rae Library Aft Bobf Periodfcals feir Public Use If XATHtRNlC UNDSTJIOM IONE A number tf Interest Inn new IxHiks have lieen added la the shelves of tho on lub lie Library. Klve new tieclnner books are: -I Can Itrstl H All Uy Myself contalrtlntt controlled vocabu lary A ly went By", wc CllnUk: -Are You My Moth erT". jiMmn; "Ko In Si. I. Jm-um; end Ten Apples L'p on Top", LcSWjf, The murh discussed lxn.lt "In told Wood" by Truman Cate It available now. This lHk l the culmination of the author'! long standing 1'lr to make contribution toward the estab lishment of a serious new liter ary firm: the nn fiction novel. It I the t'y of (he lives and deaths of the four member of the flutter farm family and of the two men handed for the trim In Kansas. It has already t-en hailed aa a masterolee. New iM'rlodicala for loan art "parents Mazarine", 'Bird's Mazarine", and a teen ai:e pub lltallun. 'irtKenue." Mrs. Mary Swanson left on Sunday with her son In law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. i;imo MrMlllan. for their home In Sa lem, where ahe will vWIt for a while. Mrs. Clcll Ilea and Mr. Oott- frlel Hermann were honored at a birthday coffee party at the home of Mm. Marlon Palmer re cently. Cucsts Included Mr. Hermann'! sister. Mra. Ottilia Hunt of Lexington. Mr. Klmer Palmer of lleppner. Mra. Ken neth Palmer of Lexington, Mrs. Ivi-d wid of tha death . rail ail k iiiiFw a 1 1 . . - - ... - - - - - In ii. .mi. i. .11 km! Mra. on Tuesday of Mr. Mary bX k m lt,lUn.l lualillkl lift, ii( m m i uiiibiim f.i't f, hcre aha had been confined for about two weeka. Funeral services will be In Portland with rravcslde services to lw held at OIim-v CeineU-ry In IVndleton on rrldav at 2 im. Mr. lu-ckner I the widow of tha lata .ce IU-4-kner. a well known rancher In the Ion area for many years. They made their home at the ranch now farmed by Walter Jacob and later aat..ft.M.I li.aa In I fttea twitna (Marn. will be held thl romln week I(J by uA Murray. The last few at the lone United Church 'fUl..r. Mr n,-i.m.r hat tended . ... . . a. . ... ... ' " ------ ---- - " . - - inri. a lami.y niKnt I-"'"'-- ,n irtland with her niece. Mra. ennncr win oe i. on w'r . Mtnnle Prulss. She also ! sur evening March 11. M-mwed by , v.t b Harry (n. Nor, the Board of )eactineea In the,m()V r.h,.w.. ,she and Mr. ""'' rooms tt inMTiunii. . llrtnrf tatwi her nephews and Han Education fr the Oregon ((inference, will be the ruest Makcr and will show alides of her trip around the world. On Tuesday, March IS. Ir. Howard i-hruiniilii-ruin aurw-rtntenden I of McOd Zulu hospital In lur-J Karl MiKlnncy and Mrs. Cecil limine of llerrniston. and Mrs. Paul Vtlvohn, Sr. Mra. Carry Tullls. Mis. Ijt Palmer. Mra. Keith Uea. Mrc Harold Sherer, Mrs. lUirl Mil'abe, anad Mra. Itoy W. UmUtom of lone. The AI.CW. 4 Valby met at the home of Mrs. Henry Ma ker on Tuesday for the regular hlbln study and bUkiness meet Inir. Mrs. Hen Anderson was co liosteKS, Church Stota Two rraqroma Two events of much Interest riieis. having no children of their own. Mrs. Arviiia hwanson was taken to Pioneer Memorial hoa pita I on Tuesday. She has been 111 for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Lindsay ban. South Africa, will sH-k at returned on Friday from aeveral the church at H;(K) p.m. All members of the community are invited to come to these two outstanding programs. Klmer lloltt was taken to St. Anthony hospital In Pendleton lat Thursday and underwent an emergency apendectomy In the early evening. Mrs. Kdna Yarnall. a patient at Pioneer Memorial hospital In lleppner. visited at the home of her son In law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor over the week end. DMth Takes Mrs. Becknar Friends and relatives here IT ALL BEGAN 21 YEARS AGO -'or. Whan It comet to icrrlng for college. It par to start early .... and It pars to start here, where sarlngs earn at a flood rate. Prudent parents plan for their children's future education while they are young. OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY FIRST FEOERfll SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION BOX 739 PENDLETON days siient In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Helmblgrwr spent the week-end viiltlng rel atives at Odeftfta. VYah. Home Economics Club will meet for