4 HEFPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thunder. Jub 3a 1966 New Minister Serves Boardman Church Range Camp Open To Applicants Kinzua Leaguers Defeat Condon By VIRGINIA KELSO KINZUA Behind the iwlilt pitching of Donnle Bird, tho Kinzua Little League baseball team roared past Condon to the By mart lee mablow BOARDMAN Rev. and Mrs. George Neeley and family ar rived Sunday from Santa Cruz, Calif, to fill the pulpit at the! Center. Boardman Community church, Mr. and Oregon Youth Range Man acement Camp, under the dlr eotion of the American Society tune of 7-1 on the Condon field of Range Management. Pacific ' Saturday. It was a well played .i ....... . .,. wh ion'-M --!"". u K'e oy com Teams ana en- Ilenr- arNr of Mew ash. !stafe Extenslon service, will twijoyrd by a host of fans. Kurt Cwintenbeln nnurned ,he,d AuRUSt 7 t0 ARlkst 13. Donnle also contributed to nome "y ' " Camp Is located at tne Lane, his winning cause by slumming iiauiiuK ' i. , , ;rr ITceK Kecreauon Assmau, Camp at the akima Firing Jnc facilities. Logan Valley, rnMldf i r. ""V.. ....... , ,,. near wnnii, uirsu. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Hlnton i . cw. They have three children. Rock- went to Iklah over the week-1 V" untv chalrnien for ie. 5. ivy June 3. and Nathan end to visit at the home c, "thlt thi ---- . - - . , : tan mmn is nreseniiv re- George Hinton. eorgia ana - sponsored boV! a three-run homer In the fifth inning following a triple bv John Wall and a walk to Bill Messorschmldt. In the Pit; Wee game, Kin zua was also victorious, down ing the Condon "Shorties" by an 8-1 score. ... ........ . , !v....., vii. N.t.m,.,! hnnw sinciea lO IUUI . -kVm iA;in nM and ' after visiting there. Mrs. Grace i P! " " " ' r i.J V V 7.. !. . V-no.-iiiv.ir Wash neu i-uum.. - v. auuuo bOUItl Hold J"no.a.u'.wAia.V!f;!her nf ISZ P. " ? acquaint the, boys. , Suuun.r Toumam.nt. uea last wevn ai uic w -- . . wno in IulUre wars mav imr Mrs. Love s uncle and aunt. Mr. mg at uie nmion and Mrs. Zoarl Gillespie. They were on their way home from , . . . . ii . attending ineir , - ";r "- . " V. " " , sources. graduation irom wnearon -oi- ,-; , ?ge in Wheaton.m: He aceon, .oln h R Lm.X Va. ll.l 1 1 1 V. .111111 111 1 IT Mku I . I ...... f.. 1 .. .J I .- 1 ....1 I Mr ling at Uie Minton nonie. ik,,.i. .n,i atrrieultiiriti lead- li,u"s Kou ciiuium- Thev Beatrice Sicard of Portland ,"sinf,hand J of ,he lwnl club ,,,J,hI from'vi-sited last Thursday and Fri- ,',hn . SuTxt M?urSl llho,r t,,irt1 Frll,ay nlht ' JiU k ion dav at the home of her broth- "f of our xast na,ural n and Jill" tournament at the national civic club this past week. The affair Is catching on the. further it progresses and aa each round of the tournament Is played. Following the round of golf, slz zlincr steaks whlmwd mi hv I In 15H55. there were W boys Harlan Schroeder were served to counties attenn- , tne contestants, roint winners Tlin lu-ii-o r.nm. 'fur th nl'nnin .-.i. Afl.in., ?-ania Ana, taiu. icjot-. n-irtx- it hnmo fnr'ciiiUna linrrmi' rountv at last : Schroeder and rvm stinkard. tmed tnem here also. - -""K.-y' c " ere groups, individuals and federal Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Skoubo . Tu., uL.l lencies contribute to making i n.v. f. J t rewm i iuc uuiuv ui -k - .... - u run vjU. ' ''"' I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood. e camp program mtowhh nanrii, anu iiu. "u . ,,,ci,w lr, MHW thorn Z 51 mSfd Si! MrsVthui AUen was host- from Oregon 5 '1.m?'ItAtn,d ? ess for the annual Sandflower i ing the camp. all wont to last week to attend the reun u HnK Ikaii snnn u-itra Pari triirlr. firvt' I nVinn ffmiir om,1 Mill ion of the Skoubo family, which Monday night o( las, weok. ! meler and jimmy McEUigott. j