BCPFNCl GAZETTE TIM El. Taundrr. Mcaxfc il. Ht Delegates to Attend State Homemakers Convention at OSU Donna rottrr. Jill Schmidt, and Kay Dacertt of the IhW ner llltih School chapter. Kutur Homr-maker of America, left wilh ll.t-ir a.KU. Mi Vhiilni Burh. thla afternoon. lTnurlav for rnrvaUi. where trtey win Offices Elected By Houghton PTA Br LoVEUX FARTLOW lnRICONA. C Houghton lira tnfi at the A. C. Ilouchtori Cafetortum last Monday tvrn- participate In th 21t annual i-rve a off leer fur the rnuim; meeting i uie urKu i year: iTrwunn, Oregon Slate University, j Wtthcrpoon; vice president. Donna ha been nominated J Mr. llarwM Baker, iwvrvtary. for the position of Kdttor of th!.u. Cleve ilinton. ami treaaur Kullettn Klectlon for the atate'er, Mr. Leon llitxer. ..ffi.. -ill he held durlnir th Mr. Kunald Black, current convention. Iprealdent, presided over the J-,.,,,, Advisory Committee . . Jill Schmidt U the Incoming merlin. nun runnu.-u "";Cancvr Him at Rlverlde HU-h School president of the Heppner chap- refreshment. Inland Empire ConfereceSpvkane Tr. ratter ter. while KavlaettU one of j A - ..... Baseball: Condon UIKh at Ilcppner-S:) lone Elomentarv Parent Teacher Conference A C Houghton Parent .Teacher Conference Keport Card . . , . ... , i,.tirt uh Mr. Totier Inland empire vorm-tynv- . v.... Architect and Educational iimsumm mi iwu County School Calendar April t End of Third Nln Week lYrlod , Orecon Coundl for Curriculum Improvemr nt-10 00 j,,e'ni Intermediate Education PUtrtct faecuttv- Committer Meeting - 8alem 10;U AM. Track: Heppner Hum t MnevllleJ U Baseball: Heppner Elementary at Arlington 3 oo April 1 F F A Skill ConteM Pendleton Ftnit Via WatrM Suit.-IVrtlnd-9 00 A M Mr. Potter Baehall: Heppner llleh at t'matllla 12:00 April 4 June Advisory Committee ";: . April S Parent Teacher Conference at A. C. Houghton Cla picture at A. C. iiousnion IV- "'. V:;:u:fi..ifil. Mr. and Mrs. Pan Hill are tint. ',,",h O"'"'1 t'- Shepherd " ' . ... rA -niwr. ! hoMtital with pneumonia. Oregon ha 111 FHA caplen ( Kvtenslon will with a total Mate nuwbcrshlp l " " u-' . , 7 , , of of 4.KU. Approximately W de. . h 'nuvt lnjme. The Kale and their chapter advU-1 1 " " ' Athe olli lrn. V ''iT.nl Sr,n' "NLoI lchol!na?So:V) a.m. and Corvallt fir the m.-tlnc. I ( ,r he day wU, u. . Know -Bulldinu Your Future ha Youf Mjvrrg. County E-conomy". been elected as the theme for .There will he a small charge the two-da v session. ' for the nwm luncheon. Tom Lawon Mi-Call accTetary j riovti Hobb and Mrs. of state and candidate for gov- j,n Lclghton drove to Portland ernor. and Dr. John 'urby 01 Monday and visited Mrt Roscoe New York City, lecture-author , Cook anJ (jmiiv ,nd Mrs. Dav and director of air world edu- 4d Kocn ,ni family, both sis cation for TWA. will speak to ors ot Mrs Lclghton. They al ihe clrU. i, o attended the O.E.A. Conven- Heppner has 21 girls In lu ,jon at tne coliseum, chapter. Diane SchaffiU nasi 11jt, i. Hons Club spon been president thl year. . srel a Bingo party, and the Donna will compete for the i evt,n, rajd $i22.t9 to help to- nosition Of BulUKin ....... I K rrorn 1 nn hllllrliniT Kvi r WCUVI un(vii i-dltor with Sharon Mlzuta. un-1 funti. The evening was such a tarlo. Mrs. Hughes Tokes Extended Trip South To Visit Relatives Attending the weddine of a :00 Heppner AdLsor Committee Meeting Baseball: Heppner lltgn at nermi"ii Apru I Grance at A. C. Houghton Old BuUdtnc Home Extension at A. C. Houghton Parent -Teacher Conference at lone Elementary Mr lotter Consultation with Archlteit April I Easter Egg Hunt for Boardman Element a rv Baseball: Heppner Elementary at A. C Houghton i.w Riverside High at lone High suavs. the club will sponsor another bingo party Saturday. Public Notices NOTICE rurrte's Cafe in Irricon is now operating-, and Is open 7 days a week from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. AiienuiiiK 'c xiTiun - uavia . iwrer, uv-ni!iruu:iii granddaughter was one ot meot borrow County Jschools. aa highlights of the recent trip Mjdjvssed he IrrtRon Lions Club Mrs. Olive Hughes, who enjoy-al dinner meeting at Carrie ed an extended bvs trip to cafe Thursday evening. . ,. Southern California and Sacra-j. work has cvmmcnced on the mento during the past two irH-on Lion Club hall, and is u . i . I i ; i . . Illl'lliua. On her return trip.. Mr. Hughes was a Ruest at the wed ding of Miss Julia Lee Marshall .... w unvinui mntrrr WARRANTS aiivMiic-i imifcu j . . , j iJ Jn L. nULULno ur ins. - - April j-i. vjniy iw iiu. LBTED BELOW: veryofh i.- wcltxme. Warrant No. Data of Uuanca To Whom Issued rrcmMdniy ranirllv. Mrs.. Eugene McCorkle. Glen da and Debbie, spent spring va- nine oi mu umi 1 ration wiin wrs. ncuwawi and Kenneth Earl Booerta at 'in-law and daughter. Mr. and Sweet Home on Marcto TL Te i Mrs. Steve Byington at Long- bride Is the daughter or ner aon in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Marshall of Sweet Home, and is a third gTaae teacher in the schools there. Hr!otner reiauves. father is vice-principal of thei Mr and Mra view. wash. Mrs. Maudle Nevil. T acorn a. Wash., is visiting her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Retherford and hinh cy-hnnl. The CTOom attends Oregon State University, where he is president of the senior class, and -will enter Harvard University -next year Cor gradu ate work in law. Also attend ing the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hughes and four child ren. Mrs. Hughes assisted with the pouring at the wedding re ception. i. Mrs. Hughes also visited a son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hughes in sweer Max Jones. Home, where he is neaa oasRei ball coach in the high school! In his first year as head coach, j he was named fourth runner-up among coaches of thi year inj the sute. i L In California, toa. Hughes visited five sisters,, one brother, one son. and several friends. She was a guest f . her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph i. Hughes in Los Angeles. Among friends visited was Mrs. Ruth CAra nf MaVWOnd. Calif- lOT- mer resident here and owner of the Hotel Heppner. As a charter member of the Soroptimlst club here, she extends her , best fe gards to Soroptimlst friends ana others. - i ? L: : Mre TTnahpa was met in l ne rai Ih Mnndav bv Mrs. Tom Hughes on her return trip home. Clnnr Lou Turner enjoyed several days of skiing activities at Sun Valley, Idaho. In com pany with other students from the University of Oregon during last week's spring vacation. She attended several of the nation al ski meet events held ther between French, Canadian and American teams. DANCE To Live Music Saturday Night Wagon Wheel BCPPlf El fbone 676-8397 4396 1646 2087 2211 2888 1013 1390 78$ 1941 3648 Ian. 7. 1950 Dk. 9. 19SS Mar. 6. 195S May 8. 19S3 Mar. . 19S3 May 1 1955 Spt 14, 1950 APH 7. 1958 Mar 7, 19S9 r.D. 1, I960 Amount Atlas Stamp and DU Co. 40 ETtlrns Caf Hppor FalriqwaUon 4.40 John Hanna, Sr. -70 riord Jon John Clawf 47 William Dobarry 10-88 Gen Cutsforth Cornatt Craon Ion Chrroa Station US ur mrf Vrt ttarvev Warner drove to Salem last Thursday and spent the week-end with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pantelis Vrontak is and son. Jeffrey. Mr., and Mrs. Andrew Skiles hosted a Grange pinochle party at their home Saturday evening. High honors went to Robert Smith and Mrs. Paul Slaughter and the traveling prize was won by John Marti. Consolation priz es went to Vern Jones and Mrs. mr. i Dam Mnrvan visited ill 3. - . friends In Portland recently and attended a meeting of the Ore gon Retired Teachers Associa tion at tne tieatnman noun. . Ktlaa Vivian TemDletOlU an employee at the Dale Ranger Station, spem uie rvn.-ciiu with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snyder and Frances McDonald. tjr .nH Wr Fiovd Hobbs re ceived a telephone call from their son. Staff Sgt. Daryl Hobbs from Madrid, Spain, hoods nas been stationed at aiaario m past 3tt year, and is expected t rotnrn tn the states in Octo ber, with his wife and son. Mi- Robert Byrd. graduate of East ern Oregon College, is a new 8th gTade teacher at A. C. Hou ghton Elementary scnooi. mjfr nH Mrs. Flovd Hobbs. Vicky, Jyl and Becky were week end gusets oi nis oromer- in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. cinv wnii r North Powder. On Sunday they were joined by another brother-in-law ana sis ter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nice and Marlene of La urange, r-iaon Hobbs and daughter' Donna of North Powder, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Hobbs and Mr. ana sots. Henry Dahl of Baker. Mrs. Sed alie Dexter accompanied ; the Hobbs as far as La Grande, where she visited her son and taiiohtnr.in.iaiv Mr. and Mrs. V alias Dexter, Judy, iand Janice. They returned to imgon aunaay evening. ,. The Irrigon Community 4-H club met at the school Thurs day evening with President By- Unkho nroiHlnC . Roll Call IUU . W . was answered with each mem ber giving a historic event wmi occurred in March. Kelll Snyder showed how to make a shears case, and the Foods Club, led by Mrs. Elmer Zehner and Mrs. Pete Richards, gave a project talk. ';- The Don Leighton family cel ebrated their youngest son, Dan- mm i i mim him nnii tha ohava warrant era prMratad foe parmant to th County Traattrr of Morrow Coun tyToragon. wimu 60 day aftar March 25. 1966. an Ofdw wUl b fnnnm gyf VO V.vuillf www , - .111 aakl warrant, not o prMtntod. and tharatnafttr parnvant wiu m rirusoa, Dated this 31st dor of March, 1968. Clark of tba County Court Morrow County, oraaoa mam aeri AIRPLANE SPRAYING CO. OWNED AND OPERATED BY PAUL H. HANSEN NOW SPRAYING GRAIN FOR WEEDS AND APPLYING LIQUID FERTILIZER Schwarx Aptm'ts No. 5 PH. Heppner 676-9271 or 676-9294 iel's first blrhtday Tuesday eve- uth tlnrur attended bv muK " . w..... - Daniel's grandparents, Mr. and a r..lla Mrs. uan nui. ana xanicis great-grandmother, Mrs. Sedalla Dexter. . ' The last of a series of Grange pinochle parties was .given at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. John Marti Saturday evening. High mens' prizes was won by Andy cihioq nnrf hich ladies Drlze was won, by Mrs. Sedalia Dex tar whn aim oplveH the trav eling prize. Consolation prizes were awarded . to Robert Smith ir, lrr iniirow Skiles. Nathan aitu Thorp, Boardman Grange Mas ter, and his wile were among the guests. Danette Leighton. Karen Rich riti anA Mflodle Zehner at tended the Camp Fire Girls rol ler, skating party in Hermlston last Tuesday evening. Several Irrigon families drove to Walla Walla Saturday even ing to attend the Billy Graham film. "The Restless Ones" at the Lacy Auditorium. Jyl Hobbs was honored on her 3rd birthday Saturday with a party at her home. Cake, Ice cream and punch were served to the guests. The "Busy Knitters" 4-H club met at the old Irrigon school last Thursday afternoon with their leaders. Mrs. Mary Adams and Mrs. Don Leighton, and worked on various knitting projects. t SM Mike McCoy spent a 20 day leave with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Warren McCoy and familv aftpr . rnmDletln? basic training at the San Diego Naval Base. Mike leit sunaay morn ing for Norfolk, Va., for a 7 week Communications Schooling- , Mrs. Warren McCoy, Susan, Mike and Debbie . drove to La Grande during , spring vacation and visited Mrs. McCoy's moth er. Mrs. Millie, Q'Rourke, her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Villlnes and fam ily, and a brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Pete O'Rourke anH familv Mra MnCov'g sister- In-law, Mrs. Frank Stewart, re turned to irrigon witn tnem, and visited her son and daugh tor.in.1aw. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart, Sharon and Tom, and her motner, Airs. uin mcuoy. Daniel McKenzie, 4-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Kenzie, who was seriously burn ed in an accident at his home on January 4, was released from Doernbecher hospital, Portland, and he and his mother return ed to Irrigon Wednesday. Dan hark to the hosoital once each week for treament and periodic check-up. yuicK action by Donny's older brother, Charles McKenzie, at the time of the accident, was credited in saving the small boy's life. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Partlow and Sheryl spent spring vaca tion in Vancouver, Wash., with Mrs. Partlow's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Berg and Ronald. They also vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berry, Dr. and Mrs.- Wayne Rosencrants onH nianna Mr. and Ronald McCoy, Greg, Jeff and Timothy of Portland and Mr. ana jvirs. Russell McCoy, Vancouver. MONUMENT . tT MAITfIA MATTtSON MONl'MrrNT-StclU MiVariy of llrppnrr rnt th- week end hor Ultlng her chlldrrn and filt-nda. Mr. and Mr. Oorit lapon. Mr, ivlma Sweik. Jerry and Mly llartl. H--nt lat Tueadav on thr m'ltnMin at the J ant Frtrt family horn. Danny Hcalv and wlf of Sa lem arrived Saturday morning for a visit with hU im Man h'v Hover, and family. H.