Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 17, 1966, Image 1

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    L I MARY
U Of 0
cuacrie, onr. o 7 4 o j
Dirripfors Organize; Approprtetioei ff lie Asked
Artkli-t of lmurMtratlun for
th Willow tWh Pltrlt1 lift
pruvrmrnt Company. compoaed
of thiu uh ttl lu krljcat
innr lari.ia rrorn waters of the
proixiacd illow (ink cam
will probably Ik flM with the
Oregon ( migration Commlaalon
rr the ftrat of hr rck. Her
man Winter. h aa apjint
rl secretary trraaurrr of the
new organization, said Wedncs
day. The company wit funned Um
Thursday afwvnoon at a meet
Inn In thf munty cuurthoua
afirr thiM with land In the
Wlll.nv l'nrk Valley lia.l bern
contacted by (jut-tin Rmmin of
the Male Water Id-aourrra. Hoard.
County Judge I'aul Jones and
W, ( It.mewall. thlaiman of lhe
county planning ommliun.
Names of aom 30 tcritlsl
wsirr imrn wre on a documrnt
altrhlfvlntf thrlr MllllngnrftS to
form uh an organlation, and
bout .5 attended the Thursday
They lt no limit In atartlng
tin oriiaiiiaiton Herb llvnd of
t h II was elected prealdent of
Hit water company, Loul 1 1 a I -
voiM'n of low wan chosen vice
lriI.J-iit and Herman Winter
appointee! accTclary-trcas-
urcr. In addition to Hynd and
HalvorM-n. ln Kvans and Ken
twth Culfilh. both of llepp.
ncr. and Itclhert l.Sllml Kmert
of June were ih'm-n for the
Ixmrd of director, i
Winter said that he i prore-d. pleted.
Init thu week with rteeeaaaty Ahcrn. paid by telephone that
airpa iior to ruin antrum j the conuretamart lias been keep
ing a or ram of ine prog rr
lr.rorpuraiJ..n. i rt a 1 uihm
Mho had not aimed to bo mem
l-rs of the company have ap
xarN and nljjnnl sinew t he
niiiriMlay meeting, Wlntrr aalL
Tlu-i will mill h opportunl
ty for any other Interested to
participate but thrlr signature
muat Im re rived ivlor to tha
filing of the articles rarly nest
week, tif aald. After that. the
company Hill x tloaed.
Hv laws art yet to b drawn
up fur Ihe organization.
Meanwhile, JuK'it Jonea aald
that he had contai ted the office
of Convrcaaman Al L'llman to
Inform him that the illt!rt or
anlallon la alxul to Im com-
Ullman'i altant. Kn airmail for Ma u In aeeklnf
irw ronKmutlnnal appropriation.
juflt" mil that It U like
abreast of I he
Ihrouith the newpairra and alJ
n-ajy waa layim trroundwork to
preaent tit matter with other
Oregon propria In a bill lo (on
irreaa aat klnx fund for pre ron
tu1lon work on the Willow
Cnik projfcl.
Jfowevrr, Juda Jonea aald
that berauM of the war In
nam. Cong. Al L'llman has not
iM-en too hopfful that the pre-
conMructlun appropriation will
be forthcoming this year.
The Jurfk'e aald that as soon
as all documents of tha diatrkt
have been finalized and all land
deKTlpion are completed, he
III send copies to L'llman by
ly that a meet in will ba held
with the U. S. Army Corp of
Knurlneera. Walla Walla dutrlrt.
lo Inform them of the work
don on tha water district and
supply thern with Copies of tha
The Impresklon has been hert
that If the water dlatrici were
f-mei prior to April there
would be some how of getting
ine preconstructton approprla
lion from tnirrrss In a bill to
lie prcnentcd In April or May,
However, the Increasing Inten.
sity of the Vietnam war and the
demand for funds to aupoort It.
the protect may meet a delay
on thu account
Til lie urn
Mardee C, Chtlders, attradlve.
dark haired daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. l), A. Chllders of Board man
has lieen rhrmen by the T1II1-
cum Club to repreacnt It as Its
prince on the roysl court for
the VMA Morrow County Fair
and Itodeo.
