Um nztrnzn GJiirmc-TiMrs. Thun&ar. March n. u Moke Pot Holdert Nimble Thimble Slitchrn ill club mH Mrth 28 sftrr whnl at Mr. Marlene lk-rjMiom's liuttlo. TIhum prrsent were inann Wright. Ksthy Arrtnj: tf n. KathWn MtVlure and Shpr- y Mamy. KsthWrn save a demonstration on how to ew on a button. an4 Sherjl demon ktralmi how to thrra4 a srwlng machine. We all made pot hold or. tXir ih M meeting will be April 9 at Mrs. Beverly Wrights home. - - - . Sherl Ma-V. reixwtec CONGRATULATIONS 1 TO Mr. and Mrs. W. C. (Claude) Cox AND Mr. and Mrs. W. L. (Bill) Cox ON THE 50th ANNIVERSARY Or THEIB Morrow County Creamery CHARLES and HELEN RUGGLES Rugglcs Insurance Agency Plans for Rodeo Talked Monday At Chamber Meet t Continued from pane H tt lack of float." he suil.l Re. ; I.uiiw to the luauv um Herm Won. IVmlleton and other town ho pattlctimte In the parade he aaid. The dav eomlns when It will he harder to sv I'Whv don't you brim? your float over to lleppner? ' " 1 IVterson aald that lleppner needs to rtvlprocate bv taking; floats to parades in the other town. He .Ud that he under doml the SoroptlmWt club plan to build it float this year so' that it can travel to other town. I "Individual merchant should take more interest." Peterson: .ud. Pr. Wallace Wolff wa ap-' pointed to represent the chamber, at the lTA studv cwup meet inns which are designed to work toward maktnit Morrow eountv ; more attraetivee for nool school ', teachers. Bowling Tourney Winners Named I ATTENTION FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THOSE RE CEIVING TREATMENT FROM PENDLETON PHTSICXANS WE OFFER RAPID SERVICE POSTAGE-PAID MAILING OF PRESCRIP TIONS LONG DISTANCE CALLS ACCEPTED COLLECT FOR RUSH ORDERS " " - For Further Information Call or Writ To Medical Center Pharmacy 1100 Southgate Ph. 276-1531 Pendleton, Oregon Elder Boyd Takes New Assignment i Eldoc El wood Bovd. pastor of the Seventhdav Advent 1st rhurvh here for nearly tout ears. expects to leave with hi familv for Omak. Wn- about Mav 1. He will be pastor of churches, at Brewster and Omak. he said, j There are some 130 to 140 In the church there, and the school ! includes 10 grades. Elder Boyd said that he haj thoroughly enjoyea living anu working in Heppner and said that the ministerial association here has been one of the finest groups he has ever known. The spirit of cooperation between churches Is outstanding, he said. I The Bovds came to Heppner Ion Thanksgiving Day of 1952. KCDUCB TAT If your ewerweisht U due '': ratine; and you ul to iri rid of i ht uKty f k "; rd 8L1MODEX. Aemllable wit h.t m dm-tora prrvcriytum sUMOUfcX will help you Ivm the extra pounds by d"crwuunic your dcire rr food, not by atarvtng yuu. but by imply limlnun h"r fur extra portion. SLIMODEX crt only ) end la GUARAN TEED to work or itt your full moner b-k. fiUMODEX ia aold rxrliulrely by: lunr B.X&U Drr I1T V. Mela Mall Orders mUe4 Winner of the Heppner Uty liowlink! Tournament, held nt Eteata Ijinea the week-enda vt Murrh 11. 12. 11 and M have been announced and leeelvcd nwnr.U from Art Pck. manager. SUleell tm-ii' Irani and elfxen women team were entered in the tournament, all entries re quired to be bowler at the Heppner lane In team event. tr Aviation, with a score of ton, placed firt for men's team, followed bv 4 two-way tie N-tween Heppner Elk lxMlk'e and Turner. Van Marter and Brian! Insurance, Ml W. for second. Eiit in women' team honor went to radtx'rg Machinery, with ;Y.?S. followed bv the .' Ed I'ole team, at '.'uVt I'aiiuii; lo take fuM in mens doubles were Hubert WiUou ami Jim frlcll. with ,i l-aV om wa the -imlilnatioii of Al Fetich and Elmer Heath, at 1 l.':w. j Vesta Kilkenny and 1W Hunt, at lt.S. took top honor for women's douhle. StH-ond hkh were Marie Mcvjuarrte and JoAnn Uyck. at 1101. i rhamp'ioii In men's single was IV I piper, with a 6TM. fol- . lowed bv Jerry Crvn In MiMnd I place, at Ml. I'herrv Herman pl.uvd first In women's singles with a 573; In .second place was JoAnn Pyck. : at 5ti;. Paul Brown, with a 1S73. plaeel first in men's all-events, wiih Hub'rt Wilson, second at . 