Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 02, 1966, Sec. 2, Image 9

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    Rev. Walter B. Crowell Speaks
To Graduates at Baccalaureate
IONB Uev, Walter B. Crow
ell of lone United Church of
( hrlht wim the Hin'iikcr lit the
tmruliiurcHtt) nervlre for lono
UlKh hcIiimiI senior on Sunday
veiling, May "M, In tho school
Gene Klftmiinn played tho
ir(KTHsliiiuil uiul rwciuiionai for
tlm HtuclriilH and Kev. Don Me
Cnrty, pator of the Church of
the Nu?.nrni at Heppner, gave
tho Invocation and pronounced
the benediction,
Teresa Tucker nnng n music
Hi selection accompanied hy
Mm. Paul Tews.
Commute Makes Plan
for Annual Church Auction
Milton Morunn, chairman,
wnn host for thp chairmen of
tho annual auction and harbe
cue committees of the United
Church of Christ fund raining
function. The croup met on
Wednesday nlttht and made
committee report.
Plana were made for a croup
to accept the Invitation of Hta-
tlon KUMA In Pendleton on thla
Wednesday to discus tho auc
tion on their morning coffee
hour broadcast. Mrs. Morgan
aerved refreshment to those at
tending following tho meeting.
Mrs. Dorr Mnson and son
Jerry of Portland visited her
daughter, Mra. Roy A. l.lnd
trom and family over the Mem
orial Day week-end. She also
attended tho Pioneer Picnic In
Heppner on Monday.
Ron Crabtree apent the holi
day here with hi parents, Mr.
and Mra. Leo Crabtree from hla
work In Tacoma.
Mr. and Mra. Roy Stendcr of
Salem visited relatives here ov
er the holiday.
The first and second grade
of the lone school enjoyed a
trip by train from Arlington to
Hlnkle for their field trip. They
visited at the radio station In
Hermiston after a picnic In tho
park there.
A World War I buddy called
at the home of Mr. and Mra.
Cleo Drake this week-end. Roy
Wakefield of Sheridan stopped
for a visit with Mr. Drake. It
was the fisrt time the men had
met in many years.
Connie ChrUtopherson return
ed home on Thursday from
Rrlghnm Young University at
I'rovo, Utah. She wus accompa
nied by her dunce, Max Burn
urn, who has also been attend
Iiik school there,
Claude Breshears and his
mother, Mm. Dale Ray were
here for the week-end and were
dinner guesta at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Palmer.
Other guests on Sunday at the
I'ulmer home were Mr. and Mrs.
Klmer Palmer of Heppner and
Laurel llcuch of Portland.
Ron Bakers Hay Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Baker of
Ilermlston aro the parents of a
Grande, and Mr. and Mrs. Ar
del Peterson of Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chris
topherson and family spent the
week-end In the Willamette
Vulley visiting relatives. They
visited her mother, Mrs. Kthyl
Jepson ut Canby and Mrs. Er
nest Chrlstopherson Sr. at Don
ald and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rice and
baby arrived on Tuesday for a
visit with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Rice. Their home Is
In Reno, Nev.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundell
Imby daughter, Serena Raylene, 1 D1,;k.lw'r Monday guests
Stephen Llndstrom has com
pleted his sophomore year at
Pacific Lutheran University at
Tacoma and is home, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy W. Llndstrom drove up
for their son over the week
end. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Palmer
and his brother und sister-in-law
spent several days enjoy
ing an outing at Crane Prairie
Guests this week end at the
Harold Sherer home were Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Pierce and
Robin of Redmond and Judy
Sherer and her fiance Kelly An
drews, both of Eastern Oregon
College at La Grande.
Memorial Day visitors In lone
were Mrs. Charles Vaughan
and daughter Cheryl Corlcy of
Hayfork. Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Craw
ford took Memorial Day week
end to drive to Kahlotus, Wash,
to visit relatives.
Home Economics Club will
meet for an all day meeting at
the home of Mrs. Marlon Palm
born on May 27, at Good Shep.
herd hospital in Hermlston,
weighing 6 H., 15 4 oz. Grand
parents are Mr, and Mrs. K. M.
Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Theo.
Jacobson of Seattle, and Mr.
Ida Campbell of Seattle. Mr.
and Mr. C. G. Henderson of
Sumner, Wash., ure the great
grandparents. The three little
sisters. Sheila. Colleen, and Su
zanne are visiting with the Ba
kers In lone thl week.
