children, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Bob Holmes nnd baby
enjoyed vacationing in the hills
near Bates.
A son was born Wednesday,
July S, at the John Day hospital
to Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Fcrrcl
of Camp 5. The mother was the
former Ettn Hunt.
Ronnie Croker, who hns been
In Vaucouver, Wn., since gradu
ating from high school this
spring, enme home for a week
end visit with his parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Jim Croker.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Arlet Cork
and children of PrlnovlUg visit
ed relates nnrc on tlu'lr return
TrOrh their vacation through
Montana nnd Nevada. They vis
ited with her mother, Mrs. Ed
na Moore, and with her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Boycr, before con
tinuing on home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Johnson
nnd Mrs. Ann Buxton and son
were business visitors in llepp
ner July 8.
nnd resting from the effect of
whool. The weather hu been
fine for swimming and Rick and
I have taken advantage of that.
There I a m-w Olympic pool
here that I really nice but
there I no ithnde so It doe get
a little warm during the wnrm
pnrt of the duy. The military
pool alright and with the new
board they have It will do for
the next week.
We got a Gazette the other
day from June 23, that came by
air pouch. We were surprised to
get It ho quick and of course,
so glad too. I rend about the
Battle of the Bund. I sure mis
the Rodeo dance but I hope
to lie there for two or three of
the Inst one.
The Fourth of July wasn't
anything I expected it to be
here. The Ambassador had a re
ception for the other diplomat
ic communities and all the
Americans, but kids weren't in
cluded. Mom and Dad and
another family took us on a
picnic outside of town Instead
of the reception. On the night
of the third there was a film
show at the Cultural Center
which we went to. President
Johnson' 4th of July speech
wn one film, there were two
In French: Independence In the
U.S.A. and Gemini G and 7 and
one on California In English.
My French I coming along fine
so 1 didn't have any trouble
with the French.
Well, I guess that's nlmut all
the news from here. I'll keep
you posted from Europe I wish
you all could be nloug with us.
Hope this find you all In good
See you In five week.
Bunch to Head
Duncan Committee
Representative Sidney Ielken,
state chairman of the Duncan
tor Senate Committee, announces
the apMiintment of Alvln Bunch
of llcppiu", as Morrow county
titairiiian ol the Duncan com
mittee. Hunch and his wife, Betty, op
crate a ranch near lleppner. He
is vice chairman of the Morrow
county Democratic committee; a
veteran of the South Pacific dur
ing World War II a member of
the Elks lodge. Oregon Cattle
man's association nnd Oregon
When! Growers U'ugue.
Commending on his appoint
ment and acceptance of the
ehuirmun.shlp In Morrow county,
Hunch said: "I am supporting
Bob Duncan because he has done
a very go d Job representing our
State In the Congress. He has and
will tnk a fLrm stand on major
Lutheran Pastor
To Attend Workshop
Rev. Donald R. Pederson, past
or of HoH and Valby Lutheran
churches, will attend the 1(
I'astor's Workshop for Adult
Christian Education on July '!5
27. The workshop will be held at
Pacific I.ulheran University, Tac
inna, Wn , and will he under the
direction of Dr. Robert Konzel
man, idult education director of
The American Lutheran Church.
Some of the purposes of the
workshop are: to support pastors
in evaluating the place, priority
and purpose of teaching all
members lu their ministry; to
provide opportunity for pastors
to explore the purose and con
shier some successful approaches
to prememhershlp Instruction for
adults; am' to motivate pastors
to Instigate or improve nn adult
education program in their par
ishes for the renewal of the
Methodist Church
Picnic Set Sunday
Annual all -church picnic for
members and friends of the
lleppner Methodist church Is
planned for Sunday, July 24, at
the courthouse park, It Is an
nounced by the Rev. Melvln
Dixon, pastor.
The picnic is scheduled to
start at noon, with those at
tending asked to bring their
own table service, n hot dish
and a salad or dessert. Bever
ages will be supplied.
The outdoor fellowship will
follow the morning worsh 1 p
service, now on summer sched
ule at the 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.
KIN7.UA Visit I nn with
friend here Monday from Reluh,
Wn., were Mr. Gertrude Beard
and granddaughter Gwen. Mr.
Beard wax a former Klnz.ua res
ident. Mr. and Mr. Roscoe Rush and
family of Cascade Lock visited
during the week-end with Mr.
and Mr. Vernon Perry.
Mr. nnd Mr. Rod Gilliam and
Larry Gilliam of Onkrldge
speni the weekend visiting
with Mr. Bert Hoover and oth
er friend and relatives.
