( i),. r Classified Rates tc pw wotfl a ilptrnura 75c pf loMrtloo. Card ( Tak 11.50 Cla-fU4 DUplar 0 pw Inch. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE Nooa WdnxdoT To avoid billing, cash U r- cjueeU-d I of imall ads when brought to Im of (lc. 1 Cards of Thanks CARD OK THANKS I would like to thank the many folk who wnt cards and flowers and offered prayera dur ing my alay of three month In the hospital. Aa an old ball pitcher, I waa getting tired and don't think I could have com' another Inning, only (or the watchful care of Dr. John Mur phy and efficient and capable nursing by Mra. James Mona han who atayrd by me 24 hours day. also to Anna Mae Stra it all who has helped with my dirts. A !) I want to Include thank to thoe who sent Christmas card 72 In number, that didn't catch up with me until this week. The Lexington postman tor had brought them to my house during my absence. Thry were found In bag In clos et this wwk. and were wonder ful to read. From the bottom of my hr-rt I thank all who have made It poMilble for me to be out attain. May the Lord bless you all. Newt O'llarra 8c CARD OK THANKS With ilnrrtii atmn-t-lnttort ll la our wish to extend thank to menus, neigiiDorx ana relatives who arnt cards, flowers, and re membered us with many art of kindness following the death of our beloved father, Marlon L. Van Scholack. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van Scholack and family Mr. and Mrs. liud Tangcn and family Marcvllou Van Scholack 8c CARD OF THANKS 2 A 3 YEAR OLD BULLS We wish to express our ap- FOR SALE 8c weciatlon and sincere thanks for the many cards, letter, . . cl floral offering, contributions to 13. IVMSC rOr JOIC the Heart Fund, to the 4 H Memorial Scholarship fund, and RUMMAGE SALE, Saturday, for all other expressions of sym- April 23. Also new crochet patby received after the recent bedspread for sale at 31S Lin loss of our brother, George den Way, Heppner. 8p Zlnk' Vlda Hellker, lone, LOST bright carpet color . . . and family restore them with Blue Lus- Addle Pompklns. tw. IU'nt electric hamIoocr Glenn Ferry. Idaho. SI. Case Furniture Co. and family ! J FOR SALE Single pickup solid m u I u a. J Dm'v gu"r. 6-tubc amplifier, 4 lielp YYOn tea throe inputs. Mrs. Anna Mae Steagall. Lexington. Ph. 989- PLYWOOD HELP WANTED. If 8480 after 3 p.m. 8c you have a good work record - and want steady employment, FOR SALE One complete set of contact the Georgia-Pacific "Books of Knowledge," includ- Personnel Office at Spring- Ing year books. $60.00 Elaine field Oregon. Equal Opportu- S. George, ph. 676-9618; after nlty Employer. 8 11c 5:30 p.m.. 676-9442. 8-9p J FOR SALE Electric lawn mow- WOrR TTunt-u er, ham, ,awn mowcr; electric " " ' T Ironer. and dining buffet. BACK HOE and dump truck ,,h 676 9684. 8c work wanted, by hour, or by contract Bob Pierce, ph. 676- 9467. Box 446. Heppner. SALE r OF MACHINERY 7 For Rent j , 3 12ft calkins center-drive FOR RENT Furnished one bed- weeders, with hitch, excellent room apartment, utilities fur- condition. nlshed. good location. Ph. 676- gew 9491 hitch, good condition. gnS fift a . .f- FOR RENT 2 bedroom home In 1 ''i 0mblnP' 14 " ' gd lone, unfurnished. Ph. 676- condition. 9690 or 676-5856. 4tfc j 4.R Caterpillar tractor, real TWO BEDROOM house for rent Rd condition. In Heppner. Enclosed utility Phone 989-8150 p-ch. $40 per month. Call Millard Nolan, Lexington, Ore. 676-9485 weekends or even- 7.8c lugs. 5tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry 9 Livestock, Poultry MARKET REPORT Tussdcry Sal April 19, 1966 Sheep 3; Cattle 353; Consign ors 40; Buyers 27. SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls 20.00 to 23.20 Young Standard Cows, grain fed 18.90 to 22.60 Commercial Oowh 17.00 to 18.50 Utility Cows 14.00 to 16.10 Canner & Cutter Cows 12.75 to 14.00 Shells 10.50 to 12.20 FEEDER CATTLE Yearling Steers 700- 800 Pds .25.50 to 26.50 Steers 500 600 Pds 26.00 to 28.20 Steers 350-450 Pds 30.00 to 34.25 Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. Highway 80, Hermlaton DON WINK. Mgr. Bra. M7-8U1 For Rent FOR RENT Several furnished apartments, complete with utilities. Also lovely 3 bed room home. Ph. 676-9498. 1-tfc TOR RENT Furnished apart ment, $S month. Case Hide., Heppner. I'll. 676-5571. 43 tic FOR LEASE 8)0 aq. ft new of flee or business apace In new City of Boardrr.fcn. Electric heat, air conditioned. Call 481 2575. 