HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. ApcU 11. 1N College Student Conclave Billed The civilian head of the Air Foiw's porsonwl, manpower, and cesorvo programs, and tho head of the University of Ore- County Agent's Offic Cattlemen Talk On Freight Rates, Other Problems Sheep-Wool Day Slated May 14 By GAIL McCABTT Plans Underway For Spray Rodeo On May 21 22 Plm f.ir Ihn M.u ?1 in,l ') 'cons student conduct program Sprav lr(1 now untlor wav i will be featured speaker April. wlth most of thp contact work ; 29-30 at the spring conference laken car1f of . r.sldont of the Orecon State Community ixin Griffith Colleee Student Association in j RoiIoo stock will he furnish ;rendleton. ed bv Howard Johnson of Con- i John A. Lane. It , admlnlstra- ;don. Howard's strinu is well five assistant to the Nwtary known around the state of Ore Jof the Air Force and special Ron ,nd ,nls v,ur he wlu omv assistant , for manpower, person- aKn show the NRA Saddle inel and reserve forces, wl. n-nc 0r ,ho year. John Oav. speaK at tne nanquet April and the Bareback Horse of the at Blue Mountain Communltv Y BUw Snjlk Collew. He will talk on V. S Announcing the rodoo for the u ' "J . second year In a row will be lis run is un tTJ irk;v Muunn Public Notices i Dr. Francis B. ruckerson. as sociate dean of students at th The director of Ireland's sheep Improvement program and this nation's outstanding sheep pro ducer will headline the Mav U Sheep and Wool Day proeram Morrow County Extension A root t Orecon State University. A district rrwtinp of th Ore- I Sheep and Wool Pay will Itnii-nreitv nf Oreirnn nt for. con Cattlemen's Association was tart at 9 30 a.m. in Withvcombe nierlv of Heppner. will be key held in Heppner on the Morrow Hall Auditorium on the OSU noto speaker Friday morning. Countv Fairgrounds on March campus. The annual OSU Beef ne js charged with administer 31. Cattlemen representing Uma- Cattle Day will be held on jng the University's Code of tilla and Morrow counties were campus May 13 for the conven Conduct, which was used as a present, along with Larry Wil- 'enee of those wishing to at- model by Blue Mountain Com liams, O.C.A., president and tend both events. munitv College and other Vem Atwood. OCA. executive Patrick J. Moore, in this coun- schools throughout the country, secretary. ' try on a Kellogg Foundation He will discuss conduct on the Members present were brought Fellowship to study the United campus, up to date on several problems States sheep Industry, will des- i About 75 student leaders from facing livestockmen. Irvin Mann cribe sheep production in Ire- community colleges throughout explained the status of the Ore- land during the all-day sheep Oregon will attend the confer gon meat labeling law stating and wool meeting. ence. They will represent col- V a court ruling is pending, j Eldon Kitldl?i Monmouth, who In Astoria. Bend. Portland. Larry Williams reported on re-' w,.,,,,.. .. ,,, nwiv, Eugene. Coos Bay. Salem. On- cent hearings concerning Chang- the Ford Motor Comnanv award tario and Pendleton. At least one es in freight rates and how they M tne aiieci ine iivcsiock inuusiry, sheep prod coin cow men ana eeoioi op- his management methods, j ly Irving to arrange another ' u,horJ shakers during th hearintr to hi hid in Rastpm sheep day. all members of th Oreeon OSU staff, include: Dr. Guy j Other items discussed includ- pvnoids, new extension veter ed security quarters far the in"an at ObU. who will des OSX. virologist, property tax cnbe current problems in sheep on livestock, inheritance taxes health: Tom Bedell, results of on ranches, cattle rustling re- Brazing trials with sheep; and wards, and a new card test for Dr- Bill McGuire winter feed for Bangs. i sheep. This meotinff nrovpd nnit in. ' CVslI snil c-mntif fir Vtirrm- formative for those in attend- Dawson will discuss the poten- By DONNA GEORGE ance. The OCA. officers express- tial of sub-clover pastures in j CountT Extension Agent ed satisfaction from these dis- Western Oregon, while Dr. Earl trict meetings and hoped to Ellington will describe consider- Manv families that plan Jake Grossmtller of The Dalles. Clowning will once again be done by Erie Muehlelsen of Enumclaw, Wn. Princesses for the rodeo are Judy Cecil of Spray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cecil; San dra l.ee of tioldendale, Wn.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Leo; Maureen Dohertv of Hepp ner. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard IViherty; Kathv Lyons of John Dav, daughter of Mr. land Mrs. A. B. Lyons; and Rllla Carter of Long Creek, the l!i5 'Junior Rodeo Queen of John , Dav. I The girls will sell tickets on i a saddle and the one to sell the largest number will he chosen Motor Company award ."7 n Mai- 20. The nations outstanding "V,, r IX,HHUU rrom , rest of the girls will then be roducer. will describe college. .princesses. These girls are not BOARD Or EQUALIZATION NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the voters of the West Ex tension Irrigation District, Uma tilla and Morrow counties, Ore gon, as follows: That the board of directors of the West Extension Irrigation District will sit as a board of equalisation at 1 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday. May 3, liHUi. as prescribed by law at the office of the district in Irrlgon, Ore gon. That the board of directors will hear any complaints und make any adlustmeuts that are necessary and proper to equal I lie the assessments against i lands within the district and will thereafter assess upon all the lands within the district a levy sufficient to meet the budget adopted by the board for the fiscal year July 1, lt, to June 30. 19ti7. That the budget and the as sessment roll are now In the office of the district in Irrlgon for Inspection by those affect ed thereby and that ihcy will le open to such inspection dur ing business hours until the time of the meeting of the board of equalization. Bv order of the board of dir ectors. West Extension Irriga tion District. CHESTER COLLINS Secretary 8 9c Ki Retirement Plan Based on Social Security Income lust chosen to sell tickets. Each one is picked for her personal 1 itv and horsemanship as well. ' and the rodeo board is proud of .this year's selection. ! Tho rodeo will feature six events and an OBRA girls Bar !rel Race. The events will be j bareback riding, calf roping, ! saddle brone riding, bulldogglng, wild cow milking, and bull rid Ung. Each event will have a I $100.00 purse except the saddle ! brone riding, and this year for tthe first time $30.00 more has 'been added to it. making it plan Others. ations in out-of-season breed ine ah. -ad tn rntlnmini r.-innt hoav. 1 JloO.00. Wool Prices Look Farorable Topic of a talk by Dr. D. C.Hlv on social security, and I A beautiful all-around trophy Several wool pools in the Church will be nutritional re-.should. Social security forms the , as befn selected by the rodeo northwest have sold their clips quirements for early weaned ! natural starting point for any hoard for this years rodeo. The recently at prices ranging Irom lambs, and C. W. Fox. in charge realistic program of retirement winner must be entered in two 61 to 66.3 cents per pound. Sev- of arrangements for the field income planning, savs Mrs. Al.,cven,s' ono riding event and one eral Morrow county wool pro- day, will tell the sheep produc- j berta B. Johnston, Oregon State timed event. Or he may enter aucers nave loinea witn tne ers aoout results irom expert- university fam v finance sm. uuuuukkimk mm Grant-Wheeler Wool Pool in ments on early weaner lambs, cialist. hopes of marketing their wool) Sheep Day is sponsored each j On the other hand, since so in a bigger market and there- year by Oregon State University ,'cial security is only a starting fore hopefully receive a more and the Western Oregon Live- i point, families should find out favorable price. The bids on this stock Association. pool will be opened April L and a contract awarded at that time. lYoducers will be notified Wheat Contest shortly as to the price received n . . i i . and delivery time and place. lUeOuline MOV I Purple Meat Stamp I Has Edibility O.K. The closing date for the an The purple ink you see mark- nual Oregon Wheat Growers ; retirement. ing federally inspected meat League annual newspaper ar products is perfectly safe to eat tide contest is rapidly approach The ink is made from harm- ing. according to Don Wood less