Church Women Hear Of Island Missions If CATHERINE UNDSTKOM IONK Annual tnrellnjr of MIJ Columbia Women' Fellow khli) of the United Church of t lirUt win held at the Milton' Frrcwtcr Federated church on Monday. March '2. Mm. i. V. Callaway of Hi Dallre. presh dent of the association, rcalicd. Featured apeak wi Mr. Harold K.vmann, Dean of Chris ii... follfUN at MIiIhuvbd. Min danao, IlilllPplnv Inlands. Her letiurr on the development of the educational system thero was UlUMtralcil by colored slides of the varloua ha-s of the work. She stressed the help of the Church World Service throughout the missionary work. In which he and her husband, Itev. Kvmann have been en Kak'cd fur the laat ten years. Other apeakera at the meet ing were lr. A. J. Uuttrvy, fort land. UreKon Conference minis ter, and Mra. Brian Tlchenor of Wllsonvllle, state rsldent of the Woiiien'a Fellowship. In keeplna with the Lenten season the film 'This .Sustain In if Bread" was shown, followed hv communion service. Those attending from the lone area were Mrs. Alfred Nelson, Jr.. president of the local Fel lowship, M.s. K M. Baker, Mrs. F.Ua burgoyne, Mrs. Kenneth Smouse, Mra. Milton Morgan, and Mrs. Omar lUetmann. Members of the lone High school hand under ine airecuon of their Instructor, Archlo lied man. spent last Friday and Sat urday in ileppner attending a band clinic. The atudy meetings and practice M-sslons culminat ed In a very fine concert on Sat urday evening. Six schools par ticipated. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Miller and family of Athena spent the week end here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Jcpsen and family. Mrs. Adon Ilamlett and Char- lana l..ff nn TxmdmV (or Port. fond on a business trip. They plan to bring horn Mrs. Mary Swanson, who has been visiting relatives In halem Mrs A. (J. Hwannon returned from Pioneer Memorial hoapltal In llcppnr this week after spending several days there for observation. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith left Monday for 1'ortland to take their daughter, t liar lone, oacic to school. Mr ami Mrs. pnvid Uletmann and Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Hrlstow drove to Walla Walla on Sat urdu v. where the ladles attend ed a bridal shower for their niece. IJridn Swsnson. Street LlahU Added The Mil In Street of lone Is brighter this week due to the Installation of new IDO watt mercury lights. Hie five lights removed were placed further up Main Street. Installation work was done bv Columbia Basin FJeclrlc Co ti crews and there will te an $18.00 a nunth fee for the maintenance and light. Later It Is hoH-d by the City Council to replace all street lights In town. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan left on Tuesday morning for a business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Konald Bishop and daughter Barbara sent sev eral davs in Portland last week. Mr. BWhop Is on his vacation from the Union Pacific Depot. Barbara visited with Lynn and Sherry Benson while In the city. Mrs. Heliker'a Brother Dies Mrs. E. C. llellker received word on Tuesday of the death of her brother at the Veteran's Hospital In Portland. George Ed ward Zlnk was born near Philo math on April 2. 1WU. to Alfred M. and Irene McKinley Zlnk. He spent most of his school days attending Lexington schools, but later finished at lone. He farm ed north of lone until leaving the county. Funeral services will be held at Jacohscn'a Family Funeral Service Parlor, 8747 S. E. Fos ter Itoad In Portland, on Friday at 11:00 a.m. Interment will be In the Veteran's Cemetery. He! Is survived by two daughters efTia- e- HEPPNEn km? GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner, Oregon 97836, Thursday, March 31, 1966 Sec. 2 Seaman Hams Scnrej Aboard USS Hornet Umsn Tflrhsrrt ItsmS. L'SM. son of Mr. and Mrs. Vester llama of lone, has returned 10 Long h.nh r-atif atuiarri the anti