HZPFMtl GAXtTTX TlMtl. Thursdey. UarA II. 1X4 Tim GAZETTE -TIMES ttappaat Otnoa trttt M0B80W COTOTTl HEWimEl The Heppner Gatctt. MUblUhH Much 3a, IMS. Tha H'Ppner Time establunea Hovemocr o vviuKuua-u vvi 19U , , NIWIFAMI fU lilt HI II ASSOCIATION NATIONAL NIWSPAMt TV-'tl'ltH nixm C SKXftXAN Assodrt rmUUbM Monday through Friday; 9 WESLEY A. SHtRMAV Editor nd l"bUafca Offto Hour: 8 a.m. to 6 pm, until noon Saturday. " Subscription Rate: S450 Year. Single Copy 10 Cents. Published Every Thursdsy and Entered at the Port Office at Heppner. urrgoa. 4 Second uasa aner. . ; An Early Start on the Rodeo Under the chairmanship of E. H. (Tad) Miller. Jc the Morrow county rodeo committee, like the lair board, haa been working the year around with meeting being held every month. As a consequence, planning for the coming summer events la probably farther ahead In several apects than It usually Is at this time of year. Chairman Miller, together with Charley Daly, vice chairman of the rodeo committee, and other directors, haa shown a determined real to leave no atone unturned to make the Morrow county show the best possible. He made this clear at a meeting of the Chamber of Com merce here Monday when he said with sincerity. "It is the committee's Intention to put on as fine a rodeo as there is in the country. I think it can be done." Miller and Daly told the Chamber of some of the things the? committee la doing in the way of making improvements to the rodeo and things contemplated for the future. This stlmuated interested discussion from the Chamber members, and so at this early date there was considerable in terchange of Idea on how to improve parking, how to draw more people to the show, how to handle the crowds better, and how to make the event more enjoyable for them. All rodeo supporters look to the day when the old grand stand will be replaced, and the fairboard now is planning In that direction, although because of the costs involved, it is some time away as yet. A new grandstand with more comfort able seating would be a fine thing for all the outdoor events held there. The rodeo leaders are trying to stimulate more interest and more support In the rodeo, which Daly points out is Morrow county's main celebration. Now, with the work that the directors are putting into this event, and the interest they have in making it a fine thing for the county, the public should not procrastinate but Join now in helping to boost the 1966 rodeo. Randall Peterson pointed out at the Monday meeting that more local firms and organizations should get busy and have entries in the rodeo parade (and this includes the Cham ber of Commerce itself!). : Now at the first of April is the time to start thinking about this. Remember our parade last year? Probably two thirds of it was from outside groups. Peterson declared Mon day that some b these, outsiders will start refusing to come unless we show a' bit mere interest ourselves arid ge Up some, floats that we can send, their way, too.5 f " i r" ' " c If an organization or 'business will start, thinking now about ft float and get planning underway,' there' Is ho reason why we shouldn't have a good representative group of en tries la the paradei But 1C w wait until, wet usually fet around to thinking -about rodeo say sometime In July it: B almost too Tate to 'get the Job done. f . ' As Daly says,' the 'rodeo' here" 14 more than Just another rodeo, ft is one of- the better rodeos, in the first place, "and it is a tartttitywide' celebration.' '"f 1 ' " '' ,"f "1 Interest that the Chamber of Commerce is taking in the rodeo is a fine thing. A pleasant 'cooperative relationship 'Is developing between the Chamber and the rodeo board they're working hand in hand. ' ' 1 f " ' " ' ' ' ' 1 ' r There still' needs to be more Interest from the public at large to build the 'event "into '4 time when "Morfow county people proudly "strut their stuff." ' " " ' Chairman Miller, who is as 'earnest and hard-working a leader as the committee could have, will Welcome sugges tions from the public, for he is certainly sincere in "trying to make the rodeo a first class event ' ' ' If anyone has such comments, he'd like to hear them. All the directors would appreciate the public's planning' now for the event that is still approximately: five months away. ' ' If the 1966 rodeo is to be a memorable event, this is the time to start making it so, instead, of waiting until' mid-July to become active.1 ' ; t? 1:1 " Improving tho Ballot (From Wallowa County Chieftain, Enterprise. Cwen Coffin, Editor) Now that the candidates for county commissioner, district attorney ami other elect he offices on the local, state and na tional scene are all officially filed on the records it is time for these aspirants to political stardom to begin thinking ser iously about their slogans to go underneath their names on the primary ballots. Usually candidates succumb to such blase, or self-laudatory phrase as Throw the rascals out", or "Pledges Integrity, intelligence. Industry and Independ ence", or "Support the Constitution and opposes commu nism", or "Able conscientious, and equal sen tee for every one". These ballot slogana may be all right but a little imagi nation could produce something with a little more tip such as: "All the way with LBJ" Take Uncle Sam out of Viet Nam" "Apply the axe to the property tax" "Vote for the man who favors Mountain Sheep Dam" "For warning tags on tailor-made fags" "Lower taxes on dogs, logs and hogs". It might also be enlightening' to provide a space after or below the name of each candidate In which the voter could write whatever slogan or remarks about a candidate he deem ed most appropriate. A provision for an "X" to indicate the voter's approval or disapproval is hardly sufficient Voters would feel a lot better If they could write: This guy is a fraud and should be given the heave-ho" or words of sim ilar Import Then at the bottom of the ballot there might be a few blank lines on which the voter could write his sugges tions for the improvement of the whole political situation. A trial witness would like to explain his answers to coun sel's questions and not merely answer "Yes" or "No"l nd a voter would like to say more than "For" or "Against". Chaff and Chatter Wes Sherman WE NEVER cave it a thought until we went benina me meat counter at the usual place In Central Market Tuesday to pick up E-nie McCabe's meat items for this week's ad. Thpn we noticed that Ernie was advertising such things as Fresh Horses' Hoots." -via Cows' Tails." and such. Being bit rum-dum from the rush week, we didnt even tumble when we read the items, think ing Ernie Just had some new products in stock. But when we looked on the second sheet of the pad, then we knew! It said, "April Foot," in big letters. Of course. Ernie was a bit ahead -of time, but here it is right on us. Friday is April Fool's day. So it is time to be on guard. We tried to get Ernie to run his April Fool Items in the ad, but he couldn't see it thataway. He thought the last laugh might be on him when Clint read it. BUT THE bargains offered by merchants in Heppner and their new spring merchandise m rn. Anrtl VmVa VUc. It'a a good time to get out and be a buyinV ' t ' ' ' 'i w m w SPEAKING 'of Bra' Clint Mc Quarrie, "be. came running' in today to get' in art -announce ment about a woric day at the golf 'course sunaay. mat we ratf t vnoa trot ' miinU AAv of good r weather, " and, be and hl Mh4 m ltVi tri or in ti4n y a stick again. "! i But w oon t Know wny tney want tn wnrk 'in th rnltt 'Ac cording to the weather prognos- iicaiors, ui supposed io cam this week-end.' r H ' BY THE WAY. Vou' old timers, is it safe for us to take off those snow 'tires yetl ' ' OCCASIONALLY' some ex-Mor- row county person win write to us and say he wants us to keep our readers better informed on how the crops are coming. we ve oeen mxenaing io wnie a story on this year's crop outlook, but haven't got to it but we have nestf d it" reported by 'some of the long standing 'Morrowi county ranchers' that they have TO THE EDITOR Wants New Man To the Editor: I wonder if our present rep resentative hasn't exhausted his usefulness? ' ' " ' He recently, at Milton-Free-water, made the statement that state emergency funds could- be used to build he Jubilee dam at Tollgate. I can't see that dam as an emergency, can you? Thank goodness, they found the funds elsewhere, probably saving him some -embarrassment Then I recall when he was asked at a Chamber meeting here at Heppner last fall about the demand of the southern states for Columbia water, he replied that the state highway engineers had developed a plan to reverse the John Day flow so as to take Columbia waters via lhat route to Nevada, I wonder, did the governor use part of the funds given him by the legis lature "to develop new uses for the Columbia" for this purpose? Let us elect a quiet unassum ing man such as our late may c who will get the job done. O. W. Cutsforth, Sr. Mr. and Mrs." Paul Jones and son Ray traveled to Portland1 over the week-end. While there they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cres wick. former Hennner residents who now reside at 9106 S. E-' Foster Road. ' Get Vow KEDS At GOWTY'S AND RECEIVE YOUR 'it SUPERSONIC SPACE WHISTLE and DECODER KIT fej t mm mm & seldom seen the crop so good at this time of year. The country Is greening up, and it sure looks good. Now If it isn't drought bugs, rust or something else. It might be a real good harvest this summer. We'll keep our fingers crossed. Now if that rain comes to drench tha golfers Sunday, it should be Just right for the nnrhera nn the heels of this nice warm growing weather. LARRY COOK said that while TO THE EDITOR. . Things off Interest tVar Wet and Helen Sherman: Juxt finished reading this week's ed.tlon of my favorite rM-wKapt-r. the Clarrttr Time. Thn urta manv thine that in terested me very much. I we my old friend Frank S. Parker U mi nrviiv wrll alive. Frank and I ued to work at the carpenter worh touctner in ueppner ni IVmlli-ton anil of ruurtwv that was before he and Ortrude Crawford were married. Frank. I hniM ta a, vou some time in May when I am planning on be Inir thre for mv birthday. I wonder who Is the next In line for being the oldest living per son actually born in the city of llonmier. 