HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thundery. AptU 28. 1966 Student Election, Town Cleanup Set for Friday Vieine for th student body, to the students on the trai-k presidency of HHS are Steve An-'field. During the noon hour derson and Jim Jacobs. Martha thev will have a chance to Ieck and John Rawlins are al ter the office of vice-president ballots will be cast Friday morn ing. change into grubbles and get ready fox the clean-up which will take pi ce all afternoon. Freshmen will be busy pick- The position of secretary will w ud around the high school be filled by either Carol Rawlins j and weeding the iris garden, or Barbara Bloodsworth. Sheila, with sophomores. Juniors, and Luciani is the only student run ning for assistant treasurer, while David Hall is the only candidate for serjeant-at-arms, Nancv Dohcrty and Marsha Lov gren aie competing for business manager. Campaigning for student body offices began officially last Monday with the posting of signs by candidates. The nominees will give their campaign speeches first and second periods on Friday. Fol lowing the speeches, competi tors lor Lie lot7 eheerleaonifi squad will perform. Candidates for varsity cheer leaders are juniors B.i;ba:a Bloodsworth. Verina Fre n c h. Cavle Malcom. Pam McCabe. Teensie Moore. Donna ltter, and Peggy Snyder. Marsha Lov gren. Kita Pettyjohn, and Paula rt ar snnhomore hopefuls. Voting will take place during ;lfc seniors working downtown. Following the clean-up day on Friday, a dance will be spon sored bv the Klks. Music will be furnished by the "Dantes" of Heppner. Murray, Kindle, Driscoll Lead Football Awards third period. A picnic lunch Mickey Kindle, Tim Driscoll and Mark Murray were honor ed with individual awards in football at a recent Heppner High awards assembly. Miekev Kindle was termed the most valuable lineman: Tim most valuable baeit; Mark Murray was name! most valuable layer. .rt&.v ft n no n neniscn HEPPNER HIGH SCHOOL Heppner, Oregon Junior-Senior Banquet, Prom To Be May 4, 7 Mustangs Rank Third at Burns Invitational Meet By MAC HOSKINS members of this commit-1 Hepptuv High school's Junior Senior Banquet will be Wednes day. Mav 4, at 6:30 p.m. in the Elks Lodge. Saturday, Mav 7. Is the date ..... l.nti.i- C.nitir Wttm 'which will be in the high school I They have contracted the cafetorium. The dance will be-; f O-iIrl n ,1.1 miii lit 1 -lHY Mil. ..ill" fiir.iih.wt hv the well' J',n Sl. ..... IK,.-,. iian tee. The music Pam McCabe dudes Linda Clark. Jim tv, Jim Jacobs and Tim known "Pastels of Pasco. All alumni and their dates arc cordially invited to attend the prom. On the decorations committee for the banquet are Kay Dag Biology Group Has Field Trip To Bird Refuge been done bv Barbara Blcxxis worth. Donna Potter. Pam Mc Cabe. Marsha Sowell and Kathy Melbv. Martha reck was chairman for picking the theme for the will be served. '""j .-.,. ....... !prom. Maralee Murray. Donna me .vm-uii!h uei ui p0tter. Jill Schmidt. .Mike i-wee- ney and Marsha sowell helped her with the selection. Carrying out the theme sel ected is the job of the decorat ing committee, headed bv Don na Potter. Linda Clark, Jim Do hcrtv. Verina French, Jim cobs, Lennie Hanna. Gale Mai gett. Maralee Murray, verina ,at tno prom rests on dale Mai French and Jill Schmidt. com. chairman: Fx in Dick, ivn c.,i.w.tinn ih. entertainment nis O'Donnell. Jill Schmidt, Kav and inviting the guests have cafetorium April 21 and letters and awards were given for fall and winter sports. Letters were given for varsity football, var sity basketball, and