Mr. and Mr. Lonnle Wood
and family of Beuverton visited
Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Wood and Mux.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bogle be
came the parent of a win on
Julv 12 nt The Dalles General
hospital. He weighed 9 lb., 10',
.. and wa named Josh Alan.
Grandparent are Mr. and Mr.
W. C. Freeman, Mr. and Mr.
O. L. Adnms and Mr. and Mr.
Orvnl Bogle of Mllton-Freewa-ter.
Grent grandmother I Mr.
Marv William of Spray.
The Friendship club wa en
tertained Wednesday evening
at the school with Sue Matti
son a hostess. High wa won
bv Betty Murdock, second high
bv Carol Norrls nnd floating by
Mavl Oyler nnd Jean Med lock.
Other playing were Sharon
Kelso, Naomi Rice, Dorl Stub
blcflcld, Dinah Jackson, Pat Me
Minn. Rosle Graham, and Rita
C. L. Flack went to Portland
Inst week where he underwent
surgery on his ear at Good Sa
maritan hospital. He wa ac
companied to Portland by his
grandson Louis Canlck.
Vacation Bible School was held
last week nt Camp 5 at the
Community Hall with 10 In at
tendance. It wus held dally from
nine until noon with the clos
ing program on Friday the 15th.
Conducting the Bible School
were patty ItVlmer of Dallas and
l-ella Prentice of Bend. They
stayed at the Richard Mortl-
more home.
The regular meeting of the
Camp 5 Women club was held
Tuesday ut the Camp 5 Com
munity hall with ITesldent Bet
ty MurdiK-k ns hostess. Ruth
Jordan wus taken in ns a new
member and given a secret pal.
J lie miiciv dinner was discus
seil and the time was set for
f p.m. on July 30, and will be
followed at 8 p.m. bv a com
munity card party. The raffle
oi the crocheted bed spread
and n community card party
will be held on September 17.
Bingo prizes were (won by Lola
Ferrel, Eva DcMerrlt, Jean Med
lock, Barbara Mortlmore, nnd
Carol Norrls. The door prize
was won by Barbara Mortlmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph James
were business visitors to llepp
ner on Tuesday.
Mrs. Red Hulett nnd Mrs.
Slim Rhnton were in The Dal
les last Tuesday for business,
shopping, and medical care.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrel
went to John Day last Thurs
day to bring home thtlr Infant
son, Michael Gene.
Tom Schoolcraft went to Ar
lington Wednesday to meet Mrs.
Schoolcraft and her mother
Mrs. Lydla Wisely of Redlands,
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Mur
dock flew to Silver Lake Sat
urday to visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Pnul Wnldvogel.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Williams
of Prlnevllle visited Sunday
with Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hawk.
They brought Joyce and Max
ine Hawk home from a visit
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Howell and
Snndy moved to Monument
Sunday from Camp 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and
daughter moved from Fossil to
the house formerly occupied by
Rev. and Mrs. Fermcr Plank.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Browning
took their daughter Linda to
La Grande Sunday from where
Linda will go to summer camp
at Cove.
Elmer Ball Dies
In California;
Services Monday
Elm. Ball, 71. died In a Ma
dera, Calif., hospital about 1:30
a.m. thl morning. (Thursday),
according to a telephone call to
the home of his son, Ieon, Im
mediately following. Ball, who
had b-en In falling health for
some time, died of an apparent
heart attack.
He wa making his home with
his daughter, Mrs. Ed Bates, ac
companying her to Madera the
first of lint week. He had lived
here recently with his son and
family, and In Pendleton, and
wa well known In the lone
eommuni y where he had lived
In previous year.
Funeral services will be Mon
day, July 25, at 2:00 p.m. at the
lone United Church of Christ,
with the Rev. Walter Crowell
officiating. Interment will be in
High View Cemetery, lone, with
Sweeney Mortuary In charge of
He w.is born In Washington
January l'.i, 1895, and was a
member of the Fraternal Order
of Eagles In Pendleton. He was
preceded In death by his wife
and three children.
Survivor Include one daugh
ter, Mrs. Bates of Madera, Calif.;
two som, Leon, lleppner, and
Jack, Klnzua, and seven grand
sons. Also lour brothers, Archie,
lleppner; Lewis, lleppner; Roy
Boardmau, and Glenn of Yak
ima, Wn.; and three sisters, Mrs.
Glenn Earns, lleppner; Mrs.
