Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 28, 1966, Sec. 2, Page 2, Image 10

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    HEFFNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. April 18. 1966
1 H I
y V"" WITH T H I S
When you ire in need erf a
door for your garage, factory or
warehouse, be sure to contact
the Overhead Door Co, of Pen
dleton. Thev are conveniently
located at 715 N. W. 12th or you
mav phone 276-3555 and1 they
will have one of their experts
stop out ar.d solve your prob
lem on the spot
This company builds doors
that are the finest manufac
tured anywhere. When you
consider their ease of operation,
attractive designs and trouble
free service, you know that
these doors are quality built to
last as lone as the structure it
The Stag Shop is located at
250 S. Main in Pendleton, and
the phone is 276-1162.
Men and young men who are
seeking up-to-date styles and
fabrics in suits and clothing,
will find exactly what they are
needing at this popular men's
store in Pendleton. In making
their bid for the trade of the
well-dressed man, this store has
selected a wide range of fabrics,
styles and patterns clothing
that is styled for this season
and priced for your own cloth
ing budget
Be sure to visit the modern
shoe department where they
carry a full line of the well
The Shafer Radiator Service Is
located at 105 S. W. Dorion
across from post office in Pen
dleton. Phone 276-1171. They
clean, repair and recore all
makes and sizes of radiators,
and all work is guaranteed.
Leaky radiators demand their
service see that yours gets it
This is indeed an age of spe
cialists and when you have ra
diator trouble, it just makes
good sense to call on a radia
tor specialist for fast efficient
Shafer Radiator Service makes
a specialty of re-coring and re
building your radiator which
can do away with the expense
of getting a new one. This well
known concern appreciates your
business, and are only too glad
to do the kind of work they
Doubtless you plan some im
provements in your home this
spring. If so, this brief message
will point the way to an easy
satisfactory solution to your fur
niture buying problems. We axe
referring to Fred's Furniture,
where new and beautiful styles
and patterns of furniture, oc
casional pieces, appliances and
accessories await your inspec
tion. This fine furniture store spe
cializes in nationally advertised
lines of furniture with complete
delivery and installation. In
short, this store offers the max
imum of customer satisfaction
with the finest in appliances,
furniture and friendly service.
For some time, Fred's Furni
ture of Pendleton has served
the people of Morrow and Uma
The Faranco of Oregon, Inc.,
located on the Airport Road In
Pendleton, phone 276-3311 fea
tures pre fabricated steel build
ings such as grain tanks, ele
vator equipment and many oth
ers. These buildings are avail
able now at a low cost and they
are easy to erect.
Some of the outstanding fea
tures of these buildings are:
low upkeep, termite proof, wea
therproof, watertight, fireproof,
durable, safe and attractive. You
will be pleased to know that
easy financing and building
services can be arranged.
The Farmco of Oregon, Inc.
features a utility building which
is all-steel. This building is suit
ab'e for farm, commercial, or
industrial use. They have all
sizes and you can get the one
which best fits your needs.
Why not improve your prop-
self. Doors can be made In any
size and in your choice of alu
minum, steel or wood.
Be sure and see the automat
ic Ear see door opener, the
"Auto-Mate," the perfect com
panion to your new garage door,
It can save time, health, heat
loss, cleaning bills and tem
pers. For your convenience they
have trained men to install
these doors and if you wish, you
may have reasonable terms in
your purchase with low month
ly payments. Remember, when
vou need a door, call Overhead
Door Co. or stop in. They will
'be glad to help you.
known Weyenberg shoes for
men and young men.
If vou are going to purchase
clothing or shoes, you certainly
cannot afford to overlook the
outstanding values now being
offered at The Stag Shop in Pen
dleton. Their stock includes both
the latest styles and the more
conservative patterns.
In this 1966 review, we wish
to recommend Pendleton's finest
and most complete men's store
to the men and young men of
Morrow county. If you are style
and value wise, you will be
well pleased with the excep
tional selection available at The
Stag Shop.
Of interest to our readers, es
pecially with summer coming
on. is the fact that here also
is headquarters for the lamous
Mark IV air conditioning for
cars, and they have a complete
department devoted to the sales
and service of automobile air
This 1966 Pendleton Review
would certainly recommend the
Shafer Radiator Service for the
many years of good service to
our people and we believe that
you will get better work, fast
er service and save money by
calling on Hank Thompson for
his radiator and air condition
ing experience.
tilla counties reliably and well.
By stocking only items manu
factured by well established
companies such as Xenith col
or television, Kelvinator appli
ances, Barwick and Firth in
carpet, and Bassett In bedroom
and dining room furniture, they
have won and held the confi
dence of their many patrons.
