3 Program Features Russia Pictures if Mil clmci currrm lONr At the iruultf meellni of the lone 1TA la( Wnirwaday evening, taped lMiur bv Strwart Bletlaoe was preaented alonif ih iilrturea whUh ha had -Kn during a tour of Hu aia 1hec Mdufri rre eie tally lntrrailnir to thla farming community aa they show ihe au MlUn rffrrte of communlam on agriculture. Election of officers waa held Mra. t.rnrat Chrlaloph a r a o n, i.rrtl.lrnt: Mra. James IVttyJohn, vice irraldfM. and Mra. liryre Krrni, arm-tary. The fifth and aUlh grade mothers had charge of the rrfrrahments. Mra. Clara Klnralri. Mho rnt aevrrat months at the himpltal In lli'PNtrr durlnit the winter, hat returned to hr ranch home wulh of lone. Mra. Jrffeoat of lirpimrr la ataylnir with her Mrs. Char Ira O'Connor, worthy matron of Locuat Chapter. and Mra. liny W. Llndatrom. chairman of the credentials committee, attended a reception at the llella O K.S. Chapter Frl day evenlntf. The Garden club mH Tuadav at the home of Mr W. II. Wolff at Heppner. Mra. Herman Win ter wna co hmteas. Mra. Freder Irk Martin, DlatrM Director of the Blue Mountain IMatrlct, re ported on her actlviilea in tie half of the dlatrlrt. The program waa bawd on the theme, "Hirda" and Mra. Wm. Kawllna Rave the program. Member a were urged to attend the district meeting at Umatilla on April 14. A Plant ale la planned for April 2A at the Bulldera' Supply building1 In lone. Pie and coffee will alao be served. Cuest were Mra. Jamea Drlaooll and Mra. One Winter. Mr. and Mm Thill Ernert are enlovlnif a vlalt from their dau abler Ix-lorea. who la employed at a day numery In Halem. fih aim) doea volunteer work at tha blind achool where her brother, I'hll Jr.. la employed ami brought three of the pupils from there home with her for a vtalt. They are Tatty Charpontlcr of Portland. Mary Aleile of Alaaka. and Danny Kalkkala of Aatorla Carl Troedaon haa been quite 111 at hla farm home, Buffering an attack of flu. Mr. and Mra. Norman Nclaon and family made a trip thla week to .Salem and Oak Orove to vtalt relative. Mr. and Mra. Robert h-u-n en toyed weekend vtalt from Mra. Jeparna parenta, Mr. ana Mra. C. L. Lleuallrn. of IVndle- ton. Club Studiee foflqn Policies luoif ( luh met Kridav at the borne of Mra. M. II Cotter, wit Mra. Norman Nelaon and Mra, Roy W. Llndatrom aa rohoateaa ea. Mra. Konani manop, lone u brarian. re I ted on the work khou for librarians which ahe attended on the ampin of Kaat ern flreiron t ollcife. Ine aiaien that thoae attending received 12 houra of Instruction from MLm Klliabeth Krldly of the Oregon State Library ataff. Mra. Nor man Nelaon gave a very Inter eatlna- urogram. "Making our forelsn policy In a nuciea aire. Thla waa baaed on the "Creat ivclalons" and tnone DN-aent were atked to mark oDlnlon ballot. The next meet nir of the club will oe me urai Friday In April at the Paul Tews home. The Topic Club will have aoclal meeting In the afternoon of Aorll 16. Mra. Milton Morgan returned home Saturday evening from few day atay at The Dalle hospital. Her daughter, Mra For Weed Spraying CALL Off MEL COYER Owner Gar Aviation riELD MAN Jim Pettyjohn Sproying-Dusting-Fcrtiliiing-Sccding DIT OB LIQUID rERTILUEB APPLICATION A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Can Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phone 989-8422 Keith Teck, of Portland, aceom panled her home and will re main fr a ahort time. Congregation of the United Church of Chrtat enloyed an II luatrated lecture on India at the church Sunday evening It Wa given by Mlaa Ruth Bailey, dlr ector of Chrlatlan Education for the Oregon Conference. The lee lure wa preceded by a pot luck upper. MMt'lai Ienten aorvlrea are being held thla week on Mon- day, Tueaday and Thursday at wa mainour church. Mr. and Mra. Eugene Dockter and daughter are spending tha cnooi vacation at Rupert, Ida