1 think mavbe it is -htrl.-v Jenkins, born three months leter ana a inciong u-a watrhlne fiunamoke a week ago, he noticed that when Doc and Festus went fishing. i-.tia lalt his fishing Pole down beside him. The question arises: Did Festus get inis ! itjtathrrit. or did tium v - - " - -" Owvn get the idea from Festus T juat imactne." savs Larry, "should those three ever go ang ling together, what arguments and what fish stories. . . At last report. Owen hadnt recovered his pole from the nnnri fnii.minff the recent In cident described in this column. V v ALL THIS fishing talk reminds us that season starts on Apru 21. lust three weeks away. Claude Cox who this weex a looking back 50 years ago wnen he started the Morrow county Creamery, is getting the Itrh to fish. He declares he can catch fish In a heavy dew on the ground. We icst don't know about that but he certainly deserves tui.rlv mnrrif illations On the (mmiilni nf tho rrramerv a half- century ago, even If son Bill is now the owner and doing me ork. friend of mine, 1 am glad to hear that (Wai K- V(tTiMin U atlll working on the darn project there, lie Is a good man for that. Several yrart co the aimy englnrers station' ed at Walla Walla wrote atklng m to loan him my manuscript ol the IliMory of Morrow t'oun tv. He krpt it for is months then wrote saying he rwelved more good from reading the MMs than making a hundred trips to il'(ii-r. 1 have always been In favor of building that dam. Any old timer like me. Mho went through the great flood of WJ and came Out of that allvt. ought to put all of his or nrr weigni ituo tM't-ing the pruji-t bo through. I am Irvine to lale aonte of my old friends of lieppner. and I would like to know of anyone knowing if Stella llotkrit daughter of my first carjH-r.trr hotus JoMph fliM'kett, Is still alive. All the llwkett family were drowned except Stella. She was vUltlnr someone on hlghrr ground. I nave never seen hrr since the day before the flood Mrs. Horkett had a little book tore and gift Items on the sal oon side of Main Street. We had Iust finished a new hospital tor trs. Will Kirk. It was never used because It stood on the very bank of Willow Creek suing across the bridge there. I also received a letter from fl. R Jarkman reouestlne me to give or will my collection of let ters, cllmilnirs. etc.. to the Ore gon State library. If some of the members ol the committee will drop me a line 1 think maybe I could furnish some of the thlnr th.'V winl I ulll al Ho. nate my first copy of about 500 pages, init u not oniy a nisiory but a lot of reminiscent lore a limit Morrow munlv and the City of Heppner, lone, Lexing ton ana naruman- tv, yes, inis Includes a atorv of the town site of Strawberry Flats). I plan on being in Heppner sometime in May. Someone wrote me that there will be no Pioneer day celebration this year. Is that true? cjood wines to everyone in Morrow county. O. M. Yeager P. O. Box 476 Castle Rock, Wash. Legion Meets Monday Itegular meetings of tne am Iran Uglon and Aualllary will be held at the Let ion hall Mon day evening. April 4. Members will meet at e 30 P m. for a no host pot luck dinner, with busi ness meetings following. All members are urged to attend. 3 COMMUNITY J BILLBOARD ( Coming Events FASTFR FOOD SALE Bv Triple Links Club, Hepp- FTtday. April I, 10 00 am Nest door to Turner. Van Martee and Bryant Ins WRANGLFR TLAY PAt Sunday. April 3 Wrangler grounds Potluck lunch, noon, riding events following. SrRING OPENINC Pre Easter specials Krlday. Saturday lHwntown Heppner Free parking Saturday. EASTER GOODIES SALE Bv Lexington HFC Krldav. April 8. 3 pm. Western Auto Store asBBSBSSSSSSSSS TRAVIXING FOOD SALE Saturday. April 9. Beta Omega Sorority Benefit for Crippled Children Campaign. SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY C. A. RUGGLES Insurance Agency t. a Boa 147 fit l7-t2 Beppoa LEXINGTON AND HEPPNER CHRISTIAN CHURCHES fin mi sums APRIL 3-10 All Evening Services, 7:30 to 8:30 P.M. THEME FOR THE WEEK: "WIRE YOU THERE?" By Al Doschee, Pastor And Choirs Of the Two Churches AL BOSCHEE PALM SUNDAY, April 3 (Heppner) Easter Cantata, "The Gospel Song of Easter" Combined Choirs Heppner, Lexington Churches MONDAY, April 4 (Lexington) "The Bypassers' (Matt. 27:39-40) TUESDAY, April 5 (Heppner) "Too Calloused To Care' (Matt. 27:41-43; Luke Z3:i6-8 WEDNESDAY, April 6 (Lexington) "Two Different Views" (Luke 23:39-43) THURSDAY, April 7 (Heppner) Candlelight Communion Service FRIDAY, April 8 (Lexington) "The Centurion" (Luke 23:44-47) EASTER SUNDAY April 10 (Lexington) Easter Cantata, "The Gospel Song of Easter", Combined Choirs SPECIAL MUSIC EACH NIGHT EASTER SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES: 9:00 A.M., Heppner 1 1 :00 A.M., Lexington Sermon Topic for Both, "He Is Risen."