NORTHROP STEEL FABRICATING CO. CAROL AND HELEN KORTHROP OWNERS HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursdor. May S. IMS County School Calendar The Northrop Steel Fshrloat Ins Co. It located In Hermlston, north of town on HermlMon. Mc Nary highway, or phone S7 6'f!w. Thev maintain steel fabrlrat Inn shop that 1m unurpancd In service, workmanahlp and sup pile and wlrh to extend to th people of Mivrnw county appre ciation for their patronage. Thl company I the head quarter fur Umatilla and Mor row countli for Iron work fab rlcallng and all kind of weld ing. They employ fitter and welder of ability, and thin ahop U noted for prompt and effic ient aervlru and In having work ready when promUed. Their charge are rcaonable, and If any article In beyond repair. MULL TIN SHOP DAVIO C. MULL OWNER The Mull Tin Shop I located at 1B02 N. lt I'luce In Herm lMon. Phone 367-6813. Till com pany kupplle air conditioner, heating and Kheet metal work for home, tore and lndutrle In Umatilla. Morrow and (illll em countle. Now that It I nprlng, we think of air conditioning, o now I the time to call Mull Tin Shop for free cKllinatc on you air conditioning need. Whether It I a large or mall house, a large or imall office, Mr. Mull run tell you what It will take to do your lob properly and thev can guarantee your all-faction. A and W ROOT BEER DRIVE IN DUANE AND OLCA ALEXANDER OWNERS The bright orange A It W Root Beer drive In hn become a very familiar Mglit alinont anywhere you may travel In Aniericii. and right here In tlermtaton I one of the bent representative of thl lgn of dellclou hamburg er, flavorful lee cream dlahea and very probably the best root beer vou nave ever tasted. This excellent drive In I lo cated at lt Place and Herml ton Ave. right In the heart of HermlMon. and in thl 16 HermlMon Buslnewi Review, we would like to recommend that you top In for a cold root beer and vour favorite andwlch the next time you are In town shop ping. Thl I headquarter for the popular burger family and we can sincerely state that most AVALYN'S CAFE MART fONTAINE OWNER There l a good reason for the Avalyn' Cafe being so popular. The short orders served hen have real "pulling power" and draw lover of fine food for many miles around. It better than eating at home. At Avalyn Cafe located at 5G0 N. 1st In Hermlston. phone 5C7-8718. you will find a friend ly atmosphere. Your order will receive prompt attention and everything served vou will be of the best quality. It Isn't often that we can find a cafe serving such delicious food at such fair prices. Try them for real service and good food, and we are sure you will tell your friends about them. Mrs. Fontaine, the owner, Is proud of this establishment and has good reason to be because of the excellent food and serv ice. This 16 review would like to suggest that you stop here for a good meal the next time you're in Hermlston shopping. Remember they are located a few blocks north of the down town stop light and you arc In vited to stop In for "coffee and" or a fine lunch or dinner. Auto Registrations Up 68,000 in 1964 Oregon motor vehicle registra tions at the end of 15 totaled 1,228,150, ai. Increase of 5.9 over 164. Vern I- Hill, director of the Department of Motor Vehicles, announced recently. This meant that another 68, 873 vehicles Joined the Oregon truffle stream during the year. Hill noted that the rate of In crease Inst year was not quite as great as in 10C4 when a 6.2 per cent registration gain over ii63 was recorded. Registrations over the pnst five years, he added, have in creased nearly 27 per cent. A breakdown of registrations shows 1,027,841 passenger cars, 1.H80 buses, 71,342 trucks, 90.073 trailers, 3,585 fixed loads, and 33,435 motorcycles. Motorcycles again showed a big gain 13.7 per cent more than In l'.M, but the rate of increase was lower than in other recent years. The department, Hill said, col lated $21,068,843 for all types of registration and driver licensing transactions In 1965. Moneys collected are earmark ed for the Highway Fund, except for department expenditures. they will promptly tell you ao. Of Importance to thla area U the fact that thla company ape clallzea In deigning and fabri cating wrought Iron of any