Her aeU-ctlon completes the
court of four princesses and
queen, which Includes Princess
83rd Ycor
Number 3
rJiC ''jte
Ill m t -SW
Hcppncr, Oregon 97836, Thursday, March 17, 1 966
10 cents
VanWinlcle, Laughlin, Sharrard Seel County Offices
Lade Filings
hsfwd Dye
wth 25, 26
About 2X) muolc sludcnls from
alx neihborlni; tuhools are
inn-ted to conKretste at Heppne
Hlj;h achwil next week -end for a
prlnK band festival.
Partl It'Stlni! will e bands
from lone. Itiverslde. Umatilla
Stanficld. IVho and lleppner. on
Friday and Saturday, March 2
and 26. and under arrangement
of Arnold Melby. lleppner band
Russell Laraon. supervlMar of
mu.Hlc for Walla Walla city
schools, hat been accured aj
irueat conJuilor.
Directors from the 'various
svhooU will supervise mH tlon re
hcaraala Friday morning from
. 9:00 to 10:43. They will set up
lor the mt band In the gym
"nuxlum from 11 to 12. and re
hcarsal of the combined bandit
from 1:00 to 4:00. The students
will have lunch together at
noon at the school.
Friday night from 7:00 to 9:00
a contort featuring each band
In two number will be present-
Budget Meeting
Set Tuesday Eve
Meeting for the purpose of
discussing the 19"o-67 budget of
Morrow County School District
No. H I will be held Tuesday
night. March 22. at 8 p.m. In
the lleppner elementary school,
Irvln ftauch, district chairman,
At this time any person may
Npcuk for or against the budg
et or any part of It. Changes,
within limitations, may be made
from the budget that was pub
lished In this paper in sum
mary form on March 3 and
March 10.
The 19('6-67 budget calls for
a total tax lew of $808,452 as
compared with $807,914 for 1905
G6 Total budget requirements
for 1906-67 are set at $1,381,543
as compared with $1,338,612 for
1965-66. 1
ed. At 8:00 pin. Saturday the
ma,M-d bnnd will present a var
lety of 10 band numbers In con
Hoth t-Vfnlng programs are
oK-n to the public.
AdmlftHlon will he $100 and
50c. with tickets admitting the
holder to both concerts.
New Farm Value
Notices Ready
Notices of new assessed val
uations on all rural property
south of the Base Line In Mor-
row county will be mailed to
property owners Friday. March
18, Bill Johnson, appraiser, said
The new values are the re
sult of the final phase of the
farm land reappraisal program
conducted Jointly by the Mor
row county assessor's office and
the State Tax Commission dur-
ng 19fi4 and 19(5. These values
have been placed on the 1966-
07 assessment roll, and will ap
pear on the tax statemcnls that
property owners receive In Oc
tober of this year.
If the property owner feels
hut the new assessment Is not
In line with present day mar
ket values of farm and range
land real estate, he should ask
for a review by the appraiser.
Bob Fielder or Johnson, in the
Morrow county assessor's office,
Johnson said.
After the review, If the prop
crty owner still feels his assess
ment Is too hjgh, he has the
right to petition the board of
equalization. This must be done
not later than May 16. Petitions
may be obtained in the assess
or's office, and should be filed
with the county clerk. All infor
mation asked for on the petit
ion should be filled out In de
tail so the board of equaliza
tion will be completely inform
ed on the facts in each Individ
ual case.
t ret )
V- v . t '
j yja)
Flu Cuts Visits
At Hospital Here
ftatrlctlons oa rial tin? at
fionr Memorial hoapitcd
war plosrwd la aft act Wadnaa
day tT Adminlitratot- Will OT.
Harra a a rasnlt of tha la
craaa la tha numbar of la
fluaesa com a.
