Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 03, 1966, Sec. 2, Page 2, Image 10

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County Agent'i Ollico
Planting Season Nears End
For Windbreak Trees
County Emtenaioa Agont
Her U a rt'mlndVr to tho
Morrow county rural resident
ho haven't ordered their wind
break tree for planting thl sea
son, to do o without delay.
The Oretron State Forestry De
partment Nursery at Elkton U
out of some species wtlh a
month or so left In the ahipplna
The current Inventory list
ronderosa Pine and Norway
Spruce still being available of
the conifers commonly used In
the county. Broadleafed trees
adapted to Morrow county con
ditions are Black Locust, Chi
nese Elm and a very few Rus
sian Olive.
Caracana. or Siberian pea as
It is sometimes called, has not
been available from the state
nursery this year.
Order forms and the latest In
ventory of conifers and broad
leafed trees adapted to local
conditions can be picked up at
the county extension office.
Factors Dtermlno Kind
Of Ditch Wood Coo trot
U'mvI control alon? irritation
ditches can be accomplished by
burning or ine use 01 neroiciaes.
Rnrnina u satisfactory under
certain conditions, but should be
done when the weeds are com
nlft)v Terminated in the
spring. Burning at Intervals was
necessary tnrougnoui me grow
ing season.
Herbicides may be used to
eliminate all vegetated growth
bv sterilizing or by eliminating
all vegetative growth without
sterilant materials.
Erosion Is a factor to consider
before sterilizing an irrigation
ditch. When there is consider
able fall causing rapid flow,
herbicide or sterilant rates
should be avoided.
Weeds may be eliminated for
most of the growing season by
using Amitrole, Amitrola T, or
dalapon combined with 2,4-D.
Applications should be made In
the spring after most of the an
nual weeds have germinated,
but before the weed growth is
large enough to Impede flow.
Precautions are not to get
drift of these chemicals when
these chemical combinations are
on susceptible crops in adjacent
fields to the irrigation ditch.
The water from the ditch should
not be used for 24 hours follow
ing treatment.
Sterilants eliminating all veg
etation are diuron, monuron,
atrazine, simazine, bromicil or
mixtures containing these chem
icals. Applications should be us-
Agent Demonstrates
Livestock Judging
Mr. and Mrs. Gail McCarty of
Heppner were guests of the
Country Critters 4-H club on
February 27. Mr. McCarty, coun
ty agent, showed us the main
points to look for in judging
hogs, steers and sheep. It was
announced that our next Judg
ing Day will be March 16 at
Refreshments of strawberry
shortcake and Kool-aid were
served by Mrs. Pete Richards,
Karen Richards and Debbie
Karen Richards, reporter
Motor Rewinding 1
Pendleton 276-7761
BARB WIRE, Per Roll $8.00
Blackleg Vaccines Thway
Scour Pills
Used Cable for Hitches, 5s in.
Heppner 676-9422
TIMES. TWdaT. March 1 Itt
uallv made preferably In early
Treatment should be made
when the ditches are empty
Th-v ihouhi ho left free of wa
ter until an Inch or more of
rain has fixed the chemical in
!.- ih imivw Ixv.v (if loil.
Purther details on chemical
weed control of Irrigation ditch
c can be found at the County
Extension office or from your
agricultural cnemicai oeairr.
Wheat Storage
Stocks Down
Across Nation
WViopt ctnrace stocks In Ore
gon are down this winter, but
there Is more feed gram on
Tin ctnrat-A nleture in Oregon
compares to the rnonnwesi ami
United States holdings, dut. ure
con'a 26 million bushels on
hand Is 2 per cent less than
i-nir u-hilrt tho Northwest
stnrv of ll4.fi million bushels Is
only 1 per cent smaller.
Nationally, the January 1
wheat stocks were down 8 per
cent at some U billion, the
lowest level In 12 years. Stephen
C. Marks, Oregon State Univer
sity extension agricultural econ
omist, said that Northwest
stocks of white wheat total a
shade under 73 million bush
rnnri runnlntr far ahead
IMJAtW - .
of the-year-earlier volume ana
more wheat is being used for
feeding purposes, he said.
Marks noted that despite the
it wnt (tvarn in white wheat
prices since harvest, wheat is
a chearer erain for feeding than
corn or barley.
