80th Anniversary Observed Sunday In Services af Valby Lutheran Church By kathcrine undsthom IONK-- Vnlby Lutheran church In Goom-bcrry celcliruted Iti with anniversary on Sunday, April ii. At the It (Ml o'clock worship M-rvlce tin' Rev, Jiidmm Crnry, executive BKhlNtnnt to DiMrlct Present. Ir. S. (.'. Sletkcn cf Se attle. Wan tllO KUCMt hH'nklT. A family Htlurk dinner was held ut iumim followed by a pro gram with brief redcdleatlon ceremonies In tint afternoon. Other numbers on the o gram Included an arrangement of hymn played on the organ lV Curley licrgstroin; a short history of Valbv ly OHtur Peter nun j a presentation of the 75th anniversary book to Rev. Crary lv Mr. I'etcr.oon, and a piano ami organ duet hv KrNtlne Pe terson and Mm, I'aul Tews. Mrs. Tews wm also organist for the hvmn sing, which was led bv Pastor Kenneth Robin on at the beginning of the pro gram. Out of town guests here for the occuslon were Mrs. Leonard Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Carlson and Krlo and Jun I of Portlund. Mr. and Mrs. Vlctur Kletmann had us their guests this week end. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Illako of Pacific City. Week-end guest of Mm, Kl mer Griffith were Mrs. Bert Ma son Sr.. and Mrs. Sam McMil lan of Portland. Frock Hot Baby Boy Mr. and Mrs. Lewis llulvorscn are announcing the blrlh of a new grandson. The baby boy, Mark Patrick, was born to Mr. and Mrs. lirrv Truck at Pen itletoti Community hospital on Monday morning, April 25. weighing 7 lb.. 13 tut. He will lln a ulster. Lnrle, at home In lleppner. Mrs. Jeanette Yost of San Diego arrived on Saturday eve ning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mm. Harry Ash. Mrs Ash underwent tnaor surgery at Pio neer Memorial hospital on Tues day. Mrs. David Potter Is sub stituting In the first grade dur Inn Mrs. Ash's absence. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Palmer drove the Ashs' to Pendleton to meet their dau ghter. Mr. and Mrs. Kay lleimblgner Mnt the week end In Portland and Kugcne, Mrs. Joe Hausler. president of Beta Omega Sorority. Mrs. Ar thur Mndstrom and Mrs. Gene Kletmann attended the state convention of Slema Kpllon at Salem from Friday through Sunday. Mr. and M. K. K. Sehaffer pent Sunday In Goldendnle visiting at the home of Mrs. ks ,1 f (Wl . -mi i v 1 ; -J CABALETT0 Tweedy Chileco ind stretch Pints . . . whit wonderful combination! The Chal eco I rayon and acetate, the Pants For tiel polyester and cotton. Lauo's match leu color coordination It Irresistible In th's outfit, the tones ol turquoise, lime, pink or orange are perfectly blended. Panti, regular and LoBoy, 12.95. Chalaco 18.95. Shirt, JO 95. Misses Sires. NEW YORK STORE 9. W. EMIGRANT and MAIN PENDLETON Ph. 276-4551 Schaffer'a cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ilcrnard Gilbert. Ilonnle Akers will be Install' ed as worthy Hdvlsisr of lone Assembly No. H!) at a public In stallation on Krldav evening, May U. I-Jectlon of officers was held at the last Italnbow meet lllK. (;. C. Weaver Is a patient In the Veteran' Hospital In Walla Walla. Mr. and Mr. Kenneth Smnus Ment several days the end of the week ut Albany. Salem, and Corvallls. Their son. Kenneth Lynn, hud the misfortune to lose most of his clothes and munv of his school books and notes In a fire In his dormitory room at Oregon State. The fire, of undetermined source, wus discovered during tho daylight hours, probably resulting In less dumugc to the dormitory. The Smouses also visited another son. Carl, at school In Salem. Topic Club Hoars of UN Tour Mark lirown was guest speak er at the April meeting of the Topic Club held at the country home of Mrs. Paul W. Tews. Mrs. William Rawlins wus as sistant hostess. Mark told of his trip on the United Nations Pil grimage for Youth tour lust August and showed some very good slides. During the business meeting conducted bv Mrs. Lindsay Kin raid. ircs!ilcnt, a rcort wus made on the successful curd party a week ago. It was also reported bv Mrs. Ronald Bishop, librarian, thut new hook shelves huve been creeled In the Pub lic Library. A book shower was held unci muny books were brought by members to give to the library. Guests present were Mrs. Gurry Tullls. Mrs. Walter Ja cobs, Mrs. t.ouis Carlson, and Mrs. Donald Peterson. Week etui guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy W. Linda trom were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Langdon of Scapoose, Miss Nancy IVUe of Portland, Mrs. Anita Sullivan of Crcsham, und Mr. und Mrs. George Histola of Astoria. Mrs. A. H. Nelson Sr. Is spend ing some time here at her home ncur Lexington, while visiting her sons, Alfred and Normun and families. She plans to move Into Terwllllger I'luza In Port land soon. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan returned on Wednesday from a few days siient In Portland. They visited their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peck, and took their son, Gary, down to resumit his work in Portland after belnn at home for some time following an apien dectomv, Masons Receive Pins A sixH-lal program following Masonic Lodge No. 120 A.K. & A.M. was held on Wednesday evening at the Masonic Hall. The Kev. Clarence Kopp of La Grande, Past Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of Oregon was the guest speaker. He was accompanied by Alex MacKcn zle, also of La Grande. Worship ful Master Charles O'Connor presented pins to Harlan Mc Curdy, u -15 yr. pin; Holmes Gabbert. -10 yr. pin; K. M. Baker, 25 vx. pin; Oscar Peterson, 25 vr. and K. It. Lundell. a 30 yr. pin. A medley of tunes of the last 5 years was played by Gene Kletmann on the piano. The men and their guests went to the home of James Burnett for refreshments following the meeting. Mrs. Burnett was as sisted in the serving by Mrs. Uov Llndstrom. Mr. and Mrs. John Proudfoot spent the week-end In I'ortlund. Jim Connell was taken to Pio neer Memorial hospital In llepp ner bv ambulance on Monduy morning. He had been 111 for several days und neighbors hud been checking on him. On Sun day no one saw him und on Monday, when Henry Krebs stopped In to see him, he was on the floor, apparently having suf fered a stroke. He prusse! away at the hospital on Monday. Mr. Connell Is a long time resident of this country. He never mar ried und lived on a small furm several miles below Cecil. Mrs. Albert Llndstrom has re turned fxom spending a few days with relatives at La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Engleman spent the week-end In Portland, win-re Joe bowled on the Elks team from the lleppner Lanes. Mrs. Dick Shcrer was hostess for a pinochle party Monday I'Vonlntr tw.rwirlntf Kfr i'ltts - .,.' .opt ' w iChllders on her birthday. Guests wno attended were, Mr. John Kulph Klncald, Mrs. Darrt-ll pad berg, Mrs. Herbert Peterson, Mrs. Howurd Croweli, Mr. Wayne Hums, Mrs. Hoy GooUrow, Mrs. Wayne Bull, und Mrs. Herbert Kkslrom. Jr. Prize winners were high, Mrs. Klncald; second high, Mrs. Padberg. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hynd en tertaincd his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. anal Mrs. C. L. Lluu alien of Pendleton on Sunday. Barbara Bishop and Kolund Ekstrom of E.O.C. spent the week-end st home. Mrs. Lewis ilalvorscn, mother advisor, took three Kuinbow girls to Portland on Sunday to attend the n-ceptlon honoring the Grand Worthv Advlsiir of Kalnbow, Christie Peterson at the Mayflower Audit orlurn. Those going down were Susan Jane Jensen, Charlene Hamlctt. und Bonnie Kay Akers. Mr unit M r'.rlu...! C...,.n. HI, i . , I . .J . 1 U I V, tin U 1 1 son and Jim spent Sunday and Monduy in Portland with their son and iluughlcr in-law, Mr. urnl Mrs. John Swanwjn. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kletmann, Mrs. Ksitcr Hunsen, und Mr. and Mrs. BUI Kletmann spent Sun day In Kennewlck ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rhode und Paul. The occasion marked Paul's lilrllwliiv- Mr iml Mm John Turner (if KuUrir t,ln. i ed the family there. Mr. Han sen went home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. George Portschy of IHirtland are the parents of a baby boy, Rodney James, born on April 20. Their other little boy Brent, has been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Her shal Townsend at lone. Mr. und Mrs. Harold Sherer attended the funeral of Mrs. Hannah Melville at Echo recently. the lm km? GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner, Oregon 97836, Thursday, April 28, 1966 Sec. 2 Irrigon Mayor Proclaims Clean-up Month May For Fast And Dependable Freight- Service With Daily Overnight Service From Portland, Including Saturdays SHIP REIGHT Eastern Oregon F Served By Flatt's Truck Service CALL GENE ORWICK 989-8420 ANYTIME June Date Set For lone Auction ION K Members of the lone United Church of Christ are ai:ain busy making plans for their fourth annual auction and barbecue. The event will be held at Willows Urance hall on Saturday, June 4, with all pro ceeds colntr to the church, an nounced Milton Morgan, gener al chairman. Articles for auction ure need ed and anyone desiring to con tribute merchandise, old or new, Is nsked to contact Bill Rlct niBnn. 