't ii i I ill n Classified Rates t pr word minimum TSe pr IbmiIIoa. Card of Thffnkt- tl-M ClaulfUd DUptor 0c mi Inch. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE Nooa WadiMadar To avoid billing, cash b r OUMtod lot small oxU whra brought to tho olilco. 1 Cards of Thanks CARD Or THANKS We wlh to expre our lncrro appreciation lo the doctor, nuriwi, hoHplml mntf and oth ers tat the wonderful care giv en Maud RobUon while wti patient then. AUo. our thank to all those who sent cards and flowi-ri and rirrcl lympmhy through at'ta of thougliifulneM. Deeply appreciated wan the food brought by friend, rcUtlvri ami nrlghlmr to the Sam Mc Ihinlrl home during the time of bereavement The Itoblaon Family 13 p 3 Lost and Found DISAPPEARED German h o r t hair pointer, two year old, female, white wllh brown IhHn, brown head and brown tub tall. 'h. 443 GHSt or con tact Mrs. Marvin Goiter at 1km era Market In Pilot Rock. 1113c 4 Help Wanted SPAKK TIME INCOME Refilling and collating money from NEW TYPE high quality coin operated diMM-iuwr In this area. N() gelling. To qualify you niut have car, referenc es, Stm to $l!XX) cash. Seven to V2 hours weekly con net rxcellent monthly Income. Mure full tlnip. For personal Interview write I". 0. Box lMirj. Suit Lake City, Utah 6-1113. Include, phone number. 13p 5 Work Wanted BACK HOE and dump truck week wanted, bv hour, or by contract Bob Tierce, ph. 670 !HtJ7. Box 410. lleppner. Slfc Wanted WANTED Several June Issues of man's magazine, "TRUE", with article of "Medicine Un masked." Also copies of May 10 Issue of Newsweek. Lois Winchester, lleppner. 13c WANTED Diverted acre, wheat or barley to cut for hay. Call Don Greenup, 676 U795. 13 14c For Rent FOR RENT 2 bedroom home In lone, unfurnished. Ph. 676 9090 or 670-5850. 4tfc TWO BEDROOM house for rent In lleppner. Enclosed utility rxarh. $10 per month. Call 070 SMS5 weekends or even ings. 5tfc FOR LEASE 800 sq. ft. new of fice or buslnesa space In new City of Vourdman. Electric hent, air conditioned. Call 4H1 2575. 2tfc FOR RENT Furnished ment. Ph. 676 SMWI. apart- 27tfc 8 Services COMPLETE YOUR HIGH SCIK X L KDUVAT ION AT HOME In spare time. Diploma awarded. Advanced courses In most nil fields to Increase vour future earning power. Small monthly payments cov er all costs of books, sup plies, eta. Free booklet ex plains all. Write AMERICAN SCHOOL, P. O. IlOX 1287, PENLDETON. OREGON. 10-Mc SAND AND GRAVEL HAULING. Contact Hams Truck Line, lone. ph. 422-7277. 41-tfc MARKET Tuesday, May 24, 1966 Sheep 10; Cattle 673; Consign ors -17; Buyers 30. SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls, heavy 20.00 to 24.20 Young Standard Cows 18.50 to 21.20 Commercial Cows 16.00 to 18.50 Utility Cows 13.80 to 16.00 Canner ft Cutter Cows 13.50 to 14.80 Shells 10.00 to 12.00 FEEDER CATTLE 54 Yearling Steers, actual 775 Pds 26.40 Steers, 500-600 Pds 24.50 lo 26.50 Steers, 275-375 Pds 28.00 to 33.75 Yearling Heifers, 500-650 Pds 22.00 to 24.20 1113 Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. lllKtiwny 80, Ilermlstoa DON WINK, Mgr. Kve. M7-8111 Services WE BUY Iron. $13 ton; copr. 25c to 30c lb.; braaa. 20c lb.; used radiators. 20c lb.; bat. trrlfs, $1 00 each. We aell and Install "ivriert Kit" seat cov er. Oglla'i Shop and Wreck ing Yard. I'll. 670-5595. lOtfc 9 Livestock, Poultry FOR SALE MY ENTIRE HERD OF Registered Hereford Cattle CONSISTING OF 33 head of Females 22 cow with calves, 5 aped cow four 11 years; one 17 year. 2H head ranging from 9 years to yearling. These females are Zaio H-lr and Mill Iron Breeding. One 3-year-old Herd Bull, Silver Crest R214. bred and raised by Jack Turner, it . of Fort Worth, Texas. Also three 2-year-olds and six yearling Bulls. For further Information, see or call Wilbur Van Ml. 670 58-19 10 Farm and Garden FOR SALE 111)3 tractor with Carco angle dozer. All new rollers, new front Idlers, heavy duly rolls, A 1 condit ion. Call Conley Lanham or Everett llarshrnon. 8tfc 12 Furn., Appliances CONSOLE SPINET PIANO to be sold in this area. Will sacrifice to rt-ftpotiKlhle pnrty. Cash or terms. Also ELEC. ORGAN Write Adjuster, lvers L Pond Pianos, 1331 Lincoln, San Jose. Calif. 