nttrntM gazette-times. nr4at. mw si. i4 Families Honor Cora Burnside T VIRGINIA KELSO KIN7.UA Mr, ami Mra, Jack Sttlon and rltiut'Mrra Jncklc am! Hit vrnt to Spray Sunday to help Mra. t'a Hurnaliw trie bra to her birthday, Oiln'ta attrndlfitf wrre Mr. and Mra. Wilbur Siragall. Mr. and Mra. 0tnt Stranrtll and fam II V. Mra. Ixila HrtM-dlnK and rraniM.iUKhtrr IMa Smith, all of Lxlnctun. Bob Slrutjall and aon Kib-rt of Albany. Stanley Cox. IISN. aix-nt from Friday until Monday vUltlnjj with hi pnrrnla, Mr. and Mri Arrblo t'o. Stan had taken hi wlt to Iwa whrrn ah will May until ahe ran )in him In Hawaii where ht will b ata Honed. Mr, and Mra. Paul OyU-r were bualneui vlnltura to The Dallt-a Saturday. AIo there that day wer Mr. and Mra. Art-hie Cox and aona Wayne and Stanley. The KrlrmUhlp club wu en tertatniM lat Wivlnraday even Intr at tlx arhool houso with Naomi lni aa htmteKa. Hlk'h waa won by Jean Mrdlurk. low and floating by Ifcwwmcrry Stub-bit-field, and the imhmiuI float. ln by Klva Davla. (Hhera lay ln were MavU Ovler. Sharon Krbto. Dinah Jackson. Dorla Stubbh-fleld. Carol Norrla. Itoale Oraham. Sue Mattlaon. and Marllvn BalUy. Mra. Bert Hoover and Mra. Ilotx-rt Kelao went to Mitchell Sunday afternoon where they at tended a retirement party for Mm. Cclla Norton who mvntly retired a poMmaaier at Mitch ell. Mrs. Rav Rector and aon Jeff and Mr. Paul Ovler went to Spray Sunday to vllt the Wil liam Chapman. Billy Jean Chapman 'returned home with them and on Monday Mra. Hec tor and Mia Chapman went to The Dalles. Mr. and Mra. Frank DeMerrlt were bualnoM vlattora to llepp ner last Tuesday. While there Frank had medical attention. Mr. and Mra. Bob Troxrll were In Condon lat Tuesday for bus iness, (hopping, and medical care for Bob. Mm. Richard Mortlmorc and aon Karl apent last Wednesday In rrlnevllle on buslncaa and where Barbara had medical care. They a bo vllted with Mra. Jay Standlfer and Mra. Robert Stephens. Mr. and Mra. Lowell Sharp were business visitors to Port land last Thursday. The regular Camp 5 Womcns card party waa held last Thurs day evening at the Community hall with Lola Kerrel as host, eas. HIkIi waa won by Carol Nor rls. low by Virginia Kelno. and floating by Marie Hulctt and Nancy Hawk. Others enjoying his evening were Kva DeMerrlt. Jean Mwllock. Marie Uhoton. Etta Ferrel. Barbara Mortlmore, Helen Troxell and Konle Gra ham. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferre went to l'rlneville Saturday and then on to Portland where Rob ert had medical attention on Tuesday. In Portland they vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Nelson. . . Mx. and Mrs. Scott Rwd of Bend were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Med lock and Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMerrlt. ,.u x. Visiting Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMerrlt was E. S. LaMarche of Mllwaukie. He Is the Homellte Sales Rep resentative In this area. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sargent and family of Redmond spent from Friday until Monday visit-, ...iniiuou unit frtend.s. Jerrv had been Injured carler In the week, losing part of a f'nKcr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephens of Prlnevllle visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elvyn Bell. ' Visiting Wednesday ftt the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk were Mrs. Henry McClaln of Addison, Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Williams and Mrs. Sherley Mabe, all of Prlnevllle. Mrs. Kenneth Hudson of St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mangum of Klnzua. , , , Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wales of Baker spent the week-end visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Omar Stubblefleld and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robert son of Portland spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Browning and family. - The members of the Bible Study Class had a birthday par ty