2tfc FOR RENT Furnished ment. 1'h. 676-9084. apart- 27tfc 8 Services OUR SI'KCIALTIESBody and fender work, repairing, remod eling, painting, and radiator repair. Top price for copper, aluminum. Iron, used radiat ors and batteries. Ceglla's Shon and Wrecking Yard. Ph. 676-5595. 37tfc SAND AND GRAVEL. HAULING. Contact Ham Truck Una, lone. ph. 422 7277. 41-tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry FOR SALE Baby calvea. Con tact Mrs. Tom Quick, 567 6120, llermlston. 6-7c WANTED TO BUY Horses. Any kind. Ph. 989 8407. 50tfc 10 Farm and Garden FOR SALE HD5 tractor with Carco angle doner- All new rollers, new front Idlers, heavy duty rails, A 1 condit ion. Call Conley Lanham or Everett Harshman. 8tfc Thinking About Breeding YOUR LIVESTOCK TO BLACK BULLS THIS YEAR? CONTACT D. A. NORDEN, Top Ranch, Monument Ph. WE 4 2606 Yearling Heifers 550- 650 Pds 20.00 to 24.00 Heifers 450-550 Pds 23.00 to 25.10 Llcht Holstein Steers 400-500 Pds 21.00 to 23.75 Young Stock Cows, calves at side 215.00 to 235.00 Old Stock Cows, calves at Bide 187.50 to 210.00 Baby Calves, Beef 25.00 to 50.00 COMMENT: Prices on feeder and fat cattle were steady. Kill er cows and light grass cattle are In great demand. Consign with confidence and get the top dollar. Already consigned for next Tuesday, 40 big Hereford cows and calves, 40 pair to be sold separately. 125 head 450 550 lb. white face heifers. Office Phone 667-6655 Bale Ring; (Public) 667-8708 EVERETT SNTDEUt, Ere. 547-3951 13 Misc. For Sale FOR SALE 14 ft. fiber glass boat, wltn 43 n.p. Mercury electric motor, windshield, and trailer. $700. John Ledbetter, 678-5312. 5Uc 14 Automotive FOR SALE 1956 Bel Air Chev rolet 4-dr. sedan, good con dition, motor overhauled, good tires, (.m Heppner Clinic, phone 676-9114 or 676-9208 evenings. 8c FOR SALE 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 door sedan. In good con dition. Ph. 422-7423. 7-8C A- USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1959 Ford Sunliner Retractable Hardtop 19G4 Ford Fordor V-8 1964 Chevrolet cyl. 1964 Chevrolet Air Cond. 4 Door Sedan, 6 Impala Hardtop, 1904 Falcon Sprint V-8 4 speed. 1964 Falcon Station Wagon Dr. 1964 Chevrolet 1964 Ford V-8 Impala 4 Door Hardtop 1962 Ford Station Wagon 1961 Ford Starllner 1960 Dodge Station Wagon 1960 Ford 9-Pass. Station Wagon Sprint V-8. 4 speed 1960 Chevrolet Bel Air Station Wagon 1960 Falcon Station Wagon 1960 Falcon 4-Dr. Sedan 1960 Ford Starllner, automatic 1961 CORVAIR STATION WAGON RED AND WHITE $495 PICKUPS 1964 Jeep Wagoneer 4x4 1959 Ford 6 cyl., 4-speed Pickup 1962 Scout Pickup 1956 Chevrolet Pkkup 6 cyl 4- speed 1953 Ford F-600 1950 Chevrolet Pickup 6, 4 -speed Three Broncos IN STOCK ONE PICKUP $288538 STATION WAGONS VARYING PRICES FROM $2,660.00 EASY TO DEAL ON HEPPNER AUTO SALES, Inc. "Fords and Friends Are Our Business" Heppner Ph. 676-9152 Phone 676-9921 Call FREE to Pendleton Say "276-3611 Collect Authorized V. W. Dealer Cars Galore New Volkswagens SEDANS (any color,) STATION WAGONS PICK-UPS PANEL DELIVERY $395-00 Down (your car paid for or not I $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON, OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Need extra cash? Sell unused items around your place with a Gazette-Times classified ad. 14 Automotive Why Doe a CMC Pickup Cost S49 More Than Other? SIMPLE: You Get More Truck. A LOT MORE TRUCK! THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1961 BUICK Clean a a Hound' Tooth, Local One Owner Car, Fully Equipped, New Rubber Used Cars 1962 Chevrolet 4 dr sedan. 1959 Chevrolet station wagon, C:tn with air conditioning 1957 Buick 1957 Pontlac 4-dr. Fullpower Used 4-Wheel Drives I960 Jeep pickup. 1955 Jeep pickup, flatbed with excellent stock racks. 2 used station wagons. Pickups and Trucks 1956 Chevrolet k ton pickup, 4 -speed 1950 Ford H ton pickup, very dean, with new paint Job. 1941 CMC bulkbed 1941 Chevrolet truck, bulkbed and electric hoist SPECIAL Number of good fishing and hunting cars. WE ARE YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY PontUc-Bulck-WlllyaGMC Rambler Phone 675-9116 ONE STOP SHOPPING LO-OK at these Deals! Used Cars 1965 Chevrolet sport coupe $3100 1963 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Hardop Sedan .... ImDala .51645 1962 Chevrolet Impala V-8 ..