Ba acrid that four naw pa
UnU with tha flu ante-ad tha
boapttal Wadnaaday. bringing
to nio tb total hoapi tallied
that for that raason. In all.
tha boapttal at this Umi has
U or 17 pattents.
Visits must bo llmltod until
lurtbor Botlco to thoso by doa
relcrtivas for aaaantlcd purpoa
a. Othars or aakad not to
com to th hospital to help
prevent th spread of th cur
rant mild epidemic . Baoular
isiUaa hours are from 2 to
4: pan. and (from 7 to 8:30
P-m. k
Heliker listed
or State Honors
Stir Races
For Primary
Races at the local level will
be "few and far between" but
late filings for the primary elec
tion prior to the March 15 dead
line have brought two contests
for the May balloting on coun
ty o trice.
Two Democrats filed for the
....... ..-..M . UU.I-
. i " i
K. - r:
Polar Bear Camp
Brings 50 Scouts
To Arbuckle Mt.
Fifty Boy Scouts and leaders
seemed to thrive on camping
out in cold and snow at their
week end "Polar Bear Camp'" at
Arbuckle Ski Area from Friday
evening through Sunday, J. G.
(Moose) Stephens, scoutmaster
of lleppner troop 661 said.
Troop 661 sponsored the camp
host tor the event
position of county assessor, and
f K ft , Will finAAffA A B Sk. V.
nlJ i. i0t Jh.ery ifS wh,ch started at 5:3 P-m- Fr
RobTt J. Laughlin and Haskell Li,., .u i,.
Sharrard.. both of Heppner. Win- r ".nd "ended7 ft a m'soT
JT inl3rf mcei Koa I day; Troop 662. McNary, and
Verlna French of Lena; Princess
Barbara Bloodsworth of Lexing
ton; Princess Susan Undtrom
of lone, and Queen Frna Win
chester of lleppner.
Princess Mardee Is enjoying
hit flmt yesr as a studenf at
fclvemlde inch achont. She tun
ferred here at the beginning of
this, her Junior year. She apent
12 years of her life In Bend,
and In other Oregon towns he
fore transferring to Riverside.
Her father has been employed
In construction work.
Comparable to others In her
1 1 court, th young ml Is 3 ft. 6
In. In height, has blue eyes and
dark brown hair. She enjoys all
types of outdoor sports, especial
ly horseback riding. Although
she has never had any profes
sional lesson, she is a very
competent rider.
For her appearance through
out the summer. he will ride a
quarter horse. "IVo!." owned
by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bcnth
Ine of Boardman.
After graduating next year.
Princess Mardee plans to enroll
in a state university and ma
Jcf In medicine.
Although Mardee U the only
child left at home, she hs three
sisters and a brother, all older.
Her sisters are Mrs. John W.
Stenkamp of Pendleton; Mrs.
Ronald Lvans and Mrs. C E.
Mershon, both of Troutdale. Her
brother. R. L. Chllders. lives in
Princess Mardee hopes to add
horsemanship and poise to
Queen Erna's court.
Their summer schedule In
cludes seven out of county ap
pearances. Including Arlington,
Condon, Umatilla. Spray, Jos
eph. Umatilla County Fair and
Pendleton Round-Up, as well as
several within the county.
Official chaperoning for this
year's court will again be in
the competent hands of Mrs.
Dimple Munkers. The girls had
their first meeting Friday to
plan the ordering of riding out
Helberg Reveals
Irrigation Plan
.Out of all the talk and spec
ulation about irrigation in the
Thomson." Republican. InCUm-1 KM llnmtlotnn Inlnn thl lnrl nnrthrn nan nt Marrow mnn.
thLHZT if.LV I ,ro in day ot fun nd ty. evidence came this week of
1 . ... ' , pciuion iaiuxaaj'.., one man who waa actually get
4-vear Iprm a hohw with. I .... I " . -
' inners oi om
TpctiUve events
Ha aald that imnnrt nf thai
Influenza war Is fust now I out opposition on the Republl- were follows: Snowshoe race.
t th bos- I" ucKet.- Danny Sweeney, troop 661; in-
reaching Its peak at
PTA Groups Set
Open Study Meet
Elementary and high school
Parent-Teacher associations of
Gene Heliker. fast breaking
senior guard for the Heppner
uign Mustangs during the re
cent basketball season, has
been given honorable mention
on the Oregcnlan's All-State A
i team. i ueoDner will hold an orjen
He was one of three from the I study meeting Monday. March
western division of the Greater I v . T in n MnMo, -.
