HEPPNER GAZETTE Public IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON tor the couictt or MORROW PETITION FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARDMAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT To the Honorable Taul Jones. Judge of the County Court of j Morrow County, UrCKOn; "r U4 miuuii vikui. We the undersigned petition- .township three North, ranee ... I. ' twenty-seven East; thence West ers. constituting majority ot . ,0 ,he .uthvvest 0, soc. the owners of land, respectfully , t,on sewn, township three represent, that each of us is the, North, ranee twenty-seven East; holder of title o lands of one thence North to the Northwest nul .. . ,.jki ,1,. ' corner of section seven, town- acre or more. sl.a,,7 illSJiK I ship three North, ranee twenty boundaries hereinafter oescrio- ed all being duly qualified seven East: thence West to the electors, under the law of the Northeast corner jf section clev State of Oreeon for organizing . township three North, ranee irrieation districts, and that the twenty.six East; thence South lands within said boundaries Jo the Southeast corner of sec are situated In Morrow County. ;tlon eleven, township three Oreeon. and are suscepUble to North, ranee twenty-six East; irrigation from common source, thence West to the Southwest or combined sources, and de-?r of section eleven, town slrlng to provide for the con- ship three North, ranee twenty struction of works for the Irri- !' East: thence North to the cation of the same utilizing the Northwest corner of section waters of the Columbia River eleven, township three North, and other sources, for the pur-i ranee twenty-six East: thence pose of irrigation and the rec- North to the Northwest cornet lamation of said lands, do here- ! of section two. townsh p three bv petition your Honorable j North, range twenty-six East Court as follows: That it Is the purpose of the undersigned petitioners to orga nize an Irrigation District under the provisions of ORS 545, pro viding for the organization and management of Irrigation Dis tricts. W'e hereby allege that it Is the purpose of the petitioners to organize an Irrigation district comprising the here i n a f t e r bounded and described lands under the provisions of said Act. That the boundaries of said proposed district are hereby set forth and particularly described as follows: Beginning at a section corner common to sections twenty nine, thirty, thirty-one and thirty-two of township four North, range twenty-six East. Willam ette Meridian; thence East to the Northeast corner of section thirty-two, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence North to the Northwest corner of section twenty-eight, town ship four North, range twenty six East: thence West to the Southwest corner of section twenty, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence North to the Northwest corner of section twenty, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence West to the Southwest corner of section eighteen, town ship four North, range twenty six East; thence North to the Northwest corner of the .South west quarter of section eight een, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence East to the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of section eighteen, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence South to the Southeast corner of section eighteen, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence East to the Northeast corner of section twenty, town ship four North, range twenty six East; thence South to the Southeast corner of section twenty, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence East to the Northeast corner of section twenty-eight, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence South to the South east corner of section twenty eight, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence West to the Southwest corner of section twenty-eight, township four North, range twenty-six East; thence South to the Southeast corner of section thirty-two, township four North, ranee twenty-six East; thence South to the Southeast comer of section five, township three North, ranee twenty-six Last; thence West to the Southwest corner of section five, township three North, range twenty-six East; thence North to the North west corner of section five, town ship three North, range twenty six East; thence North to the Northwest corner of section thirty-two, township four North, range twenty-six East being the place of beginning; and a sec ond parcel of land beginning at the section corner common to sections two and three in town ship three North, range twenty six East Willamette Meridian and sections thirty-four and thirty-five, in township four North, range twenty-six East, Willamette Meridian in Morrow County, Oregon; thence East to the Northeast corner of section two, township three North, range twenty-six East; thence East to the Northeast corner of section one, township three North, range twenty-six East; thence East to the Northeast