Homilton-Murphy Wedding Held Here In the prraenre of relatives and floe friend. Hetty Hamil ton. Heppner, wa united In marrlaK la I. John W. Mur phy of Pendleton In the parlh hall of All Salnta' t'ldatupal t hutch Saturday morning, March !, at It am. Morrow Count V Ju.lt i'aul Jhea read the tuttl ilnir ceremony. The bride a attired In vhlte Witiil oln-ff length die with matching airhlt coat. Tangerine trimming of the dres Ma mulched lit her "mall veil ed hat and ahoe. Her corsage tt of rvmhldelum orchid In niatliinif rotor. Attending the couple the hi ide a daughter. Judy Hamilton, and lu-r flam, J mi Joltnon, tMith of I'lailand, AIo attending vure th-hhle Hamilton. d.iui-h tr of the bilde; ('and Murphy. KiMM-aiui mdvhall and Mr. Lvnn t.'van. daughter of the groom; John and I'al Murphy. n of the groom, and I.) nil lAiiiin. all f ivndlcton Tin counlc a greeted al a tfl I'I'lloil lulll'Wlflg till ( H ll'H- nv. Serving the wedding cake Lynda Dunlap, with Mra. Paul J.mea iMturlnit coffee. Mra. Kddl CundcrM'ii and Mia. Jack Ivnvd attending the punch bowl. Mr. Fraud Kae wa at the kl't table Soft llano background mulc wan played before the ccrcmo nv and during the reception hy Kaihv Mclby. The couple left for one-week wedding trip. Trwv are now at home In the lllllcrct Apart merit In IVndleton. but 7 . See ua for envelop of all kind. The (Jaretteflme. SCHWINN and RALEIGH SALES and SERVICE Farts Tor All Maka HERMISTON CYCLE SHOP WATWE LONO 1st and Highland. KarmUton 1 1 r.r ii ill u f J 7 1 t i J 13 dfc linn i mi -inrim J Coming Cixnts rrniT. Anrll 1 Sana fawct Vatekob lodga. I00f baUL i f prtB Opada. Dw I w m UapptMNr lATOlDAT- Antl 1 OES octal Club, Maaat KalL liM nj. Sprlnf Opaalaf , Dow m I w IUNDAT. April S Wranqlar tlf txry, WrasqUr arvunda. felMwlsf moon pot luck Clnnot WON DAT- Aortl 4 Ixitoa ond Auailuuy potluck Ruth AaaaroblT' Ordar ( Rata bow CUla. 7:00 PA Hothara Club, Rob Haary boma. iOg pm. TUESDilT- AdtU S Coldan Aqo Club, Eplaeopol Tar- tab HalL 7:00 pun. THUMDAT. Aortl T Soroptlmlit Club. Happoar GrtlL noon luncbaoo EUta Ldo dlanar. :M paw tnataUattoa of onicara, a:uu p.BV, rRIDAT, AprU Good ridrr Sarrlcoa. Happoar Christian Cburcb, 12:00 noon until 2:00 DJn. Eaatar Coodlaa Sola, hy Lavlof- ton ILEX- ' Waatarn Auto Storo. 3 pja, ' Eaatar Food Sola, by Sana Soud TrlpU Links club, naxt door to Turaar. Van Mortar and Bryant. 10:00 OMk. Farewell Gathering Held at Call Home Tha homo of Mr. and Mra. Laxin Ball waa c4-nd to fam ily and friend during th af trrrvoon Hun-lay t a r'dnf away dinrwr and Ut aftr rvn (arty fr thfir aim. Jay, iri(f to Mi leaving for army arrvlrt Uinnrf iruft Irxludrd hia fl jniw, Mt Sharon llama, Mr. and Mra Frank Adama and fam ily of ivndMon. Mra. (;. A Kar- rtn, Mr. and Mra. L-a Hrannon. Jimmy and Mlry IUrhrdon. and fclrwr Ball of I'mdU-ton. l.atpr in tha afu-anoon m-v. rral call-d to i-t-id frt-rll vnl.f. and wi-re M-rd rah a and lv ir-arn hv Sharon and Ja, iuii ifirluilt-d Mft. liar- l-n Snldr. Mra Herman BM- IH1. Mm lrwia MrMnald. Mr. -n l Mi W UIurn C uttnlnham. Mr and Mra. LMrold llama. Uirk Sprlnifrr. tran lxKrin. crrg JohnMon. Larry Heath. Tarn Mc- ("aM. Itlrky Johnton. David Cn-V, Jimmy llama. Jerry Crcll. Marlon mdd and flughter Mr, and Mra. Ball fcoromp- nled Jjv to I'ortland on Thura- day for hU Induction hyalcal. II