r Refreshment Stand for Opening Days of Fishing Season iH-caiMi' III nnil wm honpllaltil ( i tic Umatilla hofipltal for fh-VtTill dtiy. Mr ninl Mm, 1Mb rt Mlllrr unci fnmllv of IIimmI ltvtr cntni Sundtiv l t'lxlt with Mr. anil Mm. Dovnl HublH'll unit family jiml tuki hiimo 'thilr daughter lliiiinlc who had Uven vU'tlntf tin- Huhhi'llM fur the pnut wwk. Mr and Mr. (Intc Kcnkhlrl ninl f it in 1 1 v of Snrrnmrntii, Calif. Kited the firnt pari of the wcik with Mr. and Mr. Stmih-v lien Mn lirfore Kllltf lt ! WrlHrr. Idaho to vlnll relative on their wnv to Mlnneiiotn. Mr. mid Mnt. Hoy Keller and fiimllv left Saturday murnliiK to spend the week end vIhIIIhk friend at Madraa and Tcrre limine. Mr Ituv Rector and turn Jeff, und Mm. ItiivtiiDiid Heir Rii'iit lililnv vlnttinit relative at Sirnv. Mr and Mm. Frank llunmick er of Wt-lpiM. Idaho, arrived Krl day to upend wvrrnl days vln ItliiK with Mr. und Mr. Itod HiixlliiK mid other relative.. Mr. und Mm. Hod IlnKtlng mid Stevle npi-nt Huturduy In llrpplKT on liUMliiciin. Mm. Huh Freeman returned home Monday from The DuIIch where Kh linn Kwnt the paM week with her mother. Mm. Mrv William of Spray and her niece. Mm. Sid Itrltt, hIhci of Spriiv. who were nerlouNly In lured In an accident at the lllehwav 30 Kul ton Canyon luni-tlon last TueMilav evening. Itolh have been In 'Hie Dalle tienernl hoHpltal where they liiive been rerelvlnn treatment. Mm Freeman returned to The Diillc Tuesday. HiiHlnexs visitor to Condon Friday were Mm. Joe Hall. Mm. Arden Tripp, and Mm. Jack Ball. Mrs. Clarence Bennon took Mm. Vlneent Allen to Arlington Tlitimday where Mm. Allen took the bun to Welcr, Idaho, where Khe will have tried Ira 1 care. In combination birthday party and ntork tihower held lat Wednesday evening at the meet Inu of the Auxiliary to the lx cal Union 2!Mti. Mm. Kohcann Hall wan the recipient of the ultowcr gift. Mm. Hull opened her many (tlftu anslHted by her mother Mrs. Betty Ueland of Bend. HoKteKsea for the nhowcr were Doris Stubblefleld and Hetty lleiihon. Then the tables were turned und Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Wanltu llubbell were i;lven a birthday party for which Marian Tripp, ltoseann Hall and Josephine Rhode were hostesses. Those present or eiidlnn jjlfts were Ma r I a n Tripp, Goldn Bar.ee, Jo Rhodes, Marble Hull, Iti-tty I'erry, Anna Cox, Norma Stephens, Linda O' Neal. Wanltu llubbell, Jeannette Mnthlas, IjuIku Fleming, and Kmulre Long. Mr. unl Mrs. Josei)h Hall be came the parents of a son Krl day, April 1, at the lleppner hospital. He welKhed 8 lb., 10 o, arid has teeri named Jos eph Raymond, Jr. and Joins a Muter, JiM-onn. Grandparent are Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ueland of Bend, ami Mr. and Mm. James Hall of Kiddle. Grcat-grandpar-ents arc Mr. and Mrs- Melvln C. Ueland. Sr. of Milwaukle, Krank Stalkep of Bend, and Mr. and Mm. H I (;ulles of Clack amas. The Klr ua Womens flub was hostess Saturday evening at n card party held at the grade whool. High for men went to Lamar Flack, low for men to Joe Browning, high for women to Wanlta llubbell, low for women to Margaret McConnell. Floating: went to Vonnle Brown ing nad Lamar Klack with Kath ryn Klack winning the prize. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Mur dock returned last Tuesday from a 5000 mile trip to Brainerd, Minn., where they visited with Mm. Murdock's family, Mr. and Mrs. Kred Casey, Sr., to Tam arack, Minn., to visit his fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Mur dock, to Grand Kaplds, Mich., to visit former Fossil residents, Mr. and Mm. Ron Williams, and to Big Timber, Mont , to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Ueland. Going east thev were caught In the blizzards In North Dakota and returning home they were caught In floods In the same area. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norris have received word that their son Kenneth has finished his basic training at Amarillo, Texas, and HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. April 14. 