last Wednesday afternoon honoring Mrs. Alma Cory. They brought a birthday cake, g its and a money tree. Those taking part were Mrs. Virginia Sitton, Mrs. Joyce Keller, Mrs. Hildren Hines, Mrs. Joy Brock, and Mrs. Edna Vandeford. Mrs. John Meadows and Mrs. Joe McMlnn went to Heppner Monday to bring home Mrs. Marvin Kimball who had been hospitalized since Friday for treatment. r- Jqcr ; ' - J r w j I i il Methodist Men To Hold Breakfast Methodist Men will hold a hreakfaM meeting In the rhurrh parlora Friday. April 1. at 7 am., the lU-v. Melvln Dixon, pastor, atatt-a. Th Rev. Wllmer Brlgga. paa- tor i,t th Arllnetrin Mi-lhrtrllut church, will be the aeaker. "(,ood fellowship and a good menu are tilanned." laid the JKev. Dixon. ServiceSct for Sunday Father Chandler Jackson of IfermUton will be at All Saints' Knliwopal rhurrh on Sunday. J April 3. for an 8 a.m. servlre. Bob Abrams of the church an nounces. ii. .lu nunmunlnn will be on- served. Footer services for the rhurrh ai alao In the planning ataue. he said, and announce ment will t maac iaur on them. MaaaaaaaaaaaBavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWVV AL BOSCH EE Church Announces Special Services For Holy Week Special Holy Week aenices, under the theme, "Were You There?" have ix-en announced by the Lexington and Heppner Christian churches to start Sun day, April 3. Starting with Palm Sunday, the aervlcea will continue through Faster Sunday. All u-rvlrra will start at 7.30 and will conclude at 8:30 p.m. Combined choln of the Hepp ner and Lexington churches will present the Faster cantata. "The (;Mel Song of Faster." on Palm Sunday and on Easter Sunday. The Palm Sunday cantata will be at the Heppner church and the Easter Sunday cantata will be at Lexington. Al Boschee, pastor will eak on the following schedule: Mon day at Lexington, "The Bypass ers"; Tueday at Heppner. "Too Calloused to Care": Wednesday at Lexington. "Two Different Views"; Thursday at Heppner at a candlelight communion serv ice; Friday at Lexington, "The Centurion". Easter morning aervlcea will be at 9 a.m. at Heppner and at 11 at Lexington with the pas tor speaking on the topic, "He la Risen," In each service. The two choirs of the church es will participate during the week In the special services. RADIANT SIGNS that glow In the dark full variety of mis cellaneous signs for all pur poses, 2Sc, Now on hand at Gazette-Times office. tic WHY SIMMER-ENJOY SUMMER WITH Just Got In Our Summer Supply Of Air Conditioners Refrigerated or Water Cooled GET THEM NOW--WhiIc We Still Have A Supply Of Copper Tubing to Hook - Them Up With One Good Deluxe Sylrania IV COLOR TV SET (Reg. $695) This Week Only $495 (With Any Trod) BRAND NEW 30-INCH Gas Range, $IIO Lott's Electric Heppner Ph. 676-5811 i New Rosonna v SPRING & SWEATER Line come'n see ORLONS AND WOOLS LINED mf LARGE SIZES. TOO, TO 44 AT ELMA'S .... r j. SI Lady Arrow ' BLOUSES White Stag JACKETS ! i l 1 m - AND 1 I I'll CUTOFFS FRONTIER STRETCH DENIM New JANTZEN Coordinating SETS IN KORATRON NO PRESSING NEEDED -SKIRTS -BLOUSES KNIT TOPS ' JANTZEN CAPRIS and JAMAICAS Elma's Apparel Heppner Ph. 676-9426 For Easter And Spring Opening r A MILT SIZE REVLON SUN BATH MOISTURIZING. TANNING LOTION $3.00 VALUE Only$75 NEWI rOB TEENAGERS WITH SKIN PROBLEMS REVLON NATURAL WONDER SPECIAL OFFER Total Care Skin Lotion Tn With Purchaa of MUoatl Makeup ft Now In Progress Drug Store Event! 10 Days Only 2 For 1 Plus A Penny! Check Throughout Our Store For Many Fine Values America's Greatest SATURDAT ONLT GUARANTEED VALUE OF $10 AT ORIGIN AI. PRICE GRAB BAG aVaaaVBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVI EA. Door Buster - Men's 8 ox. EAST OF SUEZ COLOGNE Reg. $J95 SPRING OPENING Special $2? THIS EASTER GET HER mm REVLON CVRQ Z3 IYORSJlT -COTY Y MAX rACTOR rtuni-t M ATCHAB ELI4 -WE HAVE THEM f v EASTER BASKETS BUNNIES NOVELTY CANDIES FROM 5c to $3 fiQ EASTER STUFFED BUNNIES EASTER EGG DYES 10c to 49c EASTER CARDS I l ! n - n n Heppner, Oregon Ph. 676-9610 J