corner of section six, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence South to the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of section five, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence East to the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of section five, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence South to the Southeast corner of section five, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence West to the Southwest corner of section five, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence South to the North west corner of the Southwest quarter of section eight, town ship three North, range twenty seven East; thence East to the Northeast corner of the South east quarter of section eight, township three North, range twenty-seven East; thence East TIMES. Thursday. June 11966 Notices to the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of section nine, township three North, ranee twenty-seven East; thence South to the Southeast corner of section nine, township three North, ranee twenty -seven East; thence West to Die Southwest corner of section nine, township three North, ranee twenty-seven East: thence West to the South- being the place of beginning. All within ranges twenty-six East and twenty-seven East and township three and four North. Willamette Merl d 1 a n Morrow County, Oregon. The petitioners accompany their petition with, and hereby present for the approval of this Court, a good and sufficient bond in the sum of one-thousand dollars, which Is double the amount of the probable cost of organizing such district condit ioned that the bondsmen will pay all said costs in case said organization be not effected. WHEREFORE, your petitioners pray that this Court approve the said bond and that said Irriga tion district be organized under the provisions of said Act and that this Court shall make and enter an order, establishing and defining the boundaries of such irrigation district; determining whether the requisite number of owners of land within such proposed district shall have pe titioned for the formation there of; and whether the petition and notice of the time of presenta tion thereof shall have been duly published as in said Act provided; and designating the name of said district, that there may be three directors for said district, that this Court proceed to call an election for the pur poses above set forth, and es tablish a convenient polling place; designating the time and place or places for voting at said election; and to do all things necessary -as may be just and proper under said law for the formation of said district Dated May 4. 1966. Jack A. Frlsbie Max Hellberg W. C. Starke ll-15c NOTICE OF PRESENTATION OF PETITION TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: Notice hereby is given by the said petitioners, that the fore going petition for the organiza tion of an irrigation district will be presented to the County court of Morrow County, Oregon in the Court Room of Said Court in the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, at 9:00 o'clock A.M., on Friday, the 10th day of June, 1966, for action thereon by said court; at which time and place all interested in said petition and in the organization thereof, or in any matter relating to the organization of said district or to the fixing of the boundaries thereof, may be heard. Dated May 4, 1966. Jack A. Frlsbie Max Hellberg W. C. Starke 11-15C BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSIONER OF OREGON UF 2560 In the matter of the Appli cation of PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY for an order allocating exclus ively served territory. NOTICE OF HEARINGS On April 27, 1966, the Com missioner accepted for filing the Application of Pacific North west Bell Telephone Company, made pursuant to the provisions of ORS Chapter 757. The said Application prays for allocation of certain exclusively served territory. The Application for an order allocating exclusively served territories specifically de s I g nates such areas as Areas "A" through "U" In Exhibit 1, which is a general map and detailed maps of such areas, and Exhibit 2, which contains a metes and, bounds description of such areas. These maps and descriptions are available for inspection in the Commissioner's office. Said Applicant hereby is re quested to maintain a set of said maps and descriptions re lating to areas encompassed in this Application at its central offices affected thereby for in spection by any interested per sons. These areas are located generally as follows: AREA "A" Encomp as s e s area in parts of Clatsop, Col umbia and Tillamook Counties and includes the towns and cit ies of Astoria, Cannon Beach, Jewell, Seaside, Warrenton and I West port. AREA ,"B" Encompass area in parts of Columbia. Clackamas. Multnomah and Washington Counties and In cludes the towns ami cities of Burlington, Lake Oswego, North Plains. Oak Grove. Milwaukle, Oreeon City, rortland. Rainier and St. Helens. AREA "C Encompasses