HEFFNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. JuY a. I6 ii v ii ill ' i it x Mr , i i v K. -- m w a , , RIB STEAK ABC Family Assortment COOKIES t-doten pack tort At FULL-CUT ROUND is.ii i 1 J I 1 Pi i : Bakery Specials : French Bread loaf 19c Date Nut Bread -r 29c FLOYD "Shorty" JOHLKE PENDLETON STORE SAYS I have been to o good man? round-ups but this was the mangiest bunch of wranglers I've ever been around. While on the trail Bob "Lips" Low ry's deodorant failed him, causing us considerable discomfort LOCKER BEEF llOc Sides lb.TV -Fresh Lean Ground Chuck 2u,$129 BONELESS STEW BEEF y .''itfy' IP X y T-BONE STEAK LB w ! v J J SIRLOIN STEAKS MORRELL'S PALACE Lb. 89c Lb. 49c Lb. foQr HILL'S SLICED BOLOGNA Sliced Bacon - - JS39 BONELESS SIRLOIN FRESH PORK TIP ROASTS . 89c hearts u. 39c Three Finders" SMITH SAYS: "When we finished the round-up we found a few prime hogs. All I can figure out U that some of the boys weren't )umt watch'ln the herd at night However if Staff can't lock his gates welL ill BLUE BONNET SOFT DLUL D Willi C 1 g MARGARINE - 3 m 1 PANDA each SOY SAUCE 23c PEN JELL PECTIN 2 for 35c DUNDEE WHOLE 1 p APRICOTS 4 a ?1 NALLEY'S Reg. 59c 22 -of. Jar SWEET PICKLES.. SHASTA FRUIT DRINKS ,46-or tin l Proctor & Gamble CRISCO OIL 38-oz. Bottle 79 M - D TOILET TISSUE 34-roll $ packs FRANK "2 Gun" ALVAREZ HERMISTON STORE SAYS: I will refund your money on any meat con taining bullets from my shooten iron, wasn't my idea, but that "KID CLEA VER" McGowan is so dog gone fussy about these critters he cuts up. 59c PUREX NALLEY'S 1000 island DRESSING ... RED ROSE TEA BAGS 48 count KIDNEY BEANS 300 tins 6 for Si BLEACH LADY HUDSON FRUIT FLAVORED 24oi. Bottle PEACHES 4 s. 1 1" . 49c fuU pint 69c Full Gallon Pt EV P Da- - Steinfeld Class Pac 22-oz. Jars ' " , , . , Sauerkraut . ..3Jar.l DLAV-IVDtKKI CD J M3 tin. - CELERY HEARTSPkg PEACHES OlbsI . HOT HOUSE f T, O r lO CUCUMBERS 2 For 29c FRESH GREEN r I BELL PEPPERS 2 For 9c t-7 BOB "Lips" LOWRY UMATILLA STORE SAYS: "This was a spec tacular round-up, however I was sure glad I had my chap stik along as for "SHORTY" Johlke. I use dial and wish that he did." . ... 99c 3 for $1 COFFEE 3 zT MJB GROUND l ib. ?0 tin 07C tin OCCIDENT HARD WHEAT FLOUR 2. lb.M " -T !' Instant 10 LB. BAG 10 os. t I AG 89$ CORONET Reg. 55e TOILET TISSUE 4 big roU pack 49c CORONET FACIAL TISSUE 3 for $1 CORONET PAPER TOWELS 3 for $1 NALLEY'S 24-oz. tin CANNED LASAGNE 49c NALLEY'S 24-oz. tin SPAGHETTI wmeat balls 49c NALLEY'S 24-oz. tin LIMA BEANS & HAM 49c v . .' y TOM "Beefy" STEWART SAYS: "We've had a good round-up, lots of good beef buys and all from Umatil la county grain fed beef. We also rounded up "RED HOT' specials la each de partment. I personally will refund money on any cuts of meat with rope bums." MIKE "Banker" DUROCHIN PENDLETON STORE SAYS: "In all my days with the Stewart gang, this is the tfinest herd of beef that we hare ever rus-, I mean, rounded up. Come on in and take advantage of these fine prices and good service. Ill be on hand to cash your payroll check and to sell money orders." I Si f m. 'r M ' m i-!iiTm-riii 9 mmmn aaam wmm LIBBY'S FROZEN Ftf Pi BANQUET We Have The Best Checkers We Give Green Stamps We Appreciate Your Business We Cash Payroll Checks We Sell Money Orders We Have The Best Box Boys Cream Pies 4 $1