an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Lewlt I I.Ivor sen on Friday. March 1H. Wll lows Grange will have its reg ular meeting at the hall on Sunday, March 20. with a pot luck dinner at noon. A film by Pacific .Northwe.t Bel! on safe ty will be shown In tho after noon. At the regular meeting of lone Rainbow Avsembly No. 83 Tuesday evening the members decided to sponitor a spring va cation dance. It will be held at the Legion Hall on March 17 from 8:(JU to 12:00 p m. with the Dantes furnishing the mu sic. Tickets may be purchased from any Rainbow girl at $1.00 a single person and $1.50 per couple. The Rainbow Girls plan to attend the talk by Dr. Chris topherson at the United Church of Christ following a brief meet ing on March 15. Shower Honors Betrothed Pair Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carlson were hosts fur a bridal shower and party at their home Sun day evening honoring Beth Flack and Rudy Bcrgstrom, who will be married at Vaiby Lu theran church on Friday, March 11. Pinochle was played by the gucfcts after which the youn couple opened the lovely gifts. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bcrgstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hall. Rollo Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tews, Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Palmer, Miss Marilyn Bergstrom, Gerald Bcrg strom, G?rnld Icterson, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peterson. Win ning high prizes were Mrs. Don ald Peterson and Gerald Berg strom; Beth Flack won 300 pi nochle; and Roland Bcrgstrom and Mrs. Robinson won low prizes. Women's Fellowship met In the social rooms of the United Church of Christ last Thursday for the February meeting. Mrs. Alfred Nelson, Jr. presided at the business meeting. She an nounced that Mrs. Pete Can non would be chairman of the spring clothing drive and that Mrs. Keith Rca would be chair man of the Easter Breakfast 4W HEFFNER GAZETTE-TIMES Hcppncr, Oregon 97836, Thursday, March 10, 1966 Sec. 2 domY miss our: Wishing Well Irive- In V w I DGD HEPPNEB LEXINGTON HIGHWAY Saturday, March 12 Specials for Saturday and Sunday For The Kids: POPCORN, 5c Bag For The Whole Family: ICE CREAM, Vi Gal. 95c QUART, 50c OPEN DAILY FROM 10 A.M. SANDWICHES, SHORT ORDERS, DRINKS Now Under Management Of LaVcllc Cecil and Betty Sadler sponsored annually by this group. Mrs. Norman Nelson led In tha devotions and disrusnion program. Member finished roll ing 25 pounds of bandagei to be sent to leproty huapltsls. Mrs Robert Ji-porn and Mrs. Roy W. Llndstrom aerved refreshment! I tha tiosa tit tha program. Prefact Cooperation AppractaUd The lands (Iplni of the grounds at the Christian Kdura tinn Hullitlna? of the L'nlted Church of Christ waa completed l.ikt week, when members and friends of the lone Canien Club met thera to receive a ruh award made to the club by the Richfield UU Co. Who was rep resented bv Floyd Larue of Condon. Apprciiaiion of the club In winning the city beautinca lion award was expressed by Mrs. F. T. Martin. District Chair man of Blue Mountain District No. 10 and a member of the tree planting committee. Other members of her committee were Mrs. Phlll Kmert. Mrs. Ernest Chrlstopherson Jr. and Mrs. ti mer Griffith. Other speakers were Mrs. Charles Jones, Presi dent of the Garden Club. James Harnett, mayor of lorw. and Kay Bov. representing the trustees of the church. F.d Morgan or Condon photographed the brief proceeding and Bill Johnson 01 Lcklngton also took pictures. The Bank of Kast-rn Oregon also contributed to the purchase of the shrubs and trees, which consisted of three thornless lo cust, three copper roM, two for- sythia. and about 30 evergreen shrubs, including Irish juniper, pfltzers and pyrtmidal arbor v tae, and 20 mhugo pine. The pine were planted along tne alley. The work of preparing the grounds was done by the trus tees and about a dozen other volunteer laborers plus several Garden Club members. Men- bers and friends of the church have volunteered to do the maintenance work. Schedules will be prepared soon. Ladies of the church served cake and cof fee to those who did the plant ing. Pfc Frank Wiley of the U. S. Marine Corps Is spending a short leave here visiting his mother. Mrs. Tom Sweeney and family. He has been stationed with