Cardinals Bow in District:; Roclcets Win Crown it- ntttntn CAirrrt times, Tur4T. mc io. ihi BkrUall came to an end for. end of the tint quarter, but the season at the district luurn anient In Pend'eion for the plucky lone Cardinals Friday whrn thry lost thctr second winf t the meet to ,Mt. Vernon C2 to M. The Card had bowed in the oprner Thursday after noon to txno, 70 to . Pilot Rock, league champion ri the Morrow-Umatilla B circuit. won the district 7 B title tU by defeating the McL'wen Scuttles tf Atheiu In the final at Milton-Frerwatcr Saturday night. G5 to 47. The Rockets gained th final round by first ticieating Monument on Tnurs day, SO to 61. and then rallying to beat a determined Riverside team Friday. 64 to 60. The Pirates er- ahead. 50 to 42, at the ctart of the third quarter In the second came, but the Kk rts then staled with 22 olnt In the final period while hold Ing Riverside to 10. Riverside touk third In the tournament by defeating Echo, 63 to 5L, and Monument wa fourth with a 60 to 59 win over Mt. Vernon Pilot Rock was to start lis 3ucst for a state B title Thurs ay afternoon at 3:43 In Pendle on. facing Colton In the contest. Condon, 6 B w inner, was to meet MaUn, 5 B tltllst. In the owning Came at 2:30. Joe Rosenberg of the Echo Cougars clawed the Cards with 30 points in leading his team to victory over lone last Thurs day. The Cougars were In front at quarter stops 19 14. 40-20. and 5S to 39. A real cold second quarter when they only scored six points spoiled doom for ihe lone five. Jim Swinson. freshman, led lone scorers w ith 14. Against Mt. Vernon Friday the Cards jumped to an ea lead. lost a second anr third quarters, then battled down to the wire before losing by four points. 62 to 58, They were In front 16-10 at the trailed by one at intermission. to H. Mt. Vernon out scored them. 16 to 11 In the third quarrr to go in front by five .one i'im. back to pick up a point In the fourth, but it uim'l enough. Mark llalvorx-n led the Card inals with 20 points but Jon Oiu or the ars checked In with to ton a point maker. Sw a son had another guud some he contributed 13 to the lone cause. & we: IONE 4! W. lloUeln X M. l!alvoren 7. Swanson 14. S. llol. stein . Ball 3. Unnell 4. F. llalvorsen. Sherman 2. Magiil 3, Morgan t Lovgren 2. Kcho t BtWtna 11. Rosenberg 30, Flanagan 11. Colburn 7. OBilan 13. M.-Oord. Fullerton 1. Reese 2. Lampkln I. lONK 5N Maglll 3. W. Hoi. stein R. Halvorsen 20. S. Ilolsteln 7. Ball Unnell 2. Morgan. Swan son IT MT. VEKNON 62 l Williams 13. MeKern 6. Olp 21. Torlilv 12. 1'opo 7, L Williams. Mustangs Top Nyssa In Tournament Opener By MIKE SWEENEY lone Wins Final League Contest The Cardinals finished their league season February 2!S by defeating I'mapine, 6i to 61, on the floor, giving them a final record of 12 wins against six losses. This was good for a tie for fourth with the McEwen Scottics of Athena. Pilot Rock. defeated once by the Cardinals, came out as league rhamnlnn Iw im a lb record. Kcho and Riverside tied for second with 13-5 records, the Pirates of River- little ground In the side coming on strongly at the end of th? season. The Cards had to put on a spurt In the fourth quarter to tip ihe pestiferous t'mapine Chiefs .The visitors took a first quarter edge. 13 to 11. and still clung to a tie at halftime. 22 to 22. They dropped one point in the third quarter, but the Cards only had a 42-41 lead as the final stanza opened. At this juncture, the lone five urned on the heat and tallied 27 in the final period. The Chiefs tried to keep the pace and did Roclchound Corner By RUBY MILLEH Morrow County Gem and Min eral Society met in the old li brary building on February 26 with 12 members and one guest In attendance. Johanne Taylor gave a report cn amethyst, the February birth stone, that variety of crystalline quartz which shows various shades of purple or violet color. The name "amethyst" owes its root to the Greek word Ameth ustos, meaning "not drunken." i Judging