Ed Haseloff of Plains. Texas,
arrived on Wednesday for a
visit with friends In this area.
He wus a teacher In the lone
schools last year and this year
taught at Plain High school.
He has received a fellowship to
attend Texas A It M beginning
June 17,
An error was made In report
ing the new officers for the
Women's Fellowship of the
United Church of Christ. Mrs.
K. T. Martin will serve as vice
president for the group for the
coming year Instead of Mrs.
John Jepsen, who served In that
capacity last year.
Norman Nelson drove to Port
the m $
Heppner, Oregon 97836, Thursday, June 2, 1966
Sec. 2
land on Saturday to bring his er on June 9. Members are ask
mother, Mrs. Alfred Nelson, Sr. led to bring salads or desserts.
Motor Rewinding
Pendleton 276-77611
and her granddaughter. Frelda
Mason, to lone for a visit. They I
were accompanied home on
Sunday by Mr. Anne C.
Smouse, who la visiting at the
Kenneth Smouse home, and
Mr. S. C. lUnsdell, who is a
guest of her daughter, Mr. Al
fred Nelson, Jr. and family.
Frelda returned home on Tues
day, but the ladles will remain
for a week.
Mr, and Mr. Don Larnon of
Wen a t c h e e were week end
guests of her parent, Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Helmblg
ner spent the Memorial week
end with relatives at Odessa,
I Wash.
I Susan Baker has completed
I her school year at St. Mary's
School for Girls at Beaverton
t and Is home for tho summer
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David Baker.
Guests of Mrs. Albert Llnds-
trom on Saturday and Sunday
were her niece and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson
of Bremerton, Wash. Other
guests at her home on Memor
ial Day were her brother and
slster-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Turner, Pam and Frances of La
Garden Club will hold a 12:00
p.m. meeting on June 14 at the
mountain cabin of Mrs. Vida
Hellker. The regular meeting
will follow a potluck dinner.
Mrs. Harriet Bolman of Seat
tie brought her mother, Mrs. E.
C. Hellker home this week. The
two ladles had Just returned
from a pleasant vacation spent
In Canada.
Barbara Bishop of EOC spent
the week-end at the home of
her parents, the Ronald Bish
op. The science and physics class
es of lone High school enjoyed
a trip to Portland recently,
where they visited the Oregon
Museum of Science ana maus
try, and also attended the mov
le, 'The Sound of Music".
Ralph Martin and hut aunt,
Miss Marie Martin of. Oregon
City were guests of his parents
over the long weeg-ena.
Gary Morgan of Portland
snent the week end with hla
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Tho seventh and eighth grade
classes spent their field trip
going through McNary Dam,
1 11(01
Athletic Awards
Given Riverside
Boys at Assembly
BOARDMAN Ronald Bacon,
Riverside High school senior,
was awarded the baseball In
spirational award at an assem
bly at the school last Thursday
afternoon, Jim Harper, baseball
coach, presented It and the fol
lowing: Byron Hobbs, manager,
varsity baseball Mike Snyder,
Douglas King. Ronald Bacon,
Glenn Schrneder, Chester Phil
lips, Mike Partlow, Bob McRae,
Tom Van Horn, Bob Buchanan,
Gary Balrd, Richard Llnnell,
Greg Bedord and David Schrned
er. Junior varsity Don Hinkley,
Bob Skoubo, Richard Ryan and
Phil Hanson.
Junior varsity basketball was
also presented by Harper as
follows: Byron Hobbs, Carrol
Lathrop, Dennis Lespera nee,
Richard Franke, t Richard Lln
nell, Bob Buchanan, Tom Van
Horn, David Schmeder. Bob
Skoubo, Richard Ryan, Tom Ol-
In, Duane Lamb, Mike Fosscy
and Phil Hanson, manager.
Dan Dnltoso. basketball and
football coach, presented the
following awards: varsity bas
ketball: Thore Nordstrom, man
ager, Ronald Bacon. Glenn
Schmeder, Mike Smith, Chester
Phillips. Mike Partlow, Bob Mc
Rae, Ron Hinkley and Gary
Varsity football Glenn
Schmeder. Ronald Bacon, Mike
Smith, Jim Wilson, Larry Peter
son, David Stlefel, Mike Part
low, Chester Phillips, Don Jur
eensen. Bob McRae, Ron Hink
ley, Gary Balrd, Carrol Lathrop,
Dennis Lesperance and David
Schmeder. Junior varsity loot,
ball Glenn Schmeder. insplra
ttonal award, Byron Hobbs,
Richard Franke, Greg Bedord,
Gene Golly horn, George Ken
ncy, Richard Ryan, Mike Ander
son, Mike Llnnell, Mike Fossey,
Tom Olin, Bob Skoubo and
Duane Lamb.