12 13 FOR SALE Two blonde end ta bles; 1 coffee table, like new. All 3 for $25 00. ph. 070-9977. 13 l ie 13 Misc. For Sale FOR SALEZBoy-rO-nblcuT, $18 00. Phone 670-5878. Bob Peck. 13c FOR SALE Wooden sklls; au tomatic zlg-rag sewing ma chine, $30.00; snow tires; pi- " ano. $80.00. Contact Donna (k-orge (676 9281 after 5 p.m.) 13p WEDDING. PARTY and ANNI V E R S A R Y Napkins with names Imprinted; Monogram med Playing cards; Regency Personalized Note Stationary; Wedding Books. Inquire at Gazette-Times office. 24x WELL kept carpets show the results of regular Blue Lus tre spot cleaning. Rent elec tric shampoocr $1. Case Fur niture Co., lleppner. 13c GIFT IDEAS FOR THE GRAD UATE personalized rubber stamps; personalized station ery; student subscriptions to Gazette-Times. Call Gazette Times office, 676-9228. 12-tfc NEED BEEF for your locker? Call Bill Weatherford for top quality beef at reasonable price; whole, half, or quar ters. Ph. 676 9731 or Stanfield 449-3623. ll-13e RADIANT SIGNS that glow In the dark full variety of mis cellaneous signs for all pur poses, 25c Now on hand at Gazette-Times office. tic FOR SALE 1964 Kit Sierra mo bile home, 55 ft. x 10 ft., ex pandable living room. Jim Potter. Ph. 676-9605. 1114c TYPEWRITER RIBBONS for nil makes of machines, 98c; Car ter's X-Pert Carbon Paper, 39c pkg; boxed typing paper, 500 sheets, $1.95; adding machine paper, 25c roll; carbonized and non-carbonized sales books, and other office supplies, Gazette-Times office. 9 Livestock, Poultry REPORT Heifers, 300-400 Pds. 24.00 to 25.70 Heifers, 200-300 Pds 25.70 to 27.40 Light llolsteln- Steers, 400-500 Pds 22.00 to 25.00 Young Stock Cows, calves at side 215.00 to 223.00 Babv Calves, Beef, 2(X) Pds. by head .' 52.00 to 69.00 Baby Calves, Beef 28.00 to 41.00 Feeder Lambs, light 21.00 to 23.00 COMMENT Cattle prices holding steady to strong. Each week consignments show a large increase and most buyers rec ognize the Northwestern, the coming market for this vast area. One consignor sold 21 pairs cows by lb. and cows by hend nnd lb., which averaged $290.63 per pair. Office Phone R67-fliS Snlra Kin (Public) 667-8708 EVKIIETT SNYDER, Bv. 667-2961 13 Misc. For Sole Metsker map of Morrow, Gil liam, Umatilla, Wheeler counties on tale at the Gazett-T1mes. 14 Automotive FOR SALE GOLITE Travel Trailers. Bentley Trailer Bale, nth it North Main, Irrlgon, Ore. Mi. 022 3348. tfc Blokland HEPPNER 14 Automotive ONE STOP SHOPPING LO-OK at these Deals! Used Cars 1963 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Impala Hardop ;edan $1645 1962 Chevrolet Impala V- $1350 1962 Corvalr 2 door 102 HP 4 speed $1000 1959 4 door sedan $750 1959 Chevrolet Impala Sport coupe mh engine, stick, new ly overhauled ...$1000 Commercials 1962 CMC 4 wheel drive .42100 1960 Chevrolet H ton pickup $1200 1959 GMC 4 wheel drive pickup ...S1300 195-1 Chevrolet H ton pickup, auto, transmission, radio and heater $-100 WE SELL Air Conditioners for your automobile. Prices start at $360. CHUCK WAGON CAMP TRAILER, SLEEPS 2. $150 WANTED Mechanic. CIRCLE J HORSE TRAILERS PRICES START AT $855 See Us For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sorts of Trailer Parts FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PH. 676-9921 Phone 676-9921 Call FREE to Pendleton Say "276-3611 Collect" Authorized V. W. Dealer Cars Galore New Volkswagens SEDANS (any color) STATION WAGONS PICK-UPS PANEL DELIVERY $395.00 Down your car paid for or not) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON, OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. '14 Automotive A- USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1959 Ford Sunliner Retractable Hardtop 1964 Comet 4 Door 1964 Ford Fordor V-8 1964 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan, 6 cyL 19G2 Ford Convertible 1961 Pontiac 4 Door Har..up 1961 Ford Starllner 1960 Dodge Station Wagon 1960 Chevrolet Bel Air Station Wagon 1966 MERCURY 2-DOOR HARDTOP WHITE SPECIAL PRICE Ask Salesman For Details PICKUPS 196-1 Ranchero Pickup 1963 F-100 hi Ton Pickup 1962 Scout Pickup 1957 International 4x4 pickup 1956 Chevrolet Mckup 6 cyl. 4 speed 1950 Chevrolet Pickup 6. 