from its widespread use. the amethyst must have been a popular stone among the an cients. In the burial crypts and ruins of the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians, seals and orn amets of amethyst are not un common. In the 18th century, the amethyst was held to be nearly as valuable as the dia mond. Among churchmen, the ame thyst is regarded as a sacred stone, and is referred to in Ex odus 28:13 and 39:12, as one of the atones used in Aaron's breastplate. - When amethysts of large size and deep, even color are offer ed for sale at a low price, it is best to make a careful exam ination before purchasing. Any cut amethyst of ten ' or more carats in weight would likely show uneveness in distribution of the color, and any stone of that size In which the color Is evenly distributed should be looked upon with suspicion. President Ed Gonty showed travel slides of Montana, and al so a few slides from his own library. : The door prize, a ceramic frog perched upon a rock, was won by Alice McCabe. The Gontys served refresh ments, i Heppner Mutang advance Into the final of the lirraic uiegon uiMrict a s puuau a La Grande Frtdav night by Mr tue of a 69 62 victory over the Nya Bulldog. Heppner Jumtvd off to a quick 4 0 lead and then the Bulldogs scored fight straight points to go ah'id M l. Heppner regained the and wa ahead 12 10 M the end of the first quarter The MitMangs had a little trouble In the second quatter for they couldnt get the ball down court. Then they settled down and had built a 31-23 rutitime lead. H'p,ner continued It fine show and built up a hi point lead at one time In the thir quarter. Paul Smlt and Jim Moore were the gunner for Ihe Bull dogs. Moore had 11 of hi 23 points In the final stanza. Smlt unished the game with 20 points. One Heliker and Jim Jacobs led the Mustangs' attack. Hel iker consistently hit 2.Yfoot shot from the head of the key and the side. Jim Jacob collec ted 14 porr.ts and did a fine job under the basket along with Mac Hoskins who pumped in 12 points. Both Heppner and Nyssa hit 28 field goals. Heppner won it on the foul line by connecting with 13 charity shots to 6 for the Bulldogs. Sre : Jacobs Kilkenny l lark !(!ktn Heliker tvihcny Hall Total IIEITNFR Kg Ft . 2 4 1 5 8 2 2 2S Pf It. 0 0 2 6 I 2 13 4 3 1 i 2 I 0 13 II M 2 12 22 6 69 NYSSA 62 Fg Ft Pf It Mavfleld 4 119 J. Moore U 1 3 23 Brown 0 13 1 Bohannon 0 0 2 0 T. Moore 110 3 Smlt 9 2 4 20 Oft 1 0 1 2 Finger 0 0 2 0 Koddma 2 0 0 4 Total 2S 6 16 62 Total Nt-rv: Heppner 12 19 23 1569 10 13 16 2362 BOWLING L 6 Tburtday Kit LodUc Team W It ug ir let 22 Ed Cole 19' Murrav 19 I.. K. Hick 16 First National 12. Mi Ladle 10 ) Wlshln Well M 1 Columhla H.i In 4 2 1 High I ml Game Marge Fck- man, 212; High I ml Serle Marge Fckman, M6: Hli'h Team Game C. Ed Cole. 8'.: Illch Team Scrlet C. Ed Cole. 2574, North Dakota Man To Direct Work Of Association Oregon Tuhcreu o I a Health A&MhU!ln ha 9 nouncrtl 12 IV. and an the ai-iHilntinent of Anthony F. Ilaheiiach. formerly of lUMuartk, N. I. a the new rita Womia'i Malor Team W entral Market 2f. MCGG. 25' IVdherii Mach. 21 l4Mngton Oil Coon 20 Turner. Van Marter. urvant 19 an a Variety xlt Electric Klnua Corp. I. 13' ll' 16 20 20i 17 23 14 26 13S 26'. High Ind. Gam Fave Ruhl. 234: High Ind Serle Flos vtatkin, .t; High Team Came Padhcri; Machinerv. 965: High Team Series Padberi' Machln- erv. 274S. Commtfdal New Telephone Books Due Here March 19 Team V L St. Patrick' 27 8l Bank of EO 25 10' A. L, Daggett. 1)11. 