Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 16, 1966, Page 6, Image 6

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    HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. Juno 16. 1966
Beef Certificates
Offered for Gifts
Appropriate for Father's Pay
giving are beef certificates of
fered through the Morrow Coun
ty CowBelles. according to Mrs
Wavel Wilkinson, president.
The certificates, available In
any denomination, are on sale
at "the First National Bank.
Donald Ostensoe, manager of
the Oregon Beef Council, anti
cipates the sale of beef gift cer
tificates will double over last
year. More than $10,000 In such
certificates were sold prior to
Father s Dav last year in Ore
gon. The state leads every state
in the nation in the sale of such
Anvone may buy these at- I
tractive certificates, which come
in a gift folder. There is no
service charge or any other fee
for the beef gift certificates. The
recipient may take them to any
food store on the nation and
exchange them for beef up to
the amount of the certificate.
They are good until used. The
food retailer deposits the beef
certificates through his local
bank as he would any other
Mi. and Mrs. Alex Thompson.
Linda and Brian, visited with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Thompson, from Friday until
Sunday of last week.
We Will
Deliver Your
Processed Meat
Xl J f Of Charge
p, ',3. l Heppner.
psH J lone,
liSjjs 1 Lexington
Hogs Tuesday
Cattle Wed.. Tfrurs.
Sheep Any Day
Follett Meat Co.
Ph. 567-6651
Henniston. Oregon
On Hermiston-McNarf
Heppner District
Enters Goodyear
Contest Again
Heppner Soil and Water Con
servation District has entered
the 20th annual Goodyear com
rwitnn t. splivt the nation's
top M conservation districts,!
according to Raymond French,
Heppner, district chairman.
Activities of the district will
be weighed against the perfor
mance of other districts In the
mi In H.it.irmlnim the out-
'ct3nHlnT district tn the annual
event sponsored by The Good
year Tire a KUODer lompany m
Akron. Ohio.
Key agricultural leaders will
serve as jurges and will select
th. st.it. winner. Soil conserva
tion efforts from January 1, 1966
through December 31. 1966 will
be considered.
Grand award for the 53 dis
tricts selected nationally will be
an ivrvenu n.lld work-StlldV
trin ti Arizona in December.
1967, for one member of the
district governing Doay ana me
outstanding f armer-coopera t o r
in each winning distict. The 106
men selected will be guests at
Goodvear Farms, a 14.000-acre
general farm operation near
Heppner district has taken
ran in Till Luiiiuviiiiuii .
times in the past and was
named tne state s winner iwicv
and second once during that
fim nwtrirt Snnervisors are
Ravmond French. Kenn eth
Turner. W. C. Rosewall, Vernon
Munkers and Roger maimer.
runKh uM tha district's out
standing cooperator will be sel
ected from over the 300 farm
operators enrolled in the dis
trict program, nauonuijr, uci
2,000,000 farmers in over 2950
riisirwtc h.ivp siirned coouorative
agreements with local Soil and
Water Conservation Districts.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Winter.
v.Mn Pncpmjipv and Herman.
Jr., were in Portland last week
for several days. Mr. vwmer at
tended the Masonic Grand
Lodge Wednesday, Thurs d a y
and Friday before going to Yak
ima to his regular Marine Re
serve session. Mrs. Winter vis
ited her father and step-mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Coulter, and
daughter and helped them in
moving their belongings. The
Coulters are planning a trailer
home and trip to Florida.
Wheeler Grads
ICII DtillUllldft
K1NZUA Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Browning wish to announce the
engagement of their daughter
Vonnie Joan to Jerry- M. Roe,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Koe
ol IVndleton. Joan is a gradu
ate of Wheeler High school and
has received her certificate in
General Business from Bl U 0
Mountain College in iviuiieton.
Jerry is a graduate of IVndleton
schools and nas receivcu
certificate in Mechanics from
Blue Mountain College. ;o date
has been set for the wedding.
