C3 MARGARET MARKS Margaret Marks Due to Preside At Hereford Day Margaret Marks, a Heppner Hich sohol Eraduate, will pre side over the 4th annual meet ing of the Oregon Junior Here ford association at its 4th an nual Field Dav to be held Satur day. June 11. at the Emory Moore Hereford Ranch near Cor vail is. E a r 1 v momine registration will be followed at 9:15 a.m. by a judging contest open to both teams and individuals. Trophies and merchandise awards will be presented to the high scoring 4-H and FFA individuals and teams. The high scoring individ ual who is a member of the as sociation will receive a register ed Hereford heifer sired bv Lamplighter 16th. Anv 4 H or FFA member carrying either a Hereford breeding or fat steer proiect mav belong to the assoc iation. A special contest will be an nounced during the day this year and the winner will claim a Polariod camera. Other high lights include a tour of the Em ory Moore Ranch and an address bv James H. Jensen, president of Oregon State University. Moore is also providing a lunch eon for all those attending. Miss Marks, who served as secretary two years before tak ing the helm as president, is a freshman at OSU where she is majoring in food technology'. Re cently the Withycombe club, a group of students interested in animal science, elected her as their secretary as did the Food Technology club. Margaret is completing her 10th year in 4-H club work and owns a small herd of registered Herefords. The Emory Moore Ranch can be reached by taking highway 223 northwest of Philomath. The ranch is In the Kings Valley area between Dallas and Wren. Margaret is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Marks, Fossil. She graduated from Heppner High in 1965. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Padberg are leaving today lor Salem to visit with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tucker. They plan to attend the graduation of Mrs. Tucker from Oregon Col lege of Education at Monmouth. They will also visit with Mrs. Padberg's son-in-law and dau ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ross. POWER CONTROL ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE WE REPAIR: Electric Motor Power Tool Hydraulic Jacks Alemite Equipment 421 S. E. 4th Pendletoa Phone 276-5862 ft M The 10th of the Month is The Business-Professional Man's PAY-DAY Always par your bills by the 10th of the month. Remember, the way you pay today, is the way you are building your credit record for the next RED BOOK Credit Bureau of Umatilla County SLOW AND PAST DUE ACCOUNTS ABE COLLECTED BY THE ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT. PAT YOUR SLOW ACCOUNTS NOW AND AVOID HAVING THE ACCOUNT TURNED IN FOB COLLECTION HEPfNER GAZETTE County Agent's Office Crum Selected New Chairman Of Fire Control By GENE WINTERS County Extension Agent The Morrow County farm fire control committee met Monday evening in the Countv Extension office to select a new chairman. determine the state of readiness of county owned fire fighting equipment and suggest educa tional and informational activit ies in the area of farm fires. Ralph Crum, lone, was elected chairman and coordinator to re place Andv Van Schoiack who had served for several years in this capacity and has since mov ed from the county. Also present were Frank Anderson. jerrv Brosman. Don Heliker. Walt Jac obs and the writer. Members of the committee re ported on the status of the coun ty owned equipment stationed in the county. Most of equip ment is ready to go when need- d. A few minor repairs or re placements are necessary. The 6x6 pumper with $00 gallon tank is located at the Walt Jacobs ranch south of lone; foetus with 100 gallon fire fight ers at Reitmann Brothers ranch north of lone and Rov Martin's in the North Lexington com munity. The 100 gallon tire fighting unit mounted on priv ately owned pickups at the ranches of Harold Wright Ruggs; Darold Hams, Hardman; Jerrv Brosnan. Buttercreek; Ken neth Peck, Clarke Canyon; and Don Heliker, West lone. Back packs are located with each of these units. The committee