bo, vlaiting Mr. Dockter'a fain lly. Mr. and Mra. Rod Murrav hav aiao oeen visiting In Idaho. Terry O'Connor, who attenda St. Helena Hall In Tort land, la pending aprlng vacation with her parenta. Mr. and Mra Char lea O'Connor. Mr. and Mra. Hugh Salter are enjoying a vlalt from their aon, Wm. Salter, who la an Instruc tor In hlaturv In thr Foreut tirove.lllgh achool. Mra. Howard Adama and aev en children of Tortland arc the gueata of her brother In law and lter, Mr. and Mra. Robert Hoa Klna. Mra. Rav Turner and uina Mike and Monte of Eugene, are viaiung ner parenta, Mr. and un. him Drake. Mr. and Mra. Don Laraon nf wenatchee, wn., are the gueata or ner parenta. Mr. and Aim K M. Baker. Mr. and Mra. Frank Lunrfoll oi AiiiwauKee made a brief vbv li here Sunday to visit Mr. I nn. aeiia lather. E. R. Lundell and ira. Lunueire mother, Mra. C. w. awanaon. who la a patient in inr noaDitai ai iiennner. Thov found her aomewhat improved. Air. Hoy w. Llnd.itcom and aaugntera. Suaan and Christ in. drove to Tacoma Saturday. where Suaan vlaited her broth er, Stephen, a aophomore at 'Lu., and Mra. Llndatrom and hrlatlna vlaited her aister ln aw, Mra. Frank Hellna in Se. altle. Mr. and Mra. Kenneth KUnger nd aon Michael of Tasco. vis ited over the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mra. Ken-1 neth Kltnger of Lexington and her parenta, Mr. and Mra. Earl MrCabe of lone. The following euest.i came to lone to help Mra. Edith White lebrate her birthday: her bro ther and wife, Mr. and Mra. Fred Anderson of Trosser, and their auchters. Kathv and Ina Blake ly, her alater, Miaa Imogene Moony of Heppner. and her dau ghter-ln-law, Mrs. Gordon White of Portland. THE lc5r HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner, Oregon 9783G, Thursday, March 17, 1966 See. 2 Boardman City Council Business Includes Plan to Move to New Hall Br MART LIE MARLOW BOARDMAN At apeclal meeting of the City Council laat week. Mayor Dewey Weat waa given the go ahead for purch asing furniahlnga for the new city hall. Tlana are for the move to the new hall to be made thla week. Franchlaea for underground telephone and electric facilities were dlscuanod. and Mayor Weat and M. D. Van Valkenburgh, city attorney, were appointed to meet with the utility companies and work up the franchise ordi nances. Mayor Weat gave reports on the move-out date and report ed that the clearing contract for the old town of Boardman would be let by June, TJ67. All people planning to be moved ahould be gone by then unless their time ta extended. Mrs. W. G. Seehafer was host eaa for tho Home Economics Club of Greenfield Grange Wed nesday of last week at her home, with Mrs. Don Baker co boaters. Luncheon was served at 12:30 p.m. the home of Mrs. Dante Daltoao. Announcement waa made that the Adoration of the Bleated Sacrament will take place March 27 In St. Mary's Church Immediately following mass. and will close with benediction at 3 p.m. All CCD. teachers and Inter ested parenta were asked to at tend a workshop to be held April 16 In Hermlaton at the Tarl.th hall. Mrs. Shirley Zlellnskl will be in charge of the church during March, and Mrs. Delmer Hug for the month of April. The Easter cleaning committee will be posted In the church by March 27. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Tom Hilling, with Mra. Hug co hostess. Virginia Cook returned to her home in Grants Tasa last week after visiting a week at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Cook. Guests last week at the Cook home were Mrs. Cook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Gaines of Yachats. i The Cook's took them to Monu are spending the spring vara Hon visiting thetr parents, Mr and Mrs. W. L. Daniels in Cald well. Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Tcierson In Farraa, Idaho, Mr. and Mra. Larry Carpen ter and children Larry, Lyle and Cindy of Renton. Wash, were week-end vtsltora at the home of Carpenter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Allen made a business trip to Port land during the week-end and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lehman In Weat Linn. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root and daughter Jane, of Wasco, and Mrs. Root's brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tross er f Salem, wer Sunday visit ors at the home of Root s moth er, Mra. Leo Root. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Family Attends Matfeson Rites By MA1THA HATTCSON MONCMFNT Mr and Mrs, Timer Maltcaon. Mr. and Mrs. V.. t. Maitcaon. Jraie Scott and Dale U Matteaon drove t Hepp ner Sunday for the funeral services of Elmer's brother, liar ley Matteaon. at Sweeney Mor tuary Chapel. Franrea Noland and four children, also friend from Mil ton -Fretwater, apent the week end at Trlneville with her brother-in-law and sUter, Mr. and Mrs. Anstl Martin and children. Kay Harris was seen in Hepp ner Friday on buslneaa. Oasis Engl and daughter Judy and Tatty Enrtght were In Pendleton Friday on bualnea. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Glenger of Pendleton were here fur the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hunt and two daughters were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Matteaon Saturday evening. D. L. Matteson came In Sat urday night for the week-end from Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKln- non and daughters or Heppner spent the week-end here with her parents, the Boyd Hintons. A donation of $12 Committee appointed for the'cox u'aa meni wceit-ena 10 me nome I of Gaines' brother-in-law and Mr. and Mrs. Kicnard 18 card party at the, M'. Winifred McClendon of March grange hall was Mrs. Seehafer i Eugene visited last week at the mi n . uini wiprmti. ",nome of her son-in-law and will be the last party this sea-: daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest n- Kihs. The Kins' took her home Mrs. Rollin Bishop was a over the week-end. guest at the meeting. Mrs. Ronald Black and Mrs. Dewey West went to The Dal- us TnC 'COON? rjnrj?!B 0 The Mothera Club of Board- man tirade scnooi met inure- day afternoon of last week at the school, with Mrs. Carroll Donovan in charge. Report waa made on the baked food sale which netted $30 85. Nominating committee was appointed consisting of Mrs. Ron Daniels and Mrs. Donovan. Committee appointed to con tact County Supt. David Potter about buses to haul children to the swimming classes in Herm lston this summer is Mrs. Har old Baker. Mrs. -Vernon Russell and Mrs. Donovan. Mrs. LaVern Partlow announc ed that achievement tests would be elven in the school the last week in March, and conferences with parents would be held the first week In April. les last Thursday to attend the Oregon 6th district meeting of the American Cancer Society. Mrs. Russell Miller and dau ghter Pat went to Payette, Ida ho Friday to spend the week end at the home of Mrs. Miller's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Carpenter. A total of 84 immunization shots for polio, diptheria and tetanus were given to Riverside High school and Boardman Grade school students last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Daniels and children Pam. Vickie and Scott daughters Tarina. Cindy and Robin of Wasco were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rash. Mr. and Mrs. Darold La Chance and daughter Tammy of Coos Bay spent the week end at the home of La Chance's aunt. Mrs. Glen Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lilly and children Jimmie. Janet. Jay, Jer ry and Joyce of La Grande spent rlpal Ron Daniels reports that the biggest absence In Riverside High school so far was 9 from the 91 students In the school, and the Boardman Grade school