submarine warfare aupport air craft carrier US3 Hornet, after completing more than seven months In the South China Sea KEEP OREGON GREEN t a f;mHt E. Cannon, PortUo L kat ut been eletted prnident of the krep Oregon Crrrn AitodstioBV. lis it Prrtidrtrf of the Standard liiiuiaiK Company. Dates to Remembers Ttie Junior Class of lone High school Is sponsoring I movie at the rafctorium on Sunday, April 3. at fi:30 p m.. featuring James Daron and Cindy Carol In "t;idt;et Goes to Home," Rainbow Assembly No. 89 will mil-mi rtiurih on Italnbow Sun day. All 3. as proup. They will meet at tne nan at u.w a m. and go to rhurch together. IVta Omega Sorority will hold a traveling food sale on Satur day, April 9. Topic Club for April hai been cancelled until a later date. when the scheduled speaker will be available. J lone Dancing Club will spon-; sor dancing lessons beginning on April 2. Teen classes featur ing the Batman, will begin at CM); new adult classes will start at 8:00 prnj and esperl meed adult classes at 9:00 p m. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gaars Hnd and Marianne and Linda Williams, and their cousin Pat ty Crawford spent the week end here. They visited at their grandmothers. Mrs Ida Cole man and with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DaUell. off the Coast of Vietnam with, the Seventh Fleet Hornet provided the Seventh Fleet with anti submarine de fense and search and rescue services. He was awarded the Vietnam Service Medal for his partlclpa. Hon in th Vietnam War az&xst the communist guerltlaa. Enroute to Long warn, iiorrwt. visited Iwo Jlma and Sydney, Australia. and two sisters. Mrs. Helikcr and Mrs. William (Addle) Tompkins. Tom Helmblgner. member of the gymnastic team of the Unl- erslty of Oregon attended two meets during spring vacation, lie Disced elehth In the Pacific Athletic Conference at Berkley. Calif, and then went on to un Anccles to attend the western Regional Meet where he also placed eighth. At this tourney he had the misfortune to tail on the aprlngs causing a cut In the head which required 12 stitches to close Go elegantly in an easy-care shoe of beautiful Corfam. . . made to keep Its good looks longer. i CiUm k 0Wi WfhNrW t '.'.''vv LADIES: WE HAVE FREE INDIANA CUTG LASS BUD VASES FOR YOU. I I We Extend Our Hearty Thanks to All Our Friends on the Occasion of --A Half Century of Serving The Great People of Eastern Oregon .it, I v V .V L ; t n a f . -. t r 0. 1 " ' 1i ,;W!lWMpito. .1 - v We Started Busi ness in Hep p n e r April 1, 1916. Faith- ful Patron age Of Fine Friends Has Made is Possible For Us to Complete 50 Years as on Inde- i j t ' 5 " -.r r- . i 4T 4-.i'. i-val,M. A s pendent Creamery - ; i ne viur nciiiuin- ing Indepen dent Creamery in Eastern Ore gon, and Still Going Strong! . aMm ..." ... t w-- m 1 II BILL COX (left), owner of Morrow County Creamery, stands with his father. W. C. Cox. who coma from Virginia to the west In 1905. He worked as a deUTerrman cmd at other JoSi before atartlna the creamerr in 1916. Bill bought the crearaerr from hit father in 1963 cslter working In the business much of hla lUe. At Your Grocers, Look For Pride of Oregon CREAM 19 Delicious Flavors in Colorful Convenient Cartons ICE Thousands of Satisfied of Satisfied Patrons TWO MODERN TRUCKS, including the large Wrigerated unit purchased in 196&. deUw OreSon ic eWad butter? a. well as other dairr products. toroghout Moow. CUliam Wheeler rounties on regular routes. Stan ling beside the trucks are D.R. (Dud) Tash. a ue? epYoT So eanT for 34 lra. end Claude Cox. Tash U responsible for pro d action at the creamerr. From The Dairy Case at Your Favorite Store, Select Pride of Oregon UTT RICH HEALTHFUL Wholesalers of Kraft Products and Tillamook Cheese infWP If Cii Owned BY W. L. (Bill) Cox. Founded April 1. 1916, Br W. C. (Claude) Cox. And Op rated For Tears By Claude And Clara Cox. Phone 676-9244 Heppner