cross-country. Awards were given for par ticipants in Jayvee football, jay vee basketball, and freshman basketball. Gene Heliker. captain of the basketball team, presented to the school the trophy for win ning the Western Division cham pionship of the Greater Oregon Teachers Named For Scholarships The Heppner clndermen took third place In the Hums Invi tational track meet last Satur day, as thev were once again nipped by the large, strong squads from Burns and Madras. Although official meet re suits have not yet been received from Burns, it Is known that Miekev Kindle broke his HHS pole vault record once again by committee, with soaring U'V. Kindle still had as chairman. in-i seme mr mwui pimv, tnougn. wnile speedster urn Driscoll took home the only Mustang blue ribbon. Prlseoll's first plaiv 2:01 In the SSO yard run was complemented bv his second place 10 A In the 100 vard dash, and a third place broad lump. Other top Mustangs scoring points Included Tint Smith, sec ond In the two-mile and Simon Winters scored In the -110. M;irk Brown and Tim Tullls took third and fourth In the mile. The outstanding record of the dnv was achieved bv the Ill landers' Butch Kinder. His 5.Y. S'" shot put effort Is prohaMv I the best in the state so far this I year. Another Bums boy, llaar I land Yriarte. whipped the dis cus ltijy'j". which Is also among the best in the state rec ords this veiir. IVher- Smith. Pas tels'' of Pasco to provide the entertainment. Jacobs, chairman ; Bar Bloodsworth, Marv Boy a Jim Dohertv. Jctf Turner. Verina French. Mike Sweeney and Martha IVck have the re siHinsibility of nominating the candidates for king and queen. The division of who will serve Daggett. Maralee Murray and Pam McCabe. Heppner Ponies Top Irrigon 10-1 The Heppner Junior High Ponies won their fourth In Just as manv games as they clobber it the Irrigon Bobcats 10 I The win was cii'dlled to a strong hit ting attack hv the Ponies bat man, compiling S hits against Irrlgon's I hit, which came In the flisl Inning on u home tun blasted by David Ftanke Pat Klllu nny repeated his last game's leal for the Ponies, gel ting n wo run homer The Ponies (ollectcd (i of their S hits In Itu second fn:me, with .1 doubles and 3 singles. Phil Ay ies went '.' 2 at the plate fur the Ponies, with M' I'd he an I Kilkenny safely hit ting 2 X McC.lhc went the distance for the victors, allowing I run,. I hit. with '. walks and left ! Hob cuts swinging In the air 1! Heppner tl' tVI 10 lrrlgon l'1 1 tt.it ti-rti-K : For Heppner - Cahe and Kemp For lrrlgon Phillips ani' Collins II s o l :i Mo For Summer Terms! Huskies Tip Mustangs, 4-1 com and Teensie Moore are the Biology II students, accompa nied by their instructor, Kuk .League in basketball. Horn, adventured to the Mai heur National Refuge on the week-end of April 15-17 The assistant superintendent of the refuge, Mr. Pierce, toured; I I' .1 the area with the group Satur- AflP I r( UlflK day and gave a slide talk, witn IUMC VsUIUIIIUIJ a discussion following, concern ing how game refuge should be Led by the bats of Mike :l Mustangs Clip 3 Groups Share Carnival Profit Al- run and how this particular one sup and Jim Doherty. the HHS operates. Mustangs tripped the lone Car- A biologist from the Wildlife dinaLs. 8-1. in a non-league staff gave a lecture regarding counter Friday. Dohertv went 2 the techniques and reasons for 2 at the plate, blasting a solo bird banding. Bird listing was , homer in the third inning. Mike also one of the activities of the'Alsup hit a two-run homer in students while there. ithe seventh. Russ Kilkenny, who Among the eight students ,we"i six iwrn 1 journeying in the station-wagon Thnv HHS teachers have been Ja- i honored bv their selection for summer school scholarships. Mrs. Bad. el Dick is going in the N D F A Institute for Advan ced Study of Teaching Beading in Content Areas in grades 7-12 at Oregon State I'tmeisiiy from 1 -u . 