recommends that all farm fire fighting equip ment be ready for use with wat er in tanks, dozer blades on the tractors and fire extinguishers prepared for use. It was suggested that individ ual farmers know what fixe fighting equipment his neigh bors have so the equipment needs of the community could oe estimated in case of fire. 4-H Council Acts On Coming Plans A special 4-H club council meeting was held at the dormi tory building on the fair grounds Thursday, May 26. With a good sized group In attendance sev eral important matters were dis cussed and acted upon. The most urgent was a decis ion on making arrangements for moving the snack shack to a different position on the fair grounds. Other matters discussed in cluded work day for the Sum mer Camp, set for June 19, shortage of applicants for vari ous 4-H scholarships, ana uem onstration Day to be in July this year. President Dean Graves pre sided over the meeting. Coffee, punch and cookies were served bv Dave Barnett. Mrs. Anita Stockaid went to Eugene on Tuesday to bring her daughter Jean home from her stnriifv; nt the University of Ore gon. Jean will take over the household for her mother this summer while Mrs. Stockard is at summer school at Eastern Oregon College in La Grande. She will be in school for two months beginning June 20 and will take courses in general education. - TIMES. Thursday. June I. 196 'Johnston's Law' Held as Argument By DONNA CEORCE Morrow County Extension Agent The operation of "Johnston's Law" is a gixvl argument for setting up a family emergency fund. While you mav think John ston's Law is some tviv of sc ientific soroerv. actually it is lust the formulation of an old rule that applies t0 most fam ilies at some time or other. "No matter how well vou plan your budget, something always hap pens that vou didn't expect." Mrs, Alberta Johnston, exten sion family finance specialist at OSU. points out that all families need an emergency fund. This should ho set up in the form of a savings account, and mon ey should be deposited regularly in the fund. A good goal for a family emer gency fund might be savings equal to two months salary, in a savings account whore It Is readily available when the mon ev is needed. Families should be sure that the amount sot aside each month is realistic, one they can actually save. Another advantage of having emergency funds in a savings account is that families can bor row from themselves when they need the money, instead of go ing to a commercial lender. It won't cost as much, and the money can often bo obtained more quickly. Failure to Bury Animal Carcasses Results in Fine By GAIL McCARTT Morrow County Extension Agent Carcasses of domestic animals left more than 13 hours within a half mile of dwellings with out burying or burning them resulted in a $10 fine for Giles Wilfred Palmer. Rt. 1. Box 408. Redmond. On Ellis, justice of the peace, Redmond, assessed the fine after Palmer entered a guilty plea before him last month. Ellis also ordered Palmer to bury the dead animals and refrain from again leaving such conditions in Deschutes County. The complaint against Palmer was filed by the Oregon Depart ment of Agriculture. The de partment said several head of hogs had been left by Palmer and there were approximately 10 dwellings in the immediate neighborhood. 4-H HAS LARGE ALUMNI One out of every five adults in America are former 4-H'ers. The National 4-H Alumni Re cognition program, sponsored by Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp oration, offers recognition to sel ected former 4-H members at county, state and national lev els. But besides recognition, these 24 million alumni help make the 4-H program stronger. As a former 4 H er familiar with local 4-H activities, you can spark the interest of citizens in helping youth seek a better fut ure. Your leadership, inspiration and support are needed today. TEXMO POLE FRAME STRUCTURES Low Cost Farm and Commercial Buildings Ideal and Practical For Barns, Milk Parlors, Machine Sheds, Loafing Sheds, Hay Storage Sheds FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND INQUIRIES WRITE OR PHONE HAROLD STINCHFIELD BOX 266, CONDON, ORE. PHONE 384-5453 TEXMO FRANCHISED DEALER FOR GILLIAM, MORROW AND UMATILLA COUNTIES .JSL. S- J -1 . t 'Hi MR. AND MRS. STAN WEISHAAR June U as the 196S State Winner In the Conservation Man of the Year Contest sponsored League. The program will ranch operations. The guest Dr. Burton Wood, Director of Stations. Oregon State U. A at noon. Other speakers will County Wheat League president and Wluis Narts, chairman of the state conservation committee of the League J1 tmi .. is l iXl TOM TEMPLETON Wheat Associates Tap Spokane Man Tom Templeton, well known Spokane radio and television farm news director, will Join the Tokyo office of Western Wheat Associates as assistant . market ing director according to Louis Carlson, president of the Morrow County Wheat Growers associa tion. Templeton will work with Far East marketing director James Hutchinson, formerly of Helix. At the present time Tem pleton Is undergoing a six week orientation period before assum ing his duties in Japan. A native of Indiana. Temple ton majored In animal science at Purdue University, tie has farmed in both Indiana and Northern Idaho. He has boon In the radio and TV farm news field for 14 years. 11 years with KHQ Radio and TV in Spokane. Previous to entering the radio and TV field. Templeton worked for a coast feed company, live stock buyer for a national pack er and a farm structures spec ialist for a coast lumber com pany. Templeton has been a mem ber of the Pacific Northwest Farm Forum Committee for the pas six yearTand was chair- man in 1965. Call or write your county exten sion office and offer your help or better yet, stop in and visit with the agents. 1 .... P-lJLiJ-jr it 1 4 "; ',,.-1, ,. 1 , 1 1 ;-------- '""' f . . ' : ; -u: ft .IU - tl M I JSS3 '4 '4 mwfiaw.4 of La Grande will be honored by the Oreaon Wheat Growers start at 10:30 a.m. with a tour of speaker In the afternoon will be Oregon Agricultural Experiment tree barbecue lunch will be held include Jim McKlnnls. Union 110 Pairs Stock Pasture on 1 Vi Acres At O'Harra Place Cows with calves, numbering 110 pairs of stock, have boon pasturing on 1 ' acres of Irri gated land at the Newt O' llarra place I n ulta fescue and laitiho clover so tall that at first backs of the nnlmnls only wer" visible, O Harm said. The st.uk are those of Ken D.itty. and O llarra gives credit to Ellis lYttyohn, who shares in the management, and to Hat ty for tluir irrigation and con servation practices which make it possible to keep the herd on n total of 55 acres of pasture land. The stock remained on the 1 1 acres for only three days, but can return for another three das after a 21 day re spite. O'Karra states. Ho fig ures that the 14 acres Is kohI for 1000 cow days of pasturing per year. By rotating the stock on seg ments of thet S3 acres, there Is plenty of feed, and they never go out on summer range. The Mi acres that supported the herd this year has only re ceived one good Irrigation, O'Harra said. It Is 22 year-old pasture. "It looked like they didn't even have room to lay down,"' he said. "This shows what more water would do If we had the dam. ' O'Harra said they could run one-third more cattle on the same acreage If they had the water. He said that Batty and Petty lohn managed the herd to at tain a 'Jli'.'r calf crop this year. "They're doing a swell Job," he s;. ul. Examiner Coming A drivers license examiner will be on duty In Heppner on Tuesday, June 21, at the court house between the hours of 9:30 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS Mimeograph Stencils and I s now available at the Cuelt Times office. 49-tfx 1 "Fuel for Thought' from ED DICK: IHIeire aire 9 ways t BieenD sfuiiff i?5 nun ttdDjp sBnape. Chevron Aluminum Asphalt Coating. Chevron Asbestos Hoof Coating, Chevron Aluminum Asbestos Coating. Chevron Utility Coating. Chevron Priming Solution. Chevron Plastic Cement. Chevron Plastic Cement Heavy. Chevron Roof Paint. Chevron Shingle Stains. The right combination of these products will restore, preserve, and lengthen the life of all prepared-paper, metal, and shingle roofs. Red, green and brown. Give us a call about the right ones for your roof. You're sure of prompt delivery. Oregon Farm and Home CALENDAR June 10 11 Eastern Oregon l.lsv- slock Show (111 anil FFA Auction Sale 10 a.m., on the 10th). 10-11 Jackson County Spring Lamb Show, Medford. 11 Oregon Junior Hereford Avsoclntlon Annual Field Day, Kmorv Moore Hereford Itancn, Kings Valley. 1.1 18 4 II Summer School. OSU. t-2l American llrv Sc ience Association Annual Meet ing. OSU. I'll Mid Columbia 4 II Ilors Show, The Hallos, July T1 IS Baker County II Horse Show. August 7-1.1 Jackson County 4 II and FKA Fair. Medford. 10-13 Umatilla County Fair. Ilcrmlston. 10-13 Baker County Junior Show. tl Linn County 4 II Horse Show, Albany, lti-lt Douglas County Fair. 17-21 Coos County ralr. 18-21 I'olk County Fair, Rlokreall. 18 21 Yamhill County Fair, McMtnnvllle. 21-21 l.lnn County I II and FKA Fair. Albany. 21 25 State 4 II Horse Show Fairgrounds, Salem. 22 27 Union County Fatr. 23-25 Morrow County Fair. 25-2M Wasco County Fair, Tvgh Valley. 26 Morrow County Horse Show, 2ti Sept. 6 Oregon State Fair, Salem. 27-28 Morrow County Rodeo. September 8 11 Sherman County Fair. Fairgrounds, Moro. October 15-23 Pacific International Livestock F.xponlllon. Portland. 21-23 Horseman Short Cour se. Withycombe Hall. USU. November 3-5 53rd Annual Convention Oregon Cattlemen's Association, lVtulltun. 911 Oregon Association of Conservation Districts annual meeting, Seasldor, Seaside. IM0 Oregon Weed Conor encc. Sheraton Hotel, Portland. ia Purebred Ewe Sale. I'olk County Fairgrounds. 13-10 Oregon Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting and convention, Pendleton. 1618 Oregon Horticultural Society, OSU. 1719 Western Oregon Live stock annual convention, Clack amus Co. December 5-6 Agricultural Coopera tive Council of Oregon. 1214 Oregon Seed Growers League, Marlon Motor Hotol, Salem. 1214 Oregon Wheat Grow- BALERS BALERS BALERS Hay Balers and Hay Equipment SEVERAL MAKES & MODELS RECONDITIONED Largest Selection In Area OWNING TOOK OWN BALER WILL ASSURE TOU WITH TOP-OUAUTT HAT BALED WHEN READT A Small Down Payment Will Start A NEW OR USED BALER IN TOUR FIELD SEE US SOON Good Selection Used Tractors Also ARROW FARM EQUIPMENT SALES SERVICE PARTS Case New Holland Calkins Harris Wade Rain Irrigation 621 E. 2nd The Dalle PHt 696-2297 Moro, Oregon PHt 565-3652 Call 676-9633 in Heppner ED DICK Your Standard Oil Distributor Krispie Cookers Club Has Tea for Mothers A meet In of the Krlsple Cooker 4 II cooking club was held June 1 In the Christian church basement. There was a tea after the meeting tor the m embers' mothers. Cookies, punch and lea were served for refreshment. Members were en tertained bv (iwen lrke play ing the piano. Hevcrlv I'hegley, Linda Raker and ChrUtle ling uowood presented a play. Lollla Mnntuardt read a poem and Carol Hughe and Janet tlenlry put on a skit. tjwen I'tnke, reporter Morrow County CROP WEATHER SUMMARY For Week Kmlliut June 3 (Compiled hv U. S. Department of Agriculture, Portlnd) Much grass and alfalfa; grass hay In windrow that not cut In general awaiting clearing weather. Improved wheat and bartev pru.is't In south half of county. Shearing completed, Manv lambs approaching mark et condition. Pastures showing Improvement due to rains In foothills. Manv ranchers culling old rows. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Archie I'adherg from Krldav. May 21. to Thursday, June 2. were Mrs. Padberg's dau ghter and husband, Mr. and Mm. Cordon Kxw of Canbv. The visitors did considerable fishing In the area before returning home. ers league convention, Sheraton Motor Inn. Portland. 1967 February 1516 Oregon Pain' Indus tries Conference, Withycombe Hull. OSU. Well Drilling ROY T. FRENCH Now drilling wells in your ytdnlty Rotary Drilling Is much faster. Does away with testing. Cleans the hole with air as It drills. CALL ME Free Estimates Cheerfully Gleea 276-2031 Collect 1015 S. W. Fraxer Pendleton. Ore. The Chevron ABOVE ALL means service