eaBBBeBBBB "Mi TO A DECORATOR-STYLED 'i - A ELGIN alarm clock (f&JpWk C?lg Xmmi gffe ttfHi1rr: flit nw ' 4e - - n enoo DRfAM AWHILE. "Oium. Awhile" press down button gives you another 10 min utes sleep. Whisper tuft, do ponueble, accural move men!, herujtonte off white ceee, UgM.d otal. Covartd by a 2 year guarantee SPECIAL A euperb value Rt thin low price. made noaaible by tlia combined Inlying power of 601 Jewel llouae atorna. Excellent tierman-mnila movement with alarm and luminoua dial, (iemiine leather raaa (3l I 2 V) in four beautiful rotors: Tan, Ulue and Hod. 495 j (Unowin.riv 1 Graduates ar becoming mora aware of proper clothes and suit able men's jewelry. That's why we suggest a long, lov ing look at our beautiful selection of an of yrf fnmt Elegant Tla Tack. . .from $2.50 Smart Cuff Unki . . , .from 3.95 3 Puca Salt from 15.00 all beautifully gift boxed, Tie Toes from $1 .50 V. IV. - it i r . t V Brides to-Be... come In and register your pattern choice! Now lovely Community comes In popular priced Gift Paks...., makes K easy for you to get a complete set of the finest sllverplate with the look of sterling at one-fourth the price. I Trln)ui of Ontlda Lid. 52 Pc. Set $gQ95 6 Pc. Place Setting $10.95 061 TMl SATClllTC. lit wofor. IMn, braee finished uu le framed In shimmering fhlnestonet. Sllyr (Inlth dlel features raised golden numerals, gut hands. Com. petlJV.S'VslV. inm. brill n iind cam I - - 1 - i t j.r - T. rriJL' : , mem I , j NEW! to cherish forever 52-Piece Service for 8 '99 cheat Included 1847 iux;ers bros! THE ItillUliMIOtAL SIlVtK COMPANY UN IT V ST PATTERN J ftOT ufe ifi ih M hi k M? II rk 5) ...5v v a Afflwfw 1 P beautifully jl p I IN.- f tSpotk Bridal Rose (BONE CHINA) 5 Pc. Place Setting $26.00 If it', fine. ..it'. I 1 Bouquet of lasting loYellneu 5 Pc. Ploco Setting $21.00 STAINLESS . . . THE IDEAL GIFT FOR THE HOPE CHEST OF THE GIRL GRADUATE spamine, moaern & n M wm V e jraBiunv.rtnr-1 i DILUXI STAINLStSS Cat AaAfXA CftnilAA ffsr oju-r.xtcociiibc iui r..lat Mllh Crvk.TrM 16 Teaapoont, a Knives, S Forks, a Salad Forks. S Soup Spoons, u 2 Table Spoons. 6-Piece Place Setting $g40 if a Tan that control ".VH "fortv wlnha" Store Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P.M. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN STm HEPPHER jewel yhouse CERTIFICATES Tie perfect oiit lot ttoea yon with to plal Avallabla Is ' any amount, Jewel Houaa Gin CerU&oeia allows the recipient lree choice In aalacting the Hem he waata or saadi from our level Houa Store. And, k caa chooaa with ooniidenoe. m IT' 0 o $3Q95 .EMMlQuiCTilC tf3ecfiwn aLeoinio clock Wakes you, lees you snooze, chea wakes jou again. Antique White esse with matching dial. CLOCK IUS TAX ACCURATE DEPENDABLE NO WINDING Dawn Gray case with luminoua dial $1.00 mora tTradamark ot Gtneral Electric Cempaay .? I J ."Sr A if i J 41 f 11 w ' m !' if II. 11 V. - ONLY "Something from the Jeweler's, is always something special." JEWELERS m 'STAMPS V ... H "V '.( a h a is proud the brilliant, new. tSPORreMANSTARGTe TIME lifetime mm IK KSHE1L love !' FINE JEWELRY... Give her the best uiATru a l TAILORED WOMAN the "Look el Oiamonds" Daiillni Luiury of Fire and Ice IS Kt. Cold Filled M2'9 1 FT I I CrtVC',i,0,,d ,T to f fV VJf ' "I the tiniest Wstcri, L v"- -ililBltts Steel. S4-95 f (No Tsi) Btsutlful 10 Kt. L v Cold Filled. 0 ' . - f.t.i. SaK-N-SOFa ' JiSlia a j 1r : Look, to tit her : W most petlta Watch. ... . 10 Kt. Qold Filled. 5-" JrXKQ" "Somaatie i V'ATrCi Favorite with L uWvA" ' th look of the f . " l A Old world V s lfl KtColtf Filled 7-85 L . . :rmxith STERLING FOR YOU NOW! to present ri TriiiTriT YOU CAN TRUST FROM EICIN U fLf no mo money down These features add up to outstanding watch value! 17 jewels'for accuracy shock resistant with incomparable beauty mainspring many with sweep-second WHICH WATCH IS The watch with a stainless steel WATCHBAND by 95 Even though your no watch is waterprooi tax what about your watchband? Twist-0-Flex is completely rust proof , . , out lasts old fashioned bands five to one. Yet you've never felt such smooth, gentle wrist comfort before! Looks so great . . . costs so little! Your choice will be custom-fitted to your wrist and watch. You can turn It, even tie It In a knot l twist It, completely waterproof? ' "" isateawJH' v mmii ' J jirna m A JTr 8 ',:;k4 hands a ring . . . treasured for its beauty and as a symbol of achievement Birth$tone Rings Stflnef Rings Cultured Pearl Rings Hingt are avat'Ia62 etos $3.95 ACCUTRON "214" Gleamlnc stainless steel cast with lenulne alligator strap.. Hand-applied 18kt white gold markers. . S12S.0O ACCUTRON A RESEARCH BREAKTHR0U6H 0 BULOVA World's only Electronic Tlmeplecs