Ktrrntn cAxmr-Tmra. . i n mm Coach Don McClure Lists 30 on TrackTeam A aquad of 30 track men. In eluding 15 lettermen, will be out for the lort thu eawn at llcr-imcr Ilitfh achool. Coach Hon M lure rrHrt. Among lop prtwpect. bacd on tevlou performance, are the folkminc: Mark Brown, wnlrf, 3fr letterman. who scored third In the uh-dltrlct In the 2 mile and hold the aohool record In that event In a time of 11:XI2. Tim Smith. Junior. 1 year let tcrman. who w third In the dlMrlt-t In the 2 mile and waa third In the district In crow country thU school year. Tim DrlncolL acnlor. 3 year let. terman. first In the district In Ihe KJ and third In the Mate In the K". and holder of wehool record In the 440 at &30, the 8?W at 1:SS.S. and tne nroaa 1 n VVH" Dave. Hall. aophomre. 1-year letterman. fifth In the district In the htch r.urdlea last year. Jim Jacobs, junior, wno second In the sub-district In the Khotput and sixth In the district In the ahotput. Mickey Kindle, senior. 1-year letterman. who won second In the aub-dlstrlct In the vault and holds the school record In the pole vault at U'H". Ken Morgan, senior. -eax letterman. who won a third In the sub-district In low hurdles. Other lettermen are: Steve Baker. Junior, polt vault, high Jump; David Clark, senior. Jav elm; Bill McLeod. sophomore, mile. 880: Stan Raueh. Junior, shotput, discus: Tim Tullis, sen ior. 2 mile: Steve Wagenblast. Junior, discuss: Simon Winters, senior. 8S0. Javelin, relay: and Allyn Witherrite. Junior. 220 and 440. Non-lettermen listed among pood prospects are Mike Bunch. BOWLING Fleita Women's Major Team ,Y tefc Central Market 27 16Mi Padbere Machinery 27 17 M.CG.G. , 26V4 17H Lexington Oil Co-op 22 22 arntVan Marter 20 23 Van s Variety 20 24 Lotts Electric 17 27 Kinzua Corp. 15 28 High Ind. Game Floss Wat kins, 233; High Ind. Series Floss Watklns. 483; High Team Game Central Market. 915; High Team Series Padberg Ma chinery. 2586. Commercial Team W L SL Patrick's Bank of EO A. L. Daggett. Dist. First National I.O.O.F. Willow Creek CC Gardner's 304 9 274 124 26 14 20 19 18 10 9 - Hign ina. oame uvi nrcit 210; High Ind. Series Jim Dris coll, 541; High Team Game Willow Creek CC. 987; High Team Series St. Patrick's, 2835. lien Answer: thrifty price tag, a saving Six, easy handling, easy parking, space to spa re for things you buy and small fry! Ever thought how practical a Mustang is? Start with its 200-cu. in. Six-lots of go on little gas. Sports-car look hides a surprisingly spacious trunk. All-vinyl interior wears as beautifully as it looks. Try it! HEPPNER AUTO SALES, INC. Heppner, Oregon nr4rr. March it. ik4 " " ' " senior. dlcu: Mark Murray. M-ni. shot put. dtcu; Lennie llanna. Junior. Alfred ttek aiihontore. ahotput. dis cus; Frank Lovcren. shotput. dbu-u: Steve peitvjonn. nopno. more, mile; Jim Sherman, soph omitre. 410; Randv Stlllman. 2 mile. Javelin; Jim Bloodswortn. fn-shman. 2 mile; Karl l)ickon. frchman. pole vault. Vern Fred rtikit. Irishman, events not chosen; Gary Kemp. frehman. Jaelin. dicu; ln Kindle. i.kn,.n hi.h hurdle. 220. broad lump; Mark Tulli. fresh 'man. hurdles; and Rick Wither I rue. freshman, pole ault and '2 mile. 1 Trark meets heeln on Friday, i April 1. when the varsity and jayvee go to Prlnevllle for a dual meet. .... Remainder of the schedule Is as follows: .uuriiav, April v. . Sherman and Wahtonka at Sher man, varsity only. , ' Friday. April 15. Wayward Re 'lavs. Eugene. Saturday. April 16. Heppner I Invitational, varsity. , Tuesday. April 19. John Day .1 ll..nnnrr varsitv. , Saturday. April 23, Burns In vitational at Burn, varsity and I Jawee. Saturday. April 30. Umatilla ' Invitational at I'matilia. var sitv and jawee. Fridav. May 6. Eastern Ore gon Invitational at La Grande. ! . .Kill' Saturdav. Mav 14. sub-district at Burns, varsity and Jayvee. Saturday. May 21. district. Friday and Saturday. May 27 2S. state meet at Corvallis. Dates are yet to be set on a 1'imiiv mwt with Pilot Rock, a varsity and Jawee Elks Invita