Boring, second; La Velio Jelllck was neid June a. i irsi. Russell Miller was co-i These boys were sponsored at and Lee Bailey, third. Mrs. James Harding and dau- hostess. Eva LaChance of La 'the camp" by: Heppner Cham-1 The annual Kinzua Father ghter Faye Dishrow. of Sacra-1 Grande was a guest Roll call jber of Commerce. Morrow Coun- .Son golf tournament was play mento, Calif, visited at the'was answered bv eivine theitv Livestock Growers. Heppner ed on Sunday much to the en- home of her sister-in-law, Mrs.!name of a vegetable eaten for! Soil Conservation District and Joyment of the boys and their Russell Miller, last week. Theyjiuncn. went from here to Idaho to vis it Mrs. Walter Wyss went to Portland over the" week-end to visit at the home of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. James Pieper, and to at tend the reunion at the West Mrs. Tim Ripee of Stanfield, Portland Grade School. Some of! Mrs. Charles Anderegg of Pen- Sandflower sisters were re vealed with exchange of gifts. New names for next year will be drawn at the next meeting July 18. Mrs. Rollin Bishop re ceived the door prize. those attending had attended the school as far back as 1900. 1 Mrs. Elie Bellanger and dau ghter Charlene of Ontario, for mer residents here, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zunker and five sons of Kennewick, Wash., and Susan Higuera of Othello, Wash, were week-end visitors at the home of Zunk er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ferguson. Susan remained here to visit this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Potts went to Sunnyside, Wash. Sunday to visit at the home of Potts' cous in. -Mr. and Mrs. Will Webber. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cross and children Barbara and Jim of Gresham were week-end visit ors at the home of Mrs. Cross' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George King, and her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Dean King. Other guests at the Dean King home were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wraits of La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Worden are in Payette, Idaho visiting at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ar. 1 Mrs. Dallas Forthman. Visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Donovan were Mrs. Donovan's niece, Dalene Russell, and Jo anne Atkins of The Dalles. Jer ry Donovan spent the week-end at Woodburn visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey West. Sr. The Donovan's went to The Dalles Sunday to take the girls home and on to Wood burn to bring Jerry back. Mrs. George Holderman and son Bill visited last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Seehafer. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ganten bein were Mrs. Gantenbein's niece, Marie Schmuck of Ken an a. Alaska, and her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. dleton, and Mrs. Harold Rash were honored with a birthday party recently at the Rash home. Others present included Mrs. Arnin Hug, Mrs. Ralph Earwood, and Mrs. Darrel Rash and daughters Valerie and De nise of Portland. Word has been received here that Nate Macomber of Pendle ton, former resident here, is in St Anthony hospital in Pendle ton with a broken leg, suuerea in a fall at his home. He will be hospitalized several weeks. Zearl Gillespie had surgery at the Good Shepherd hospital in Hermiston last Friday. Ronald Black was a patient in St Anthony hospital in Pen dleton the first of last week. FJnlne Clark of Redmond to vis it for a few days. Mrs. Stanley Benson and Miss Verla Conner went to Welser. Idaho, last Wednesday to take home Mrs. John Benson and children Dean and Julie. They had visited here for about ten days- Jlggs Bowman und daughters Sara and Cindy went to Hepp ner last Tuesday where Jlggs and Sara got glasses. William Lorengel of Netarls arrived Wednesday to visit with Louis Lorengel. On Friday they went to Portland to attend the funeral services of Mr. Uren gels niece, returning home Sat urday. .., . .. Mr and Mrs. Marvin Kimball of Klamath Falls became the parents of a daughter born on Monday. June '.'0. She weighed S lb.. 1 oz. und has been named Paula lone. Maternal grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe L McMlnn. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe McMlnn and daughters Janls and Palsy re turned to Klnua last Monday evening after spending the week end in Klamath Falls. Visiting In Kinzua Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hollo mon and family of Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sam ples and family of lone. The Friendship club was en tertained Wednesday night at the school with Pat MeMmn as hostess. High was won by Vlr .inU Sltton. second high by Barbara Mortimore and floating Morrow County Farm Bureau, uiads. Twenty four golfersjhv Sharon Kelso ami Barbara Any bovs who can qualify for enurnea their way about me Mortimore. Others playing were this camp and are Interested In 'course with the boys doing their Mavis Oyler. Naomi Kiev. lrls attending may see the chair- ', utmost to show their dads how stubblefield. Carol Norrls, Hot- me game was piayeu, ana in!,v Murdock, Sue Malttson. Kita some instances 11 worKeu ex- Coulee and Roberta Held, actly In that manner. i !r .,iui Mrs. Richard Mortl When the rounds were com-jmoro mt son Karl went to pleted, without too much em- j u,.ppner Frldav where Karl en burrassment for the Dads. wln- ;tored the hospital for a tonsil ners were honored In two div- ' tctomy. He wus discharged Sat isions. Under 12, Kent Boll and unlay. Wayland held low gross; Jtm i ir" i(nd Mrs. Slim Rhoton A heautiful .'iS-oa.-e four-col- and Randy Hulett had low net; ...t t The Pul es Friday for or brochure inviting visitors to , long drive went to Kent Hflt. business und shopping and for men at the Heppner Ranger Dis trict Office for furtner miorma tion. 32-Page Brochure Advertises Oregon Council Adopts Budget for Year By MARY LEE MABLOW (lb-Id over from Inst week) ROAKPMAN A hearing was held on the new budget for the city of Bonrdmnn at me regu lar monthly meeting or me cn council Tuesday night of last week, and a resolution wih adopted to accept the budget The cltv nuisance ordinance was adopted to the second read ing, and an ordinance requiring underground utility wiring In stallation for the clly, provld Ing for variances therefor anil penalties. The 4 II building plumbing bids were reviewed anil detin Ion made to draw up a contract in other action the council approved a leer license for Hick's Market, and accepted an audit contract from Karl Gild well, of Hermiston. Mayor lVwey West reported on the progress of the forma tion of the cltv park district. Following the council meeting the Urban Renewal Agency held a short session and approved the sale of residential lots to the school district and the It.uirdman Community Church. and adopted a resolution to sell a commercial lot of Fmmett and Fthel MKenie. .10; freshmen Lome Peterson .1.3, Tonl ZlelliuiRi 3.1, 1100 Skoubo .10. The A roll for the last arm- cuter: seniors Mike Smith 4.0, I'ennv Fossey 3ti, Klla Sutton 3t, tve Wear 3.5; Juniors Shirley Plxon X Carol Annn llarcr 3 5; fronlimen Mian Fosse v 3H. II Mil seniors Tonl Ol 1 11 3 3; Junior Hoti MclUo 3J, Mike Part low Si, Linda Senn 30, Ivnnnn Bollinger 3.0; sophomores Carolyn Burg .14, Hetty Kppennncli 3.3, Anna Oh. ermcier 3 3, Linda Tnlone 33, George Ketiney 3 1, Kathv Hln ton 31. Parleue Gollyhorn 31, Uremia Barnhart 3 1; freshmen l.orrle Peterson 3 3, Tonl Zlel inskl 3 1. Bob Skoubo 30. Mrs. V.oe Billings was lumteM fur a miscellaneous shower at her home Tuesday night of lait week In honor of Mrs, Dennis Grompiist t Penny Fossey). re cent bride Thete were 3J pres ent. Co luwtenses Included Mrs. l.nVeru Parllow, Frnnell Walk er. Pat Miller. Deweua Went. Flla Sutton and Tonl Olln. Out .if town guests were Mrs Ray Gromiulsl and daughter Karen, and Shlela Fawthrop of Pendle ton, and Mrs. Iionatd U-lghton of lrrlgon. In a game idnycd prizes were won bv Mrs. u-lgh-ton and Ivwena West. KINZUA NEWS (Held over from last week) Mrs. Wayland Hyatt and dau ghter Theresa went to Portland Saturday for the week-end and when they retu r n e d home brought Maria Donison with them for a visit Miss Sharon Mabe and her fiance James Cloud of Portland were here over tne week-end visiting with Mrs. Wilma Mabe and attending the Miller-Benson wedding. Mrs. Bert Hoover, accompan ied bv Mr. and Mrs. Alan Matth ews 01 Fossil, leit Monday to attend the convention of tne Oregon Branch of the National Association of Post masters being held this week in Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schoolcraft and David James were in Hepp ner Tuesday for medical care for Mr. Schoolcraft. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrel went to John Day Saturday for medical care lor txta. Come to the land of vacations unlimited." is being mailed around the world by the Oregon State Highway Department, it is announced by Forrest Cooper, state highway engineer. It advises the vacationer that no matter what type of vacation he desires, Oregon can provide for it is a land of infinite variety. There are seashores, mountains, lakes, rivers, high plateau country". Interesting cit ies, natural and man-made mar vels, historical and cultural points of interest. It describes the outdoor recreational facilit ies as being outstanding, with 200 state parks, many of which provide overnight camping sites and facilities, and more than 60 roadside rest areas. To back up its claim that Ore gon is the place to relax ... in a state ol excitement, tne Drocn- ure has more than 75 full-color photographs to illustrate its point. The state is divided into seven regions in the booklet as follows: the Coast, Willamette Valley, Columbia Gorge, South ern Oregon, Central Oregon, Northeastern Oregon and South eastern Oregon. The publication Is designed primarily for out-of-state visit ors. Potential visitors may ob tain copies by writing to the Oregon State Highway Depart ment, Travel Information Divis ion, 101 State Highway Build ing, Salem, Oregon 97310. The brochure also contains Informa tion on other booklets published by the Highway Department to enable the vacationer to better plan his activities. Over V2, John and Ernie Wall medical care for Marie had low gross; Kevin and El- j Mr, and Mrs. Sam Howell. Mr. vyn Bell had low net; John Wall -and Mrs. John Hawk and Rusty and Don Sllnkard had long Medlock went to Long Crock drive. ;la.st Monday to attend the fun- 'eral services of John Hawk's Mrs. Wayland Hyatt and dau-: brother Ralph who passed away ghter Theresa went to Portland June 17 In John Day. Friday to take Maria Donison j Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCIaln home after spending a week and sons of Addison, 111., vis here. ! itcd Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Leach of John Hawk and family. Mrs. Hermiston spent Thursday here McCIaln is the former Mary visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ver-j Williams. non Perry and other friends, i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norrls and Mrs. John Meadows and child- j Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Murdock ren were business visitors to! went to Portland Sunday where Heppner Friday. they attended an air show at Mrs. Roy Keller went to Mad- j the Troutdale Airport, ras Monday to bring home her Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parton daughter Linda who had work- and Sam Parton went to Hepp ed over there in the mint har- ner Sunday morning where Mrs. vest. She also brought Janic and Harold Parton had an emergen- Mrs Glen Carpenter was hostess fi.,- the Home Economies Club of Greenfield Grange Wed nesday of last week at her home, starting with luncheon at Li: 30 p m. Mrs. Emmet t McKen tif wtis o hostesis. Guests were Eva l.nt'hattee of La Grande, ami Mrs. Waller Wyss. The next meeting will Ih July 13 with Mrs. Arthur Al len and Mrs. Russell Miller as hostesses. Honor Roll ReUcntd The honor roll tor the last nine weeks of Riverside High schixd has been announced us follows: A roll grade point av erage 3 Ti to 10: seniors Mike Smith -10. Ice Wear 3H, penny Fossey 3K. Ton! Olln 3 5, Ell.t Sutton 3.5; Juniors Shirley Ilx on 35, Carol Anne Harper .15; sophomores Carolyn Burg 35. Anna Otiermeter -tn; in-sunn -o ; Mike Fossey 3 S. B roll grade j -VV V. Tm;.! Knack Shack Is In the 3 tvann.1 Bellinger 3 0, Linda Senn 30: sophomores Betty Kppcuhaeh 3.3, Kathv Hlnton 3 3. Linda Tatone 3.3. Bob Bu chanan 31, Brenda Barnhart 3 1, George Kenney 3 1, Mary C.riH-r 3.0. Rerun- McNeil JO, Boiirdmnn's newest business, the Knack Shack, oiwrated by l.inda Tatone held oix-n house June 17. from 2 5 p.m. The fn-shmeiits will In- served Jlie ratone Building next to the post ol flee. 1M Ted Hoffman who has been stationed at Fort Itlley. Khiis, with the V. S. Army for basic training the past eight weeks, visited ftl the home of nti rvs. Lesli Bushman 3d, h.arroi "ear;. lmr).ts. Mr. and Mrs. Ar Inold Hoffman, last week. He cv apiH-ndoctomv at the Pioneer ' and Mrs Hoffman went to Sa Memorial hospital I lent to visit at the home of h-r Mr und Mrs IVlbert Barzee I parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kit went to Portland Sunday to I tmhouse, and will go on to the 1,,-ir,,. hmnii itii-lf ilnuehters coast for a few days After a Cheryl and Joyce who had ent ! two week leave he will return the past two weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boy- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rlir and son Mike and Mr. and Mrs Paul Oyler were business vis itors to Portland on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Browning and Linda went to Pendleton Sunday to visit their daughter, Miss Joan Browning. to Fort Riley for further train Uu;. Mr and Mrs. Walter Haves were In Eugene from Thursday till Saturday, visiting " home of their daughter, Mrs Margaret Beall While there they attended high school grad uation exercises where their granddaughter. Patty Beall. was among the graduates. See us ror envelopes of kinds. The Gazette-Times. all WATCH FOR MURRAYS' I v "i m ) !pis twill mun n"'i m miu" imam mm - - :- " : - -: - :: 1 - DON'T MISS 'EM YOU'LL BE ASTOUNDED! AT THE SIDEWALK BAZAAR FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 8 & 9 9 Our Famous act. Maam: grab bag n SIDEWALK BAZAAR DATS ONLY Murrays Rexall Drug Marge and LeRoy Gardner Admit gym TO OFFER SUCH BARGAINS FOR THE Sidewalk Bazaar, July 8 & 9 BUT YOU THE PUBLIC CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM. WE'RE ANNOUNCING THEM EARLY SO EVERYONE WILL HAVE A FAIR START WHEN THE GREAT DAZE COME! In The Store and On The Sidewalk July 8-9 SWIM SUITS 50c UNDERWEAR 50c ASSORTED SHIRTS $1 to $3 SWEAT SHIRTS 95c irWi SHOES .... $8.50 to $15 SLACKS $2 to $5 BEG. $4.95 PANTS $2.99 JACKETS $5 to $10 Gardner's Men's Wear MART AND LeROT GARDNER "THE STORE OF PERSONAL SERVICE" PH. 676-9218 HEPPNER HEPPNER PH. 676-9610 E