Pearl Ulacker, Tacoma, Wn., and
Mrs. Ellen Chapln, Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruggles
and Mrs. Ola Ruggles left Sun
day, July 16, for Portland, plan
ning to stop en route at Celilo to
take part In the Ruggles-Huls
family picnic. Mrs. Ola Ruggles
remained in Portland to visit rel
atives In Portland anil Corvallis.
hut the Charles Ruggles returned
to lleppner Wednesday evening
to stay until Friday evening
when they go to Salem to attend
the wedding of their neice and
Mrs. OU Ruggles' granddaugh
ter, Pamela Ola Ruggles, at noon
Saturday in St. Joseph's Catholic
Church. The family plans to re
turn home again Sunday.
Safety Rally
Slated at Spray
James B. (Barney) Malcolm,
president of Heppner Lumber
Co., Is sponsoring a safety rally
and dinner meeting for employ
ees and wives Wednesday, July
27. The affair begins at 6 p.m.
at Spray school cafeteria.
Employee of LcRny Brltt
Trucking and Logging, Spray,
have been Invited to the meet
ing. William Bohlender, represen
tative of the State Compensa
tion Department, will show
safety films and discuss chang
es In the Oregon workmen's
compensation law.
Ruby Fulleton 5th
In Stampede OBRA
Ruby Fulleton. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Rolce Fulleton, re
turned home thinking that she
had finished Just out of the
money In girls' barrel racing at
the Calgary, Canada, Stampede
last week. She tied for fifth In
making the fine showing in the
field of 25 top barrel racers,
and was happily surprised to
get a check in the mall today
(Thursday) for $12.83.
The Fulleton attended the
Stampede on their vacation trip
to Canada. They delivered a
horse to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mai-
ey, now living at Parkland, near
Calgary and went on to the big
Many thousands attended the
Stampede, and the Fullctons
found a "standing room only"
condition when they arrived the
first day. They enjoyed the fa
mous event very much, but Mrs.
Fulleton said she got more en
joyment from the "little shows,"
such as the Morrow County ro
deo. The Fullctons, with Ruby and
Becky, took their camper and
went through the spectacular
Canadian Rockies. They were
almost spellbound by the beau
ty of Banff and Lake Louise.
Highways were paved and good
all the way. The family left
Heppner July 9 and was back
home the evening of Monday,
July 18.
HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thundery. July 21. 1966
McCabes, Bristows
Vacation at Coast
Weather at the coast was
wonderful last week, according
to Mrs. Ernie McCabe. It was
warm enough at night to sit
late on the beach with only a
light sweater.
Mr. and Mrs. McCabe, Lisa
and Laurie, were at Rockaway
Beach for a short vacation and
a Bristow family holiday.- They
left on Wednesday, July 13, and
returned Sunday, July 17.
Joining them for the four days
were Mrs. McCabe's mother and
father, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund
Bristow, and family of lone,
and her brothers and their fam
ilies, including Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Bristow and family of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Bristow and family of Tilla
mook, Capt. and Mrs. John Bris
tow and family of Greenville,
Texas, and Don Bristow of lone.
TYPING PAPER. Mimeograph
paper and other office sup
plies for sale at the Gazette
Times office.
Mrs. Mary Bryant deputy
county clerk. is on vacation this
week. brio lert Saturday lor Port
land, planning to spend most of
the time with her sister there.
Returning from junior session
Ascension Summer Camp in Cove
on bunchiy were Luanne Kelly,
Shannon Kelly, Bobette Jones,
Trade Noiene, Marie Van Marter,
uonnoa bteteer, Elizabeth
Abrams and Mary Abrams. Tim
Loyd, who was a counsellor, also
returned bunday with his par
Family Spends Week
In Idaho Mountains
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Pearson
and children, Linda and Kip,
vacationed from Saturday, July
9, until Friday, July 15, at their
cabin on the Middle fork or,
the Payette River, near Crouch,
On Sunday, July 10, they
hosted a gathering of family
friends who had been associa
ted in a Mariner's group of the
Presbyterian church in Boise.
Forty-seven people took part in
the reunion.
According to Mrs. Pearson the
rest of their time at the cabin
was devoted to swimming, rid
ing, and relaxing.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Burken-
bine left Monday, July 18, for a
week's vacation. They intended
to go to Westport on the Wash
ington coast where Forrle looked
toward to a deep sea fishing trip
and to Poulsbo to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Case and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Zita of
Beaverton, daughter and son-in-law
of Onille Cutsforth, spent
last week vacationing at Cuts
forth's cabii. near Cutsforth park.
Zita, former owner of the Condon
Globe-Times, was on vacation
from his position at the Oregon
Look Your Loveliest. . .
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Call For Operator Of Your Choice
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Authorized Agents
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Two Pair of Nationally Advertised
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