Through rendering prompt serv
ice, such as free estimates, quick
delivery and complete installa
tion of carpets and drapes, they
now serve a growing clientele
of satisfied customers.
This 1966 review would like
to recommend that you stop in
at 125 S. W. 18th in Pendleton
and have the pleasure of shop
ping at Fred's Furniture where
"old fashioned" personal service
comes naturally.
erty now and get that needed
building while they are avail
able and can be financed to fit
your budget. Don't delay, con
tact this fine company soon. We
recommend this firm to all our
readers in this 1966 Pendleton
Business Review. We believe
that they will be able to solve
that special building problem
that may be yours. We would
also like to mention the fact
that this company has many
services devoted to the ranchers
of the area, among which are
the custom cleaning and treat
ing of seed wheat. For any in
formation call Pendleton 276-3311.
3 j
It Is The Purpose Of This Review To Bring To Our Readers
Attention The Prominent Firms of Pendleton Who Are Helpful
In Bringing Needed Service To This Area.
(This Section Compiled By
Eleanor and Marsden Haynes)
Mayflower agents are Inde
pendent representatives, estab
lished business people In their
community with outstanding
records of service and organiza
tion. Penland Bros. Transfer Co.
Inc.. at 102 S. E. Frazer in Fen
dleton Is our local Mayflower
No matter where you plan to
go. Penland Bros. Transfer Co.
will be pleased to see that your
furniture is delivered to you
carefully packed and transport
ed. They will make the neces
sary arrangements for famous
Mayflower service, and you can
count on them to see that your
move is handled according to
their high standards.
Hill's Furniture Factory will
furnish your home at moderate
prices. This firm is located at
the Airport Junction in Pendle
ton. It is the purpose of this relia
ble establishment to successful
ly and comfortably furnish the
family home at moderate prices.
Through their years of business
they have rendered a most val
uable service to the people of
this area. They are custom
builders of the very best in up
holstered furniture, including
The Umatilla Distributing Co.
located at Southeast 9th in
Pendleton are distributors In
Morrow and Umatilla counties
for the well known and popular
beverages Blitz, Bohemian Club
and Schlitz.
Call for an Ice cold bottle of
any one of these fine brands
when you want a real treat. The
people of this area have prefer
red this beer for a long time.
Roy T. French In Pendleton is
completely equipped to drill you
a water well promptly and ef
ficiently. Phone 276-2081 in Pen
dleton for free estimates on any
water well that you want drill
ed. Mr. French has had years of
experience In drilling and re
pairing wells. Many In this area
have had occasion to call on
him many times in the past. He
Many families have reason to
appreciate the services perform
ed for this area by Nash's Mag
navox Music Center. They are
located at 112 S. E. Court In
Pendleton and the phone is 276
7602. This progressive firm has
been doinc business with thn
people of our area for some
time, and has gained them a
wonderful reputation and many
friends. Nash's nrwlahwo In
the sales and service of all
small and large appliances, In
cluding washing mach In en,
ranges, refrigerators, television,
air conditioners, and dryers, and
featuring the famous Philco in
color television as low as
This well known company, lo
cated at 29 S. E. Court with
shop at Pend-Air Hts. In Pen
dleton are contractors for streets,
parking lots, etc. They feature
asphalt paving, and are noted
for many contracts over all of
eastern Oregon.
When you have a paving laid,
you want one that will be dur
able and last for years. There
is a great deal of skill required
to lay paving properly. When
you contract with the Percy E.
Jellum Co. to do any work you
can be assured of an expert job
and only the best in materials.
Their Jobs extend from city
Ppnland Rmc Trnfr has
excellent warehouse facilities for
eitner permanent or temporary
storage at their fine warehouse
in Pendleton and they Invite
vou at any time to come In and
look over the modern warehouse
rockers, davenports, chairs and
sectionals. The entire staff In
vites you to stop in and sec the
complete building of a set of
upholstered furniture. They
build furniture of the better
grade, a quality that Is durable
and one you can depend upon
to give you maximum service.
They have anticipated your pos
sible needs and their stock Is
composed of a large selection of
tasteful, practical and inexpen
sive furniture from which to
make your selection. Their slo
The brewers have done every
thing In their power to provide
you with beer that you will like
and continue to drink. The
brewers of these popular beers
are leaders in their field, and
have discovered Just the right
process to place their beer In a
class by itself. Try a bottle to
day or better yet, take a case
home and treat your friends.
This 1966 Pendleton Business
Review desires to point out the
has always offered efficient and
reliable service at a fair price.
When you think of drilling a
new well or repairing your old
one, think of Roy French, as
most people in eastern Oregon
do. In this 1966 Pendleton Re
view, we feel that we can high
ly recommend the reliable serv
ice offered by Roy French, and
suggest that you call him and
get some estimates before hav-
$348.00 and Philco washers as
low as $158.00.