23 13 FkrM National 19 17 Willow Creek CC 16 20 I O O F. 16 20 C. miner's 9 27 Heppner Stud 8 28 program director for the ril ern region of the Oregon Tuber culoi.1 and Health AMM-atlon ll,ileila.h ha established rel dence In la Grande where the regional off lev will Ih hunted. avonting to Kenneth V. lum OIIIA exi'Ctitlve director. For the Ut four years and nine month. Haherlach ha MTved a tiehl rrprcHentatlve tor Ihe ortri Dakota Tubercu loi and Inspiratory llseae Asocltlon. Ilaberlarh wa graduated from the University of North Dakota, Grand Folk. N. D. with n bachelor Of art degrev In 19U). He I married and be and hi wife. Joy, have four children. The eastern region 1 nrnv In It MH-ond vear of formation and I composed of tl county tuhor- cuIoki and health aM-iaton which voluntarily elected to iimie itinixnent part of the eastern region. Dale Wvatt. Im Grande, chair man of the eastern rvglon, em- Abrami Argues Case In San Francisco Attorney Hob Abramt made a fat trip to and from San Fran clmM Sunday and Monday, leav ing here Sunday and returning Monday night. He wa in the Hay City M argue a ci.ho In the Federal I'ouit of Aeal. It I a condern liatloii . iiVMnir m ti kite on Ihe Columbia River. ItcvMoti again! Mahoney and Abram' client wa given In dUtrl.t iHiurt, remitting In the appeal- Abram drove to Portland Sunday, lx urded a plane with two Portland attorney, and re turned Monday. phnnled that each county will continue to have a county coun cil ComiKwcd of Interested till fen volunteers to advlv on so. gram iuihI through their rep. rekcnlatlve memlM-r kervlng n the regional advlory council and on the OTHA Boiird of lir- el(r. The eaitern region In clude linker. Malheur, Morrow, matlll.1. I'nlon, and Wallowa count lea. Ilaterlh will work with the Eastern Oregon Region Council, and the l county council In dannlng. developing and con ducting program for tubrrculo l eradication and the control of other rcsplrattry dlseaet and In promoting the Christmas Seal campaign within the region. School Clinics Set for County The Morrow County Health department, under the direction of Dr. L. D. Tibbies, health of ficer, has scheduled immuniza tion clinics for all county manage to hit for 20. but the Cards were eight points on top schools, consisting of three sue ct the final buzzer. cessive rmnthly visits to each ...77Vi ,4V . . " school in March. v.1111 ilia ii lui vinaiiitr. uiui MarK Halvorsen and Freshman Jim Swanson each had 15 for lone with Stan Holstein tallying 13. L'MAPINE 61 Schubert 15. Rainwater 17. Marlatt 10, Wal lace 2, Hodgen 15. Key 2. IONE 69 W. Holstein 9, Ma Rill 7, Linrell 2. Halvorsen 15. Swanson 15, S. Holstein 13. Ball 8, At or 4.1 n, Lovgren. Pacific Northwest Bell will tie. In delivery of some 1 !) new VAh telephone directories to hone U't'Th In the Heppner. one an t Lexington area Mon day. March 14, according to Dale Slusher. local manager for the phone company. All customers should have re ceived their new phone books in the nviil by March 19, Slusher said. The l ew directory contains an increase ol some N new list, ings ovr last year's Ixiok. The directory sHrts an attractive new cover that feature a color ful M-ene of a family vacation ir.g in the Metoiius River area of Central Oregon. In addition to Heppner. Lex ington and lone phone numbers, the directory contains listings High Ind. Game BUI Scrtv ner. 209: High Ind. Series Lar- rv Itock. 552; High Team Game St. Patricks. y.U: High Team Series St. Patrick's. 2929. Riding Club Meets lone Horsefly 4 II club met Marcn 1 at me rtome or our leader. Mrs. Wayne Hams. There were ten members and the lead er present. We are asked to have ready a suggestion lor the Father of the Year by the time of our t.ext meeting. March 21. at the home of Mrs. Ham. Debra McBath, reporter for rendleton. Athena. Weston. Hermlston. Umatilla. Stanfield. Echo, .ViltonFrecwatcr, Pilot Rock, Board man and L'kiah. See us ror envelopes of kinds. The Gazette-Times. all PUTMAN FLYING, INC. WEED SPRAYING CALL HOTEL HEPPNER PH. 676-9623 Helix Girl Wins In UN Contest h school in March. April, and May. Kindergarten throu g h grade and high school are in cluded in the program. Immunizations available, ac cording to Mrs. Lowell Chally, R. N.. health nurse, include the combined diptheria. pertussia. and tetanus, series of three or booster, to age 6; combined dip theria and tetanus, series of two or booser, age 6 and over; small pox