area in Tillamook County and Includes the towns and cities of Bav City, Garibaldi. Kockaway and Tillamook. AREA "D" Encompasses area In Yamhill County and In cludes the town of Carlton. AREA "E" Encompasses area in Hood River and Mult nomah Counties and includes the towns of Cascade Locks and Bonneville. AREA "F" Encompasses area in Clackamas and Hood River Counties and Includes the town of Government Camp. AREA "G" Encompasses area In Lincoln County and in cludes the towns and cities of Newport. Siletz and Toledo. AREA "H" Encompasses area in Benton. Linn, Marion, and Polk Counties and includes the towns and cities of Albany. Corvallts, Dallas. Falls City, In dependence. Monmouth, Jeffer son. Salem and Shedd. AREA T Encompasses area in Lane. Benton. Linn and Douglas Counties and Includes the towns and cities of Blue River, Cottage Grove, Drain, Eu gene. Springfield, Florence, Har risburg, Junction City, Leaburg, Lowell, Mapleton, Marcola and Veneta. AREA "J" Encompasses area in Douglas County and includes the towns and cities of Camas Valley. Glide. Oakland. Sutherlin and Roseburg. AREA "X" Encompasses area in Jackson. Josephine and Douelas Counties and includes the towns and cities of Ashland Central Point. Gold Hill, Grants Pass, Jacksonville, King Moun tain, Medford. Phoenix, Talent and Rogue River. AREA "L" Encompasses area In Klamath County and includes the towns and cities of Haymaker and Klamath Falls. AREA "M" Encompasses area in Klamath County and includes the town of Bly. AREA N- Encompasses area in Lake County and In cludes the town of Silver Lake. AREA "O" Encompasses area in Klamath. Deschutes. Crook. Wasco and Jefferson Counties and Includes the towns and cities of Bend, Gilchrist, La Pine. Madras and Prlnevllle. AREA "P" Encompasses area in Umatilla, Morrow, was co. Gilliam. Union and Sher man Counties and Includes the towns and cities of Arlington, Grass Valley, Moro, Rufus, The Dalles, Wasco. Athena, Weston. Echo, Heppner. Hcrmlston, lone, Lexington, Milton Freewater, Pendleton. Stanfield, Umatilla and Walla Walla. AREA "Q" Encompasses area in Baker and Union Coun ties and includes the town of North Powder. AREA "R" Encompasses area in Baker. Malheur and Grant Counties and includes the towns and cities of Baker, Durkee, Huntington and bump ter. AREA "S" Encompasses area in Grant County and In eludes the city of John Day. AREA T" Encompasses area in Malheur County and includes the town of McDermitt, AREA "U" Encompasses area in Marion County and in eludes the towns of Woodburn and Hubbard. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearings will be held in the above-entitled Application. Hearing relating to the re spective areas will be held as follows: AREAS "H" and "U": On: Monday, June 20, 1966 At: 10:00 a.m. At: Room 101 Public Serv ice Building Salem, Oregon; AREAS "B", "D" and "F": On: Tuesday, June 21, 1966 At: 10:00 a.m. At: Hearings Room Liquor Control Commis sion 9201 S. E. McLoughlin Blvd. Portland, Oregon; AREA "A": On: Wednesday, June 22, 1966 At: 10:30 a.m. At: Clatsop County Court house Astoria, Oregon; AREA "C": On: Thursday, June 23, 1966 At: 10:00 a.m. At: County Court Room Tillamook County Courthouse Tillamook, Oregon; AREA "G": On: Friday, June 24, 1966 At: 10:00 a.m. At: City Hall Council Chambers Newport, Oregon; AREA "I": On: Monday. June 27, 1966 At: 10:00 a.m. At: Main Floor Harris Hall Lane County Court house Eugene, Oregon; AREA MJ"s On: Tuesday, June 28, 1966 At: 9:3(1 a.m. At: Room 216 Douglas County Court house Roseburg, Oregon; AREA "K": On: Wednesday, June 29, 1966 At: 9:30 a.m. At: Auditorium Jackson County Court house Medford, Oregon; AREAS "L" and "M": On: Thursday, June 30, 1966 At: 9:30 a.m. At: Board of Commission ers' Hearing Room Klamath County Courthouse Holiday Guests isit in Kinzua By VIRGINIA KELSO KINZUA Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Bowman ami familv and attending the grad nation exercises Friday night were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murphy and sons Dennis and Vat of Bond. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Es pinola and Gregg Gabriel of Stanfield. and Mr. and Mrs. Clavton Clapper of Bremerton, Wash. Mr. and Mrs, Arden Tripp and familv and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sargent and family of Redmond spent the week-end at Granite. Spending the week-end In Baker were Mr. and Mrs. Don Slinkard and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oyler. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rice and familv spent the holiday week-end In Vortland. The Friendship club was en tertained last Thursday night at the grade school with Dinah Jackson as hostess. High was won by Mavis Oyler, second high by Barbara Mortlmore and floating bv Carol Norrls and Pat McMinn. Others playing were Doris Stubhlefield. Sue Mattison. Sharon Kelso, Naomi Rice, Midge Murray. Judy Car ey and Betty Murdock. Mrs. William Chapman and daughter Sandy of Spray were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rav Rector. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Browning and Linda spent the week end at La Grande and at Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keller and family visited Saturday with friends at Madras. Spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Don Cory and family were Mr. and Mrs, Lay ton Tripp and family of Deer Park. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brock and family spent the week-end at Priest River. Idaho, visiting rel atives and bringing home their son Don. who had spent the school year there. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Hyatt during the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Worleln and family of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hy Church of Nazarene To Hold Bible School The Rev. Don McCarty of the Church of the Nazarene an nounces that there will be Va cation Bible School at the church Sunday school rooms. June 13 through 17 will be the dates, with sessions from 9 to 12 a.m. each day. All children, ages four to 12. will be welcome to attend and participate in crafts, studies, worship, singing and fun. Bobby Peck Hurt In Mower Mishap Bobby Peck, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Peck, had por tions of three fingers of his right hand severed in a lawn mower accident on Tuesday, May 21. The three fingers In cluded the ring finger, middle finger and Index finger. Prompt surgery after the ac cident may result In saving the fingers. They were restored by suturing. Bobby, who does lawn mow ing in hi.s spare time, reached down to clear grass clogged In the crass catcher while the power mower was running, but the end of the blade caught his fingers. The plucky lad, an eighth grader, lost no time getting back to work. Within two or three days he was back mow ing lawns with the hand ban daged. The accident did have one benefit for Bobby it pre vented him from taking his fi nal written examinations In school. Klamath Falls, Oregon; AREAS "N" and "O": On: Friday, July 1, 1966 At: 10:00 a.m. At: County Court Room Deschutes County Courthouse Bond, Oregon; AREAS "E" ond "P" (Arling ton Exchange west): On: Tuesday, July D, iw At: 1:30 p.m. At: County Court Room Wasco County Court house The Dalles, Oregon; AREA "P" (lone Exchange east): On: Wednesday, July 6, 1966 At: 9:30 a.m. At: Conference Room State Office Building 700 S. E. Emigrant Ave nue Pendleton, Oregon; auras "r" On: Thursday, July 7, 1966 At: 9:30 a.m. At: Circuit Court Room Baker County Cou rt- house Baker, Oregon; AREAS "S and "T": On: Friday, July 8, 1966 At: 9:30 a.m. At: Grant County Court house rltv Oregon. Dated this 20th day of May, 1966. invn r- nit T. Pnhlin Ilfilltu f'nmmisslonel " J 13-14C Yes, the Gazette-Times can print the form you need for busl ness or ranch use. Phone 676 9228. att and family of Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. David Mattison spent the week-end In Roseburg where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bast Ian and Karen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunsuck er moved to Sprav where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrel were In Heppner Tuesday on business. Then on Saturday thev went to John Day for medical care for Mrs. Ferrel nnd on to Prlnevllle to visit relatives. They brought back Mrs. Ferrels sister, Diana Hunt of Monument to visit for sev eral days. Mr. anil Mrs. Clarence Med lock of Springfield visited Sat urdav with Mr, and Mrs. Rusty Medloek. Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk and family were in Vrlnevtlle Sat Notice of Budget The budget for Heppner Cemetery Malntena nlng July 1, 1966 as detailed and summarized In accounting basis consistent with that used In prl on this budget are set forth In sn be Inspected bv Interested persons Hall. The budget document, or sheet at Heppner City Hall. A meeting of the B 8:00 V.M. at Heppner City Hall for the purpose of person may appear to discuss the budget or any I For The Ensuing Fiscal Tear Beginning July 1, 1964 Total General TAX LEVY COMPUTATION All Funds' Fund Total Budget Requirements $ 31.430.00 S 14.350.00 Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied 22.600.00 5.500.00 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget 8,850.00 8,850.00 Add Taxes Fstlmated Not to be Received During Ensuing Year - 40000 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED $ 9.230.00 S ANALYSIS OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED Within 6 Limitation $ 9.250.00 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED J 9.250.00 $ All reserve funds and special revenue funds, If any, are Included. For The Current Fiscal Year Beginning July 1. 1965 !F'' Tolal TAX LEVY COMPUTATION AU Funds Total Budget Requirements $ 29,760.00 Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied - - 21.46000 Taxes Necessary to Balance 8,300.00 Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During Ensuing Year ... . 