tional meet; & Jayvee meet with Hermiston Junior high; and a Jayvee meet with Pendleton Junior high. Nichols to Complete Officers Training D.,Kr 1 X'irhnls will Eradu- ate as a lieutenant from Offi cers Training School in Ft. Ben ning. Ga- on Friday. March 18. according to word received by his sister. Mrs. John Mo! la nan. Huatinn. will take three weeks of special airborne training and then expects to be stationed at the base at Ft. Lew Is. Wn. Prior to officers training, he spent three years in Germa ny. His parents are former Hepp ner residents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed die Thorpe, now of Banning, Calif. Livestock 4-H Club Studies Judging For its March meeting, the lone 4-H Livestock Club met at the lone High school. Gail Mc carty gave pointers on Judging 4-H animals, and gave out forms for Hoard's Dairyman 36th an nual dairy cow judging contest. Tentative plans for next meet ing are to meet with the Goose berry Livestock Club at the Herb Ekstrom Sr. ranch to practice judging and clipping hoofs. Keith Nelson, reporter FREE! 128 page "Western Journeys" booklet! Get it YOUR EAGER BEAVER NORTHWEST Baseball Opener Due March 25 At Pilol Rock Excitement of bakctball has not fully faded away, but hch school basenall is taking the center of th state. First game for Heppner High s hool u oi ly a ittle more lha; a week awav with the Mustang scheduled to play Itlot Rk on the Kockct' diamond on Friday. March 23. beRlnnlng at 3 30. Th Mustang will loe no time taking on another opponent on the road uhen thev faoe River side at Board in an beginning at 12 (noon) on Saturday. March First home can Is with I'ma tilia at Heppner on Tuesday. March starting at 3 P m Then. In order, will come these game: Saturdav. April 2. 12:00 noon. Umatilla there. Tuesday. April 5, 3:30 p m. Condon at Heppner. Wednesday, April 6, 4 pm., ILrmiston there. Saturdav. April 9. 1 p m.. Wah tonka at The Dalles. Tuesdav. April 12. 3 pm, Con don there. Friday. April 13. 3 p.m.. Hlot Rock at Heppner. Saturday. April 16, Madras there. Tuesdav. April 19, I p.m.. 4 p.m.. Hermiston at Heppner. Friday. April 22. 3:30 lone at Heppner. Saturdav. April 23. 1 Sherman at Mro. Wednesday. April 27. p.m.. p.m.. 3:30 pm.. Blue Mt. College at Pen dleton. Saturday. April 30. 1 p.m.. Burns at Heppner. Wednesday. Mav 4. 3:30 p.m.. Blue Mt. College at Heppner. Saturday. Mav 7. 1 p.m.. Grant Union at Heppner. Tuesday. May 10. 4 p.m., lone there. Friday. May 13, 4 p.m., Riv erside at Heppner. Saturday. May n. league playoffs; Fridav and Saturday. Mav 20 and 21. district play offs; Saturday. June 4. state playoffs, Portland. 'Coffee Break' Sales At Cafe on Tuesday To Help Campaign All those who stop in at the Wagon Wheel Tuesday morn ing. March 22. for a "coffee break" will have an opportuni ty to aid the Easter Seal cam paign at the same time. Arrangements are being spon sored by Beta Omega Sorority, whose members are directing the drive for funds in the coun ty this year. Proceeds from all coffee sales at the cafe during the 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. hour will go into the special fund. It is one of the many county-wide promotions being carried on to aid the an nual Easter Seal campaign for the Oregon Society for Crippled Children and Adults. The sorority will conduct street sales of the Easter lilies on Saturday. April 2. and the campaign will close on Easter Sunday, April 10. See us ror envelopes of all kinds. The Gazette -Times. now from . . . FORD DEALER W REGISTERED FHTSICAL thropltt from tb Eost.r Sol octtt trar.1 1004)00 mUea of Oro hlhaT h T a atrok victim. MUa Julooe Wollgroai ta et four phrslcol th.topi.t. la the aodttr-a biU jrPT PfW- ot' menta or piMcrlbed by tha patunts etttendtn phyalclan. Mrs. Bechdoll Attends Regional Teachers Meeting Br BLANCHE McDANIEL HARDMAN. K1IEA I' KEEK Mrs. Adrian Bechdoll. a dele gate for Morrow louniy learn ers Association, returned from Yakima Saturdav night after at tending the Northwest Region al Convention of the Department of Classroom Teachers. It was a three-da v convention and she reports that many fine seeches were heard. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huston and familv drove to Corvallis last Tuesday where thev were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kon t.ray and familv. That evening they attended the game at Eugene hetween the San Frandsco War riors and the Baltimore Bullets, which Baltimore won. Enroute home on Wednesday, they stop ped in Portland for a vbit with Dr. Ben Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Lesley were among those enjoying the partv of the Golden Agers club In Heppner last Tuesday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crewdson spent last Sunday in Echo visit ing their son-in-law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Waddell and family. Fourteen folks gathered at the Dean Graves home Saturday ninht for n housewarming and an evening of cards and visit ing. The group presented Dean and Marge with an Early Amer ican tree lamp and two sofa pillows. Dessert was served la ter in the evening. Mr. nad Mrs. Les Robinson returned home Saturday after spending about 3'4 months in Ashland. They are leeung prei v arm A now and exoect to be home for the rest of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ball and Randy and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Watklns and Gary, all of Hepp ner, spent a recent Saturday evening at the Albert Wright home. , , , Jess Coates has gone back in to Heppner for an indefinite stay. We hope it isn't for too Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel spent Sunday visiting her moth er. Mrs. Maud Roblson at Plo-' neer Memorial hospital, and al so visited with Mrs. Edna Yar nell and Mrs. Nellie Mahon at the home of Mrs. Stella Devins. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reld from Spray were Sunday evening callers at the McDaniel home. Ernie Winchester finished re decorating the Ray Wright home on Saturday. Mrs. Wright re ports a job well done. Mr. and Mrs. Orian Wright of Heppner spent Sunday at the Ray Wright home- ,. i Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cecil took Jay Ball back to Heppner Sun day evening. He has been work ing for them the last few weeks and will be leaving for the service the last of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gorhman and Tammy from Wallowa spent the week-end at the Cecil home. Darrell Cecil from John Day is visiting there this week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright and family spent Sunday In Hermiston at the Clayton Wright home. They also stopped by to see the beautiful new home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis LeTrace at Hermiston. Mrs. Cecil McDaniel and children spent Sunday in Lone rock visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Davis, a bro ther, Carroll, and sister-in-law, Mrs. Homer Davis and family. Steve remained with his grand parents for a longer visit. Harold Wright and Elmer Palmer axe reported on the sick list. Club Makes Custard A meeting of Group 2 of the Krispie Cookers 4-H club was held February 23 at the home of our leader, Mrs. Ajbogast. There were nine members pres ent, and Mrs. Haguewood, our assistant leader. For our cooking Instruction we made custard. We sang a few songs and played games while waiting for the rustard to cook. P.efreshx.ents were served. Gwen Drake, reporter 'A 11 "" Farmers Union Bills Buchanan Martin Hiuhnn.Ul of Milton Freewater will be the speaker at the meeting r the Morrow County Farmers Union Tuesday night. March 22. in the old city lihrarv at Heppner at 8 pm., Orvllle Cutsforth. new president of the Farmers Union, announc es. The old cllv library Is next to the cltv hall. Buchanan Is Democratic can didate for representative, 2Nth legislative district. Reminder Given On School Clinic Mrs. Lowell Chally. county health nurse, reminds parents and