4 -speed 1959 Ford Pickup V-8, 4-speed 26 FOOT CAMP TRAILER ALL GAS SYSTEM REFRIGERATOR STOVE HEATER $1695.00 IN STOCK NOW 2 1966 F-100 4x4's HEPPNER AUTO SALES, Inc. "Fords and Friends Are Our Business" Heppner Ph. 676-9152 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 2 HUNTING JEEPS 1950 Jeep 1946 Jeep Used Cars 1962 Bulck 4-dr. sedan, excep tionally clean car, low mile age, power equipment 1962 Chevrolet 4-dr sedan. 1961 Bulck 4-dr. sedan, pow er equipment, has new car appearance Used 4-Wheel Drives I960 Jeep pickup. 1955 Jeep pickup, flatbed with excellent stock racks. 2 used station wagons. Pickups and Trucks I960 GMC Mt ton pickup 4-speed, low mileage 1941 GMC bulkbed 1941 Chevrolet truck, bulkbed and electric hoist SPECIAL Number of good fishing and hunting cars. WE ARE YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontlac-Buick-Wlllys-GMC Rambler Phone 675-9116 15 Real Estate FOR SALE Two bedroom house, newly painted, wall to wall carpeting, drapes In cluded. $6500. Contact Mrs. Francis Rea, ph. 676 9447. 13p FOR SALE Two bedroom, five room house, large lot, In Heppner, 220 W, Baltimore. Contact Steve Thompson, Ph. 276-3874, Pendleton. 12-14c Public Notices NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held on the pro posed budget for the City of Boardman at the City Hall on June 7, 1906, between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Any person may discuss the proposed programs at that time- Copies of the bud get are available at the City Hall. Ernabel N. Mlttelsdorf, Recorder, City of Boardman 12 13c NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, State of Ore gon, as executor of the estate of BRIDGET KENNY, deceased, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to present same with proper vouch ers duly verified to the under signed at the office of Winter and Balfe, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 5th day of May, 1966 JOHN F. KENNY, Executor WINTER AND BALFE Attorneys-at-Law Heppner, Oregon 1013c NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Petition has been filed with the County Clerk of Mor row County, Oregon for the es tablishment of a Park and Rec reation District to be known as BOARDMAN PARK DISTRICT in the area hereinafter described in said Petition. Notice is further given that a hearing on said Petition, will be held by the Morrow County Court at the County Court Room, in the County Court House, Heppner, Oregon, on Wednes day, the 1st day of June, 1966, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., In the forenoon of said day, at which time all persons interested may appear and be heard. The boundaries of said pro posed district are as follows: to wit: Beginning at a point in the Columbia -River where the Oregon Washington State Boundary Line and the Morrow-Gilliam County Bound ary Line intersects; thence South to the Southwest cor ner of Section 19, Township 4 North Range 23 E.W.M.; thence East to the South east corner of Section 19, Township 4 North, Range 26 fc. W. M.; thence North to the Oregon-Washington State Boundary Line; thence Westerly down stream along the Oregon Washington State Boundary Line to the point of beginning. Done by order of the County Court duly made on the 12 day of May, 1966. SADIE PARRISH County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon 12-13c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as Executor of the estate of Maggie Case, de ceased, has filed his final ac count and report in said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed Monday, the 13th day of June, 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., as the time, in the County Courtroom in Heppner, Oregon as the place for hearing objec tions to said final account and the settlement thereof. C II. Hynd, Execuor of the Estate of Maggie Case, Deceased MAHONEY & ABRAMS Attorneys for Executor Heppner, Oregon 1215p NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Probate Court ot Morrow County, State of Ore gon, Executrix of the estate of Maude E. Osmin, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to present same with proper vouch ers duly verified to the Execu trix at the office of Mahoney and brams, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 19th day of May, 1966. Eunice M. Plank, Executrix of the Estate of Maude E. Osmin, Deceased MAHONEY & ABRAMS Attorneys at Law Heppner, Oregon 12-15c HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, May 26. 