1 1-) CI,., June -w lu .-ui,ui i-. ..'in .-.- ....,. one of .50 teachers from various.;1"''1.. parts of the I'niled Slates chos en for this Institute. Rex Knglish has been named 'as alternate for two N.DK.A. Proeeods of the annual band 1 teaching scholarships in Kit carnival, held last Saturday, Ulsh, one at were down as compared to those .Mexico anil of previous years, according to j University of Arizona, but as Forrest Burkenbine. grade school, yet has not been notified wheth PTA president. jer he will be granted either Gross profits were S!17, but i school. Burkenbine said the net profit I Kirk Horn w ill spend his summer at Coos Bav and Charleston, doing gra d u a t e study in Marine lnvcrtabrate Zoology Research, under a Uni versity of Oregon fellowship. should be around Sb. which will be split three ways, le tsveen the High School PTA, the Grade School PTA. and the Band Parents' club, all of which Dromoted the carnival. applies me relieved oy mil anyuer. mmui fr ,h rarniv.i m Danel were Shirley Norton. Steve f've and was touched for two-wholarshiDg t0 the summer Pettyjohn. John Rawlins, Geral- "Its. (Band School at Pullman. Wn.. dine Lamorie. Marsha Lovgren, Stan Holstein scored the first j and to scholarships for gradu Merri Lee Jacobs, Tim Loyd and Cardinal run, drawing life online senior band members. In Alfred Drake. They slept out on an error, stealing second, and:rPCent years the Grade School the ground and each had his corning home on another Mus- i pta has supplied a scholarship chance at the art of outdoor tag muff. cookery. The trip was chaperoned by Mr. Horn and his parents, Miss ti. Miller, and Dr. and Mrs. Wal lace Wolli" Three photographers are vy- ina for the 1oh of taklne DIC- Tom Hawuns. president oi tne tures for next years HHS sen- Juniors View Work Of Photographers Photography Club, has been busy with his camera taking ac tion shots of the players at the home baseball games. Some of these pictures may be used in the 1967 annual. Mike Sweeney, HHS speech student, will be master of cere monies at the junior-senior ban quet The banquet will be held next Wednesday night at the Elks Club. Cynthia Smith, a senior at HHS, plans to enlist in the Womens Marine Corps. She will go to Seattle May 2 and 3 to take her physical and mental tests. She will not know if she is accepted until a further date. to the Meadow Wood springs Speech camp in Umatilla coun ty. The high school s snare oi the proceeds will be used tor scholarships for HHS graduates who are studying to become teachers. 5 Girls Attend State FBLA Meet tors. The photo companies rep resented are Throckmortons cf Pendleton, Reed Studios of La Grande and Jack Briggs of the Modecne Studios in Eugene. Briggs has done the photogra phy work at Heppner High for the past six years. The three photographers have Stockard were recent showed the students the differ-; to the state Future ent styles of finishing pictures, and have given price estimates. After due consideration the class will vote on which photo grapher the majority want to take their senior pictures. The studio who does the senior pic tures will also do the photo graphy for the 1966 annual. Another Good-Sized SHIPMENT Of RCA Color TV Sets Due In On April 29 or May 2 Also On Hand One Sylvania Color TV (SET ORDERED THROUGH ERROR) Gavie Batty, Pam McCabf Jean Healv. Jan Hager and Joan delegates Business Leaders of America convention at Corvallis. They stayed at Hawley Dorm. The first day they participat ed in discussion groups pertain lne to the activity of members, and money raising projects. The general campaigning for ofii cers was done the first night after dinner and the election was held the following morn lne at the business meeting. 