HEPPNE8 GAZETTE -TIMES. Thursday. July 1. 966 Hood River Man Offered Contract (Continued from page 1) poured durlne the week, and It is expected that the laundry will be reartv tor operation next week. House Bid Call Appiwred Takinp note ot the critical need for teaching housing in Boardman and lone, the board authorized calling for bids on one house each in Boardman and lone and on a duplex in Boardman. Those occupying present hous es in Boardman must be out by December 31 by order of the Corps of Engineers. The district has plans drawn for the houses and the duplex, and the board authorized one change on the house plans to enlarge the din- POWER CONTROL ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE WE REPAIR: Electric Motors Power Tools Hydraulic Jacks Alemlte Equipment 421 S. E. 4th Pendleton Phone 276-5862 ing room by cutting the garage space from a double to single garage. A lot has vet to be purchased for the house in lone, but the building committee was auth orized to buv a lot there. Prin cipal Beggs and his family will live in the house when it is completed. Teachers will rent the district owned housing from the district. Library Policy Approved A policy for the selection or librarv books, as previously out lined by Supt. Potter, was ap proved by the board, and a re port of the transportation com mittee, outlining some of the bus runs for the coming year, was approved. A committee on special edu cation recommended that work study programs be established in every high school in the county for special students. For those" students needing special education that is unavailable in the cvunty. the committee re quested that the board adopt a policy that the district may pay up to StfoO per year for edu cation of the students out of the county. The recommends t i o ns of the committee were approv ed. The board designated Wither ell. Witherell and Morrison as auditors for the school vear and designated Supt. Pot ter as budget officer. 1 Next regular meeting of the board will be August 15. Just Arrived! FINEST WESTERN DEERSKIN ROPING GLOVES By THURLOW Premium Quality Leather Seamless Palm GOOD SELECTION OF ALL KINDS OF WORK GLOVES Gardner's Men's Wear THE STORE OF PERSONAL SERVICE" HEPPNER Doctor Takes Post As Medical Officer In Tehama County Pr. C. M. Wagner, who ex pects to close his medical sur gical practice in Heppner In August, has accepted a position as countv medical officer and health officer in Tehama coun ty Calif., he said Monday. ' lie will hold tills position while also conducting private practice at Red Bluff. Calif., he said. Pr. Wagner will be in Hepp ner on Tuesdays and Wednes days of each week for the rest of "this month to keep sched uled anivintments with patients and for part of the month of August. As county medical officer, h was introduced to the Board of Supervisors at the Tehama (Gen eral Hospital. Red Bluff, on July 5 by Louis Nedopad administra tor. Dr. Wagner has signed a one-vear contract at a salary of SJO.iXXV according to a story in the Red Bluff Pally News of July tv One of the problems confront inj him wtll no the low case load at the hospital which has concerned officials of the conn tv then-. The paper reported that the caseload had droppei to the "lowest point in mem ory" but under Medicare ha: "risen sharply." Pr. Wagner said he had no definite knowledge of any oth er doctor planning to come to Heppner following his leaving here. He makes the trip to and from Red Bluff by air. Points to Decide Ail-Around Saddle All-around saddle to be giv en as a trophy in tne i;hi Mor row County Rodeo will be awarded on a point system tills year, it was decided by the ro deo committee at a meeting last Wednesday night. The saddle given last year was presented to the cowboy who had won the most money in the rodeo. This will be the second year for Ail-Around competition. The saddle is donated by Morrow County Cirain Growers, Lexing ton Implement Company, Pad berg Machinery Co., anil Lex ington Oil Cooerativo. It was also decided that Queen Krna Lynn Winchester and her court will ride In the Drossup Parade at the Pendle ton Roundup. Ilamon Springer of radio sta tion KOHU of Hermlston was present to discuss radio adver tising for the rodeo. Cnder the budget, provision is made for advertising with throe radio stations, Kl'MA and KTIX of Pendleton as well as KOHU of Hermiston, to supplement news paper advertising. Spots on the fair and rodeo will he carried over each of the throe stations. Fast Payment Mado On Medicare Bills I "Past payment for our Mod- leare patients has been over- ! whelming," llene Wyman. of- i fit-., mmnn'itr nf Pitmtwr Mem oil.il hospital reported today (Thursday!. Full payment had Just been received for three Medicare patients who were dismissed Monday. July 11. only three day after the bill was sent to Blue Cross headquarters hi Baltimore. Mil., and received approval by Social Security. "This Is the fastest insurance payment In our history," Mis. Wyman re ported. Medicare patients have been running from W to 70'"i- of the total care at the local luwplt al since the plan was started July 1. with i lie patients stay ing a week or longer. HI Low rrec. Thursday HI W Krldav Kl M Saturday J3 M Sunday HJ 1H Monday H3 M j Tuesday HI M .05 Wednesday Jvl M .02 HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to Pioneer ; Memorial hospital for medical I care during the past week, and , later dismissed, include the fol ; lowing: Dennis Sampson. Athe na, and Orlin Huston, Heppner. Those who were admitted, and are still receiving medical care, are the following: Marvel Loom is. Fossil: Charles R. Nelson. Fossil; Joyce Cross, Heppner; William Melena. lone; Joyce : Kspy, Condon: Gene Heliker, Heppner; Ginny Lou Turner. Lexington, and Charles Griffin, O.xnard. Calif., the hospital's 17.000 patient. Mr. and Mrs. Chester W. Dy er of Mayvillo became parents of a son born Thursday, July 7. At birth his weight was 7 lb.. : IOI4 oz. He has been named Howard Clark. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Simon B. Barker of Condon, and pa tonal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Chester R. Dyer, also of Condon. Huffmans Visit En Route to Japan Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Larry Huffman (formerly Nancy Wright 1 and four children of Washington. D. C. were nvent visitors with her grandmother, Mrs. Ava Wright, and at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Haguewood. Coming from Seattle, Wn.. to visit them were her parents and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Wright and IVanna. The Huffmans ac companied the Wrights to Seat tle to spend a few days before flying to Tokyo. Japan, where they will he stationed for three years. Van Houtcs Write Of Busy Summer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van lloute, now in Juneau, Alaska where he is executive secretary of the Alaska hducation Asso ciation, are having a busy sum mer. according to a letter from Mrs. Van lloute to the Gazette Times. Van lloute. former superin tendent of Morrow County School District R 1. attended the National K.ducation association convention In Miami, Fla , and will be host for a meeting of the executive secretaries of the western states education associ ations late In July. They hope to go Into the Yu kon tor a vacation trip the first part of August. Mountains of southeastern Alaska are described by Mrs. Van lloute as "lush with green foliage and patches of snow here and there." She Invites any Morrow county friends traveling to Alaska to stop for a visit. She adds that they enjoy read ing about their friends In the Gazette-Times. Their address is I Rt. 1. Box 93!, Juneau. WEATHER Br DON GILLIAM riffu-ini wenther renort for the week of July 7 13 U as follow: Local Employment Service Available Services of the Oregon Stale IVpartmcnt of Kmidoymenl are being provided during the sum mer months through a Heppner oft toe at the home of Mrs. Paul Arbogast. Mrs. Arbogast states that she will be able to help ranchers who are looking for harvest workers, or will help place ex perienced workers who are look ing for harvest Jobs. She askn that residents feel free to call her at home, 070 XW, with any farm work placement problems. Yes, the Gazette-'! imcs can print the form you need for Imsl ness or ranch use. Phone liVli Ayrcs Tops Mercury Soles; Wins Trip Farl Ayres. owner of Heppner Auto Bales, Inc., has won a trip (or himself and his wife, Dol ores, to Uie l ariooeiui hm- They will leave New York on August 0 on tho liner S. 8. In dependence for a li day rrulso to the San Juan isianus, rurr lo Rico, and other points. Ayres led In Mercury auto sales among IM dealers In ins class, covering those In Mon tana, Idaho, Oregon and Wash ington lie was informed of Ills achievement Tuesday. This Is the second lime that Avres has won In the contest hi two years. In lt he won trip to Kurope. Dave Harnett, sales manager of the firm, also has won a table saw as first place winner In a Sales Managers' contest Hint was concluded In May. WKDD1NG. PARTY and ANN! V K It S A It Y Napkins with names Imprinted; Monogram mod Playing curds; Regency Personallel Note Stationary: Wedding Hook. Inquire at Gazette Times offliv. 24 For 24-Hour Towing Service Wf . '' ' '( f r t TLVrn S i Call John Ccglia Wrecking Service Phone 676-5595, Heppner BRAND NEW HEAVY DUTT WRECKER TYPING PAPER. Mimeograph taper and other offiiV sud nlies for sale at the Gazette Times office. Oft arvest Specials PORTLAND ROSE Sliced BACON 1 - 85$ STRIPED WATERMELON Lb. 4C FHESH SLICING PEACHES 2 290 Ifs Cobbler Time I MIX OR MATCH 'EMI PEAS WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM STYLE CORN AND CUT GREEN FOR v Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Will Pay I BEANS 1 btatoes 10" 45 Jumbo CANTALOUPE 5 MJB COFFEE Lb. 75 c 2 Lb. J49 3 Lb. 23 DUNDEE CANNED 2V2 SIZE PEACHES 4 For $J RED RIPE Slicing TOMATOES 210 I Prices Good Friday and Saturday, July 15 and 16 12 IJ3 Lexington Ph. 989-8133 1 f. f I .. ......... if ; 'v"f lpj. L.lt .l i i m lii m .rt 1 This picture shows damage caused when an Insulator id broken. Short circuit that resulted caused a fire that almost completely burned one pole 1 a double pole structure. Such damage may cause power outages that are costly to power users. Repairs are costly to the power company. For Information Leading to the Arrest And Convic tion of Anyone Found Shooting Or Breaking In sulators on Any of Colum bia Basin's Power Lines, or Willfully Damaging The Power Lines, or Delib erately Committing Other Acts That Cause Inter ruption Of Service. This Applies to Any Of The Lines Of Columbia Basin Electric in Morrow, Gilliam, Wheeler, Or Umatilla Counties. Information on Power Line Damage Should Be Reported To Harley Young, Mgr., Columbia Basin Electric, Heppner Your Cooperation Will Be Appreciated Columbia i asin Electric Serving Wheeler, Gilliam, and Morrow Counties DO