Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 24, 1966, Page 8, Image 8

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    w Kzrtnzm CAxnn twa. Tkmn&i. wri. h. mi
Mrs. Rachel Dick
Gels Fellowship
Mr, Rsrhr-I Dirk, Journalism
trsrhrr at Hciinrr With ahil
hat Iwrn wrdrl a wmmrf
study frllmhip In Jtmrnalism
t th Unlvrmuy of trctn hv
The Nrwawuwr FYind, Inc., It
at annoumYit Vt1rwly.
Shi It on of 251 htnh whwl
and Junior rollcire trsrhr In
fh nation to rcvHve such i
fellowship for th coming aum
rter arul one of 11 In the State
if Orriron to tx cfwwtfn.
Mrs. Dick will attend th s
slon at th I'nlvcmlty of Oregon
from July 11 to 29.
Cranta fnm Thi Nowsnaivr
Fund iwttvlde tuition, board,
room, trxthooks and. In some
ca , tratr-l rixns'ti.
Th teacher, all achoftl news,
paper advtor from 43 states
and the INstrM of CulumMa.
will attend graduate level semi
nars doslKrusl to al them In
supervising the work of student
The aemlnar that Mr. Dick
will attend la one of nine sched
uled for five campuses, others
being at Marquett University,
University of Minnesota. Syra
cuse University and University
of Tcxa.
The Newspaper Fund was es
tablished to encourage young
people toward careers In Journa
lism. This phase of its program
is based on the assumption that
better school publications will
attract bright young minds with
Interest in better communications.
I " 'U "" III .
r x, f
Golfer Jsrk Nkklaua hat t
taka lunr rhanrra on Iks link.
Vut tha frrqurnt title-aianrr
Intradt t taka a rhanrra oa
ait family's future. "1 am sow
tarting my ea dri toarda
futur aerurity," says Jack,
"and I raa aura vou that
Satinr llond will play a bif
part In rrarhiaj that coal''
Tatients admitted to Tioneer
Memorial hospital during the
past week and still reeelv
ire medical care, are the fol
lowing: l-eonard Kummerland.
IMeppner: Harry Zachary. Fossil;
Bertha Hunt. lxlngton: Joe
Wilkinson. Fossil: Alena Ander
son. Heppner: Mrjril Uavis. Mn
Budget Hearing Proves Quiet Session
Metskcr maps of Morrow, Gil
liam, Umatilla. Wheeler counties
on sale at the Gazette-Times,
51.25 each. Others available on
Tt: Lrrv arwi l.lnd.i iiarr son. ' u
ll.-nnn.-r Kal'v Trueblood. Kin-1 I reached
ma; Bea Kenny. Heppner, and
Unhert Medlock. Heppner.
Those who were admitted for
care, and later dismissed, were
the following: Wallls Smith,
lone, and Rav Massey. Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. EI wood Phillips
(ContlnueJ from pace 1)
talned for some IVVW. and alto
under amnideratlon t the Fea
sibility f woiklna out a coop,
native laundry plan with ttit
Jack tirowmkkl. elementary
princlpaU pointed out that he
had investigated various types
of Inquiry equipment and the
kind that would be needed to
best provide for the heavy ut-ai-e
for the two school would
consist of three heavy duty un
its, a washer, extractor tor tum
bler I and doer. The extractor
cuts drtng time In half, it was
Laumlry for the two schools
has been a heavy expense to
this time, and t.rossnickle said
that he would compile some fig-
ure on this expense for releam?
lo the public.
Also In the budget under cap.
ital outlay is the item of SSUW
for Improvement of the Morgan
street e
llik'h ch
the school. This would provide
for sidewalks and curbs, and
the balance of the com of sur
facing th street would he paid
bv the state under a plan pro
vided bv the state highway
commission to provide reliel
within limits of small cities
where heavy and unusual use
of a street brim: extra wear.
ICUv of Heppner ha reapplied
'for the funds of the matching
'basis with the understanding
i that the school district would
! assume the cost for the walk
if an agreement
the board during the year voted
to aid In their support from dls
trlct funds and eliminate this
burden on private enterprises
and Individuals.