5 Mrs. Bornice Struckmeier, ad- ! visor, took the girls to the con j vention and brought them back Kaopectate By ROGER LEONNIG Bruce Wilson slammed a pair of homers fur the Sherman llus kles to overthrow the Heppner Mustangs at Sherman last Sat- 11. Gene I.anthorn was the winiun.' pitcher while Bill Snvder suffered the loss The onlv Heppner score came l-i the tilth inning when Jim Dohertv scored on an overthrow University of New, to third. I he Mustangs n.anag- the other at the'ed three lilts while Sherman col lected six. Sherman also toiik the second game " with Jepsen the win ning pitcher and Alsup the loser Church Hootcnony Draws Good Crowd The llootemmnv held at the First Christian Church, Friday. April .'.'. proved erv popular1 w ith the students 'I ho Ihmten- annv featured Jean Stinkard,. Dick Struckmeier and Clunk Barnes Chuck who plaved the, accordion, added to the suc.-rss . nf the Hootcn.mm Jean and j Dick who are graduates of IIUS. also made the Hoot. -nanny sp ular. The Hmdcnannv drew a good crowd of students. PLAY TOR DANCE The Hem him-n daed for a student dance In lone on Frl dav. April ::'. Thev termed the dance a smvess and said thev i-n i i i-il plaing for It. Clnny Moore. 1964 HHS gradu ate, is running f"r president of her tloimitorv at Kastern Ore gon College. She was also clnis-lcadcr at K f this year She Is a sophomore. Local Students Compete in State Speech Contest Seven til II n pooch MudcnlM returned Sunday evening from the state (.peech contest In F.u gene with no awards hut plen tv of experience. Though thi local Rtudents who traveled to the university did not plitoe, neither did students from any other A 'J or B schools. Later on this week rating charts will be sent to Ib ppner telling the tint teslants' lesulls Mike Sweeney, I'egpv Sn viler. Marsha Sowell, Martha Peck, Margaret Green, l.lntlu Clark and Nonda Clark were acinni panled bv Mrs Janet Grove ami Mrs Bill Sowell The otu dents left Heppner Thursday morning ainl fii ltecl ttielr Inter jpreliitlons twice In front of ! judges, with some 7titl other students participating I Compelltlon was tremendous ; In radio comnientarv four out of seven finalists had radio iro grams oi wieir n 11 tin ini-ir sciusds had their own radio illa tions The schools were not div ided Into A and B divisions no Heppner was competing with the A 1 scliisils. Spring Speech Clinic Scheduled Mm row County Schools' spring spi-i-ch clinh has been scheduled tot Saturday. May 7. it Is an notincod l-'rnest Crlstler. speivh thera plst anil illiector of spi-clat edu cation. Intirmediate School Dls trlct, t inadila County, will dlr i-it Hie d:nlc. Schedule Is as follows: lloatdinau grade school and A C Houghton Kleincntary si-lnsil Iirlgoii. t am; Imie Grade schiKil. 1 p m ; Heppner grade schiHil, .1 p m Twenty one liien referred parent Is also Tamara Smith, a qiaduate of HHS in PUk'i. came home over the week end to celebrate hisr l!th birthday with her famllv She Is a freshman at F.astern Oregon College. LOOKING AHEAD French, Warren Win Essay Contest April 29 Flections Clean-up Day Klks' Dance April 30 Umatilla Invitational April 30 Burns nt Heppner l baseball) 1:UI May 4 Junior-Senior BaniU e t, Klks' Lodge. 