l bUc training will be at Fort (rd. Calif. Other vounff men entering aejvlce from thla area thin wwk wt Dirk Springer. Sherrill Mc I)n.il.l. ljth it lleppner. and Wallv Cox of Klnzua. HIFFtlCI CAZETTE-TIMtl. Tlraradarr, Marc SI. IMd Club 1$ Informed On School Budget By Administrator LHaruMlen of tha VMA h fount v artiofd budget wn pre t4'M. by 4ji(fi-fd-H David Totter to rnemlwra and fueata of the SoroptlmUt rluh at lt n n lirMhem mr-tlnir lat Thura tv. lie n arrompanled and introduced bv Ja'k ;nnirkle. elemrnlary arhool prlrvlpal Two aenlor plrl Sandra M Dnald Monahan. All areaa of the et rt prearnted fail ahefi were projected on a lare tureen to how vUual flit urea of estimated lncom- and eXl-lM- budi-t-d fJT ttir Cultl- Irk ear. Kplanatlona were tTlvrn of ttte three area whirh hitw e i Inrreaae Aer the re vloua year, and a am all rlwreaa (in txilnted out In the total amount allowed for Instruction, thioui'h combining or eliminat ing ttomt: arraa of apcclal In struction. Several quentlona were aked throughout the niacuaalon eajx?. ciallv in regard to outlay for laundry eiuJpment. Morgan a t r e e t Improvcmenta, school lunch program. :.wimming pil fjdliiim. gymnaaium repair. eMimatcd Income from proper- fueata wre and Terea arhool budg and detailed ty taiaa, and othera. Tha admJnlatfatora urf tha eooprrailon of the public In turning out fay tha budget tier lion on Tueaday. April 12, throughout tha dUtrlcL Cueat apaakera were Intro, dura! by Mra. Rill Johnn, pro aam chairman, Urn, (liatla Stark, pn Milent. cohdmted tha meeting. Sha urge member to plan to attrrnl the . Northwra KeKlonal ikMtlmlt Convention in Spokane. Wn . the week end of April 23 21 Taaty. Homa-Rakad EASTER GOODIES By LEXINGTON GRANGE HOME EC CLUB GOOD rRIDAT AFTERNOON APRIL 8 Western Auto Store From 3:00 pjn. Coma Early For Rt Say! MIL AND MRS. RUDY BERGSTROM (Elltabetb Flack) Mra. Lowell Cbolly. R. N, Mor row county Health Department, and Mra. Volney Toma. Gilli am county achool nurse, return ed Friday from a two-day meet ing March 24 and 25 In Corval II. The meeting was for auper vlalng and administrate public health nunw. A SPECIAL VALUE FOR Jalk about Elegance, at a Bargain! ii nfy 1 " ' t 5. : aviai ar Tt IftrUIIB I milady can hava a SPORTS MANSTARLllB TIME YOU CAN TRUST FROM wWch not Only matchtt har accaiiorlaa and complamanta tvtry cottumt, but It dasigned with an unbraakabla main spring . . . I7-Jawalaccuricy and ahock-reslitant praclalon, STARUTI ... at i prlca that makes fashion possible. Starllto A-B-C-D 7 Jewels BETA OMEGA SORORITY NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT FOR PIONEER MEMORIAL'S WATER SOFTENER FUND. GIVE NOW "Something' from tha Jeweler's. s always aomethlng speciaL" JEWELERS Store Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P.M. PH. 676-S200 177 MAIN ST HEPPNER STAMPS Country Church Scene Of Flack-Bergstrom Wedding pn March 1 1 Valby Lutheran church was the netting for an Informal wed ding ceremony which Joined In marriage Ulzabclh Flark and Kudy Bcrptrom on Friday eve nlng. March 11. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ball of Heppner. and par ent of the groom are Mr. and Mr. E. William Bcrgstrom of lone. The Rev. Kenneth Robinson nfft-ttixt a i the 7 n m. ceremo ny, attended by large gather inn r.r fmWt and friend. Clven in marriage by her rntHr ih hri(t aDneared In a utrnot loncth enjumble of green straight line dress with white lace coat and a shoulder-icngin itliolnn voit Kh earrled a ca- itirfa Uh ito hririal bouauet cen tered with an orcnid. piacea on top a small wnite nioie. AttonrMno matron of hon- , wn Mn. Jimmv Prock. friend of the bride. She chose a beige two-piece lace suit, witn maicn in votteH hat Her flowers were a nosegay of bronze and green cymbldelum orchids. Gerald Bergstrom, cousin 01 ika oninffl attended as best mart Ushers were John Repa nlch of Mates Lake, Wn, and Cecil Rill of Heppner. friends of the groom. n.r.irnitnH mnle wa blav- ed by Mrs. Faul Tews, organist, who also accompanied Harley Sager when he sang the num bers. "Lords myer." ana i Love You Truly." CarU'e and Shawna Bergstrom, jiiiohion rf m and Mrs. Rol and Bergstrom, lit the tapers be fore the ceremony. They were dressed In matching dresses of light blue nylon. Floral decorations ror me cer emony and the reception which iniinunut nrrioH nut the Lenten color theme of lavender, yellow and white. Centering the rcrresnmeni ia ti a hoAiitiful three-tier ed wedding cake, topped with m n ature wedding dcws, i- pared by Mrs. Harold Stevens. After the couple had cut the first piece. It was served by Mrs. Effie Lend, aunt of the groom, of Port Orchard, Wn-, and by Marilyn Bergstrom, cousin of the croom. Touring were Mrs. i.w.n nfnthsr mint of the bride. Tnsntnn- Mra. John Bergs- trom. aunt of the Kfoom, , Hepp ner. and Mrs. Arcnie u, e ter-ln-law of the bride, of Pen dleton. . . . : Mrs. Fritz Cutsrortn auenuea the gift table. vt,.. t aiTurnn Van MartcT. Jr.. l.wa , - - - - was In charge of arrangements for the reception. Women of Valby church who took care of serving and assisted about the rooms were Mrs. itoianu octk- trom, Mrs. Louis Carlson and Mrs. Raymond L.unaeu. n.a a,u KriHa and proom en- Joyed an eight-day wedding trip to the Hawaiian isianus. will reside In Heppner. Craft Work Planned For Lexington Club April meeting of the Lexing lngton Coop Biddies craft and hobbies club will be Monday. April 4, at the Lexington city hall. . J . Those attending are asked to bring odd-shaped bottles and lars to paint and decorate. Paint will be furnished, but members and guests are asked to bring bits of rickrack. lace, ribbon, sequins, and any other decora tive materials. Guests are in vited to attend. Guests at the Archie Padberg home over the week-end were Mrs. Padberg's son and daugh-tcr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tucker, and son Kyle of Salem. They arrived Saturday morning and left Sunday. 2 lb $1.39 t5 TIT t CI UTV fe9 Stondby 14 oz. CATSUP '4 FOR $1 PACIFIC SHRIMP CLEANED 2 Com 855 PILLSBURY (Mite. V. PtLLSBURT FLOUR I0l..$1 09 Porter's Bite Sixe 14 oz. Frillets - 3-,..$ll Imported From England Frea wfa Tea Biscuits j 5 Br NabUco 4 FISHERMEN FISH KRISP, 14 oz 63c ORANGE JUICE DRINK .. ... 4 for $J ORANGES 8 $1 v. . BANANAS 3 39 Asparagus lb. 29v New Crop CABBAGE LB. 9 OREGON CHIEF Summer Sausage e. USDA GOOD AND CHOICE . RIB STEAKS LB. 890 RIB ROASTS lb. 790 SHORT RIBS lb 290 BAB-S CHUCK WAGON Sliced Bacon b 79$ PRICES GOOD APRIL 1 and 2 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) , 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET CnEEN STAMPS