Tom Olin received the varsity
iracK awara.
Linda Lee Jones, first grader
at Boaxdman Grade school, was
crowned May Queen at the an
nual May Day program In the
school gymnasium held recent
ly. Jackie Donovan was the
king. Principal Ron Daniel
crowned the pair. Princess and
princesses were Ron Sauers and
Julie Zielinskl, second grade;
David Snodderly and Mary Dix
on, third grade; Frank Flock
and Karen Phillips, fourth
grade. Flower girls were pre
schoolers Julie Hug, Kathleen
Hilling and Noretta Wheel
house. Scepter bearers were pre
schoolers Tammy Risley and
Cally Broadbent Crown bearers
were pre-schoolers Steven Burg
and Kenneth Sicard.
A play "On the Range", was
presented by the four grades
with the following characters:
Shorty, Marlon McKenzie; Cur
ley, Bill Wheolhouse; Ben, Jer
ry Donovan; Slim, Kelly Coon
s'e; Dead Eye, BiUie Bedord;
Wahoo, Don Russell; Texas,
Dale Baker; first girl, Denlse
Hcnkle; second girl, Kathy Beal.
The third and fourth grades
wound the May Pole.
The processional and reces
sional was by all four grades.
Mrs. LaVern Partlow was
hostess for tho Boardman Til
Ileum Club at her home last
Tuesday night. Mrs. Bernard
Donovan and Mrs. Bob Hutcn
Ings were guests.
Mrs. H. M. Walker and Mrs.
Ronald Black gave reports on
the State Federation of Worn
ens club convention in Portland
recently. Mrs. Walker resigned
as first vice-president of the 7th
district, since she is moving
away. The club received an
award for buying savings bonds,
and won Outstanding Vocation
al CARE certificate for partici
pating in the CARE program.
$74.75 was reported taken in
at the recent rummage sale.
Visitors Spend
Week-end Here
ner and daughter, Mrs. Clarence
Hays of Corvallls, was a visitor
In Lexington for a short while
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hunt
and children of Beaverton were
week-end visitors at the home
of his mother, Mrs. Bertha Hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. John Flint of
Beaverton were week-end call
ers at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davidson.
Miss Charlene Jones and Mr.
Dale Whitney of Portland were
week-end visitors at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. C Jones.
Mrs. Florence McMillan, who
has been visiting In Pendleton,
spent Memorial Day at her
home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob cool
and children returned home
with her, all returning to Pen
dleton on Monday.
Elmer Pomerov of Kelso. Wn..
was a visitor one day last week
In Lexington and Heppner.
Home Ec Club of Lexington
Grange met at the home of
Mrs. Wilbur Steagall on Thurs
day of last week. Plans were
made for a booth at the Side
walk Bazaar In Heppner with
Mrs. Steaeall and Mrs. Nora
Turner in charge. Plans for a
fair booth were also discussed
and plans were partially com
pleted. It was announced that
Pomona Grange would meet at
the Lexington Grange Hall on
July 30. Refreshments were
served by the hostess to Mrs.
Ella Burgoyne and Mrs. Ken
neth Smouse of lone. Mrs. Nor
man Nelson, Mrs. Fred Nelson,
Mrs. Joe Yocom, Mrs. C. C.
Jones, of Lexington and Mrs.
Nora Turner of Heppner. Mrs.
Steagall had charge of the dish
rags recently purchased by the
HEC lor sale.
Mrs. Harvey Rhode visited her
brother-in-law ana sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Cox one day
last week. Mrs. Rhode Is the
fromer Fern Graves or Hepp
Mr. and Mrs. Max Breeding
and sons of Portland spent the
week-end with his mother, Mrs.
Lola Breeding. Mrs. Breeding re
turned with them as far as
Hood River where she will at
tend the graduation of her
grandson, Jim Grant. She will
also visit in Prineville for two
weeks before returning home.
