Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 14, 1966, Page 8, Image 8

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    HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, April 14. 1966
District Board
Reverses Action,
Rehires Coach
(Continued from pace 1
ed at the meetine. This is it
portion that is not being used
for school purposes.
At the request of tho Corps
of Engineers the board reaffirm
ed its approval of the Equal
Employment Opportunity Act
which will require the contract
or for Riverside Men school not
to discriminate in hiring work
ers in construction of the school
Joe Hausler was hired to man
nee the lone pool for the com
ine summer.
Bob Clouch, who recently was
named athletic director at Hepp
ner High, was chosen for this
position for the year 1966-67.
Calendar Approved
A school calendar for the com- .
ing year was approved, first day
of school will be September 6.
Thanksgiving vacation will be '
November 24 and 25. Christmas
vacation starting at 1:30 p.m.
December 23 and continuing :
through January 1, and spring
vacation from March 1317. Last
dav of school will be June 2.
School will also be dismiss
ed for Tendleton Round-Up on i
September 16, for Veterans Dav
November 11. and for Memorial
Pay, May 30. There will be ITS
student ilays in the year and
teacher days.
To Enter Hospital
Supt. Potter reported that he
will enter the hospital April 27
for continued treatment on a
kidney ailment for which he
was hospitalized recently. The
board appointed Ron Daniels of
Riverside High to act as super
intendent in his absence.
Proposed field trips were dis
cussed. Two biologv trips sched
uled for April 15-17 were found
to be somewhat in conflict with
a state speech tournament
which will take 14 students. It
was decided to combine the bi
ology trips, outlined by Kirk
Horn, instructor. The trip will
take students to the Malheur
wildlife refuge, going to Burns
and Frenchglen. Students will
work in ornithology, entomolo
gy, botany and related fields on
the trip.
Thev will take part in a sem
inar with a ranger naturalist at
Heppner Hardtop
To Make Debut
(Continued from pace 1)
uled to Ret underway at 2 p.m.
Included will be a trophy dash,
a heat race, and the main
Donald Took, brother of Bud
Peck of Heppner operates the
track, as he has for three vears.
He has installed an asphalt ov
;al of one qurter mile, and in
terest in the sport has been
gaining considerably,
j Races are hold every two
'weeks through the spring and
summer with the fields includ
ing stock cars, jalopies and
Robison. who has lived here
a. I his life and is a graduate
of Heppner High school, is
keenly interested in sports and
was a high school athlete. In
his first experiences racing last
year at Pilot Rock, he got the
"bug" and will go into it more
intensively this year with his
"Dimico". He didn't win any
races in his first season but ex
pects to do better with the new .
In trial runs at the speedway
recently, Dick was pleased with
the performance of his hardtop
and came up with some 15 sec
ond laps which he felt was sat
isfactory for a starter.
Peck is working hard at Pilot
Rock to provide excellent racing
programs and has a consider
able investment in his venture.
He is hoping that more from
this area will drive over to see
the racers in action and prom
ises top and exciting action on
his programs.
the Burns-National Wildlife
headquarters, list birds, collect
insects, and observe conserva
tion procedures of wildlife in
Law Chanqe Asked
Ione's advisorv board recom
mended to the directors that the
state legislature be asked to
change provisions in the law
and order to put the advisory
commutes in Morrow counties
on the same footing as others in
the state.
Annual school election was
announced for Monday, May 2.
Directors Note
Increased Use
Of Ski Course
Cancer Crusade
Starting Here
'Tell Your Neighbors" is the
malor theme of the American
i lancer Society's lkU Crusade
Increased use of the ski course : whkh u n"w beginning in Mor
al Arbuckle Mountain was not-."'" counn.
ed by directors of the Arbuckle 'The many ladles who will
Mountain Corporation at the volunteer their services under
annual meeting of stockholders direction of a 'team captain'
in the old city library Monday will Ibe communicators of hox
night. rather than salesmen of fear,"
During the season, a total of s,,os '" Kev. Kenneth Kobinson,
1077 persons came to the hill, chairman. "It is hope, not fenr.