1S.VI. I JoAiui Dytk. storing 1723. was champion In women's all- events: second high was June I Bellenbrock. at 167;. Four were named winners In the scratch series. High game scratch for men was Paul Brown, at 2H, with high series scratch for men going to Bob lamp bell, at 624. Eor women JoAnn Dyck took hleh game scratch with a 233 and also the high series scratch with a 546. New Club Organizes Eager Cookerettes 4-H cooking club organized February 21 nt the home of Mancy and Debbie Campbell. Our officers are Den Ise Bloodsworth. president; Tana Rauch. vice president: Nancy Campbell, secretary; Debbie Campll, news reporter, and Sherry Kemp, .song leader. Our leader Is Mary Doherty and our Junior leader Is Barbara Bloods worth. Our second meeting was Golfers1 Work Doy Called for Sunday Wiih the coming of warm nuing da. golfing activities are comlm; to life on tatrwa) of the Willow Cre-k ture. (U-neral work dav I sounded bv club rrckldetil Clint - Mc Uuairle for SumUv morning, April X lo start the annual Hiring srooming and cleanup vt the cure. Many hand can make lii:ht woik of a big hl. so oifUor aie urgently rHjuet Ing help .f all meinhei and In lcret.te.1 frien.U lo (uln the woik P-titv on Sunday, Organised plaV for Uth men and women wilt mm in Ito In full "swing". wiih continued good weather. Vandals Damage Office of Rodeo Sheriff C. J D llauman i in esilgatlng damage done lo the rotco iffnv uniier the buckcrtMi stands at the rodeo grountl The vandalism was rcrted to have rx-en done several week ago but was not reported lo E 11. tTadl Miller. rHl.o chairman, who learned of it only Monday. He notified Sheriff Bauman. Glass pane In the office door was smashed and another win dow In a sliding metal frame was also broken out. Eloures cent lisht tuix-a In an inner room of the office were smashed on a table. Broken bottles and other debris were scattered In the office. Miller said he was advised Monday that the damage wa done during a dance at the fair ground some thre weeks ago. The office was built two years ago and some of the records and supplies of the rodeo commit tee have been stored there. With the windows broken out. the ma terials were left to some expos ure from the weather. Michael Warren Takes Mission Post Elder Mithaet (2. Warren, son . Mr- and Mrs. I'aul Warren, ha tH-en t ailed to serve a West Mexican intnton for the Church ot Je i chrut of letter day Saints, April II he will think Into the Musion Home In Sail I ake City lor tme wttk ami Ihen will n' to Hrtgh.irn Voting University In Plovu. Utah, for U Weeks of ex lemle language training. He will then go lo Hermoslllo, Mex Ictx for two year. There will be a farewell testi monial meeting for Mike Sun day evening, April 3, at 7.U) pm, In the American la'glon hall. Friend and relatives are In v tied. March 10 at Sherry Kemp's borne. We made tomato soup and Jell O salad. We met again March 24 at the Blixnliworth home. Debbie Campbell. reHrter Sells Two Bulls Harold A. Wright. Heppner. has reported the sale of two reg litered horned Hertford bull, one each to the following breed, ers: W. C. Baker. It lot Itock. and Spike Bros. Echo. Knitting Club Meets The Yaineit 4 II Knitting club met at the- home of Mrs. Itachel Harnett on March 23 Tha meet. Ing was