. . , i v a w a j vwiwiuva uumi
vn-gon league 10 ne meniionea, I i,iw.v,., ,ii0 ,
the others being Tcrrv Wav of t,onal P"ophv. policies to-
Wahtonka and Steve Waterman wards school personnel, and
of Grant Union. I community relations. To be the
Terrv Ott of Nvssa was rhr.l In a series. of planning ses-
en honorable mention, the lone r,lons- tnl5 bf tn.e muf
representative of the eastern "P"1"0 t the element
division of the league. "r. a"d everyone Is
Tr..Tihor urih ru, .. welcome, according to Forrest
. .... '. V V,1 VII I L IJ... V. .1
the first and second All-State 'v"'e. wiwiii. oi me ei-
teams. there were 27 A-2 hltrh t.-jnemury riA,
Airs, wiuiam uanei Kawitns
will be moderator. She said that
the emphasis will be put on the
fart that good schools depend
upon getting and keeping good
school players chosen for Ore-
gonlans honor rankings.
Farley Motor
Kal DivaLt Jan
r dlltt D I II UdV leaving the district.
J I At tho ennelimlnn nt it urnrlr
Farley Motor Company this f "."M11 rt to the PTA
Some opposition develoted for tertube race. D. Rose, trooo 666:
Gene Ferguson, Republ lean, sack race, Phil Jones, troop 662;
county commissioner, in the fil- and compass race, team of troop
Ings when Jack Van Winkle of 661.
Heppner entered on the Demo- Troop 666 was awarded a ski
cratie ticket Neither has opoo- (traveling trophy) as the win-
sition In the primary, however, nlng troop on the basis of points
and their contest will be In Ho- earned. Phil Jones, senior pa
vemher. trol leader or troop 662, was
Two more Republicans tossed awarded a trophy as the out
their hafa in the rin with Car standing scout. Judged on par
Swanson. Remiblican incum. tlcipation. scout spirit and
bent who nrevimiKlv hvt to aa. points scored lor his troop.
sure a contest for two port com- Event officials and Judges
mission positions that will be were Rob Abrams, Gary Munk
on the ballot The newcomers crs and Jim Healy of troop 661.
are J. B. (Rarnev) Malcom of Participating SCOUtS from
HeDDner and Howard V. fiollv-1 Heppner troop 661 were: Ab
horn of Irrigon. Two are to be ms: "ealy Munkers, Tom
nominated I Cleveland, Gary Adams, Mike
r th. n.mr.n t, Hughes. David Hughes, Barney
TnYnn;" . l";7c,,h Marshall. Jeff .Marshall. Doug
,1,. M-.iinr. ia tho Va .n uonty, Gordon Cecil, Allen Mc-
HHatS ' Cab- Wa'ne Schwarzin. Danny
2. . . . s o.L Sweeney and Dwaln Steers.
For state representative 2Sth Anyone wishing to Join the
district (Morrow. Umatilla. She- tronn Is InvltoH in enm tn a
man. Gilliam. Wheeler). Martin meeting at the Legion hall.
Buchanan of Milton-Freewater MAtinirc hpin thom at 7-tn
men on me uemocrauc ucxei p.m. each Monday night.
oiiu wilt ufjuse iitui iviaini, xve
puDiican. present representa- UfATUCD
t t a.j- I I k IX
teachers. There is a concern, she November. The two filed In Sa-
said, over the difficulty in get
ting replacements for those
Murrays Rexall Drug
Buys Phil's Pharmacy
Sale of Phil's Pharmacy to Mr.
and Mrs. Rod Murray of Mur
rays Rexall Drug Is announced
this week by Mrs. Jim (Mary
Ellen) Myers, who, with her
husband, owned the store since
buying It from Mr. and Mrs. Phil
Blakney in July, 1961.