0:3o. Mav 4 Blue Mountain College here (baseball) 3:30 Mav 6 Eastern Oregon Invita tional Mav 7 Grant Union here (base ball) 1:00 Mav 7 Junior Senior Prom, cafe torium. 9:00 Don Munkeri, one of th l5 HHS graduates, was n recent visitor to his home. children (invi to the clinic. A asked to be pros ent at Hi- appointed time, n well as tie referilng teacher Scheduling of the speech clin ic referrals was arranged by Morrow county school principals and Mrs Lowell Clmlly. N . Morrow County Health Ivpart uii-nt Patents have twen noti fied by 1 t t.-r of the npMilnt inetit time. Karen French and Steve War ren were the winners of the an nual Essay Contest sponsored each winter by the local Amer ican Legion Auxiliary. The theme of the contest was What Price Freedom." There John Pfeiffer. graduate of were around 30 entries from rJto. will be home June lb lor Heppner High in the contest, two weeks. Dick Struckmeier, a graduate of HHS In l'.HVl. was home last week end to take part In serv ices' at the Christian church Dick Is a sophomore at North western Christian College In Eugene. Driscoll on Roll Tim Driscoll' name was left off the third nine wcck hon or roll due to the fact that ! some of his grades were post ed wrong. He acquired a 3 3.1 for the nine weeks. You are Invited to a ! REG. WILL $695 SACRIFICE FOR 475 WE NEED THE SPACE FOR THE NEW RCA'S LOTS OF RECONDITIONED WASHERS, DRYERS AND RANGES ALL GUARANTEED : I -11 LOU'S ELECTRIC Heppner Ph. 676-5811 NOW! in travel-safe plastic bottle MURRAYS REXALL DRUG Heppner Ph. 676-9610 of FINE IMPORTED and DOMESTIC FABRICS for CUSTOxM SUITS OUTER COATS SPORTSWEAR IN OUR STORE SATURDAY, APRIL 30 John Luppcrt . V. PRICE REPRESENTATIVE SKILLED IN MEASURING AND STYLE GUIDANCE MORE THAN 500 of the newest suitings for Spring and Summer, from the world's finest looms, will be on display in large tailor's swatches. The values are outstand ing. Be sure to come in and see them. This is a twice-a-year event! WHY NOT SELECT YOUR NEW CLOTHES NOW? GARDNER'S MEN'S WEAR HEPPNER "The Store 1 Personal Service" Clothes tailored by E V. Price & Co. FAMOUS FOR STYLE, FIT AND VALUE NEW! IMPROVED! RUBBERGLO FLAT WALL FINISH One Gallon ST79 W).ll Hi lit. tttt CAUON SAVINGS IHUP DM 'II II Tim M-r 'IMl.T 'MO 1I!U: 'inn 'I II 1 I Get Second Gallon ...for only Thli li tur finul qtitlity vinyl acnrllc flint. Flit iliyln, idaMau tnd ni etit ttitrl molt iuiIich UppitiimfKI, 400 iqulft (HI). Cltin Him ind tray mill Kilh jull iln. Chun lurn whit ma 1 ) mdj mliiil. OcmtH Itllib ICt. Mlwi iHfWIf ytal BOYSEN DREEM I PLASOLUX Enamel SEMI GLOSS ENAMEL (TrkAnl J7 Otfwliti . . . tity It apply with bruth r roller Whii in4 I J mstchmi ultft, M(Mi lUl lNMlt bftff ) 01 "It pjirtl row tati hit with fMmmsf " fn all IniliU mt anl.i Am (!. Reiiiti kd.i, ales hl, Ihilt, !, wslsr, tit, $974 ot. Now Is The Time to Paint ALKYD MARINE HOUSE PAINT Lllil lllllni . .. quit! d.yin, t S"l A J . . . ill wtith aitlitllan. T ' " wkiii m 10 limn mini til. ttititm hIwi iHgktti U1m' t 8 Deluxe Roller Set CiiniUH with tny S n. iptclilUUx rclier Mvtr. Rtf M tl 119 Spackling Compound 53' fill tuckl in. mil htkt quickly in. Hy kiftrt ytu paint if. 72c M Pint I 4" Wall Brush 4i flint bruth mill t j OuPint Tynn nyltn ' ililli. i.U7l I Paint-Up, Fix-Up 1 . ..MJUlCid:1 MONEY-BACK CUARftNTEE ,,I.,.i.-i."--,-'; X 34" Masking Tape lull 10 yd. f catch anil fill makif f ilnllni anlai n4 lulu. On. tad TUM-A-LUM Lumber Company Heppner Ph. 676-9212 HURRY! SALE ENDS SOON