type, and are particularly known lor the building of truck bodlea and for the manufacturing of steel tank In any ahapc, dealgn and aire that you may need for your Meclul protect. They are equip ped with their own nice! form ing pre and are able to do work that formerly had to be ent to Portland or Spokane. If vmi have a problem that need the xervlce of ateel form ing experti, we would like to rerun '-H-id that you put It to the Northrop Steel Fabricating Co. of Itrrmlrtton. We are aure that thev will have the anwer. Prompt aervlce at the moat reasonable price poMlble ha been the guiding Influence of the pollcle of thla firm, and thev have aerved our three coun tle for more than 20 year. font art Mull Tin Shop In HermlMon for high quality, de pendable air conditioner and heating. Thev carry a full line of Len nox, the flnent air conditioner and heating you can buy. Thi 19U1 llermlKton Bualness Review would like to recom mend to you thla reputable company, and believe that you will be well pleased with the nervlce provided. people agree that a mama bur ger or a papa burger from the A t W beat any sandwich they have ever eaten. Have you tried the A k W Chubby Chicken vet? Here is the freshest, specially chosen, pound fryer, marinated In spe cial auce, deep tried under pressure and served with salad and muffin with honey "Nuf said???" It 1 available for take home). The menu U varied with many specialty dishes that are not available anywhere else and you are sure to enjoy any thing that you may order. Be sure and trv the A k W Drive-In In liermlston the next lime you want good food well prepared and at very popular price. Wranglers Enjoy Third Play. Day Wrangler's Riding club mem bers added points to their Play Day competition scores, Sunday, April 14, when they met at the Wrangler grounds for their third spring playday. Nearly 60 con testants tried for points. Serving on the committee to take care of the arrangements for the noor. potluck dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Craves, chair men; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Berg strom, Mi and Mrs. Cor net t Green and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Yo com. Winners last week In the pole bending, for ages 7 and under, were Janice llealv, 31.3; Maur een Healy. 36 8; David Steagall, 39.1. Those for ages 8 through 1? were Becky Fulleton, 25.6; Joan Healy, 27.3; Kyle Robinson, 280. In the group 13 through 17, ltuby Fulleton. 24.5; Erna Win chester, 20.0; Maralee Murray, 27.0. And for seniors, Pat Dough erty. 25.0: bev Steagall, 25.8; Roice Fulleton. 262. Tuklng the honors in the bar rels, ages 7 and under, were Jan Ice Healy, 259; Maureen llealv, 3!).l; Cindy Dougherty, 31.3. In the next age group, 8 through 12, were Becky Fulleton, 21.4; Joan Healy 220; Mary Healy, 23.1. Tops for ages 13 through 17 were Ruby Fulleton, 20.6; Maralee Murray, 216; Michelle Miller, 22.5. And close times were posted for seniors by Bill Healy, 21.1; Bev Steagall, 21.7; P.olce Fulleton, 21.8. One contestant qualified for the. ring race for age 7 and un der. This was Cindy Dougherty, at 39.3. For ages 8 through 12 first place winner In the ring race was Becky Fulleton, 14.0; Bruce Bergstrom, 150; Craig Munkers, 19.2. Winners for ages 13 through 17 were Sherri O'Brien, 12.5: Ruby Fulleton, 13.3, and tie for third, Camllle Malcolm and Krna Winchester, 14.0. Senior winners were Bill Healy, 12.0; Bev Steagall, 12.9; George Sliagnll, 13.4. A new game called "put and take" was the fourth game for points, played in a triangle. Best times for ages 7 and under were Innice Mealy, 37.9, and Cindy Dougherty, 50.0. Honors in ages 8 through 12 went to Becky Ful leton, 22.3; Lisa Collins, 29.5; usan Henly, 33.9. For ages 13 through 17 were Erna Winches er, .3; Pattl Healy, 27.0 Ter esa Munkers, 27-7. Tops for sen iors wore Dean Graves, 23.0; Bob Bergstrom, 25.5; Bill Healy. 