46-100 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED $ 8.764.00 ANALYSIS OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED Within 6 Limitation TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED All reserve funds and special revenue funds, If any, aro Included. TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonds TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS PETTY CASH HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second First Budget Preceding Preceding Current Year Year Year $ 6,126.86 None $ 2,000.00 660.00 675.00 750.00 525.00 595.00 600.00 650.00 950.00 200.00 1,050.00 237.50 500.00 6.30.00 750.00 750.00 2,290.00 840.00 400.00 450.00 504.38 560.00 None 52.50 75.00 1,484.25 750.00 None 13,86611 5,354.38 5,835.00 2.613.11 7,678.00 8,300.00 16,479.25 13,032.38 14,135.00 Includes Unappropriated Balance GENERAL FUND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY All Departments FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1966-67 BEGINNING JULY 1. 1966 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Year $ 8,183.16 2,866.42 837.49 None 11,887.07 First Preceding Year $ 8,065.17 2,227.95 241.93 933.00 11,468.05 PERPETUAL CARE RESERVE FUND SUMMARY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1966-67 BEGINNING JULY 1. 1966 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Year $ 11,000.00 527.50 2,000.00 First Preceding Year $ 13,000.00 505.00 1,500.00 13,527.50 15,005.00 $ urday for business and medical care tor Mrs. Hawk. Mr. and Mrs. Myron PcMerrlt of Drain visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Frank DeMerrlt. Visiting during the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph James and son David, were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Copelaml of VUol Kink. Mr. and Mrs. Slim Itlioton went to The Dalles Saturday to attend a family reunion. lrea. cut were Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gillllnnd of Chelan, Wash , Mr. nnd Mrs. I .vie Klnselln and son David of Moscow, Idaho and Mr, ami Mrs. John Klnsella of Mutuantla. Oregon, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Benson and family xpont the holiday week-end with relatives al Welser, Idaho. a nee District for the fiscal year 1966 to 1967 begin the accompanying schedule was prepared on an or years. Major changes, if any, and their effects accompanying statement. A ropy hours of 9 U AM. mu h. n),t j liiml between the any portion of It lonrd of Directors holding a public part of It. (Signed) JOHN PFKlFFFR Chairman of Governing Body rrNSNriiT inuMisv - S 8.7M.00 . $ STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS None None None Approved by Budget Committee May 23, I960 (Signed! K. K. SCHAFFTTZ Chairman of Budget Committee GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1966-67 BEGINNING JULY 1, 1966 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Other Resources Grave Openings .. Setting Grave Liners Space In Old Cemetery Space In New Cemetery (V4) Annual Care Perpetual Care (W) Estimated T.C.D. Interest Setting Stones Water Credit with City Total Resources. Except Taxes to Be Levied ... $ 5,500.00 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget $ 8,850.00 Total Resources $ 14,350.00 budgeted last year. Budget Current Year $ 8,600.00 4,200.00 300.00 1,035.00 14,135.00 Personal Services Materials and Senrlcesi Operating Materials and Capital Outlay Unappropriated Balance Total Requirements Budget Current Year $ 14,500.00 225.00 900.00 Budget For Ensuing Year Approved Available Cash on Hand: Invested in TCD's $ 15,500.00 Cash on Hand 600.00 Transfer from PC Sales and PC Lot Sales 1,000.00 17,100.00 Reserved for Perpetual Care Income $ 17,100.00 TOTAL PERPETUAL CARE REQUIREMENT ....$ 17,100.00 15,625.00 Mrs. Herschel Mur business visitors to Pendleton on Saturday. While there Mr. Murdock had medical care. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norrls were In Vrlnevllle Saturday for busi ness, shopping and medical care for Mr. Norrls. Mr. and Mrs. Sum Howell and Sandy were In Monument dur ing the week end where thev vlslled with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff ord Howell. A new family nt Camp 5 are Mr. and Mr. Tom Jordan for merly of Spray. Their family consists of Craig, 4, l-eslle, 3, ami Tlmmy, I. Thev moved In to the house formerly xvupled by the Walter Bastion family ami Mr. Jordan Is employed on const ruction. Hearing or the budget oocumeni mny and I S V.M. at Heppner City for f Jl riimrlitrt. nr Sift Dcr will be held Juno 20, I960, at hearing on this budget. Any Perpetual Care Fund S 17,10000 17.100.00 None None None None None 40000 9.250 00 9.250 00 9.250.00 Mr, and dock were Psrpetual General Care Fund Fund $ 14.133 00 S 15.625.00 5.835.00 13,625 00 8,300.00 None 46100 None $ 8.76400 None $ 8.76-100 None $ 8.764.00 None 8.764.00 Budget For . Ensuing Year Approved S 2,450.00 750.00 50.00 200.00 300.00 500.00 525.00 700.00 25.00 None Budget For Ensuing Year Approved $ 8,600.00 Supplies 3,750.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 $ 14,350.00