1966 Is now at Chanute Field, Ill inois and has been promoted o Airman 3c. Mrs. Norris plans to loin Ken In the very near future. Mrs. Lee Bogle of Burley, Ida ho, is spending this week visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kreeman and family. She flew to Walla Walla, Wash., and was met there by Mrs. Orval Bogle of Milton-Freewater, who with Miss Chik Bogle brought Charm Ian to Kinzua Saturday. Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. joe Browning and Linda were Miss Joan Browning and Jerry Roe of Pendleton, and Mr. and .Mr. Don McConnell and family 'of Kinzua. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lynch spent the week-end In Madras getting their plane ready for use. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark went to Heppner Thursday even ing where Mrs. Clark entered the Heppner hospital for several days treatment. She expected to return home Monday. AMifJ 1 Pfln Shakes I 1 -i " CARNATION INSTANT-DRY Non Fat MILK REG. $1.39 14 QT. PKG. ROYAL INSTANT PUDDINGS Co) $-n FRESH BAKERY SPECIALS Cake Doughnuts 390 DOZ. LEMON MERINGUE Pies, 8" ea. 49c FROZEN FOODS Boy-Ar-Dcc PIZZAS SAUSAGE CHEESE 590 490 GERBER'S BABY FOOD Strained 10 - $ 1 Junior 8 jars 1 Opp CAMPBELLS SOUPS All Varieties f I I Tins L MJB SUNSHINE Hi Ho CRACKERS 313Vi OZ.S1 BOXES I HUDSON HOUSE TOILET TISSUE 4 Roll r Packs COFFEE 0l( Lb. Tins Lb Lb. Tins . Tins . ItS LB. VUj MJB 10 OZ. JARS INSTANT COFFEE $1.59 SUNDRIES tr NOTIONS Ban Spray jQ DEODORANT ; C Glccm P TOOTHPASTE H JVC Luster Cream HAIR SPRAY H VC n 1 i mm 1 1 ARDEN'S n fi PREMIUM M0)C ICE CREAM UJJ Half Gal. FRESHEST PRODUCE IN TOWN lLE?TOSI CALAVOS SUNKIST ORANGES 5 n 69c STafflStfBEBBlES m riir HEY ORDERS WE HAVE THE BEST BOX BOYS GREEN STAMPS WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS U. S. No. 2 Idaho Dry Land POTATOES 20 LB. BAG EVERGREEN PEET MOSS bag' 590 LARGE VARIETY BEDDING PLANTS PONY PAK 590 Two Are Honored At Joint Party Br BLANCHE McDANIEL I Mrs. Dean Graves has been . on the sick list for over a week, HRADMAN. RHEA CREEK 'and little Johnny Stevens was Two ladies were pleasantly sur- M with tne measles last week. Zl?LlVZ Z Wl Sir I Mr an1 Mrs- LaVerne Hams were Miss Alta Stevens and L? ' Mrs. Barton Clark. Mrs- Jlm Hams- Enlovine the afternoon of vis- K?!? J" Bokland Itine with the two ladies were : companied Dale Van okland Rr,se Hams. LaVelle Hame, Eva .home f"LihStr held Wri2ht. Ethel Robinson, Zelma I oen Rh;.a -Cffe .weteM McDanit-1. Doris Ball. Helen 'ts, annuai, Jha"Cf,k5?U?P" t?h Stevens and Jo Jean. Edith Mus- .Sat" day night .March 26 with Erove of Monument. Ima MclJ' CTOwd f"" ce:ha Daniel of Heppner and Blanche I Cards were played after he MrDaniel and Dixie supper. The proceeds from the Mcuaniti ana uixie. evening will go to a number of . . , 'different charities. Sam Steers underwent nn i nor Darold Hams famny at. surgery in Pendleton last Wed- tended a family dinner in Hepp nesday Mrs. Steers brought him ner March 27 for Sherrlll Mc home Friday and he is getting Donald, before his leaving for along fine. jtne service, Mrs. Maxine Mahon and boys : mj-s. Elmer Heath recently re of Elgin spent the Easter week-'ceived word that her son, Ken end with her parents, Mr. and neth R. Kindle, medical special Mrs. Sam McDaniel. Last Tues- jt with the First Calvary Divis dav the McDaniels drove to ion in Viet Nam, has been pro Monument for a visit with Mr. j moted to Sp4. He rides the Med and Mrs. Frank Howell. ;ical Evacuation helicopters, Mr. and Mrs. Huston Lesley jumps from them, and picks up are vacationing at Grayland, the wounded and gets them into Wash. They left last Thursday, the helicopter. He helps keep and Elsa Leathers from Heppner them alive until they reach an is taking care of the store. evacuation hospital. He also Spending Easter wtih Mr. and works in the hospital. The med Mrs. Harold Stevens were her ics in his outfit take turns nd-brother-in-law and sister, Mr. ing the helicopter and being on and Mrs. Curley De.Moss and patrol. Janice from Moro. I Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur VanBlok- ' Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davis and l took their son Gary toPen . . 