25.9. TUESDAY, Mar 10 Regular Meeting of Morrow County School Board tt Lexington District Office B OO P.M. All Elementary Teacher In District and High School Math Teach er to Meet with Textbook Representative at Lexington Of fice, 4:00 P.M., for Seloction of Math Adoption for 1966 I. E. D. Meeting Continue for Mr. Potter in Salem Baseball: lone High at Heppner Irrlgon City Council at Old Building WEDNESDAY, Mar 11 llomemaker's Festival at A. C. Houghton Justice Hoi man of The Oregon Supreme Court to Speak Riverside Award Assembly lone ITA Soil Conservation Tour for Irrlgon 5th k 6th Grade Sponsored by Boardman Soil Conservation District. THURSDAY. Home Extension at Old Cafeteria, 4 -II Community Club Meeting at Primary Grades Track Meet at A. C. Houghton Boardman Mother' Club 2:00 P.M. rRIDAY, Mar IS Band Concert at Heppner Elementary Gym for Grades, 5, 6, 7, 8 and High School Sub District Baseball Play-offs Baseball: Riverside at Heppner Track: A. C. Houghton at Arlington Heppner Elementary at Arlington Last day of Kindergarten at A. C. Houghton SATURDAY, Mar 14 lone High Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom Boy Scout Auction at A. C. Houghton District Track Meet at Umatilla Sub District Baseball Playoffs Sub-District Track Meet at Burns TUESDAY. Fifth Grade of Morrow County by Heppner Soil and Water Riverside Frosh-Soph Baseball at F.F.A. Meeting at Riverside 2nd THURSDAY. lone High Biology Field Trip Election Board Meeting at Old rlllDAY. lone Band Concert 8:00 May Day Boardman Elementary Track: A. C. Houghton at Arlington District Track Meet for Heppner High Baseball District Plavoffs SATURDAY. Mar 21 Baseball District Plavoffs Continue for Heppner High District Track Meet for Heppner High k lone State Track Meet lone Junior High Party FRIDAY. 7th and 8th Grade Party given State Track Meet Corvallis SATURDAY, State Track Meet Corvallis SUNDAY, Baccalaureate1 lone High and Heppner High Seniors MONDAY, Mar 30 State Baseball Portland Boardman News (Held over from last week) Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Former received word recently of the death of their son-in-law, Bruce Lindsay, 41. In Gresham Satur- dnv. He died of a heart attack while riding horseback at the Gresham fair grounds. Funeral services were held April 27 In Gresham with burial In Willam ette National Cemetery in Port land. He is survived by his wife Helen; two sons, Jim and John of Gresham; one daughter, Mrs. Jim ISherry) Marston of Port land; and one granddaughter, Pamela Marston. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Partlow are the parents of an 8 lb., 8 oz. son. Michael Jay, born April 20 In St. Joseph's hospital In La Grande. Grandparents are Mrs. LaVern Partlow of Boardman, John Partlow of Hillsboro, Mrs. Floyd Miller of Walla Walla. Wash., and Dave Williams of Seattle, Wash. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Taul Holm of Irrlgon. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Allen are the parents of a 7 lb., 5 oz. son, Scott David, born April 23 in Walla Walln. Wash. Grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen of Boardman and Mr. and Mrs. William McConnell of Hermlston. Mr. and Mrs. Allen went to Walla Walla Saturday to see their new grandson. The Home Extension Unit studied Morrow County Econo my Tuesday of last week with Mrs. Stan Henklc as leader at the meeting at the home of Mrs. Dewey West. Mrs. Ronald Black was co-hostess. The nominating committee re ported no one had been found to accept offices for next year, so the election was postponed until May. Announcement was made of the llomemaker's Festival to be held In the old Irrigon high school May 11, at 10:30 a.m. The Boardman Unit will be co-hostesses. Lunch will be served at noon by the kindergarten moth ers. Mrs. Bernard Donovan report ed on the lessons for next year. Subject of the May 17 meet ing will be "Buying children's clothing" at the home of Mrs. Rollin Bishop, with Mrs. Emery Lyons co-hostess. Mrs. Walter Hayes and Mrs. Arnold Hoffman attended a County Committee meeting in Lexington last Wednesday. Mrs. Hayes is retiring member, and Mrs. Hoffman will serve next year. Members of the Boardman Garden Club went to Pendleton Monday of last week to the home of Mrs. Hugh Brown for an afternoon meeting. Mrs. Brown served the group lunch eon, assisted by Mrs. Nate Ma comber and Mrs. Charles Ander egg. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Ma comber are former residents of Boardman and members of the club. Mrs. Anderegg, also a for mer resident, is still a member. Those going from Boardman in cluded Mrs. Glen Carpenter, Mrs. Leo Root, Mrs. Ralph Earwood, Mrs. Rollin Bishop, Mrs. Walter Hayes, Mrs. Frank Marlow, Mrs. Russell Miller and Mrs. Walter Wyss. Roll call was answered by giv Mar 12 Irrlgon 10:30 Irrlgon Cafeteria 7:30 High 1:00 Mar 17 Soil Conservation Tour Sponsored Conservation District. Hermlston Period Mar It Cafeteria Irrlgon 10:30 Mar 20 Mar 27 by Elks Lodge Mar 28 Mar 29 ing the name of a flowering shrub for lasting beauty. Officers for next year were elected as follows: Mrs. Glen Carpenter, president; Mrs. Leo Root, vice-president; Mrs. Zearl Gillespie, secretary; Mrs. Ralph Earwood, treasurer. The club voted to furnish a 4 H scholarship for summer scnooi, it it is needed. St Mary's Altar Society met Monday night of last week at tne home of Mrs. Tom Billing with Mrs. Dclmer Hug co-host ess. The annual Mav crowning will be held Mav 8 preceding mass. Leslie Bushman will crown, and Theresa Ball will be her attendant. Mrs. Hug will be chairman in charge; Shirley Zielinski will do the music, and Mrs. Dante Daltoso the flowers. A potluck dinner will be held Mav 22 for all parishioners, the time and place to be announced later. Mrs. S. R. Wllkie will be general chairman in charge. Mrs. Wllkie will be in charge of the church for May, and Mrs. Peter Matz for June. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Worden have returned home from a six months absence. They left here last October, spending the first two months in Phoenix, Ariz., and went from there to Joplin, Mo., where they spent the past four months. Their daughter, Mrs. Dallas Forthman, of Pay. ette, Idaho, returned home with them to visit last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Broad bent are the proud owners of a new registered quarter horse, a three year old gelding, "Prince Magic Joe". His former owner lives in Puyallup, Wash. Broad bent purchased the animal at the horse sale at Ordnance. Mr. and Mrs. Adair Sauer and son Ronnie returned home Sat urday from a two weeks vaca tion trip visiting in Santa Ma ria. Calif., and Disneyland and I Knott's Berry Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Davis of Portland re turned home with them to vis it for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holtz of lone were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Seehafer. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mes senger of Mitchell visited the first of last week at the homes of Mrs. Messenger's brother-in-law and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Zearl Gillespie, and Mrs. Claud Coats. Zelma Cowan, village mis sionary, was an overnight visit or at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Herman R. Burg Sunday on her way from Spokane, Wash, to Portland. POWER CONTROL ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE WS REPAIR! e Electric Motors tower Tools Hydraulic Jacks e Alemlte Equipment 421 S. E. 4th Pendleton Phone 276-5362 i r ." .... 1 mm i V-it ,Mx-zprriltz rk'(:V . RODEO'S RANKEST and rough- Mt duu u pick of Um strings of tht top rodeo stock contractors will b teen In action like this at the Pacific Indoor Rodeo Mar 19 UTTL AP5 ... GAZETTE-TI - through 22 in Portland's Mem- ortal Coliseum. Show bix techniques will spic the ro- deo, first rer presented la the gleaming $8 million "glass palace." 79 the Little Thing8 ' that Count! 1 1 w Like, ART POINT wedding Invitation! One of the mo lav portant little details which art fttctiMiy to make yetu wtddinj success. Art Point invitations are always socially correct in every eWtail, you will be proud to send them to your friends as it marks y as a person of extreme good taste. A price and a style for every bride-to-be; from 14. ht lt$ and up! Reception or At Home footnotes on the wedding extra charge. Let our Society Editor have all the details about your wt ding plans. OUR GIFT TO THE NEWLYWEDS One Year Subscription to Gazette-Times With Each Order of Wedding Invitations. p -4 :-)l h We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE: Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Folletr Meat Co. Ph. 567 6651 Hemlston. Oregon On HermistonMcNarr High war HEPPNER jzL J l Of Charge Yry.i Heppner, y&Jl' Lexington