Nash's Magnavox Music Cen
ter is the headquarters for all
electric appliances for our area,
because they have tree delivery
and Installation to your home
and a courteous and efficient
service department on call at all
times to see that you are
street paving, and highway
building to private driveways,
residential paving and many
types of paving. Mr. Jellum will
be pleased to do estimating and
design and is available by Just
and storage facilities that they
have provided for their friends
and customers. For that next
moving lob. whether It be a
suitcase or a van load of fur
niture, and for that personal
friendly service, we can sincere
ly recommend Penland Bros.
Transfer Co. Remember, when
the time comes to move. Just
call 276-3111 in Pendleton and
they will do the rest. "Home of
the Happy Movers" is more than
just a slogan. It Is a fact.
They have recently added a
most Important service of mo
bile home moving and now
have the facilities to move your
mobile home to any part of
Oregon that vou desire.
gan Is "Direct to you from man
ufacturer." Hill's Furniture Warehouse
has also a fine selection of
beautiful carpeting at the low
est possible prices and expert
installation Is available. We
would like to recommend this
firm as one of the finest in our
area and we believe thut a vis
it to the store In Pendleton will
show the reason for their many
satisfied customers from as far
away as Washington and Cali
fornia. For personal service Just
call Pendleton 276-7033.
fine business reputation that the
Umatilla Distributing has built
for themselves. They are the
leaders In supplying refresh
ment to our merchants In cas
ern Oregon, and also carry a
complete line of bar supplies,
and have certainly taken part
In every endeavor to help east
ern Oregon to grow and prosper.
This company Is recommended
by all who do business with
lng any well drilled or repair
ed. Mr. French has recently add
ed the newest, most modern air
hammer equipment to be found
in the country, and can drill
and set a well In a fraction of
the time taken by o Id style
methods. The address is 1015
S. W. Frazer In Pendleton and
Mr. French Is happy to be of
help to his many friends In our
pleased with your purchase.
Their slogan Is "Where the war
ranty has meaning".
Mr. Nash and the staff would
like to Invite our readers to stop
In and see the wide and com
plete selection of merchandise
that this firm carries. They can
fit your needs and your pocket
book. This 1966 Pendleton Re
view recommends Nash's Mag
navox Center to all our readers,
as the best place to buy appli
ances, Including color television,
because here you will be guar
anteed satisfaction. The service
department Is also expert In the
repair of all brands of TV and
calling Pendleton 276-5281, or
If you have a dirt driveway
that Is always muddy when ft
rains, and hard to get In and
out of, call them In Pendleton
and contract with them to have
it laid with asphalt paving that
will last.
In this 1966 Pendleton Review
we take great pleasure in high
ly recommending the Percy E,
Jellum Company to all our read
ers. They have been serving
eattcrn Oregon for more than
25 years and have certainly
helped to make our area grow
and prosper.
Many people have come to
relv upon the service in-rformed
for eastern Oregon bv Electron
les Specialties, located at 123
S. E. 2nd, In Pendleton, or
phone 276 5S.W
This proKfevtlv firm haa
grown ami expanded greatly In
their nervier lo our people and
have became a trailer In the
electronics and television field.
Electronics Specialties, spe
cialties In the sales and service
of television, radio, tape record
ers and stereo, earning such
brands as Motorola, Ampex and
the famous line of Fisher ster
eo. Thev are experts in cut or
television and are a good com
pany to talk to before Invest
ing In a color set.
Thews Sheet Metal Is located
at 1907 S. W. Court Place In
Pendleton or phone 276 3751.
This company supplies air con
ditioners and heating for homes,
stores anil Industries.
Now that It Is spring, wo
think of air conditioning, so
now Is the time to call thews
Sheet Metal for free estimates
on your air conditioning- needs.
! Whether It Is a large or small
home, a large or small office,
these competent men can tell
vou what It will take to do
your Job properly and thev can
guarantee your satisfaction.
Prompt service at the most
City and county ordinances
afflicting electric wiring of all
buildings and homes are defi
nitely strenuous. The purpose,
however. Is evident. Many dis
astrous fires and home accidents
are the result of defective wir
ing. For these reasons, it Is Im
perative that everyone needing
electrical wiring. Insist upon the
services of a competent, licensed
electrician, who Is qualified to
do the work
Vaughan's Klectric Is a lical
firm of licensed electricians,
who have served I'matllla and
Morrow county for more than
60 years. Few companies In this
line of work can boast of so
many years of competent and
skilled service to the residents
of this area. Thev have estab
lished an enviable reputation
throughout the entire field of
"Whtrs Pharmacy U a Pralewioa"
This store Is located at 1100
Southgate In Pendleton, and
the phone Is 276 1531. The Med
ical Center Pharmacy is well
known In this arm f Ihn
service and the best In drugs.