14.1 d eton after his visit here in six-nt from Tuesday until Friday March, where he took a plane of last week at the Cecil Mc or Virginia, where he has en Daniel home. On Sunday the tered Of ficers Candidate school. McDaniels enjoyed a community Mrs. VanBlokland s mother, Mrs. potluck dinner at the Lonerock Mary Aas, returned to her home annex. An egg hunt was en-v.ranuc ai joved by the small fry. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huston and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Raw lins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright, I after a visit here. Examiner Coming A drivers license examiner accompanied by Mrs. Evelyn will be on duty in Heppner Farrens of Heppner, went to Tuesday, April 26. at the court Prineville Sunday to attend the house between the hours of wedding of Mrs. Wright's neph-, 9.30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.. accord ew, Jerry Owens, son of Mr. ing to an announcement re and Mrs. Harry Owens. Iceived from the Department of Mrs. Harold Wright spent one Motor Vehicles of Oregon. day last week in Monument vis- j ; nine wnn ner moiner, mns. , Wave Jackson, and taking her to John Day for a medical check up. Sunday dinner guests of the Harold Wrights were Mrs. Mary Wright of Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hunt and family of Lexington, and Kenny Wright home from college. Stopping by in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith of Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wright. Spending Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cecil were his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gorham and daughter from Wallowa, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Cecil from John Day and their son. Gene from Seattle. Ronnie Cecil made the trip out from Heppner on his Honda. Morrow County CROP-WEATHER SUMMARY For Week Ending April 8 (Compiled by the U. S. De partment of Agriculture) Spring grain seeding com pleted. Pasture and alfalfa seeding underway. Plowing and summer-fallow opera tions progressing. Wheat and barley looking good. Wheat apparently outgrowing rust Adequate hay. Perennial rang es very good. Annual grasd range suffering from dryness some low elevation head ing out County School Calendar April 16 Elementary Principals Meeting Continues Track: Heppner High Invitational 12:00 Riverside at Arlington Baseball: Heppner High at Madras 1:00 Condon Elem. at Heppner 1:30 Arlington at A. C. Houghton Large Band Chorus Pendleton April 18 Morrow County OEA at Heppner April 19 Track: Grant Union at Heppner High 3:30 Baseball: , - Hermiston High at Heppner 4:00 Umatilla High at Riverside Junior-Senior Banquet Riverside High Intermediate Education District Meeting Salem Mr. Potter Boy Scouts A. C. Houghton April 20 Baseball: Riverside High at Arlington April 21 Portland State Symposium at lone High Grange at A. C. Houghton Old Building April 22 Baseball: lone High at Heppner 3:30 A. C. Houghton Elem. at Heppner 2:00 April 23 Junior-Senior Prom at Riverside High ; Heppner Schools Band Carnival Track: Heppner High at Burns Baseball: Heppner High at Sherman 1:00 April 25 Small High Schools Evaluation Team from State Dept. Riverside A. C. Houghton PTA April 26 Special Board Meeting for Committee Reports on Curriculum Lexington 8:00 P.M. Baseball: lone High at Riverside April 27 Baseball: Heppner High at Blue Mtn. College Boy Scouts at A. C. Houghton April 28 Baseball: A. C. Houghton at Stanfield April 29 Portland 8th Graders on Tour of Morrow County Oregon Correctional Assoc. Meeting Vert Pendleton Baseball: Heppner Elem. at Condon 1:00 lone High at titamieia April 30 Eighth Grade Tour of Morrow Wheat & Cattle Lands Continues Track: Heppner High at Umatilla Baseball: Burns at Heppner High 1:00 MOBILE X-RAY UNIT SPONSORED BY MORROW COUNTY TB AND HEALTH ASSOC. AND OREGON STATE BOARD OF HEALTH WILL BE IN IONE AND HEPPNER ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: April 26 lone 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 and 3:00 to 5:00 April 27 Heppner 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 and 3:00 to 6:00 School Employees should take advantage of this.