otened by Linda Coop er, president, the 4 II pledge was led by Jslmle Snitlh and the pledge of t leg la tic by Unda Cooler. Wo woikcd on pi o Jot Is. Itefresltinents were irtHii:hl by lieveily Mclnlyie. kalliy Swer-neV. lenol.r Carpet Spots ind Piths Easily Removed If yini haven't tlms ta tlesn your crpt wall-to-wsH, yJ tan still rtnov sniI and trsttic ptl! I Una CrN-t hham hh (Americs' iw fnvoritf' niakrtmalt nan open an i..rri Kiln. rrdorrs fonotten roler. Itrnl cv o-ua elwlrh" hamttirr f-r II a day at Case Furniture Company For Fast And Dependable Freight With Daily Overnight Service From Portland, Including Saturdays SHIP E ASTERN O REG0N F REIGHT Served By Halt's Truck Service CALL CCNC ORWICX S89-I420 ANYTIME ft U2QBira2ttJ0 ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY E.O.M. SALE Come ipsa dpiueitp. JLet3s Siitug the JPrmi&eM of Wrefjom! You think you're proud of Oregon? Wait till you listen to what Bing Crosby, Jane Powell and " Mel Blanc have to say about our beloved state in an exciting new FREE record album from Pacific Northwest Bell. : These famous Oregon boosters do a mighty entertaining Job of making Oregon sound like the state of excitement it really is. Bing remi nisces about his Northwest boyhood and golf and fishing, Jane sounds' Off on the subject of Oregon's festivals. And Mel? Well, he comes on as a double-voiced travel consultant trying to find out why people love to visit our state. What's the record for? Mainly, just for the fun of il-pleasant listening for any loyal Oregon . son or daughter. But after you've heard it, why not send it along to an out-of-state friend or relative? It's the nicest possible way to Invite them out for an Oregon visit. We'll include a new Tourist Map of Oregon, packed with au thoritative and up-to-date information on Ore gon's outdoor recreational opportunities. All this, plus an unabashed plug for the Northwest entitled, "It's a Great Place to Visit, But I'd Rather Live Here," by nationally known author, Murray Morgan. ' , -Why does Pacific Northwest Bell keep inviting tourists to our state? Well, we're-home folks ' too, you know, and we like to show off the Northwest. (Yes-and tourist dollars help Ore gon grow and prosper.) So come on. Join Bing, and Jane and Mel-and Sing the praises of Ore gon. On the down beat and, two and... 0 Q Pacific Ntrthwttt ltd P.O. BM 8900 . rrtfnd, OrtgMl OK, I'll tln along. Send m the frss Northwest Holiday record, mtp and jacket and I'll tend it iloni to my favor- it out-of-ttate friend or relative. Send me one. . - Better yet, send me 2 , 3 albums, because I'm a really friendly person, KAME" 0 j TOJFtST" rrrr .-., J 57KTT I .... PATIO FURNITURE Webbed Folding CHAIRS 3.33 Folding Chaise LOUNGE 68g NOTION FAIR All That Are Left REDUCED T0 .66 DRESSES REDUCED To Make Room For New Spring Stock 2300'400 Men's COTTON PANTS Permanent Press 24 Pair 3.99 SPORT SHIRTS. Just Right For Spring 2.88 BUYS FOR LADIES 78 Acetate Briefs 4 for 1.00 120 Pr. Nylon Hose 2 for .78 27 Better Billfolds 3.50 5 Quilted Nylon Robes 7.00 3 L. S. Cardigan Sweaters 5.00 12 Blouses-Dress Sport 2.88 9 Winter Skirts 3.44 BUYS FOR GIRLS 2 Long Sleeve Sweaters ............ 3.88 11 Print and Knit Blouses 1 1.50 13 Pr. Better Stretch Pants 2.77 20 Bouffant Slips ......... .. ......... 1.44 BUYS FOR INFANTS 24 Slipon Boxer Pants LI .66 15 Summer Sleepers 1.50 36 Toddlers Crawlabouts :..:.....-.. 1.00 1 Toddler Sweater 1.88 BUYS FOR THE HOME 7 Dual Electric Blankets . . . . -13.66 9 Thermal Blankets ... i ...... .... 6.00 5 30"x54" Rugs . 8.00 11 22"x42" Rugs 4,00 7 Foam Mattress Toppers ........ 1.99 26 4-Yd. Pieces of Yardage . LOO Pacific Northwest Bell MllS