vegetable dyes. No specif-j ward, president All entries ic ink formula is required by must be postmarked by May 1, LSDA. but all ingredients in the ,!. j what social security payments i : thev can exptct. I Maximum payments available i for couples retiring at 65 years iof age is now $252. Then they i should determine how much in ;come they will need to have the kind of living thev want after The difference be tween these two figures is the amount each family is going to for ink must be safe for humans to eat COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rewinding INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL! FARM AND HOME Pendleton 276-77611 The winning entry will get an expense paid trip to the annual meeting of the League in Port land. December 12. 13 and 14 plus $75.00 in cash. Second, third and fourth place winners will receive cash in the amounts of $50, $35 and S15. All entries will be judged on originality, research, subj e c t matter, spelling, composition and .a summary conclusion. Stu dents must be alerted to en close a list of reference mater ial they used in writing their essay. All articles must be type written, but not necessarily by the writer. Entries should not be more than 1500 words in length. Get Your HAIL INSURANCE NOW The hail season is fast approach ing. Your crops need protection. For absolute protection and peace of mind, buy Hail Insurance. When dark clouds appear over your farm, its a great feeling to know you are insured. You mav not get hail often, but suppose this is your year! Hail will steal the money you have invested in growing your crops, and the income you expect to receive when you sell them. The moderate cost of Hail Insurance pays you big dividends when hail strikes. See or call us immediately for complete details. There is no cost or obligation. Play safe this year! Buy Hail Insurance early. ACT TODAY TO SAVE TOMORROW! TURNER VAN MARTER & BRYANT INSURANCE HEPPNER PH. 676-9652 have to plan for to provide themselves. Inflation could cut the retire ment value of today's cash sav ings. Families should consider all the various methods of sav ings available. Some can grow with the economy. ... - i . .... IIU'llWl ufRinn auer retirement Urt a 6;30 the income, but until age 72 the money you earn over $1500 a year will decrease the amount of Social Security benefits. other timed event or a riding event as the bulldogging works both ways. A work day at the rodeo grounds has been set for Sun day, April 24. The rodeo week-end will al so feature two dances and a parade. Heppner Officials Invited to Meet Protection of Your Freeier Makes for Better Operation Take a good look at the ex terior of your home food freez er cabinet. It may need some at tention, advises Bernice Strawn, OSU extension home manage ment specialist. If there are scratches, breaks, or rust spots in the enamel, sand the surface, clean it, and apply quick-drying enamel. Then put on a coat of wax. This is es pecially important if your freez er is in a damp place where rust is a hazard. Check the springs on counter balanced lids of chest models to see that they are well greased. Disconnect the freezer and use the vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the ventilating grill and motor. If you use the top of a chest type freezer as a work surface, the extension specialist recom mends a linoleum cover or other lightweight material that can be taped on and won't interfere with opening or closing the freezer. When you patronize Gazette Times advertisers, you help make a better paper Tell them you saw it in the Gazette-Times. City officials of Heppner and other cities in Morrow and Uma tilla counties have been invited by the city of Pendleton to at tend a regional meeting of the League of Oregon Cities on Tuesday evening, April 26, at the Pendleton High School. The no-host dinner meeting will p.m. The meeting is one of a ser ies of 21 regional meetings of the League to be held through out the state during April, May and early June. League President, Eugene W. Bauer, mayor of Gladstone, will head the League delegation at this year's regional meetings. Mayor Bauer has advised May or W. C. Roscwall that the reg ional meeting program will in clude