The budget calls for Mai re
quirement In the general rumi
of $I.OM!,nU a compared with
ll.0-tt.'O for the current ver,
the principal feao for the In
creases being in the three cate.
collet outlined by Supt. Putter
Elartloa AmU 11
budget election I scheduled
for Tuesday. April 12, through
out the district.
t'onles of the budget In detail
are available from the county
school office, and the superin-
tendent said that a copy will
le mailed to anyone Interested.
Those wlshimr copies are Invlt
lit to telephone the school f-
The suiH-rintendent also state
thdl he will tx liUiI to SIH'ak
li nv mra-iini on the budcel
xtension to Heppner or explain any Item uion which
ool. the main ruote to a person may wish clarification.
liesldimr at the nuvllng
Tuesday nlcht wa Kllwynne
JV-k. Lexington, chairman. Oth
er lav memr- f the commit
le" present were Frank Ander
sm. Jack VanWInkle and Clint-
on Mcrjuarrle, all of Heppner;
Charles Carlson, lone; and Mr.
'Warren McCoy. Irrlgon. lhrcc
itor member of the committee
i presnt Included Chairman lr-
vin Rauch. Lexington; l'n Mc-iKlliti-tt.
lone; Ralph Skouln.
i Boardman: Kenneth Batty and
Dr. L. 1. Tibbie. Heppner; and
Maxwell Jones, Irrlgon.
with the state. These
would tx on procrty owned by
the school district going to the
1 bottom of the hill. When the
j matter was first proposed, total
cost was set at S-'ti.OU) of which
the state would pay all but
! $SSS).
,r PnnHAti annmim-ina th.. Also in tne capnai outlay sec-
birth of their first child, a son. i t ion are item for remodeling
born Friday. March 18. weigh- the reading room at Heppner
ing 7 lb.. 4 oz. He has been ' High, adding acoustical tile to
named FJwood Kelly. Grand-1 the high school gymnasium
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Willy ceillnR i$3200 and adding cell
Matllla of Condon. ling tile In the gvm at Heppner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monahan elementary i$1500.
of Condon are Darents of a babv Pool Rsoir Planned
Motor Rewinding
I Pendleton 276-T761 1
cirl. born Thursday. March 24.
She has been named Susan Ma
rle and her birth weight was 6
lb.. 5 oz. Maternal grandpar
ents include Mrs. James E.
Hodges, Don K. Pearce and Mr.
and Mrs. K. A. Jacobson all of
Salt Lake City, Utah, and Arch
Kidd of Riverton. Utah. Pater
nal grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Monahan of Condon,
and her great-grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. John Monahan and
Mrs. Sara Farlev. all of Heppner.
There is another item In the
maintenance section to provide
$10)0 for repairs to the lone
swimming pool, which was hard
hit in last winter's flooding.
Sandblasting and painting is
needed, the superintendent said
The budcet also includes an
additional SI 000 for school an
nuaLs as a change In policy on
financing these traditional pub
lications. They were previously
supported by donations from
businessmen ( advertising i but
Glenn Balls Visit
Visiting here Thursday were
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ball of Yak
ima. Wn.. who are en route to
California. Mr. and Mr. Ball,
who observed their fstth wed
ding anniversary late last year,
have lived In Yakima 32 years
but still consider Morrow coun
ty as home. They were visiting
friends and relatives here be
fore continuing south and look
ed forward to a gathering at
the Walter Wright home Thurs
day evening.
Duicifs n.ooaooo"Swceasiaxes.
(low would II led lo iiavo an ejtira '2.332 In cash?
A new list every week from now until March 3 1st. 429 first prizes.