Mr. anl Mrs. Lloyd E. Shel
i,n j it. annoiineini! the en
gagement of their daughter
Gienda to ayne t. vo.. uu
of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cox.
nun.ta iu n i-rii. Unite of Wheel
er High school and plans to
attend the I'hagan Beauty
a graduate of Wheeler High
school ana is now in mc vj.
lr,.. am tlti01Ud t KOft
Leonard Wood. Missouri. No
date has been set lor tne wen
Hay Balers and Hay Equipment
Largest Selection In Area
A Small Down Payment Will Start A
Good Selection Used Tractors Also
Case New Holland Calkins Harris
Wade Rain Irrigation
621 E. 2nd The Dalles PH: 696-2297
Moro, Oregon PH: 565-3652
Mr Mr-: IVlbort Barwi
were business visitors to Madras
In Bond Saturday on business
were Mr. and Mrs. Don Stinkard.
The Friendship club was en
tertained Tuesday night at the
school with Sharon Kelso as
h.-t.wc nih U..1.S won bv Nao
mi Rice, second high by Rita
Conlee, and floating by Roberta
Reid ind rat Miwiimi.
playing were Mavis Oyler. Di
nah Jackson. Betty Murdock,
Carol Norris, Barbara Mortl
more. Doris Stubblefield, and
Sue Mattison-
The Doubledeck club had its
Inst meeting until fall last Wed
nesday evening in Fossil with
irc Union Wricht as hostess.
High was won by Vonnie
Crowning, low by Marge Asher,
and tloating oy irnuua
Tilt Mav N'istad. Grand
high for the series as won by
Lily May Nistad and grand low
by Katnryn nae. ww.-i F"rf
Virginia Kelso, Rita
Conlee, and Mar) Boring.
Mrs. Howard Burch and aau
v,... PnlinHa Kave of Yuba
City, Calif., arrived last Thurs
day to spend a wevn toiui
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Kelso.
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Hall of
ML Vernon, spent the week end
visiting with Mrs. Hall's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Per-
Mrs. Joe Browning and dau
ghter Linda went to Pendleton
Saturday to Dring """"
Brownine home ior tne wnv-
Mrs. Herschel Murdock, Mrs
V- Vnrric and MrS Jack Bell
-, w. . ... u,,
f Frvccii u.prp in The Dalles
Thursday for business and shop
ping. While mere tney visiicu
at the Dalles Hospital with Mrs.
Marie Rhoton.
tin iv.m tnrrfan Mrs. Rich
ard Mortimore and son Earl
were business visitors to epp-
ner Friday. Wnue mere mej
also had medical care for Earl.
ciim phntnn wpnt to The Dal
les Saturday to bring home Mrs.
Rhoton who had recent surgery
at The Dalles hospital.
m onH Mrs T-owpII Sharp
went' to The Dalles Monday on
business and for medical care
for Lowell
Volunteer Firemen
Tour School Grounds
On m.inlTH Jim? LI.
kM rr ih Hi-imner vohin-
teer fire department, under fire
cruet inancs kukks. - (
the Heppner ni;n scni mum
ing to form a preplan for
lighting any possible fire at the
new building.
a nro.tMan 1 absolutely nec
essary at this time because the
water available tor tiro iignmiK
uiii iw. iiicnrri,-liiii imill the
building of the proposed new
eight inch city main. Chief Hug
Kles estimated that most of the
water which would be needed
lor a fire at the high scliooi
would have to come from the
(ire department pumpers.
The firemen learned the po
sitions of automatic fire doors.
h.t ..vi-Hnnt'. motor anil elec
tric switches. They made them
selves familiar with the general
plan ot the mitiu i n g aim
New Preserving
Processes Aid
The Unfreezables
County Extension Agent
Have ycu ever eaten a frozen
l,innln Mnrv M. HolthOUSC.
OSU food marketing specialist,
poses the question, and expects
a no answer, a uhu.uo huh
has been frozen and thawed
would be sogy and watery.
and some other foods, such ft
avocados, mushrooms, and ba
nanas, are also unsuited to or
dinary freezing methods.