-U Spain and Mr. and Mr. Wan U'aihft drovn to So kano. Wn. Irllav uh-r Wn ua a k-ftker at the Inland mr and LUht Company nwi- Mr. and M. Henry Cuper, of the M.mit Motel In La Grande wete here Ut 11urday even ln for a lit ith her folk. Mr. and Mr. Murd Stubblefield. Thev drove to John Day Friday to meet their two Minn. Henry. Jr. and Jerrv. and all Ulttsl the grandparent. Mr. and Mra. Martin Cupt" at the I5et Home. Henry. J'-, returned to Portland on Saturday, and hn parent re turned to their home tn La Grande on Sunday. The Tom Munro family wa in Portland lat week to attend funeral aerice for hU brother. Don Capon returned to La Grande Sunday after being home for uprtng vacation, and Ituthaun Caion returned to school at Corvalll. Kuthann and her mother. Lvdla Givtn. tHnt part of the vacation time In Portland. Mr. and Mr. George NlchoW had a company over the week end. Shorty and Paul Nlchola, also their dauRhter and aon tn- Mavnard Hamilton and Har old LUirt drove to Heppner last Monday on business. Mi. an.t m Hunt and two girl. Grade Matteaon and j Ncma Jean. Loulne, cnarie ana Alvln Hunt made a buslnes trip to John Dav last Monday. Public Notices Nones or school tuccnoN DfON QUESTION Of iNCIICASINa TAX LXVT OVCR AMOUNT UMrrXD ST SECTION II. ARTICLE XL STATC CONSTITUTION Notlr I hereby given that an election will be held in School iHcUht No. It 1 of Mor row County. State of Oregon, from a 00 im. to H (a) p in, on April li. I'M', at Heppner Fie tnentarv School Cafeteria. lt trtct DffU-e in lalnjjton, Irrliton Shool Multt-Purpo Itoum. Kuerlde Hlt;h ShtKl. hoard man, lone School Cafeteria. Khea Creek Grange Hall, Kugga, tn aald athotd t)ltrti1 for tte purpose of aubmltttmr to the lek'al otera of aald dlnlriit the question of Irvreaalng the taa levy for the flm-al year. llW- ITT. over the amount limltetl by Setilott ll. Article XI, of the Comtltutton of Oregon. The reason for Increaalng auch levy an-: 1. General Increase In opera tion roM. 2. Sm-clflc Increan- In Social Security. Capital Outlay and the amount allowed for uncollected taxe. The amount of tax. In race of the b' limitation, proposed to be levied for ald flcal year MONUMENT Mra. Krnla Johnaon. Mr, fran ct NoUnd and iwo children dnwa tr 1-ortUnd lt Thurtay, and at a ye I in the horn of Aim Cowden. Mr. Johnaon went for a medical checkup. All return ed home Sunday rvenlnit. Hutetl thl 22nd day of March, 1!X1. In In K. Itauch, Chairman IUhv of Ilre1or All.v Van.-e. tleik Morrow County ,vh-l l,'rl5 It 1 4 JIM'S MEAT CO. CUSTOM SLAUCHTtSlNO Stantlald. Oifloo Curiag. Cuttlav. Wrappin Slaughtering Dor MofMSar. W-dnoar rrtdoT LOCKER BEEF AND fOBK rhoiM 44 J62J H Tolas Day ot Night COLE JELCCTB1C Motor Rawtndlaa I INDUSTRIAL COM M ERd ALa Pendleton 27-T7gl For Weed Spraying CALL ON MEL BOYER Owner Gar Aviation FIELD MAN lira Ftttrjohn Spraying-Dusting-Fcrtilixing-Sceding DST OB LIQUID rERTTLXZEB AFFLICAT10N A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Con Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phone 989-8422 V. 7k I i akBMMBawBmv i I Ligdt? Owli don't. Peopfe do about 50 mow light diari they did 10 years ago. , Now, ask yourself these question . . . have your lighting needs kepi pace with other modem Im provements . . are. you and your family still itruggluig along In shadows and glares Inside . . . and in the pitch black outside? . No need to be in the dark any longer. Light conditioning in your home makes it safe, pleasant and enhances the decor. Indoor or but, gdj4, even lignite means good living. More fun and freedom are yours. Lighting makes entertamini a pleasure out door work safer and more convenient. Yard light ing gives you extra working hours at .times when you need It. Oarden and patio lighting beautify your home and give you extra leisure hours. Your rural electric system can help you plan all your present light ing needs. Why not call today for profes sional advice. , - . ONJifA. !f.v ELECTRICITY the heart of modern living Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Serving Wheeler, Gilliam, and Morrow Counties