$1350 1962 Corvair 2 door 102 HP 4 speed $1000 1959 4 door sedan $750 1959 Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe 348 engine, stick, new ly overhauled -.$1000 Commercials 1962 GMC 4 wheel drive ....$2100 1960 Chevrolet pickup, H ton ..41200 1960 Chevrolet truck, stock rack . ....$2250 1959 GMC 4 wheel drive pickup $1300 1954 Chevrolet M ton pickup, auto, transmission, radio and heater $400 CHUCK WAGON CAMP TRAILER, SLEEPS 2. $150 WANTED Mechanic. CIRCLE J HORSE TRAILERS PRICES START AT $855 See Us For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sorts of Trailer Parts FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PH. 676-9921 15 Real Estate FOR SALE Two bedroom home with large yard, one acre ground, Just outside city lim it, city water, well for Irri gating, two car garage. G. L. Wagner Ph. 676-9672. 3tfc Public Notices IK THE CIRCUIT COURT OT THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW CHARLES O'CONNOR, Plata- tiff. T. A. E. STEFANI and CECIL M. STETANL husband and wife. Dtitndants. No. 4822 NOTICE Of SHE RIFTS SALE By virtue of an execution is sued out of the above-entitled court In the above-entitled cause to me directed and dated tne 5th day of January, 1966, upon Judgment rendered and enter ed In said court on the 26th day of October, 1965. In favor of CHARLES O'CONNOR, plain tiff, and against A. E. STEFANI and CECIL M. STEFANI. defen dants, for the sum of Six Hun dred Twenty-nine and 99100 ($629.99) Dollars, with inteest at the rate of 6 per annum from the 23rd day of May, 1961, un til paid; for the further sum of One Hundred Fifty and No100 ($150.00) Dollars, reasonable at torney's fees; for the further sum of Three Hundred One and 40100 ($301.40) Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per annum from the 3rd day of June, 1963, until paid; lor tne further sum of One Hundred Fif ty and No100 ($150.00) Dollars, reasonable attorney's fees; for the further sum of Four Hun-, dred Fifty and 40100 ($450.40) Dollars with Interest at the rate of 6 per annum from the 15th day of October, 1963, until paid; together with attorney's fees In the sum of One HunoVed Fifty and Noioa ($150.00) Dollars; for the further sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty five and 52100 ($135552) Dol lars, with Interest at the rate of 6 per annum from the 7th day of July. 1965, until paid; together with costs and dis bursements herein incurred tax ed at Twenty-Six and 36100 ($26.36) Dollars, and the costs of and upon this writ, I certify that on the 23rd day or Marcn, 1966, I levied on all the right, title and Interest of the within named defendants in and to the following-described real proper ty situated in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot Three (3) in Block Fif teen (15) in Will's Addition to the City of lone, Morrow County, State of Oregon, and the West Five (5) feet of Lot Two (2) in Block Fifteen (15) in Will's Addit ion to the City of lone, Morrow County, State of Oregon. NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution and in com pliance with the commands of said writ I will, on Friday, the 6th day of May, 1966, at 10:00 A.M., at the front door of the County Courthouse in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auction, subject to redem ption, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right title and Interest which the within named defendants had on the 26th day of October, 1965, the date of the enrolling and dock eting of the Judgment herein, or since that date had in and to the above-described property or any part thereof to satisfy said execution, Interest, costs and accruing costs. Date: First Publication: April 7 1966 'Last' Publication: April 28, 1966. C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff or Morrow county, uregon IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW In the Matter of the Estate of IDA ESTEB, Deceaed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Raymond C. Fletcher has been appointed Executor of the Estate of IDA ESTEB, Deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, with proper vouchers, to the Executor at 130 West 1st Avenue, Albany, Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. DATED and first published April 14, 1966. RAYMOND C. FLETCHER, Executor WEATHERFORD. THOMPSON, HORTON & JORDAN Attorneys for Executor P. O. Box 667 Albany, Oregon P. O. Box 337 Heppner, Oregon 7-llc NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Morrow County Court will hold a public hearing Tues day, May 3, at 10 o'clock a.m. In the Morrow County Court house, Heppner, on the pro posed zoning ordinance lor Mor row county, accepted by the county court. Any and all persons who wish to state their views on the pro posed ordinance are asked to aDDear at this time. MORROW COUNTY COURT BY JUDGE PAUL JONES 8-9c HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. ThursdaT. April 21, 1966 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned have been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, State of Ore gon, as executors of the estate of ALFRED HILDING NELSON, Sr., deceased, and have quali fied. All persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to present same with proper vouch ers duly verified to the under signed at the office of Winter and Balfe, Heppner, Oregon, within six months fror. the date hereof. Dated and first publish ed this 21st day of April, 1966. ALFRED H. NELSON, it. NORMAN NELSON Co-Executors WINTER AND BALFE Attorney at Law Heppner. Oregon 8-iic Tell the advertiser you saw It In the Gazette -nines. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Building Construction Mortuory Groves Construction Sweeney GENERAL CONTRACTOR MortUGfy We 7$ HF-i WSun. U-sed Funeral Let Us Modernize Your Kitchen Ph. 676-9600 Heppner Free Estimaias O.. ,--.!. Ph. 676 5646 Heppner. Ore- WFpTOmerriSr H&M Construction Dr E K Schaffitz Co. OPTOMETRIST Builder of New Homes Next to Hotel Heppner And Remodeling Entrance Henry (Hank) Pedersen " J 3216 S. W. Jay Ph. 276-7776 Telephone 676-9465 Pendleton City Council " ions-Surgeons Heppner City Dr. A. D. McMurdo Council, Physldan and SurEeon Citizens having matters for Heppner Ph. Oiflce 676-9942 discussion please brine them Home 676-9718 before the council Ph. 676-9618 , Electricians Dr- L-JAS OSTEOPATHIC Pendleton Electric Co. plw-dan Sureon Bonded and Licensed National Bank Bldg. Commercial, Industrial, Best- Sea. Ph. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 dential wiring. Electric heat, Wiring supplies. romrpt1?rv!?iates The Heppner Clinic 1802 S. W. Ernigrant Pendle- C. M. Wagner. M.D. ton, Oregon. Phone 276-2672. Phvsjcian A Surgeon - . . c . 233 N. Gale St Exterminating Service off. m siu Res. 676-9208 ArSSL Dr. WolloceH. Wolff termination D. Termite Control A Grain Fumigation Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5:30 Cattle Spray Mon- Wed- and Fogging 1 to 5:30, Thursday Clayton Ayers Ph. 676-9253 Re. 676-&620 2-i- Printing Dobyns Pest Control ' tn-tion and Exterm" The Gazette-Times Termite Control offers complete Bird Control Grata Fumigation Printing Service Guaranteed Work - . , . Dealer, Moore Business Forms John Jepsen Pn. 676-9228 Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7244 . Rubber Stamps Floor Covering, Heotin9 Rubber Stamps M&R Floor Covering made to your order it . . All sizes all types and Heating L.O. Prompt service Williams Furnaces CompleU In- . . taiutioM Gazette-Times carpeting Unoieum p. 676-9228 Heppner Oil Burner Refrigeration B-to DomeeUe and r Ketimate-iSTort1 Title Insurance Guaranteed pfr- Byyan Morrow County Insurance Abstract & Title Co. TITLE INSURANCE . , Office In Peters Building C. A. Ruggles ph. 676-99- INSURANCE AGENCY w fc R ... Ph. 676-9625 Box 247 Heppner, Oregon Peterson's Jewelers l. ... Latest Jewelry A Gift Goods insurance Watches, Clocks, Diamonds , . Expert Watch and Jewelry Turner Van Marter itepawng Heppner, Oregon and Bryant ph-678-9200 GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 676-9652 Monuments "SJMl Eternal Marker Co. Solid Bronze L "IS8P jF?v CEMETERY MARKERS yXllJCiIl2i JerrySweeney SWEENEY MORTUARY Heppner Ph. 676-9600 7 NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING drr of Hppor The Budget Committee of the City of Heppner haa scheduled a public meeting at H:uu r.M., Wednesday, May 4, 1966, at the Heppner City Hall, for the pur pose of receiving and consider ing the budget documents and budget message for the meal year 1966-1967. Anv person may appear ana discuss the proposed fiscal pro gram of the City of Heppner with the Budget Committee at that time. DATED: APRIL 21. 1966. CARL SPAULDING, BUDGET OFFICER. 8c RUBBER STAMPS made to order, also STAMPING PADS In black, red or green. For busi ness m personal use. Order filled psomptly at the Gazette Times office.