1966 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, State of Oregon, as administrator of the estate of HARRY E. MUNKERS, deceased, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to present same with proper vouch ers duly verified to the under signed at the office of Winter and Balfe, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 5th day of May, 1966. RILEY MUNKERS, Administrator WINTER AND BALFE Attorneys-at-Law Heppner, Oregon 1013c Tell the advertiser you saw It in the Gazette-Times. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Building Construction Groves Construction GENERAL CONTRACTOR All Types of Building We Can Help You With Plans Let Us Modernize Your Kitchen Free Estimates Ph. 676-5546 Heppner, Ore. H&M Construction Co. Builder of New Homes And Remodeling Henry (Hank) Pedersen 3216 S. W. Jay Ph. 276-7776 Pendleton City Council Heppner City Counc i reu,J7 Citizens having matters for discussion please bring them before the council. Ph. 676-9618 Electricians Pendleton Electric Co. Bonded and Licensed Commercial, Industrial, Resi dential wiring. Electric heat, Wiring supplies. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES PROMPT SERVICE 1802 S. W. anigrant, Pendle ton, Oregon. Phone 276-2672. Exterminating Service Ayers Pest Control Insect and Rodent Ex termination Termke Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogging Clayton Ayers Ph. 676-9953 Dobyns Pest Control Rodent and Insect Exterm ination Termite Control Bird Control Grain Fumigation Guaranteed Work John Jepsen Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7244 Floor Covering, Heating M&R Floor Covering and Heating Co. Williams Furnaces Complete In stallaUons Carpeting Linoleum Oil Burner RefrlgeraUon Service Domestic and Commercial Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Ph. 676-9418 Heppner Insurance C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box 247 Heppner, Oregon Insurance Turner Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 676-9652 Monuments Eternal Marker Co. Solid Bronze CEMETERY MARKERS JerrySweeney SWEENEY MORTUARY Heppner Ph. 676-9600 7 IN THE COUNTY COURT Or THE STATE Or OREGON FOR THE COUNTY Or MORROW NOTICE TO CREDITORS la th MattM of U Estate of Franc L. Smith, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and qualified to ad minister the above estate by the above Court All persons having claims against this estate are notified to present them to me with proper vouchers, at the office of BREWER and SMALLMON with in 6 months of May 12, 1966. the first date of publication of this notice. ORVTLLE BUCHANAN Administrator of the Estate BREWER ft SMALLMON Attorneys for Administrator Reclamation Building Hermiston, Oregon ll-15c Mortuary Sweeney Mortuary Licensed Funeral Directors Ph. 676-9600 Heppner Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 676-9465 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physician and Surgeon Heppner Ph. Office 676-9942 Home 676-9718 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician ft Surgeon 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. Ph. 676-9210 Oft 676-9616 The Heppner Clinic C M, Wagner, M.D. Physician ft Surgeon 233 N. Gale St Off. 676-9114 Res. 676-9208 Dr. Wallace H. M. D. Wolff Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5:30 Mon., Tues., Wed. and FrL 1 to 5:30, Thursday Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676-9620 Printing The Gazette-Times offers complete Printing Service Dealer, Moore Business Forms Ph. 676 9228 Rubber Stamps Rubber Stamps made to your order All sizes all types Prompt service Gazette-Times Ph. 676-9228 Heppner Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Ph. 67S 9912 Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry ft Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Ph. 676-9200