Serious Illness of Myers who
underwent a major operation in
January In Portland and is still
under treatment at the Veter
ans hospital In that city, was
the reason for selling the store,
Since Phil's Pharmacy adjoins
the recently-expanded Murrays
Drug, It will bring additional
space to the store, Mr. and Mrs.
Murray said. Prescription serv
ice will be moved to one loca
tion, the new center Just now
being completed in the south
ern section of the store.
Other goods will be sold from
the Phil's Pharmacy location as
at present, and the fountain al
so will be maintained there.
Plans call for alterations at a
later time to provide or an arch
way between the addition and
the space that was acquired
last year by Murrays with the
purchase of the Red and White
store. This is now the gift cen
ter portion of the store.
Eventually the fountain may
ne movea to tne center section,
Murray said. Liquor store will
oe maintained in Its present lo
cation In Phil's Pharmacy.
Mrs. Myers said that she and
the children plan to remain In
Heppner at least for the present.
In a statement she expressed
gratitude to those who have glv
en them their support during the
time they have been here and
for the acts of kindness shown
since Jim's Illness. She said that
the two stores have worked In
friendly cooperation, although
in competition, and that it was
the Mvers' wish to sell to the
Murrays In the knowledge that'
they would make a fine, com
plete drug store for the area.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray said
that they plan to offer the most
modern store possible and ex
pect to offer their goods at
prices competitive with those
Staff will remain essentially
week Is observing Its 18th an
niversary In the auto business
In Heppner. Jim Farley, owner.
said tnis ween. He became a
Pontlac dealer in March, 1948.
and other makes now handled
were added In subsequent years.
As part of a means of saying
"lnanK you" to customers he
is inviting the public to come
to the garage Friday for coffee
and doughnuts.
Four Firms Again
To Donate Saddle
tive. in the general election In
lem and there was no late word Official weather report for the
of other filings to offer them week of March 10-16 is as fol-
opposition In the primary elec- lows
Herman Winter filed for dis- Thursday
trict attorney and is without od- r riday
position. Saturday
At the state and federal lev- Sunday
el there will be a number of Monday
contests on the primary ballot Tuesday
ting to work at it
Max Helberg of Irrigon Is
starting work to lay an 8 ft
culvert under the present High
way 80 and to lay another un
der the roadbed of the addition
al two lanes of the highway.
County Judge Paul Jones said.
The culverts will carry Irriga
tion pipes that will extend to
Helberg's lands on the desert
side of the highway in the
northeastern part of the coun
ty. Helberg lives in this area
and owns land there, some of
which was acquired by trade
from the Lindsay ranches.
The Judge said that the in
stallatlon of the culverts will
cost an estimated $16,000 or $17,
000. Helberg expects to get
water from the Columbia River.
Prock to Head
Red Cross Drive
District to Sign
Contract at Meet
Larry Prock of Heppner will
be Morrow county campaign
chairman of the Red Cross drive,
Herman Winter, acting chair
man for the county Red Cross
chapter, said Wednesday.
Plans for the drive were made
at a meeting held last week
with eight persons attending.
The drive Is expected to start
late next week, and the goal for
the county will be $1300 of
which 40 will stay in the coun
ty. Additional Information on the
campaign plans will be printed
next week.
Contract with the U. S. Armv
l orps or engineers on the new
Riverside High school will be
Four firms centered at Lex
ington again will sponsor the
The firm Is marking Its 20th trophy saddle for Champion All-
year in the service station, hav- Around in the 1966 Morrow
ing offered Shell Oil products County Rodeo, Charley Daly, a
throughout that time. rodeo director, said this week.