children of the school Im munization clinic that will be held Monday. March 21 In Hepp ner. It will start at 9 a.m. at Hepp ner elementary school and children ore reminded to be on hand at 9 a.m. After work U completed with them and Hepp ner elementary children, the immunization clinic will be continued at Heppner High school for students there. A clinic for lone grade and high schools Is set for Monday. March 28, beginning at 9 a.m. You i oo Hifflh yAv At We Have Decided To Offer QUALITY APPLIAMCIS At A Reasonable Price INSTALLATION AND SERVICE INCLUDED Wc Have 131 Brand New MAJOR APPLIANCES ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HUNDREDS of Small Appliances ON OUR LOCAL FINANCING PLANS YOU PAY ONLY APPROXIMATELY HALF THE INTEREST YOU WOULD PAY TO MAIL ORDER FIRMS HEPPNER Hold That Shovel! Engineers Warn Amateur Diggers I'mie Sam U very much nxmliikl "lull hultlllliT' Oil (V- eminent Linda, and haa laws to ifVent luih digging. Amateur arvheologMs, ami Indian trlle ran hers are again warned by the Walla Walla lu trlct. l out I Mtginccrii. oi reu rial a pertaining to uch dig whhh IU I Mr Icily en- futced, TIim law ItrohlhltS rSCAVAt ll'g. dcM roving, or prirlAtlnu hl tor lea I ol-lcts on land owned or coiilrohed by the U. S. Guv eminent, nod the fori Mate It Mill be M lowed oil the Uwei Snake l.lvrr. where const ruction U In progreM on the Lower Mon umental. Little ti(Hse. ami rr Granite Darn project. According to nde.lnal an h eotogl!. removal of Indian Arti facts by an.ateur can result in ti tal o ot very valuable scien tific information. The I'. S National Park Ser vice plan to wnd an rcheolog l. al team from Washington Stale 1'nlvrrslty to conduct several ex cavations at the Mtes thi sum mer. The National Antiquities Act cltea the penalties for destroy ing such historic or prehistoric material . . . "Any pemon ho shall uppnprlate, excavate, In jure, or destroy any historic or prehistory ruin or monument, or any obit of antiquity, situated on lands owned or controlled by the Goveri men! of the United States, without ermlslon of the Secretary of the Department having Jurisdiction over thi lands shall, upon convict Ion. be fined the sum of not more than $.')i0, or bo imprisoned for a per iod of not more than nlnet) Hays." Post Office Has Medicare Blanks Application blanks for sup plemental medicare benefits are available at the window of the Heppner post office, Postmaster James 11. Drlscoll announces. The blanks are made avail able as the Social Security Ad ministration seeks to contact 3.1 million senior citizens before the March 31 deadline. A copy of the application blank is displayed on the bul letin board In the lobby of the post office. Senior citizens who reached G3 before VMM face a two-year delay If they do not sign up bv March 31. Cm I THE FACT THAT Cannot Have EVERYONE HAS TO MAKE A CHOICE ON WHICH WAY TO GO. ny1 CLAUDE M. BLAIR Phone Comnanv Names President Claude M Blair becomes pre. Ident of Pacific Northwest lie! I effective Friday. April 1. accord ing to Pale Slusher. local man ager for the phone company. Hlalr n paces Walter W. Slra ley W ho I as resigned to become a vice pildent of the AT&T Company li. New Yoik. Blair rvmea to PNB top job front the presidency of the Ohio Hell Telephone Company. He I no newt oincr to the Pacific Northwest, having been one of the three original Incorporator of P.NM and serving as one of the new company's vice presi dents from April. VX) to August. l'X.l. Blair N-pan his career In the telephone Industry with the ATAT Cott.pany In 19.10. Prior to Joining Cl.lo Hell In Blair headed up ATATa space com munication)' group which suc cessfully placed Tel-star 1 In or bit. He has been Ohio Bell's president since June, I'.Ail. Need scratch pads? Get them at the Gazette Timet. COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rewinding INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL! FARM AND HOME Pendleton Z-TICl o o o I B I bw Cost eta PH. 676-5811