England Travelers Enjoy Farm Areas On Visit to County Vlxltom fnm Kmc la ml wore In Morrow county nvently. Mr, and Mm. Jk Kington from Imrhnm, Knlimd, hnve bwn vlMliInK with Hob liwi-, hli brother, Hill, and other frlrnds mid tvlntlvr. Mr. Klnnnton Is a itiUNln of lhi Uiwi brother. The KImkModk rnn to the I'ltlliM Klntt-M April IS nrul have vlH-! II roii-ilnx In 23 of the V) ntnti-H since they arrived. He Is a retired farmer whose mm now Is operating the family farm In KiikIhikI. Their farm Is where (lip llynd brothers who came to Morrow county In the XHHtf wore horn. On June S, Mr. and Mm. Kins Ion arrlvi-d In ArllnKton by train and have wen much of Oregon since. Rill Lowe took them to John Day and vicinity, Bob took them to the Wallowa country and then to we the pea harvest, Mr. KlrmMon In Interested In iitock raining and visits ranch es and farm whenever pos! hie. Thry plan to travel to Mon tana with Henry Kreba when he tnkea his lamba and will attend the Calgary Stampede and then visit with Bob and BUI Lowe's (Inter In Tacoma before comltiK back to Heppner. They plan to return to Kngland In August. Ili'ptnier Impressed the visit om a a "beautiful town" and Mra. KliiKton, a skilled photo grapher, took a number of pic ture from the top of Cross Illll. The United State, they Mid, In "a wonderful country with ao much space and room but they were amazed at the rubblKh everywhere. As Mock raterfl themselves they appre ciated the kikkI beef they were served here In Morrow county. MOIETY Mrs. Huston Travels East for Wedding A Chlcauo area wedding took Mra. Clyde Huston first to Port land on Saturday, June 23, and then with her sister, Mrs. Fnye Ceorge, will travel east to Chi cago by train. There they will attend the wedding of Mm. ( leorue'a granddaughter, Peggy Koslk of Brookfletd, Hi., on July 16 Mrs, Huston and Mra. George plan to return on the train with Mrs. Huston's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Parker of Pasco who will then be returning from more exten sive eastern travels;. Mrs. Hus ton will visit with her al.ster In Portland for a week or so after the trip. Yes, the Gazette Tunes can print the form you need for busi ness or ranch use. Phone 676-9228. l ,i ? mm aV . . U i '--. IV' Chapter Represented ! At State Convention "Peace Around the World" was the timely theme used by prand officers for the annual Crand Chapter of the Order of j the Eastern Star held June 20- 23 at Memorial Coliseum In i Portland Those attending the sessions from Ruth Chapter No. 32, Heppner, Included Mrs. Howard Bryant, worthy matron; Mrs. Tom Hughes, Incoming worthy matron; Mrs. C. C, Carmlchael, Mrs. Dean Hunt, grand reprc sentattve to Tennessee from Oregon, and Mrs. Dick Wilkin son, ESTARL committee mem ber. In Installation ceremonies Thursday evening, Mrs. Ernest (Marlorie) Jones of Bend was Installed Grand Worthy Matron, and Harold Grlbble of Mt. Scott Chapter, Portland, Grand Wor thy Patron. Emblem chosen by Mrs. Jones for the year Is the "golden key" and her symbol Is the pine tree. Impressive dec orations realistically carried out the "peace" theme, through doves, peace roses and lilies, and the chosen symbol by a massive handmade pine tree. RADIANT SIGNS that glow la the dark full variety of mis cellaneous signs for all pur poses, 25c Now on hand at Gazette-Times office. Uc ( 1 L - i jJ MERRIE JO MORRISON Merrie Jo Morrison To Wed in Corvallis Mr, and Mrs. Jodie K. Morri son, lone, announce the en gagement and forthcoming mar riage of their daughter, Merrie Jo, to Victor Douglas Vertner, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Vertner, 3021 Nevln Avenue, Richmond, California. Miss Morrison has attended Oregon State University for two years, where she is a member of AlDha Chi Omeea. She will continue her studies in politi- HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, Jun 30. 196 Jones Family Enjoys Extended Trip South Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and children recently returned from visiting friends and relatives in California and Oregon. They left June 2 and returned to Heppner June 21. In Jacksonville, they visited Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jones and family. He is Bob's cousin, the son of Glen Jones, a former Heppner resident. Near Walnut Creek. Calif., they were guests of Bob's bro ther, Don Jones and family. The two families with a com bined total of six youngsters made a tour of the city of San Francisco complete with boat ride on San Francisco Bay, visit to Chinatown and Fisherman'i Wharf. From San Francisco the Jones cal science at San Jose State college In September. Mr. Vertner, a recent graau ate of Oregon State University, will continue his education at Santa Clara School of Law, San ta Clara, Calif., in the fall. He Is afflllted with Alpha Tau Omega, and Is a reserve In the United States Marine corps. The couDle will be married at a family wedding at the Episcopal Church in Corvallis on Saturday, July 2, at 2:00 p.m. went to San Diego where they saw the San Diego Zoo and were able to visit a military air base and the harbor. In San Diego harbor they saw the car rier Kitty Hawk arrive without knowing until their return that Jim Farra. son of their neigh bors, the Bill Farra's, was on the ship. After a day at Disneyland, they visited with former Hepp ner friends, Mr. ana Mrs. Kay Myrlck and boys, who are mov. ing to Washington, D. C. where Mr. Myrick will be head of a national child welfare organiza tion. In Eugene they spent some time with members of Mrs. Jones' family. On Honor Roll Dale Van Blokland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Van Blokland of Heppner is on the Dean's List of honor students for Blue Mountain Community College for the spring term of 1966. He is a freshman in the civil en gineering course and came up with a CPA. of 3.07 for the spring term. Metsker maps of Morrow, Gil liam, Umatilla. Wheeler counties on sale at the Gazette-Times. MR. AND MRS. DENNIS MICHAEL GRONQUIST (Pentlope Louts Fossey) Lyons Photo Riverside Grads Wed At Hermiston Church In June 4 Ceremony BOARDMAN Miss penel ope Iiulse Fossev became the bride of Dennis Michael Gronqulst at a 2 p.m. double ring ceremony In Our Lady of Angels church In Hermiston June 4. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Farlow of Boardman, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gronqulst of Pendleton. The nuptial mass tlll. wu!v.as performed by the Rev. Fa ,TanT.treTr,i"" Simon lWln. This Day, Oh Beautiful Moth er" and "Ave Maria", accompa- Travels to Install Auxiliary Officers Mrs. Frank Hamlin, district president, traveled to Elgin last week and Installed officers for units of the American Legion Auxiliary, She was accompanied by Mrs. Tearl Funk of Athena, past de purtment president, and by Mrs. Ora Coe of Mllton-Freewa-ter. Visiting here from Tecumseh and Mrs. Norbert Hershell for mer operators of a bakery In Heppner. They are on vacation """v iiu " 1 r,." !,,.. k,w. f. nled by Mrs. Shirley Crane. the past two weeks. The llersh- . c b.rif. lven In marriage ells left Tuesday night lor V?. Xn Ukiah to visit Mr. and Mrs. Terry Blevlns and then contin ued on to Montana for a visit on the next leg of their trip. Mrs. Hershell is a sister of hU. Blcvins. A GIFT OF LOVE big BOT BEST GIRL IDENTS Maiculine, rugjed BIQ BOY YOUR CHOICE lul Ui Dainty, Feminlnt ? jfk ill HEART CHARM BEST GIRL 85 S3 Dim t "Something from tha Jeweler's, Is always something spedaL" j TT7?Ihn 'STAMPS JEWEL Store Hoursi 9 A.M. lo 8 P.M. PH. 373-9200 177 MAIN ST- HEPPNER all lace floor length gown fash loned with full skirt and long sleeves, and the fitted bodice had a square scalloped neck line. Her veil of illusion net was held In place with a pearl covered crown. She carried a cascade bouquet of glamlllas. Karen Gronqulst, sister of the groom, was maid of honor, and Klla Sutton was bridesmaid. They wore identical dresses In floor length of medium willow green with lace bolero. They carried bouquets of white and ) allow carnations and yellow rosebuds. Kathleen Farlow, sta ter of the bride, was flower Rlrl. Keith Gronqulst of Portland, brother of the groom, was best man, and Mike Fossey, brother of the bride, and Steve Partlow were ushers. Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the church parish hall. After the first piece i of cake was cut by the couple, i it was cut and served by Pat Miller and Diane Black. Linda Totone poured the coffee, and Jackie Healy of Portland, cous in of the groom, ' served the punch. Ton! Olin was in charge of the guest book, and Dewena West, Francll Walker and Mrs. Keith Gronqulst, sister-in-law of the groom, were nt the gift ta ble. ' For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Farlow wore an all lace medium green suit with green and white accessories. The groom's mother chose a green and white polka dot dress, with matching accessories. Both wore carnation corsages. The bride is a 1966 graduate of Riverside High school, and the groom is a 15 graduate of Riverside, and attended East- !ern Oregon College this past year. They both plan to attend i KOC next year. After a wedding trip to Wyoming they are at home in Boardman this sum- ! mer, where the groom is em- 1 ployed at a local service sta tion. I Guests attending the wedding came from Boardman, Irrigon, Hermiston, La Grande, Portland land Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. C H. Prirett have returned from a camping and fishing trip to Northeast ern Oregon. They were at Ma goon Lake, Unity Lake, Mal heur Lake and Brownlee Dam and also visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brown and children. The trip began Monday, June 21, and they returned June 27. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. Mary Kimble all of Pom leroy, Wn, visited with Mrs. J, O. Peterson and Randall Peter son over the week-end. They came Saturday and left Sun day morning. The three women are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. MerU Burken- bine and three children of Al- 1 pena, Mich., are eniovine a va cation in Heppner, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hayden. They are former resl dents, and he is now employ ed in a fiberboard mill. The ' Burkenbines planned to return 3 Whole (out best fboef vaues ate feref BISQUICK 43 lilW 4 ' i . . '' - ' .. . t FRESH CORN Doz. 890 SEEDLESS GRAPES 3 "890 CANTALOUPES Jumbo For Nolles HI PICKLES liAj 30 OZ. fef! garuc DLLS 39c fr 22 OZ. WMj? SWEET NUBBINS 39c Nalley's TANG, Qt .. 49c VAN CAMP'S 2ii SIZE PORK and BEAMS 4 $T SUNSHINE (REG. 39C) Sugar Cookies Macaroon Cookies Iced Oatmeal Cookies For 4-PAK BLUE BELL POTATO CHIPS 69( MD TOILET TISSUE 4-ROLL PAS 3 For $1 Betty Crocker Angel Food Cake Mix l!Itf LTNDEN FRESH-FROSTED CUT-UP. PAN READY, 1 LB. AVG. EACHI PRICES GOOD JULY 1 and 2 BAR S, OREGON CHIEF AND DEL MONTE BRAND BONELESS HAMS 990 SMOKED AND FULLY COOKED ROUND-UP BRAND WIENERS 1 Lb. Pkg. 490 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET a Keen snrAiPS later this week.