A new process called cryogen
ic freezing freezing through
the use of liquid nitrogen oi
carbon dioxide below the tem
perature of minus 100 degrees K.
makes possible tne preserva
tion of foods that previlusly
have been sold only in the
fresh form. One Item that has
received extensive market test
ing is tomato slices, and quar
tered tomatoes are now also
being offered for sale In limit
ed areas.
A Florida packer, using the
rrvnrrpnle nrocess. Droce S S e d
more than 15 million pounds of
shrimp last year, and reports
the end product Is gTeatly im
proved over shrimp frozen by
conventional methods. The cryo
genic method takes 20 minutes
to freeze and package the
shrimp. Conventional freezing
and packaging takes more than
twit hnnrs.
Soon we may buy fresh frozen
avocado dip, avocado slices.
and half shells available the
year around. The new process
avoids Drt-aKUown oi irun sirue
ture or taste deterioration, and
may be tried on such otner
fruits as papava and pineapple.
in jregon, mjhic pim.rasui-i
have been tast lxeezing straw
berries with this new method.
They have been sold to a sel
ect market only, and we do not
yet find tnem at me reiau
After undergoing eryogen i c
freezing, products may be held
at normal food freezer tempera
tures, n iooks line anowicr lime
stone along the food marketing
avenue has been reached, says
Miss Holthou.se.
County Court Proceedings
Order; Transfer of funds from
General I ash Account to
Pioneer Memorial Hoa
nital Fund, dated 5406
Agreement: Purchase of used
nacKnoe tor .icu.
00, dated 5 400
The following warrants were
Uaued on the General rundt
K. O. Ferguson, Co.
Comm. Mileage S 19.10
Walter II. Hayes, do G2.35
First Nat l Bank,
Salaries 6C4.50
St. Ind. Accld. Comm.,
do 63.30
St. Tax Comm.. do lSU.IO
Pub. Kmp. Ret. Bd., do ...
Blue Cross, do 121 40
Safeco Life Ins, do 24.2'J
Murravs Rexall Drugs.
Co. Ct.. Sup. 1.20,
Sher. Sun. tlSc.
JP 6th. Sun. Mc 239
Ixplslatlvp Counsel Com..
Parker Pub. Co., do 6.45
Standard tn. Kquip.,
t o. ct.. Sup. 2t,
Clk's Sup 50..V .. "7.W
Klnzer Business Math.,
Clks. Sup. 13.56
C.J.D. Bauman,
Civ. lVf , 3.1X,
Jail Kxp. 1.25.
Sher. Sup. 7.50,
Sold. liui. Fd. 5(X)
Ex. Dep- 10.00 26.75
Standard till Co.
Sher. Car Exn 32.62!
Richfield Oil. do 6.52
Col. Bas. Elec.,
Sher 1 1 mm. Kd. la.i.i.
Cthse 125.12.
Surp. Fds. Exp. 351 14-I.3S
Blue Mtn. Comm.,
Comm. Ed 21.78
Morrell's Bus. Mneh.,
Treas. Sup 29.00
Northwestern Drug.
Nurse Sup 7.5fl
L. D. Tibbies, DO., do 10.00
McKesson & Robblns, do 4.63
Edna Chally. RN,
Nursn I'nr Fn 27.79
Ernest Jorgensen, Just. Ct.,
5th. off. rent 25.00
Pacific N.W. Bell,
Cur. Exp. 175.50,
Comm. Fd. 11.00 1S9.50
Court St. Market,
Cthse. Jan. Sup 316
Tum-A-Lum Lbr.,
riho Mlco Jk Ren K Ifi
John A. Pfeiffer, do 100
Herman Green, cio . j.iaj
Citv Water Dept., do 8.50
Heppner t ieaners,
Jail Kxp
Wacon Wheel Cafe, do .... 1930
St. Mary's Home,
Juv. Exp 500
Hermlston Med. Center,
do 6.00
Russell W. Leaeh,
Sheriff, do 12.05
Good Shepherd Hosp., do 9 25
Pmlrr Off Ilin H(l 1 8-10
Don MeCarty, do 23.58
Herman W. Winter,
D.A. Exp 250.05
Lota Tibbies, et al, Just.
Ct., 6th, Jurors 35.12
East Oregonlan, Off. Pub. 10.08
Heppner Gazette-1 lines,
Pub. 625.16.
Elec. 255.30,
Clk's Sup. 11.70 892.16
Amsterdam Pen Corp.,
Turner, VanMnrter &
Bryant, Bond
H.irrv O'Donnell,
Equal. Bl
Jnsner Mvcnt. do
Jessie M. Bell. Umatilla
Co. Clk.. Ment. Ill
Rachel Harnett,
Charles W. Phegley, Jr.,
Assess, fac, lieip
Paul W. Jones,
Judge's Tr. Exp
L. D. Tibbies, Med
Ernest Jorgensen, Just.
Ct., 5th, Kxp
MAR Co.. Cthse.
Mtse. A Ren.
Beverly Gunderson,
Juv. Exp
Albcrtlnu Kerr Nrsy., do
The Louise Home, do
Arthur A. Allen, et al,
Clr. Ct. Jurors
Pub. Emp. Ret. Bd,
S. S. Ortly Exp
I B M . Clk's. Inc
Les Schwab Tire enter,
IVp. Sher. Car Exp
N.W. Ind. Ldry..
Cthse, Jan. Sup
Conley Chem. A Sup. Co.,
Donald E. Clark,
Sher , Jail Exp
City of Irrlgon,
Citv of Boardman. do
McKesson A Bobbins.
Nrse. Sun
Standard Oil,
Dep. Car Kxp. 80.86
Cthse. Ktirl 5242.
Juv. Exn. 3(H)
Marv Bryant,
IHp. 209.67.
Co. Ct. 33.33
Elvira Irby, Dp
Lillian Sweek. Off. Clk.
Phlllln Gooilnll. Sn. IVd.
Joyce Phegley, Dep
rxina l nany, ii. nurw ..
Alma Green. Off. Clk.,
11. Nurse 71.17.
Assess 118.80
D. E. Hudson. Jan ...
Margaret Jorgensen,
ff riu th
20 00
44 48
2 91
130 28
303 00
L. D. Tibbies, DO, Phy.
Donald MeCarty, Juv.
W. C. Drlscoll.
Comm. Ed
Dan Morrison, Ct. Rep. .. 122 02
Nancy B. Dixon, ....
Surp. Fds. CI. Help "
The following warrants were !
uea on the General ikk
ItRgem A Cont.
Mehv Co r-MS
II, C. Sherer (IVIty Cash) 73.6J
First Nat'l. Bank 704
Pub. Kmp. Ret. Bd 7J
St. Tax, Comm. !
St. I ml Accld
Blue CroM
Safico Life In. JJ-JJ-j
Munnell A Sherlll 3J.50
Central Oreg.
Welder Sup.
Western Auto t-
Sehetkv Eoulp m..T,
Stone M.hy W
Ford's Tire Serv 2.W.34
II... .......r Ai.l., I.rl lliO.O-l
Heppner Auto Sale MM
Becket Eiiulpinent Co ',2l
Turn A l.um Lbr w
Portland Wire A Steel
Whse 3,H-37
LexitiKton Oil
Cooperative 1 J
Cornett (Jieell Feed 01 47
Heppner Auto Sales 3200 00
I). H. Baker -f'OO
Ralph Skoubo 1 , JL
!.. U'l..r limit fSKt
Gene Orwlck 27 47
Murray Rexall Prugs w j
Standard Off. Kuulp 11 05
..ifirt wvv n..ll 27.70
Col. Ban. Elec 24.74
C JD. Bauman,
Sher Tr.
I-ub. Emp. Ret. Bd 540
Cmatllta Ready Mix
Concrete 12y'l'
Fulleton Chev. Co 487
U-xliiKtou Imp. Co 31J.W
Ham s Truck Line il?i?
Col. Bas. Elec - 2137.50
Standard Oil Co 2.I2
Civile Equip. Co U'S
N.W. Ind. Ldry 7.90
Set Salaries -j
u.w.l. ki'iHr .. 2jb.l4
The lollowlnq warrants were U
ued on the nik, runu
First Nat l. Bank.