a discussion of state bal lot measures affecting cities, current city programs and activ ities, and federal assistance pro grams affecting cities. Mayors, city council members, planning commission members and department heads in the cities of Adams. Athena, Echo, Helix, Hermiston, Milton-Free-water, Pendleton, Pilot Rock, Stanfield, Umatilla, Weston, Heppner, lone, Lexington and Boardman are expected to attend. L RUSINtSS NIIB GAZETTE-TIMES For Weed Spraying CALL ON MEL BOYER Owner Gar Aviation FIELD MAN Jim Pettyjohn Spraying-Dusting-Fertilizing-Seeding DRY OR LIQUID FERTILIZER APPLICATION A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Can Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phone 989-8422 NOTICE Or MEETING Or COUNTY BOARD Or EQUALIZATION Notice I hereby given that on Monday. Mnv 9. I'.H-tt, the Hoard of Equalization of the County of Morrow, Oregon, will meet at the Countv Courthouse In Hepp ner. Oregon, to publicly exam ine the assessment rolls for said county of Morrow for tho year Hkia, and to correct all errors In valuation, description, or qualities of land, lots or other property assessed by the asses sor. The ratio between assessed and true cash value adopted by tho Hoard of Equalization pur suant to OKS JOii.03-1 la 23 per cent. It shall he the duty of the persons Interested to appear at the time and place appointed. Petitions for adjustment of as sessments must be filed with the Hoard of Equalization not later than Monday of the week following the first week that the Hoard li In aeMlon. Uod Thoinnon. Awor Countv of Mrow, Oregon 7 9c RADIANT SIGNS that glow In the dark full variety of nils cellaneoua algna for all pur pom, 23c. Now on hand at Oaxette-Tliiiea office, Ue SCHWINN and RALEIGH SALES and SERVICE Parts Tor AU Mako HERMISTON CYCLE SHOP WAYNE LONG lit and Highland, HermUtoa NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION AND MEETING Notice is hereby given In com pliance with Sec. 331.010. ORS. to the legal voters of School District No. R 1 of Morrow Coun ty. State of Oregon, that the Annual School Election of said District will be held at Hepp ner Elementary School Cafe teria; Riverside High School. Boardman; District Office at Lexington; Rhea Creek Grange Hall, Ruggs; lone School Cafe teria; Irrlgon School Multipur pose Room; between the hours of 2:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. on the first Monday of Mav. being the 2nd dav of May, 1906. for the purpose of electing one dir ector from Zone 7. Heppner, for two year term and one director from Zone 2. Irrlgon. for five year term. Dated this 13th day of April, 16. Irvin E. Rauch, Chairman Board of Directors Alice Vance. Clerk Morrow County School District H I 8c RANCH AERO AIRPLANE SPRAYING CO. OWNED AND OPERATED BT PAUL N. HANSEN NOW SPRAYING GRAIN FOR WEEDS AND APPLYING LIQUID FERTILIZER Schwari Aptm'ts No. 5 PH. Hoppner 67 9271 Of 87 I2M Well Drilling ROY T. FRENCH Now drilling wUa In your ridnltr Rotary Drilling Is much faster. Does away with testing, Cleans the hoU with air as it drills. CALL ME Free Estimates Cheerfully Given 276-2081 Collect 1015 S. W. Fraxer Pendleton, Ore. TRADE & SAVE DfiTTERY SALE TRADE NOW! SAVE MORE! Get in ill-new, "fresh start" top qualdy battery! FACTORY FRESH LONGER LIFE INSTANT POWER SIZES FOR QUICKER STARTS ALL CARS FAST FREE INSTALLATION FREE INSPECTION BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE! AS LOW AS $f95 6 volt - with trade SI Ford s Tire Service HEPPNER PH. 676-9481 "Fuel for Thought" -from ED DICK Hirs a mew ctiesel Siael tltat cam triple Heel Bttew life. The Chevron ABOVE ALL means service It's new Chevron Diesel Fuel with art exclusive detergentdispersant additive New Chevron Diesel Fuel solves the problem of premature filter plugging. It dis perses contaminants so well that particles pass through the finest commercial filters without clogging or settling out to cause injector fouling. The particles are so fine, they cannot possibly harm your engine. Result: The life of your fuel filter can triple, or more. For your supply of new Chevron Diesel Fuel, give us a call now. You'll start saving money Immediately. Call 676-9633 in Heppner ED DICK Your Standard Oil Distributor "1HMM" M MfYM HtW