the Marines in North Car olina, but will go from here to Camp Pendleton. Calif, and from there expects to be shipped with the Second Marine Division to Av t, f- rf - . UNIQUE OPrOlTUNITT offer sd by Camp Easter SaL Orion's only summar camp escluslvsly 4tiaBa fw crlppUd cMldraa and run adults, U dxamaUxad by aa empty wh lchcdr en the baoch. laft tbara by a youna oocupcmt who Is ealorlBa a swim. Camp la loco tad oa Ttn MU lake la Coos County. Camp Easter Seal To Be Attended By 150 Campers Pvt. Alan Coppock Completes Course Martne Private Alan R. Cop pntk. son of Mr. and Mra. Usr rell Coppock of Ieslncton. has completed Individual combat training at Camp rvrvtl-i.n. Calif. Tha four-week coore im-lud-en over iaiQ huurs f Instruction under simulated combat condit ions, covering aquad tactic, ruerllla warfare, day and night combat, patrolling, and the u-e of Infantry weapon. Sgr. John Botts In Army Exercise Army Sgt. John O. Btt. 2 son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hotta. loner took part in Kxer else WI.NTfIR ARltWW. a nine, day training maneuver of the 8th Infantry Division In Or many, which ended February 15. Sgeant Eotts, a tank com mander In the 5Mh Kngineer Company, entered the Army In November. I'.j0. He was last aligned at Fort Knox, Ky. Botts. who attended lone High School, was engaged In farming before entering the Army. Camp F-aster Seal will open Its doors to 130 or more young campers this summer, beginning In mid-June. But these will be different than most youngsters seeking fun at a summer camp. They will arrive In wheelchairs, wear ing heavy leg braces or using crutchs. Camp Easter Seal is Oregon's only summer camp designed specially for physically handi capped youngsters and young adults. The campers will range In age from 7 years to 19 years and over. There will be 5 sessions of 10 days each and the sessions will Da Nang. Vietnam. Friends here have received word from Rev. and Mrs. Rod MacKenzle annou n c I n g the birth of their fourth child. Scott Thomas arrived on February 17, weighing 8 lb. 8 oz. The fam ily, which now resides at Car mlrhael. Calif., has three other children, Kathryn 6, Andrew 4. and Holly. 2. Jerrv Stefanl. who has been attending hich school in Pen dleton, has transferred to llepp ner High for the remainder oi the year. Arthur Bergstrom and daugh ter of Portland were here on Sunday to visit his mother, Mrs. Carl Bergstrom, who Is a pa tient In the Pioneer Memorial hospital. be divided Into age groups that are compatible. The first session will be for boys and girls from 7 to 10 years, to be followed bv sessions for those 11 and 12. 13 and H 15 through 18 and 19 years and older. Persons Interested In the camp are asked to contact the Oregon Society for Crippled Children and Adults. 1135 S. D. Yamhill SL, Portland. For Weed Spraying CALL ON JM BOYER Owner Gar Aviation FIELD MAN Jim FettrJoh Spraying-Dusting-Fertilizing-Seeding CRT OS LIQUID FEBTCLX2ER APPLICATION A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Can Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phone 989-8422 sv i ii m i i i s v III Mil II IHI ,t--rMa'm'itm'e'm mm i. W. a .ae-.s. .mt. .-- . -m- - ' ford's quiet ride whispers it... FORD LT0 2-0OOR HARDTOP A million Mustangs say it over and over... 1. . mm i.i.i.. ,mm i ii u u- aswSty JJ s- ""'f --v. s .v- im n-ua V. -f SfflV v . w- ll-sawrtRT 2fsU.-C.-i Jr- y C SfoSA , ; . . ... mn.9.'T -Swiwr 'wswsww . ..,.vl-.', i-A-mmlHTW - ... M9AW MII.HllllU'l" iilflfltWW MUSTANG HARDTOP Fairlane's performance says it hud and dear... You're dmd in & Ford o - JKC.SK S v - N1S,. FAIRLANE QT HARDTOP And booming sales prove Itl More and more people are switching to Ford every day...and no wonder. Fords do things other cars can't. You can have a radio in any car, but Ford offers a Stereo-Sonic Tape Player option that turns your car Into a concert hall with music of your choice, a Most station wagons have a one-way tailgate, but Ford's Magic Doorgate swings out like a door for people and down like a tailgate for cargo. Most cars offer a choice between manual and auto matic shift, but Fairlane's GTA Sport Shift works both ways a Visit vour Ford Dealer and test-drive a '66 from Ford. in MUSTANG M0NC0 f AIC0N f AKIAM KM THUNDUiatl IU1 HI EPPMEB AUTO SALES, oae, Heppner, Oregon S