Si of them being skiers, it was tni" make people take poronal
reported bv Bob Henrv. who lulon against cancer.
managed the operation.
"The purpose of the annual
Total receipts from operation ' S?.U!,".V iVf..hI Sl.K'l,0, '" ,u sa'd
of the facility were SSL'S, and
the course met current expenses
from this revenue.
Henry recommended that price
of season tickets be raised to
S75 per season and that a long
er season be promoted. He said
that tows must be rebuilt, a!
Is not lust to raise money to
advance cancer control for can
cor research, education jind wr
vice. It Is to help save thous
ands of additional lives now."
During the next several weeks
volunteers will go from house
to house to speak about cancer,
Fair Board to Tour
Grounds at Special
Afternoon Meeting
Meeting time for the regular
monthly niivtlnn of the Morrow
County Fair Hoard has been
changed to Monday afternoon.
April IS. beginning at 1:00 p.m.,
it Is announced by l.euna Smith,
secret a r v.
At this time a tour will be
.made of tlio County Fair
jilrounds. All Interested persons
are welcome to attend this
meeting and tour.
Purpose of this special lour
Is to ncquatnt Interested per
sons with every phase of the
Fair and Rodeo grounds. Includ
ing buildings, etc.
A business meeting will be
held in the 1 II dormitory Im
mediately after the tour.
though only one breakdown was W" 1,,,raU.uv ", ,,u"
encountered during the past sea- ' ' si n? ls lvlK
son. The bus which carried ski- i h i n Atf,,rlh,,r ,,u" ro'
ers to the hill on a route from l; ' .
london. lone and Heppner "def
initely should bo continued.'
Henry said.
He commended Avery
for coming every Sunday with
tools, equipment and "know
how"; Loren Lueore of the C. S.
Forest Service for "giving us
every possible break"; Klwood
Boyd for handling the ski pa
trol; Don Wise for wiring and
"keeping us going"; Bill Flatt
ior lurmsning tiuses on a non
profit basis; Tim Tullis
ing Saturday bus
feasible by teaching "a lot of
kids how to ski"; and to herald
Bunch and Bob Jepsen. who
helped with instruction. Henrv
also thanked business people
who signed a note at the start
of the season to provide funds
for the operation.
Many plans and ideas were
discussed at the meeting with
Ken Peck, president, in charge
He said that a Pomalift is avail-
In l!Hv Morrow county resl
dents gave a total of SKVti to
the Cancer Society.
"It Is hoped that in l!tU' wo
Taylor can go over the top and do ev
en tH'tter. said (. hairman Rob
inson. "Welcome the volunteer
who knocks on vour door. The
message is a life-savin;: one."
Zoning to Help
T4sssi Control Problems,
Mayor Reports
Mrs. Dick to Attend
State PTA Meeting
Mrs. Rachel Dick will bo
among those over the date who
will attend the Oregon Male PTA
convention In Klamath Falls
next week. April 18 21. repre
scnttnii Central Oregon Region
Mrs. Dick will be n nomine
for the office of regional vice
"resident. For the past two
years slie has served as presi
dent of Midland Council ITA
for this region, mid has given
much time and work to ivoinol-
ing better parent teacher rela
tions In this area through her
offices In the Midland Council.
th budget Is to come from
sources other than taxes. Port
facilities fund shows available
cash on hand of $iO,2T7 with an
other .'2,32.1 to be transferred
from Iho general fund.
Public hearing on the budget
will be held by the commlsslon
ets on Thursday. April 2M. nt H
pin in the lloariliiuin city hull.
At that time any person may ap
pear to discuss the budget or
any pn-t of 11.
Sen us fur rnvelotws of all
kinds. The Uiuetto limes.