vaccinations, and polio (Salk) booster only (by injec tion) for those who have com pleted the series of Salk Injections. Parents are reminded that a successful primary smallpox vaccination "take" should oc cur witnin s-14 days with a scab, crusting, and scar result ing. If some immunity remains irom a previous vaccination, an itching pimple' reaction is pro duced wthn 4 to 7 days and the Rural Electric People Help Build Payrolls In The City Marilyn Stralighn of Helix won :irst place in the United Nations Pilgrimage speaking contest in Pendleton Sunday afternoon, R, G. (Pete) Mc- Murtry said. Troy McGowan of I scar is not permanent. If no re Hermiston was second. action is produced, please check Kathy Melby, daughter of Mr. with the health department or and Mrs. Arnold Melby of Hepp- family doctor- ner, did not place but was re- The first clinic is scheduled ported to have done an excellent as follows: job In giving her speech. Thursday, March 10, 9 a.m. Six contestants from as many Riverside High school and high schools took part and com-1 Boardman grade school at petition was very keen. Me Murtry said. He represents Wil lows Lodge, IOOF. The Odd Fel lows sponsor the United Nations Pilgrimage each summer to New York City and Washington. D. C. Boardman; 12:00 noon A. C. Houghton Elementary School, irrlgon. Monday, March 21, 9 a.m. Heppner Grade school High scnool to icllow at Heppner. (Af- Miss Stralighn qualified for thelternoon kindergarten children trip this summer Sunday. Need extra cash? Sell unused items around your place with a Gazette-Times classified ad. by winning I and Seventh-day Adventist child ren aue lor immunizations please come at 9:00 a.m.) Monday, March z, 9 a m . lone Grade school and High scnool at lone. Dates of the second and third clinics will be announced at a later lime. vr ftS The 10th of the Month is The Business-Professional Man's PAY-DAY Always pay your bills by the 10th of the month. Bemember, the way you pay today, is the way you are building your credit record for the next RED BOOK Credit Bureau of Umatilla County SLOW AND PAST DUE ACCOUNTS ARE COLLECTED BY THE ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT. PAY YOUR SLOW ACCOUNTS NOW AND AVOID HAVING THE ACCOUNT TURNED IN FOR COLLECTION Anderson Boys Back Home From Africa Doug and Dave Anderson re turned "home" to their Morrow county friends Friday, after leaving their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson, and broth ers Kit and Rickv. in Niamev. a r f . . ' . " ' I Airica, tne nrst part ol January. I They traveled leisurely through Europe, visiting many places of interest, and returned home by piane oy way 01 London and New York City. Doug i3 visiting in the home or the George Luciani family in me fine city area Deiore enter ing the University of Oregon later tnis montn ior spring term. Dave i-j a guest of the Jim Bloodsworth family at Lexing ton. He plans to enroll at Oregon State University for the spring term. Kit remained at the Internat ional Secondary School at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, wnere ne will complete his sophomore year. In February he ponrayea tne part or Saieno. a I young gentleman of Venice in a four-nisht school production of ine bnaKespenan play, 'The Merchant of Venice." The cast included a total of 27 characters, besides a large number helping wun music, stage and costuming. J Each year, rural electric people all over the nation buy more than a billion-and-a-quarter dollars worth of electrical equipment and appliances and this is only a fraction of the annual total of goods and serv ices produced in the towns and cities and bought by rural electric people. Workers and businesses feel this rural electric purchasing power where it counts in their pay enve lopes and cash registers. We are proud of the part we play in helping to keep this nation s economy strong. Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Serving Wheeler, Gilliam, and Morrow Counties