422-T2. Don Bristow, 422-7122. or Milton Morgan, 422 7258. A warehouse has been provided to store things in this year, so If any want an Item picked up early, Just contact one of the above people. The "country store" will be a new attraction this year with homemade haked goods, home canned foods, fancy work, and crafts. Also the church Is en couraging its mem hers and friends to donate livestock such as lambs, pigs, beef, chickens, etc. Another attraction this year will be the sale of antiques at the auction. One Item already donated Is an authentic old pump organ In excellent condit ion. They hope everyone will search their attics, barns and closets for antiques. Committee chairmen for the event are: general chairman, Milton Morgan: vice chairman and arrangements, John Jcp sen; merchandise. Bill Riet mann; barbecue, Alfred Nelson; dinner, Mrs. Earl McCabe; slave auction, Robert Jcpsen; snack bar. Mrs. Roy W. Llndstrom; tickets, Mrs. Bill Rtetmann; sil ent auction, Mrs. Norman Nel son; country store, Mrs. Garry Tullls; antiques, Mrs. Pete Can non; publicity, Mrs. Robert Jcp sen; meat wrapping, Karl Mc Cabe; and meat carving, Roy W. Llndstrom. Br LaVELLE PARTLOW IRRIGON Mayor Chester Wil son haa proclaimed the month of May as "Clean-up. Palnt up, KIx-ud Month" for the City of Irrigon and urged every orga nization and individual within the community to do their ut most to eliminate all rubbish from their premises and burn brush and other material that may later become a fire hazard. Saturday, May 21, and Satur day, May 28. have been desig nated as special clean-up days, when the City truck will haul away rubbish as a special serv ice. Anita and Donna Kay Pum mel. Terr! Senn, Jo Hale, Mrs. Albert Partlow and Sheryl, Mrs. Josle Buchanan and Wayne Bu chanan, Rev. and Mrs. John H. Kenney, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Warner and Mrs. Walt Agee at tended a "Speed the-L I g h t" youth rally at the Hermlston As sembly of God church Friday evening. Bob Paget. Oregon State Christ Ambassador presi dent, and the Rev. Melvin Stuart were guest speakers. Purpose of the rally was to raise funds for the "Specd-the-Llght" program, a project of the Assemblies of God Christ's Ambassadors to provide transportation facilities such as cars, airplane and bi cycles, printing presses, loud speaking systems and other methods of furthering the gos pel message In foreign coun tries, to our missionaries. The Junior Class of the Irri gon Baptist church had a skat ing party at Hermiston, and met at the church afterwards for refreshments. The Rev. and Mrs. Vaughan. pastors of the Irrigon Baptist church, attended a birthday par ty at the uene Cunningham res idence in Hermiston honoring the Cunningham's one-year-old duughtcr, Machille. Other rela tives and friends from Irrigon were also present. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Gibbs of Kahlotus, Wash., were Sunday evening visitors at the home of her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Partlow and .Sheryl. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stephen were Saturday evening dinner ' guests at the home of their son naiw uuunii i t,,-, aw, nit, aiiu Mrs. Curtis Stephens and Pa tricia, Umatilla. The dinner was In honor of Mrs. Stephens' birth day. Ladles Home Extension Is con ducting a Cancer Drive In Irri gon. If you are not contacted, please call Mrs. Warren McCoy, chairman, 922-3622. Mrs. Chester Collins Is conva lescing at her home after spend ing 20 days at Good Shepherd hospital in Hermiston. Mrs. Eugene McCorkle Is a pa tient at St. Anthony hospital in Pendleton. Dewey West of Woodburn was a Friday evening visitor at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stephens. Bill Graybcal is a patient In Ward 3 of the Walla Walla Vet erans hospital. Mrs. Bill Gray- Ibeal. who spent the week in j Walla Walla, drove to Irrigon 'Monday, accompanied by her I arister-in-law, Mrs. Doshla BrownelL Mrs. Brownell was a j luncheon guest of her sister, I Mrs. Ruth McCoy, and also vis ited her brother and