Thursday Nito Ladles
C. Kd Cole ;Ci-.. I2's
liuggles JO H
Murravs ,i 1 1
I. K. in. k 30 is
1st National IS.ink 21 'j -Y.'-i
Mil.adies 1.) ;u
Wishing Well ! .'!!
i'lmnii:i Basin ! 3:
High li d C.im.v-I-iive Kuhl.
20: I1C.U lud. Series' Fave
Kuhl. ,V2; High Team Hume '
C K. Cole. V.!; i,;, Team
1 Series C Kit Cole. 2t;t7.
Port Commission
Budget Printed
Budget for the Morrow Conn
tv Port Commission for tW
I-. published fr the second and
final time In this paper on page
2 section 2 It shows total hud
get requirements of S1IS.177.
Tax levy Is the same its for
P. HA till at' $31,000. Remainder of
Parts For AU MakM
1st and Highland, HermUton
ftosta Women's Major
(Continued from p.ige H
Next step will be to present it
to a citizens' coinmit'ee for
studv. Change:; may be made
any time until adoption, and
after adoption, it mav tie
able from the Mt. Hood area for amended bv following an estate
$7000, and the group discussed lished legal procedure.
A public hearing will follow
the citizens' committee meeting.
Rosewall said, and then the city
council may proceed with adop
tion of the ordinance
He (minted out that zoning
affect pre-existing con-
Yes, the Gazette-Times can
print the form you need for busi
ness or ranch use. Phone 676-9228.
For Further Information Call or
Write To
Medical Center Pharmacy
1100 Southgate Ph. 276-1531
Pendleton, Oregon
ways and means that it might
be obtained.
Pros and cons of clearing
more area for ski courses were
Peck said that he felt clear
ing more trees might hasten doesn't
snow melt nnd cut the length of ditums.
the ski season. I Orvllle Cutsforth reported on
Lucore said that it will be work of the county parks com
necessary for the operators to mittee at the meeting, saving,
clean up tree and slash that i "This park thing Is getting pret
have been cleared and pushed tv big over the county."
back. ) He said the county must move
The meeting found the stock- soon in order to qualify for
holders still groping for means matching money that could he
to finance a more attractive op- used for parks and said that "In
eration for skiers but happy with the future we will hav e to have
operation of the course under more money from some source."
Henry's management on a j A bridge is to be built soon
"shoestring" during the past at Anson Wright memorial park
season to keep the project alive, on Rock Creek, and trailer spac-
feeling was expressed that es with sewer, water and clec
with recreational development trlcal connections are being
in the area, the ski course will planned for Cutsforth park, he
become a going venure in en- said. Fees will be charged to
suing years. help pav costs.
Four directors were reelected, j "The future of this town lies
including V. C. Rosewall and in recreation." the parks corn
Ed Dick, two year terms; Peck mittee chairman said. "We are
and W'es Sherman, ore year fitting in a fine position on rec
terms. Avery Taylor was elect- reation."
ed as a new director for a two He again urged study of a
year term, succeeding Herman 'proposed wild area from Cuts
Winter, who said that press of . forth park to Arbuckle Moun
business keeps him from serv- tain, and he discussed possibil
ing longer. ities of an Impoundment to pro-
Henry said that he could not vide for diversion of Ditch Creek
manage the hill another year water to Willow Creek. Cutsforth
because of need to devote more said that one of the sites under
attention to his work. Peck, who consideration might not be fea
previously managed the course, sible because of the type of
indicated that he may be will- soil. However, he said that it
ing to resume. could well he located a mile
Peck was reelected president, farther down. This might pre
Rosewall vice president, and vent the diversion of the wa-
secretary-treasurer position will ter bv natural flow, but Harley
Central Market
Padberg Machinery
M. C. drain Crowe
Turner. Van Marler
and Hiv.uit
Van's Vanetv
l.eing!..n Oil
Lett's Kiev trie
Kiiiua Corp.
High Ind.
Richards. 212.
Jo Pettyjohn
31 .
30' s
Co op 27
17 'j
2 i ..
1 lira
Came -
High I ml. Scries
VI t: lliuh Team
Came Central Market. il.'IS;
High Team Series Central
Market, 2i.rvS.
Commercial League
Bank of F.o 12
St Patrick's Church U4
A. I.- Daggett, Dist. 33
First National Hank 27
Willow Creek Club 2t"
Cardner':- Men's Wear 17
Heppner Studs 1")
High I r.u Came F J
neriv. 41 1; llign lint. Series
Kr. R. II. Heard, i07; High Team
Came St. Patrick's, liHo High
Team Scries St. Patrick's.
ROLL TICKKTS ror sale In
single and double rolls. Use
for drawings, admissions to
eventi. Gazette-Times, Hepp
pner. Th. 676 922a 37 tfc
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit miiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHi
-$frx Plon To
V A tf An4 Tk-
a iiv
I 1 "J
- . : J
Saturday, April 23
Fair Pavilion
Loads Of Fun For Everyone!
Suppor at 6:00 Band MuiLc
Country Stor Dunk Tank
Loti ol Booth GuMiing
(SlKinsored bv Hand Parents Club, Elementary and
High ITA a)
i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 it i
be filled at a later date.
Get a 1st class buy
on a new Buick Special!
Young, Chamber president, sug
gested inai pernaps u couia ne
' I pumped from this site.
In describing plans for the
proposed dam. Cutsforth said It
would be 32 feet high and the
-10 feet on top might be used
for the water diversion with the j
remaining 20 feet providing for
the fish impoundment.
Immdiat dtlharv
from $ widt cholc
of bodv ttvlat.
colon and optlontl
(The getting was never greater!)
Top Vadt-in
for vour Ctrl
Special Spring do alt I
I 0
'7" VM ' ' tip
d f
with the winner of its class.
with the winner of the
for outstanding braking performance In the Trials.
get yourself a winning buy on the car that's all Bulck-'68
Buick Special -from the dealer who's all deal -your Buick dealerl
Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick Special
right now? (Better now than ever!)
-See your Buick dealer during hit Par-Busting Sale..
FARLEY MOTOR CO. May and Chase, Heppner, Ore.
State President
Speaks to Jaycees
At Meeting Here
Mel Campbell of Eugene, pres
ident of the Oregon Junior i
Chamber of Commerce, spoke on
history of the Jaycees at an or
ientation meeting of the Morrow
county Jaycees here Wednesday
evening, April 6.
Campbell also touched on the
present and went into detail
concerning future of the organi
zation. Mayor W. C- Row;wall and
Harley Young, Chamber of Com
merce president, were honored
local guests attending. They
pledged their full support to the
Jaycees for the betterment of the
community and the county.
Campbell stressed the fact
that building membership Is the
first and most Important project
facing the local organization.
Clubs with 25 members or less
tend to have a great deal of
trouble surviving due to con
stant turnover and the fact that
a small membership does not
have the creative power that is
needed, he said. Manpower to
carry out the type of commun
ity projects that arc essential
for Jaycee and community
growth are also lacking In clubs
of small membership.
Second most Imnnrtant rvrninet.
the state president said, is to sel
ect ine correct community pro-
lect to Wmk nn Thn rrn1ift mrnit
be one that will hold the inter
est Of thf mpmhoro art A rna that
NA our Mf
Big lavlngg on favorite
casuals I Ghllllo ties.
stripes, plaids, more I
Children get proper fit In
these 'child tested' casuals.
Children's 4-8, 8Vj-3, wo
men's 4-11. NOW
REG. 2.99
2 FOR 5
Stock up buy I Tennis
types, sport high risers, ox
fords, morel Penney's noted
proper fit assures the
needed support Blue,
black, white. Boys' 2Va-6,
men's 6-12. NOW
REG. 3.99
2 7
is definitely needed for the com