Farley Motor has been dealer The all-around saddle was of. it "c.
for Willys for 16 years, Bulck fered for the first time last year. :he directors of lorrow Countv , , .u
lJjt?liGCJor U yh cin that Previously Riven , SUrWffitr?rt Mr"W XSL?.!
ouu ivamuitu ior live years, iiiiur ine iMonnwesi nc mtun
has handled Goodyear Tires for pionship.
IV years. Firms confributine to the cost
more lmormauon on tne anni- of thu saddle are Morrow Coun-
versary Is on page seven of this ty Grain Growers, Lexington Oil
Sears Catalog Store
Opens This Weekend
Zoning Hearing
Set March 28
Cooperative, Lexington Imple
ment Company and Padberg
Machinery Company.
as nt nresenr with T.vnn Pnar
son serving wun Murray as lions. Tne iirst was
registered pharmacist. Boardman recently.
Hearing on the nroDosed zon
ing ordinance for Morrow coun-
ty north of the Base Line will
be Monday. March 28, at the
A. C. Houghton school, Irrigon,
at 8 p.m., Marion Green, secre
tary of the county planning
commission, announces.
This will be the second hear
ing to be held on the matter and
is for the purpose of giving In
formation and answering ques-
held In
Mayor Al Lamb May
Return Home Soon
Mayor Al Lamb, who has
been under treatment at Provi
dence hospital, Portland, recent
ly after suffering a stroke in
January, has shown some re
sponse to the treatment, his son,
Wayne Lamb, said this week.
Tentative plans are to bring
him back to Heppner Friday to
re-enter the hospital here. How
ever, the plan may have to be
postponed because of some fev
er that was noticed in his con
dition this week.
new i durinir the PranH nncnlnu ar
tOnight C ,.1. Unnnn. VilHun lln Af Coltl. v3 Tm
(Thursday) at 7:30 oclock at a.. itw. ih,, nf pnrti9nH
the Riverside High cafeteria. Lj..i j ht-S r,. oh v,,,.k
irvln Ranrh hnnrH Chairman March 1719. Mrs. Lillian R.
Irvln Rauch, board chairman. c authorized catalog sales
Also at the meeting election merchant, announces.
Tnnnn?1 i.'TS 'i Most of the business will be
tor the b5det rtecuS? done through catalog orders t0
Ior xne budget election. Sears Roebuck and Company,
MOfiahan Nephew appliances and other items are
K:ilJ A on display and are for sale from
lllea in MCriOn the floor. Mrs. Carev states. The
ztrrt. c r tha fnrmo lrvo tinrt
A telegram to Mr. and Mrs. nt nonr.no, urHur. n.
James Monahan, received this tric af 175 N. Main Street
morning (Thursday), informed Free door prizes will be' offer. j
mem Ol me aeam Ol a nepnew. prt Hnrintr tha trranH nnAnintr-
James Bradley. 20. killed in ac there will be gifts for children;
tion in Viet Nam this week. He nH fto. 9nH ronkioo .iii ho
was a commissioned officer in served to all who visit the new
the army and had been station- store.
cd in Viet Nam since November. Considerable remodeling and
His wife, the former Angela redecorating has gone into the
Kilkenny, and his parents. Mr. building to get the store ready
and Mrs. James J. Bradley, live I for business. Several officials of
in New Ycrk. The couple has no Sears have been on hand to as-
children. sist Mrs. Carey. To be with her
James, have been living at Pilot
Rock where he is a foreman for
U. S. Gympsum Company. At the
present she is living here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Pierce. Mrs. Carey, before enter
ing the present business ven
ture, was employed at the Sears
store in Pendleton. If the busi
ness warrants at a later time,
Mr. Carey may also move to
Heppner to become active in the
store here.
Major appliances com! n 2
through the catalog store will be
installed and serviced by the
firm, Mrs. Carey said, and every
thing is priced as delivered and
installed. It is planned to obtain
a local serviceman to do service
work, she said.
Additional details of the store
and the grand opening may be
found in the display advertise
ment on page 5 of this section.