JIM ?nn ? AHJ JCf. MlM 411 4f.t .. M 611
?IHi ?N '4 , 3JI .U91 4lr41 4t. SM.r M. tw lwM
JHI -.'HI ! 3S4 .1J 9WSI 4M 4I. 4st h4 SI JU
.'I'M SHt ?sJ .M JJ SUM. 414S 4H4 UM hit i
.Oli i'Xli .lr.Jf 3li JUM 4IHIS 4IM 4Uil .'lC i4t
;'(M i'Hti tl'ti 3l.4 3J'1 3110 4I84S 410 4114 .' BS4P
iMM.i i'K4; 9m.lt MUt 31 4MI1 411 4IJI ..".M 7J SMM
."ti ;sij si4i ;io; :N41 a4i 4J 4u 7J ft
?vl 3ISf U'M .Kt 3-4 4SJJ 4J 4vst .. S4
,'im siS4j snm SAa f 4l; ft; sa
Ht ;i.' .UJf .HM JM.I 3i 4A 4J1 4 ftM Hi4M HH
;um i'lt m.'I :us4 jam 42 4 j4 4to ao4e airt
.u ;-W.4 ."I 3M.-I JA6 4AJ 4Jrt 4.'t.1 H 4H )
.'U'4 ?Uf .! 3 3IS JlS 4A4 41a 4.'si f..H0 SI4C SS
?tii ?l'M 3r M 3M4 38; 4ASI 4s 4h MM l4t WO
;n;a .4 3K4S 3s 4A62 41 4.i nC s.mii
Ji J2 3uM t 3l 4AfcS 4MI 4f. S.'4K AI4
?JM 21 JJ 3i.h4 ;4 3M 4lf0 4H4I tllu A AI4
.'At i 34 .W.ft 3- f 2 J7rt 4t 2 44 6!, .IH 40 A4
2S? -ioJ J5l 3f0 3i.'6 41545 4164 4MH fc5J tM 44C BI4
I you lake a minute to cfiecii
our list of winning vehicle
identification numbers, you may
Knovj iioiv it teels tills iveelt.
Need scratch pads? Get them
at the Gazette Times.
Th conUtt'a In lit Utt k. So liufry. lUra'S
tio it nnxlit. Look at tirtt lyniholi ((! prtfn)
on your vnhtcls klanlidcation slip. I han luuk at lii
aymbolt lu(J abov, II you find your on tha list,
vou'v tflhan th drtt ttp toward boing a mnr.
ho go your Buick djlr. Ha hat a list ot 72
winner potJ In lt ahowroom. If you your
tntir vahKl kJnlittcation numbar on th poatar
tr tymhols pui tt rt ot ths numhtn
cath It yourt. (If your prtln Isn't lntJ In
(hit ad. don't givs up. Tour numbart may havs
bnan pottad during th patt U waakt. (vary waak
U wmntrs wert potJ on tns showroom wan,
You may havs mittad your numbar bsfors.) Hi
aivKn iu iiivvni, nu iuia iu fi am i v rw
don't avn hay U en a Uulck ta Mv wtnnlnf
Cantad Rulatt RatlJanl ot Kantat, MlaMurt and
habraO may. If ! ptalar, nd In a plrj 14
P. I, Hoik and Co.. P.O. Uo 1 14. OalroA, MKhlfail
4H J I and ratalva lha waakly lid ol winning numlwff
t y maU fur companion with Ihalr own valUla Itlatitl.
tuallon rumbtr, An oll lal anlry farm mUl ba lo.
rliidad. Swaapatakaa Hmitad to paoia ova 81
livlnl In lha continanlal U.S. Not Valid in ftortdS Of
atatat whars proubitad ty law.
Hurry. Buick's Mooo.ooo00 sweepstakes
Is in its last r
Thorn in aulhorlztd Bulck dtaUr nuf you. Sta hit Ooubis Chckd um4 c t, io9,
v 7 vf
A rilODERH Business Operation
Shop Now For Your New
Spring Dress
Select From Backs Crammed Of If IT"
With Fresh New Dresses, LL KJfS f I LL Jr
rashion Bight For You. X w ww 1
150 Dresses Reduced
To Make Room For New Spring Stock.
Priced From $100 to $800
. . . Whatever Your Printing Needs May Be See Us
Guaranteed Satisfaction Prompt Service
The Gazette-Times
Phone 676-9228
Dealer For Moore Business Forms