sister-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gray ibeal. The two ladles returned to Walla Walla Monday evening, where Mrs. Graybcal is staying (with her son-tn-law and daugh ter, the Dale Shingledeckers. I Menus at A. C. Houghton school for the week of May 2 6 are as follows: Monday Mac laronl and hamburger dish, but tered carrots and peaches; Tues dayBeef stew, molded salad, cheese sticks, cake cobbler; j Wednesday Chili beans, corn I bread, stewed tomatoes, fruit Jel lo; Thursday Fried chicken, .mashed potatoes, creamed broc I coll and Ice cream; Friday Fil jlet of sole, cabbage slaw, but Itered corn, cake with fruit cock- tall. All meals are served with bread and butter and milk. The 5th and Gth grades of A. c. Houghton school presented a program of American Folk lore at the April student body meeting. Student body president Jodv Tatone presided over the business meeting preceding the program. Mrs. Rees Morgan accompa nied other ladies of the Herm iston Barracks Auxiliary of Vet erans of World War I on a vis it to the Walla Walla Veterans hospital. The ladies took two boxes of needed Items, made by the ladies, and while there, they visited the therapy room. Mr. and Mrs Rees Morgan, Fred Hoadley and Fred Walker drove to Pendleton Sunday to at tend the District 6 Veterans of World War I meeting. The noon luncheon was served by the Pen dleton Grange, and business meeting followed. Miss Janet Christiansen has returned to Irrigon after spend ing several days in Honolulu, Hawaii, visiting Mrs. Jim Rags dale. While there, Janet saw the Eastman Kodak show, interna tional Market place, Punchbowl Cemetery, made a tour of the Island, visited Walklkl Beach and other points of Interest. The Rev. H. E. Vaughan at tended a meeting of the Uma tilla Association of the Ameri can Baptist Convention In Herm iston Wednesday. The noon luncheon was followed by the project for the day, an empha sis on Stewardship. The Baptist Church had a Family Night with an Impromp tu program and also colored slides of Hawaii. Following the program, refreshm e n t s were served in the basement. The Rev. Herman Engelgau, missionary to Republic of Upp er Volta, West Africa, presented a unique missionary service at the Irrigon Assembly of God church Sunday evening. Rev. Engelgau, attired in native dress, showed colored slides of the land and people there, and also displayed many interesting curios, including a huge hollow ed -out elephant's foot. A special number, "I'll Walk With God" was sung by David Kenney pre ceding Rev. Engelgau's sermon. The young people's Christ Ambassador group of the Irri gon Assembly of God church presented a program for Nation al Speed-the-Ught Sunday mor ning. Miss Donna Isom, presi dent of the group, was in charge of the program, which included a quartet by Donna Kay and Anita Pummel, Donna Isom and Mrs. Albert Partlow and a number by the Youth Choir, featuring Tammy and Rlcki Snyder and Frances Mc Donald on an Instrumental trio. Need scratch pads? Get them at the Gazette-Times. Bedding Plants Will Arrive Friday, April 29 ASTERS VERBENA LOBELIA SNAPDRAGONS PETUNIAS And Others TOMATO, CABBAGE AND PEPPER PLANTS CORNETT GREEN FEED Heppner, Oregon Ph. 676-9422 Meet With Leader A meeting was held of the lone 4-H Horseflies club on April 18 at the home of Mrs. Wayne Hams. There were 12 members and the leader pres ent. We had Teena Stefanl for a visitor. A demonstration on how to make our bridles was given by Patty Pettyjo 1 and Gregg Brooks. Refreshments were served. Our next meeting will be on May 2. Debra Mi-Bath, reporter Toll the advertiser you saw It In the Gazette-Times. JIM'S MEAT CO. CDSTOM SLAUGHTERING Stonfield, Oregon mm Curing, Cutting. Wrapping .-r Slaughtering Dcrvs Mondays, itf-T w eunesaays, y Fridays LOCKER BEEF AND PORK Phone 449-3623 Jim Tolas Day or Night Your Eager Beaver Northwest Ford Dealers say: Get your free Eagar B saver button t your nearby Ford Dealer's Mustang Hardtop Mustang a runaway best seller right from the start! And today, over a million happy owners can tell you plenty about Mustang's winning ways. Lots of "extras" at no extra cost. Over 70 sports, luxury and performance options, including a 271 -hp Cobra V-8. Any way you look at it, you're ahead in a Ford all the way! FREE! See your Ford Dealer for a copy of Western Journeys, a 128 page booklet on vacation travel and adventure in the West. Wimm AUTO SALES. Inc. Heppner, Oregon