Weed Control
Pub. Emp. Ret. Bd , do 38 W)
IXibyn I'est font., do 71-20
State Tax Comm.. do
St Ind. Accld. Cumin..
do . C915
Blue "ros. do JJ'S
Safeco Life lw .
James L. Cason, do 3Wi.J
Save Money on New Colkins Wceders
At Arrow Form Equipment Co., The Dolles
Reducing Inventory ot Dealer Costs . . .
CALKINS IOV2 ft. ctr. Dr. with 1" rod
CALKINS Unitized 36 ft. and 48 ft.
Stocked at Moro or The Dalles
Case Calkins Harris New Holland
Wade Rain Irrigation Datiun
621 E. 2ND
PH. 296-2297
with Harvest Master connected
to the combine collecting low-cost cattle feed
f"" j
Why wtste cracktd grain, weed eed, chill
strew and thrownover grain -ell of which it
good cattle feed. If you're throwing It ewey
behind your combine, you're wasting feed.
And how often have you had to buy feed to
winter your cattle-increasing cattle production
cost, reducing profit.
The Harvest Master, towed behind the com
bine, eliminates this waste. It's perfect for
farms with both grain and cattle, meking it
possible to winter cattle for less than 10c per
day per head. Here's how tne Harvesi
Master works: With the aid of a blow
er system, the unit follows the com
bine collecting crop by products that
are usually wasted. The wegon fills
and the combine operator triggers the
dump lever leaving a compact stack
of good cattle feed anywhere in the field.
There's no need to stop the combine, the
Harvest Master is designed for non stop oper
ation. Feed stacks are large enough (o'xlC'x')
to be rehandled economically.
The Harvest Master is an investment In
profits. You buy it to make more money. In
normal operating season, the savings realized
on feed will pay for the unit.
Two feed-saving Harvest Master units era
now available: models 5400 and 6500. (Both
are pulled by the comoine.j moaei
5400 takes its blower power irom mm
combine engine and model 6500 has
its own engine for blower power.
HADVf IT Foster Manufacturing Company
MASTTIP Box U, Madras. Oregon
Mercer-Ashenfelter, Inc.
"Storybook Fashions" Selected
This Year's Dress Revuo Theme
"Storybook Fashions" was sel
ected for the theme of this
year's Dress Revue last week by
th nrocK Keviii eommiuee. inc
Dress Revue will be open to
the public and is scheduled for
n m WeHnpsdav. AUBUSt 24.
The models will be 4-H Cloth
ing and Knitting project mem-hi-rr.
who will show the Ear-
ments made In their projec t s-
nans were macie ior creciing
portable platform to be taken
intn thn livostnrk show barn on
the fairgrounds and to arrange
bleachers lor tne aumence.
Momhera nf the committee in
charge of the dress revue who
are 4-H clothing or Knitting
leaders include, Mrs. Wm. Raw
lins, of lone, wno is cnairman;
Mrs. Floyd Hobbs, Irrigon; Mrs.
Pr.lan.i Ri.rot t r n m. lone: Mrs.
John Privet t, Heppner, and Mrs.
Laurence tsccicet, Heppner.
Yea the Oazptte-Times can
print the form you need for busl
. rt enc
ness or rancn use. rnuue io
Well Drilling
Now drilling wells In
your vicinity
Rotary Drilling
Is much taster.
Does aw cry with testing.
Cleans the bole with air
as it drills.
Free Estimates
Cheerfully Given
276-2081 Collect
1015 S. W. Fraxer
Pendleton. Ore.
f or
. . . . non-stop harvesting
. . . . more grain-in-the-bin
. . . . trouble-free performance
.... big capacity
HARRISjf ff"-
APACBY..or 1080 Level-land
Why wade through another harvest with an old combine that
doesn't "stand-the-gaff"? Trade up to a new Giant HARRIS
HILLSIDE or LEVEL-LAND the big choice ol growers who are
going places! Trade up to Harris and you'll have non-stop
harvesting when the grain says go! Trade up to Harris, the
one that's built especially for you!
II I fl Wm
Inland equipment vo.
PH. 384-3000