i iMfnr raio u idoui normal. Lowe and ; Several adults In the area have been quite ill with colds and flu. Cafeteria menus for Riverside High school and Boardman Grade school for the week of March 21-25 are as follows: Mon day potato-wiener casserole, mixed vegetables, biscuits and Jelly and pudding; Tuesday chill con come, salad, corn bread and fruit; Wednesday beef and noodles, corn, Jello Dart of the vacation here at the 'salad, rolls and cookies; Thurs aay namDurgers. picnics, ici tuce, carrots, graham crackers and apple sauce; Friday pota to soup, egg sandwiches, green beans and berry cobbler. Bread, butter and milk are served with all meals. home of Mrs. Lilly's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely. Mrs. Roy Partlow and child ren Rick and Joan went to Port land during the week-end to take Mrs. Partlow's mother, Mrs. Marie Golden, home after visit ing here for a week. Anna Mae McQuaw, student at Pacific University Is spend ing spring vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McQuaw. The Boardman Garden club will meet March 21 at the home of Mrs. Leo Root at 8 p.m. Mrs. James F. Davis was In St Mary's hospital in Walla Walla. Wash, last week for mi nor surgery. So far the flu bue hasnt hit the schools too hard here. Prin- Rudi Thrau, globe trotter, lec turer and folk singer in 11 lang uages, will present an aii coior film, Thre Men on a Raff, In a National School Assembly program March 23 at 10:40 a.m. in the cvmnasiurru It is the story of an 1800 mile trip down tha Amazon River by an Amer ican, a German and a Scots man, who built their own open raft for a seven month excur sion. from Pucallpa to Iqultos, Peru. Parents and friends are in vited to- attend -the assembly. 1 t St. Mary's Altar Society met Tuesday night of last week at Caprirt Cutlom Coupe. YOU ARE INVITED TO COME AND SEE ybiin) 1 MOTION PICTURE DRAMA OF LIFE IN EAST GERMANY HEPPNER ELEMENTARY MULTIPURPOSE ROOM, SUNDAY, MARCH 20 psssi.fK3WHle. " i " i ... mmt-M " -nap ChettlU SS 996. Impala Sport Sedan. Corvair Monza Sport Sedan, Chevy D Nova SS Coupe. Starting now-Double Dividend Days at your Chevrolet dealer's! (tSSSZZXXt) CHEVROLET Dl DIVIDEND DOUBLE DAYS! NO. 1 BUYS NO. 1 CARS Now at your Chevrolet dealer! Right now you'll get a mighty handsome buy at your Cherrolet dealer's during Double Dividend Days. Pick from 45 great models of Caprice, Chevrolet, Chevelfe, Chevy II or Corvair with a huge selection of colors, custom touches, engines, interiors. Availability, variety and buys have never been better. Hurry in to your Chevrolet dealer's now I Eight features now standard for your safety include seat belts front and rear. Always fasten them before starting. .1 0 7:00 P.M. SPONSORED BT SOUTH MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION With Arrangements By Hop and Valfcr Lutheran Churches mm it Scene from the dramatic film QUESTION 7, a heartwarming story from behind the Berlin Wall of a boy and his father each forced to decide his future on his willing ness to stand up for what he believes. Pro duced by Louis deRochemont Associates. No Admission Charge 8 $m Refreshments Served By Ladies Of The Lutheran Church ACTIOM PACKU DRAMA OF COURAGt AGAINST UNBEATABLE ODDS. ..FROM BEHIND THE BERUN WALL Heart-warming and suspansefut atory of a toy and his father, each forced to decide his future on his willingness to stand up for what ha believes. WINNER OF TWENTY-TWO INTERNATIONAL AWARDS! PICTURE WILL BE SHOWN: THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BT TOUR HOME-OWNED BANK AS A COMMUNITY SERVICE All kinds of good buys all In one place ... at your Chevrolet dealers-Chevrolet Chevelle Chevy n Corvair Corvette Mii) Chevrolet Company 36-3764 Heppner, Oregon 97836 B ANK OF Eastern Oregon HEPPNER ARLINGTON IONE MEMBER. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION