(Continued from page 6) DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUND Ton THE riSCAL YEAH 1966 1967, BEGINNING JOLT 1. 96 Non-Departmental Department General Fund HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Year $ i r,'7 50 52750 R 250 00 aunt u Mm 1146 24 3.H25 41 11.170 2.41 1 52 1.I9H0 3,7m5 1, 732 40 837.41 15525 1.131 7.1 I'M) 2.2:u4 Preceding Year 9 1,70000 505 m 1 1 .3.10 00 in no l ,300 57 1,000 IK) 2.502 49 246 X 1.7 1 H 94 261 22 150(H) 3.7H9 5K 2,918 Ct 1.05991 71 25 1.4.14 50 AH 50 2.298 54 fiOO 100.00 46 6.1 91 77 100 no .100 00 226 90 371.00 11.33195 906900 15.849 00 1.500 01) 1 .500.00 50 00 woo 5000 5.407 00 5.7:)00 6.557.00 993.36 939 89 1.07)00 300 00 300 00 300.00 $47.5001)5 $50,411.51 $ r8.2H3.()0 General Roads E $ B.onoon $ 6,.ntoo $ n -ton no 17 000 00 15.040 81 1H.300 00 54.406 91 71.474 55 65.000 00 3.900.00 23.277.77 27 WW 21 2fi.OnO.00 1.1.028 92 6.675 89 3.500.00 3 cm 3 6.581 07 n.oon on 12.166 K 11.5!I2H3 15.000 00 8,334 16 5.65107 H.OOO.ilO 2 425 23 2 'Ml 07 3.7 K) 00 32 086 (M SO 474 19 2.000 00 4S 100.00 $172.524 23 22.498.17 $226,950.86 Budqat Budqet For Current Ensuing Year Year Approved $ 1.750 00 Audi! Expense $ 1.650 7)000 Honds 500 12.287 00 Co. tinil I mu bt-m. Ajfent 12,575 200.00 Civil Defense 1.500 1 ,200 00 Current Kxtwnso (Telephone) 1.300 1.200.00 Co. 1'lnnnlrur Committee 1,500 10.000.00 General Operiillntf Contingency 10,000 250.0(1 ftiunllZMllon Hoard 250 1.700 00 Election KxiM'tiw 1,700 27oo lleppner Hurnl Fire Expense - 20 150.00 4 II Club Contribution 150 5.000.00 Insurance 5,000 3,000.00 JhII KxtH-nsi' (room anil board) 2.500 1 .000.00 Museum Fund 1.200 300.00 MiTilully 111 Expense 300 1.000.00 Official Publication 1,000 50.00 Official Registrar 50 2.600.00 Social Security - 3.500 Soldier's Indigent Fund 100 Relief to the Indigent 100 Water Master' Expense 1.700 Welfare Fund - - 14,672 Mid-Columbia I'lnnninK Committee 1,500 Keep Oregon Green ... .. 50 Predatory Animal Control 6.557 County Park Fund 2,000 Ditch Creek Channel Repair 1.000 County Retirement Fund 4,000 Land Fill Fund - 350 Economic Opportunity Art Fund 209 TOTAL $ 77,113 Roads Department General Roads Fund Personal Service! Road Master' Salary Mechanic, Shovel Operator, and Crusher Operator On. Labor and Overtime Rookkretw - Material and Sendees: Repair Shop Supplies Office Supplies Insurance Oh and Oil City Appropriation Fund . - Social Security '. . ... Misc. Kxpense , Road Materials and Supplies Retirement Fund llrldce Payment Capital Outlay: Truck and Equipment Unappropriated Balance , TOTAL, REQUIREMENTS - ..$ 6,400 .. 18.300 . 65.000 3,900 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES. Thursday, April 14, 1 7 4H.710.00 $257,200.00 22,000 . 2,100 100 . 9.000 . 15,000 8.000 , 4,200 . 1,500 . 39.700 6.000 .. 12,480 .. 32.190 .. 98,274 ..$341,141 Fair and Rodeo Department Fair Fund 8oo on 2.170.75 BOO 00 660 6H 370.00 KI 60 192 73 3H5 GO 2.153.71 1.229.2H 143.00 K7315 91510 1.21047 4.059 90 6.742 95 2.37)00 21900 60393 450.00 14.764 63 650.00 800.00 2 4 KM HO 594 27 588 78 H32.90 21 S 2.1 187.56 84771 1.306 02 376.13 150.00 599.00 1.179 61 1.94107 4.677.09 7.250.29 2.3.7)00 1.258.36 324.08 2,727.62 7.73916 $ 900 00 2.60000 650.00 400.00 100 00 150.00 525 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 17)00 600 00 1.17)00 225.00 4.500.00 6,000.00 2,400.00 200.00 1.050.00 23,950.00 S 41.832.50 S 38.336 68 $ 49,550.00 Personal Sendees: Salary Secretarial Caretaker Other Payroll Costs (Taxes) Judges Rodeo Personal Service Materials and Sendee! Office Supplies Telephone Utilities Repair and Maintenance - Oneral Supplies Auditing Insurance and Bonds ..... Advertising and Publicity -. Other Adm. and General Award Premium Prl7.es Rodeo Stork Contract Queen and Court Feed and Straw (Past vr's Ribbon and Prem. Books) Capital Outlay! Truck and Tractor - Improvements .... Land and Improvements to Land Sinking Fund - Fund for Grandstand TOTAL R EtU 1 R EM ENTS $ 1.000 2,600 1.000 700 1,000 100 150 525 400 375 200 800 600 . 1,000 . 5.400 . 8.000 . 2,500 350 750 .. None .. 2,000 500 250 .. 25,000 .. 14,840 ..$ 70,040 Special Fund $ 1.000.00 $ 717.18 $ 500.00 $ 486.53 $ 44450 S 400.00 S 200.25 S 469.23 $ 500.00 $ 17.614 98 $ 11,837.49 $ 21.250.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 9.00000 $ 9.000.00 None None $ 3.100.00 DOG FUND! Materials and Services: Livestock Killed bv Dors LAW LIBRARY FUND! Materials and Services! Rooks for Law Library - ALCOHOL ENFORCEMENT FUNDt Malerials and Services! Supplies for District Attorney - COUNTY SCHOOL FUND! Materials and Services: All monies received from taxes and revenues turned direct to Morrow Co. School DlsL R l bv Treasurer - HOSPITAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE FUND: Materials and Services! County's contribution to the Maintenance and Operation of Co. Hospital TAYLOR GRAZING FUNDI Materials and Services: Repairs and Mtse. on Grazing Lands ..$ 500 ..$ 750 ,.$ 400 Boardmon Vector Control Fund Requirements Summary 52.00 11.75 120.00 21.79 657.28 $ 865.82 82.90. $ 200.00 GENERAL ROAD FUND RESOURCES Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Previously levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Other Resources: Forest Rental Sale and Rentals Gas Refunds Public Land Sales In Lieu of Taxes Federal Flood Control Fund Timber Severance Tax Fund Trailer and Boat License Fund Interest on Time Deposit Misc. Receipt Refund from Federal Government on F. A. S. Roads Motor Vehicle License Fund Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources - Include Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. $ 32.885.79 $ 71,997.45 $ 31,000.00 9,574.37 6.048.12 10.000.00 17,033.08 22.090.75 18.00000 34.071.18 5.547 51 15,000.00 2.100.24 2.065.56 2,000.00 1.258.39 1,146.94 1.000 00 166.35 219 68 200.00 7.272.55 9.416 79 9.600.00 935.83 900.00 318.16 1.366.30 500.00 1.748 90 91.79 49,71501 47,321.01 56,000.00 $155,330.95 $170,299.10 $144,200.00 .$133,274 .. 6.000 . 21,450 4.000 - 2.100 .. 1,100 200 .. 7,000 900 500 .. 3,600 20 . 25,000 .. 25,000 230,144 .. 114,000 ..$344,144 ..$ 23,120 ..$ 13,000 ..$ 3,300 120.00 75.08 1.60 50.00 120.00 300.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 330.00 $ 279.58 $ 1,500.00 Personal Services! Truck Driver Clerical Materials and Services! Office Supplies Bonds - Chemicals - Operating Contingency Operating Expense Sinking Fund - - - Special Election Legal Capital Outlay! Trunlr ami SnrAver Transfer to Sinking Fund 2,000 Total 4'237 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS $ 4,237 200 152 50 120 300 385 200 200 100 200 330 GENERAL FUND RESOURCES $ 42,662.4-1 7,459.29 5.027.55 6,767.15 360.00 1,165.35 776.69 4,923.94 1,116.33 1 ,027.74 35,119.57 3,236.14 $109,642.19 $ 31.710.4t) 6,427.07 4,897.33 12,238.75 330.00 1,329.0!) 1,029.28 5,317.21 89.1.20 1,606.80 1,494.59 1,699.21 2.436.84 4,764.88 389.05 $ 76,563.88 $ 20,000.00 9,000.00 4,500.00 9.800.00 360.00 1,100.00 400.00 5,000.00 850.00 600.00 1,100.00 5,500.00 3,300.00 350.00 $ 61,860.00 COUNTY SCHOOL FUND RESOURCES None None None 1. 3-17.98 88411 1,400.00 143.26 189.04 140.00 48.72 209.10 80.00 7,363.59 5,000.00 64.73 41.15 30.00 3 1 38 93 $ 1,604.69 $11,825.92 $ 6,650.00 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) . Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Timber Severance Tax Dist Trailer License Distribution Forest Rentals In Lieu of Taxes Flood Control Funds Total Resources. Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. None 800 100 50 5,200 20 1,000 7,170 16,000 .3 23,170 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) $ 30,000 Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year 6,000 Other Resources: Clerk's office fees , ,000 Justice Court fines 10'9n Water Rent from Hospital 360 Sheriff's office fees 1.200 Refund from State Board of Health 200 In Lieu of Taxes 8,000 Surplus Food refunds 750 Trailer License Distribution 1.100 Timber Severance Tax Distribution 3,600 Misc. Receipts and Rentals 1,100 Interest on Time Deposit 1,000 Alcohol Control fund (Transfers) 3,000 Amusement Device tax (Transfers) 450 Total Resources Except Taxes to Be Levied 72,760 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget 138,677 Total Resources Jii.wr last year. $ 21,573.11 $ 30.182.89 $ 18,000.00 20.700.00 22,400.00 20,000.00 793.30 793.30 400.00 235.32 274.31 2.374.00 1,318.00 1.000.00 1,125.00 150.00 542 52 676.11 8.155.71 8.819.69 10,000.00 1,668.00 1.360.50 15,973.43 $ 72,015.93 $ 66,949.80 $ 49,550.00 FAIR FUND RESOURCES Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Other Resources: Racing Apportionments State Millage Tax Concessions - Rentals Donations Miscellaneous Rodeo Receipts Dances 'Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. Time Cert, and Int. Oneral Fund for New Building Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources ..4 8,000 ..4 22,000 790 300 1,350 500 500 9,000 1,600 26,000 .. 70,040 .. None .4 70,040 TAYLOR GRAZING FUND RESOURCES $ 2,06757 $ 2,367.57 $ 2,800.00 351.71 $ 2,419.28 470.20 $ 2.837.77 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Other Resources: 300.00 Grazing Fees - $ 3.100.00 Total Resources. Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. 4 3,100 200 - 3,300 .. None ..$ 3,300 ALCOHOL ENFORCEMENT FUND RESOURCES $ 385.81 $ 685.56 $ 400.00 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) 275.00 $ 660.81 1.342.60 2,028.16 100.00 500.00 Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Justice Court lines Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. .4 100 None 100 200 200 .-4 400 LAW LIBRARY FUND RESOURCES 247.32 23.56 326.80 597.68 315.22 11.85 469.80 796.87 200.00 None 200.00 400.00 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) .. Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Law Library fees 250 Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. None 500 750 . None .4 750 Hospital Maintenance and Operating Fund None $ 2,781.13 None 892.21 470.57 500.00 34.70 112.33 50.00 78.18 106.38 100.00 12.72 18.93 10.00 $ 1,017.81 $ 3,489.34 $ 660.00 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Other Resources: Trailer License Distribution $ 3,000 200 Timber Severance Tax Distribution In Lieu of Taxes Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. 100 100 10 . 3,410 . 9,590 .4 13,000 Boardman Vector Control Fund Resources Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Other Resources: Capital Outlay Sinking Fund Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. ...$ 337 .... 2,000 . 2,337 1,900 $ 4237 DOG FUND RESOURCES $ 363.55 3.26 349.00 S 715.81 250.00 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year - Other Resources: Dog License Sold Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources 'Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. 100.00 1.04 298.00 399.04 $ 50.00 200.00 500.00 .4 400 ... None 100 500 ... None .4 500 $y 11 his Newspaper values our local institutions I more than any other i I publication in the world.Xj i ...mmm Jf jwafeiiA Molkfc! Gazette -Times