Another caller at the Breeding
home was a son Paul of Cald
well, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson
and daughter Willa were Herm
lston callers on Saturday of this
Mr. and Mrs. Butch Sawyer
and son of Eugene were callers
in Lexington Sunday enroute to
Joseph, to visit his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Steve Sawyer.
The home of Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Ruhl was visited by sev
eral relatives over the Memor
ial Day week-end. Coming from
Yakima, Wn., was James Point
er, uncle of Mrs. Ruhl; her bro
ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Gray of Dexter; her
mother, Mrs. Gene Gray and
sister, Florence Gray, both of
The next meeting will be at
the home or Mrs. Vernon Rus
sell. June 14. at 8 p.m. At that
time there will be Installation
of officers.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mes.
senger, Sr., The Dalles, visited
at the home of Mrs. Messen
gor's brother-in-law and sis
ters, Mr. and Mrs. Zearl Gllles
pie, and Mrs. Claud Coats. Fit
day evening. Mrs. Elmer Mes
senger accompanied them here
and is spending the week end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Robinson.
The Home Economics Club of
Greenfield Grange will meet
June 8 at the home of Mrs.
Glen Carpenter with Mrs. Em
mett McKenzie as co-hostess.
Luncheon will be served at
12:30 p.m.
UK i
Pettyjohn's Farm
And Building Supply
Heppner PH. 676-9157
Now you can dial station-to-station anywhere within the state of
Oregon after 10 pm and talk 10 minutes for no more than 1.00.
Announcing a new bargain Long Dis
tance rate for our Oregon customers.
Now you can dial station-to-station any
where within the state between 10 PM and
4:30 AM and pay no more than $1 for a
full 10 minutes. (Add'l minutes 10c each.)
For example, under the previous rate a
10-minute station -to -station call after
10 PM between Portland and Medford
cost $2.05. The same call under the new
rates now costs only $1.
Now when you call your friends and rela
tives around the state, relax, have a good
chat. Ten for one after ten,
Pacific Northwest Bell
Part at ika Nilionwidi M Snttis
We Will
Deliver Your
Processed Meat
iL') UI n. A.
l 1
Hogs Tuesday
Cattle Wed., Thurs.
Sheep Any Day
Folletr Meat Co.
Ph. 567-6651
Hermiston. Oregon
On Hennlston-McNcrry
JL Yfi
SATURDAY, JUNE 4, Starting 10:30 A.M.
Pump Organ, exc. shape
Treadle sewing machine
made In late 1800,
includes attachments
and wooden shuttles
Wash board
Old fruit jars, bottles
1947 Nash auto
Wheat heater
One yard sprayed by Dobyns
Pest Control
Coleman lantern
TV set
Dollhouse with furniture
Four end tables
Two matching brass lamps
with shades
Trumpet with case
Children's books
Bed lamp
Rocking horse
One yearling steer
Swing rocker
50 cup coffee maker
Steak knives
Lazy susan
Serving trays
Walnut picture frames
Children's toys
Folding chairs
Many antique lamps
(chrome, glass, brass)
Gas iron and sadiron
Antique dishes, all kinds
Silver tea set
Beverage set (pitcher and
six mugs)
Used clothes washer (works)
Used clothes dryer (works)
20 lb. nitrogen on 20 acres by
Ekstrom Farm Chemical
30 ft grain auger. 6"
John Deere Pitman
Tape recorder
New transistor radio
Electric iron
Assorted tools
Bathroom scales
Two electric coffee makers
New Portable shop hoist
Stock salt
Kitchen gas range
1 h. p. refrigerated air con
ditioner Two electric kitchen stoves
Set of china dishes for eight
Child's riding tractor
Baby stroller
Five electric motors
Wooden butter bowl, paddle
and mold
Horse collar
Mule collar
Old kerosene car lantern
Pitcher pump
Round top steamer trunk
Double aluminum garage
25 lb. nitrogen on 50 acres by
Stefani's Bi-County Chemi
cal Garden Cultivator
Rain trap tractor exhaust
Electric fence charger
Two Va-hour airplane rides
Oil heating stove
1951 Pontiac
1950 Pontiac
Case of Pepsi Cola
Case of Coca Cola
Two cases Mountain Dew
Two doll cribs
Toy wheelbarrow
Screen door
5 lb. poultry staples
Post drill
Towel bar
Telephone chair
Clinton air-cooled gas engine
Lawn sweeper
Two rabbits
Three ducks
Eastern Oregon