it nas Deen said that a phar-
mnr-v In havn n ...... I ... ....... t .
of popular drugs, Including the
uuit-iiis, us wen as standard,
would need 25.000 Items or
more. We'll not stop to count
thtf vnlonhlit ft..mu K t.
service that equals this, we can
certainly recommend the Medi
cal Center Pharmacy of Pendle
ton. The prescription from your
doctor will be scientifically fill
ed to his exact order. A regis
tered pharmacist Is on duty at
The Glass Shop, located at
1911 S. W. Court Plncn In Pnn.
dleton, has been long recog
nizee as tne leading glass con
cern In this area, featuring
glass for everv need nnd r..
qulrement. They ore always
pieaseo to nave you stop In and
Inquire about your glass prob
lems, whether for residential or
commercial use. This fine com
pany Is also headquarters for
the finest custom made alumi
num storm windows, storm doors
and aluminum screens. They
fully guarantee their products
and workmanship, which Is so
Important In this business and
our readers nre InvllnH in mil
276-6724 for free estimates on
glass work, including auto,
home or business, and equip
ping your home or business with
storm doors or windows. Ik-
All types of transmission re
pairing arc featured at Emery's
Transmission Service, located at
Riverside In east Pendleton, or
phone 276-7634.
You can rest assured that this
Well known shnn In Pnndlnt-rtn
can do this work for you prop
erly, iney oirer excellent exper
ience and are a locally owned
COmnnnv Hint Knpplnll-rna In tho
complete service of standard
anu automatic transmissions.
You will find courteous, ef
ficient service, and of course,
the lowest possible prices with
Thev are headquarters for al
most everything In electronics
ami their tale anil service ft
tends to sound systems, built
in and consul, communication
equipment, speaker systems and
msnv other services for home,
school, and business.
Tills IWM Pendleton Review
would like to highly recommend
idla mmiisnv for brlnBlnff a
much needed service to our
area, especially in una electron
ic age.
Dean and lloppv Invite your
Inquiry on any electronic prb
lems and will endeavor lo five
fast, efficient service In design,
service and sales of alt tie
trnnlc equipment.
reasonable ilces possible has
been the guiding Influence of
the K)llcles of this firm for
over X" years, and has brought
trade for them from alt of our
part of eastern Oregon.
Contact Mr. Hendricks at any
time for any Information you
desire on estimates or problem
vou may have In heating or
cooling, including Installation.
They carry a full line of Len
nox, the finest air conditioners
and furnaces that you csn buy.
ItUs l!KKi Pendeton Review
would like to recommend to you
I this reputable company, for the
'best In cooling, heating, and
'complete sheet metal work.
electrical contracting and have
proved themselves worthy of the
faith and patronage of our pro
pie. For all your electrical jrob
lems as well as power, commer
cial, and residential wiring, In
cluding electric heat and air
conditioning, see this firm locat
ed at 117 S W. IKth In Pendleton,
or phone 276 6545 for Informa
tion or estimates. Thry are a
member of the N.E.C.A., and
this guarantees you the service
of a highly qualified contractor.
all times to see that the proper
drugs are compounded, and who
understands how to read any
prescription. They also have a
sales or rental department for
hospital supplies such as wheel
chairs, crutches, beds, and most
other Items.
Quick service Is their motto,
and particularly to the people
of our area. Just ask for your
order to be sent by the peat
man and It can be In your mall
box the next day,
This 1966 Pendleton Business
Review would like to take this
opportunity to recommend this
fine pharmacy for the excep
tional service and courteous at
tention accorded to their custo
mers and friends.
sure and see the beautiful set.
ectlon of mirrors, also.
It Is wise to have your Insur
once man check with "The Class
Shop , when you find you have
an Insurance claim, having to
do with glass.
Of Interest to many of our
readers Is the fact that Mr.
Jones Is well experienced In the
design, estimating, and Installa
tion of fine store fronts and
commercial canopies, and Is
available at nny time to be of
help to the people of Morrow
and Umatilla counties In this
type of work.
We of this 1966 Pendleton Re
view feel sure that you will be
pleased with their work, and
would like to recommend that
vou call them whenever you
have a need for aluminum or
glass work of almost any kind.
100 financing on approved
Many people In eastern Ore
gon speak highly of the work
they have had done at Emery's
Transmission. You can be sure
the price Is going to be right
and the work will be done that
Is expected.
This 1966 Review suggests
that you let Mr. Rronson give
an estimate whenever you have
trouble with your transmission.
Here you know you will be
treated fairly and your Job will
be well done.