Oregon's feed grain stocks are
only slightly larger this win
tor Th email increase is made
up of barley, oats, and rye. Corn
supplies are snarpiy smaiier.
The same pattern holds true for
the rest of tne racuic nonn
west except for barley stocks,
which are up per cent i
dK million bushels. Nearly all
of this increase Is In Idaho.
BMCC Extension Has
10-Week Bishop Class
Starting on March 9
The Extension Division of the
Blue Mountain Community col
lege will offer intermediate
Bishop sewing, starting Wednes
day, March 9, at Heppner High
The 10-week class will meet
Wedntsdavs in the Home Econ
omics room from 7 to 10 p.m.
No class will be held March 16,
as the HeDDner schools will be
observing spring vacation. This
will give class members an op
portunity to secure materials
needed tor tne course.
?vivia Smith, who tautzht a
basic Bishop class at Heppner
last year, will be the instructor.
Tuition fee for the course is
Thirty-one Morrow couniy
nchers recently
completed a course in Animal
Health, gnen Dy bm ui.
Stanley McGough was the in
Gooseberry Club Meet
Gooseberry 4-H Livestock club
held a meeting at Dick McEl
ligott's home. We discussed how
to make ana pass a motion. Al
ter the meeting we went to the
bam and watched Don and Dick
McElligott give a calf an I. V.
and shots for other diseases. We
watched a film on "How to
Judge Animals," and saw some
other slides. Our next meeting
will be held at JacK sumners
on March 6 at 2 p.m.
Mary McElligott, reporter
Attention Called
To Three Events
On Farm Calendar
Morrow County Extnioo Agont
4 H LW-k FMd PT
The second 4 11 UveMock
Field Dav for the year ha
been evneduled for Wednesday.
March 16, utarttng at 10:00 a m.
on the Morrow County fair
grounds. The tentative program
will begin with up on iivrnocK
Judging tn the morning and
conclude wim a juuging cunu-M
in the afternoon.
A 4 11 livestock judging team
to represent Morrow county at
tho Oregon State Fair in Salem
and the racific International
Livestock Exposition In Portland
will be selected by combining
the scores of the two field day
contest and the county fair con
test. High point Judge for the
IVee mbt r contest was Sue
Greenup of Heppner.
Squaw Butte Field Day
Tho annual Beef Cattle Field
Tv at the Souaw Butte Sta
tion near Burns will be held
March 22. This has proven to
a verv informative day for
cattlemen from all over eastern
Oregon for manv year, inis
year's session will cover auch
varied topics as: slaughter
twr from ranee feed: control
led estrus In range cattle; cattle
diseases, and many others. The
afternoon session will inciuae a
inur of current research at the
station. A program for the meet
ing may be obtained at the
county extension office.
County Youth Mooting
Raymond Rowe, executive sec
retary for the Governor's State
Committee on Children and
Youth, will meet with a group
of interested persons In the cir-
cult courtroom starting at 1:30
p.m. on Friday. March 11. There
has been considerable Interest
in lack of youth opportunities
in Morrow County in the past
and therefore such a qualified
sneaker might be of great in
terest to those people Rowe has
indicated that he will be pre
Dared to speak on such things
as the 16 Youth Conference
in Salem, the Oregon Job Fair.
county youth councils and coun
ty committees, aspects of vari
ous Federal Legislations or ten
tative state Legislative changes.
All Interested persons, young
or old are urged to attend.
When and How to Zone
Ted Sidor
Resource Development Specialist
CooperatlTO Extension Semce
Oregon State University
Vmi call the fire department
after the fire's burning but you
should plan for future growth
and development of your com
mnnitv hefore the fire starts.
Many people In areas of rapid
population growin, sucn as
Southern California woke up to
the need for planning and zon
ing before it was too late, after
the disorganized confusion of
nnnbnnM rievelonment and
growth had brought a tangled
patchwork that was Impossible
to undo.
The time to plan Is now, be
fore the problems become insol
uble. County wide zoning Is one
of the tools that is used to trans
late land use plans into prog
ress. There is a tendency to put
zoning off, when there are no
pressing problems of conflicting
land use to plague an area as
yet. But the greatest service that
those interested in the future
welfare sL their community can
perform is to plan before these
problems arise.
Zoning should not be ap
proached as a defensive move to
prevent undeslred development.
Zoning should be a positive ap
proach to planning for the full
and orderly development of the
resources of an area. It should
be tied to a comprehensive plan
for the highest and best use of
those resources. And it should
be subject to thorough and con
tinuing review as the goals and
potential of an area change.
There are several types of zon
ing ordinances that can be es
tablished. These include both
cumulative and exclusive zon
ina iinHpr an exclusive zoning
approach, only one use or a few
closely related uses are allowed
in each zone. For instance, in
an agricultural zone, only farm
inir or businesses close to farm
ing are allowed.
With cumulative zoning, on
the other hand, the zones are
Stanfield. Oregon
f. Zi ' Hickory Smoked
Cutting and Wrapping
Locker Beef and Pork
Will pick up two beef or
more free at charge
Phone 449-3623 Jim Tolan
Day or Night
----' J -1
Northwwt whoat In me amob roa. noto woy a'"k"'"5J
onto of tholr woros during lunch at a ttcwl Marketing Con
ronco In Tokyo, rrom Ml Jim Hutchinson, fomtetty oi Holla
and Dlroctor ol tho Asian Moikot DIopmtnt program, locatod
tn Tokyo, rrod Schneltor. Manila oUlce, and Roboit Fondhan ol
the Tokyo oltlco. They are oating tompura soba. a traditional
JapanoM dUh which U mado almoat onttroty from U. S. whlto
wnoat Hutchlnton was forrooily with tho Oroaon Whoat Giow.
ra Leaauo ottico In PendUton and Tondhan was with the Waih
Ington Association o4 Whoat Growors. Schnoltor. beforo golna to
tho Asian aroa was with the Walla Walla Chaxnbor of Com-niorco.
Irvin Rauch Named
To OFBF Committee
Irvin Rauch of Lexington U
a memnor or tne newiy iormvu
Oregon Farm Bureau Federation
education committee which held
Its Initial meeting In halem
The committee I charged
with the responsibility of lor-
mulatlne ooltcy recommenua-
Hons to be presntiHl to voting
de eeates of the next annual
OFBF meeting In November.
Subtects to be considered rv
the committee are community
colleges, education of migrant
children, school financing,
school district reorganization.
strengthening of local control.
teacher certification, teacner re
lations and kindergartens.
Rauch will handle the sub
ject of school district reorgan
ization. Rauch is currently edu
cation chairman of the Morrow
County Farm Bureau and Is a
Dast vice Dresident.
The committee Is expected io
have Its reports completed by
mid-July, prior to the annual
mid summer Farm Bureau res
olutions conference at which
tentative policy suggestions for
1907 will be discussed.
Other committee members are
Mrs. Barry Brownell. Oregon
City, chairman; William Kessl,
Scappoose, vice chairman; Mrs.
Joe Rogers, Independence; Rob
ert Humphreys, Silverton; Robert
Magee, Dayton; and Carl Kaser,
The Dalles.
ranked from the most restrictive
to least restrictive. The most re
strictive zone, residential hous
ing, can contain only residen
tial housing. But the second
zone, which might be farming
can include both housing and
farming. The third zone, busi
ness, could Include residential
housing, farming and business.
And so on. with the final zone
allowing unrestricted use. The
type of zoning used depends on
the needs and wishes of the
commmunlty. "
The first step in developing
a good zoning code is to make
a survey of your community.
List the present use, natural
physical features, problem
areas, areas particularly well
suited to one use or another,
population, economic features.
Develop a land use map show
ing how the land is being used
at the present time, listing lo
cations of various structures and
types of use. Note farmlands,
strip development, parks, Junk
yards, power and gas lines,
drainage ditches, roads, farms,
recreational area. Note features
such as flood plains, that could
have a bearing on future land
Some of the initial survey can
be made from observation. Sev
eral local, state and Federal
agencies, are also set up to sup
ply topographical, geographical
and other material. Source ma
terial may include aerial pho
tographs, soli survey reports,
forest maps, and maps showing
features such as topography and
After the information is com
plete enough to provide a good
picture of present county land
use patterns, a committee rep
resenting the different area and
PH. 676-9623
-V KT"
- V
promoting Oregon and FocUle
Bigger Markets
For PNW Wheat
Seen in Far East
Western Wheat Av.x-latc. the
Oregon Wheat throwers League
representative In the Asian area.
Is now laying plans ai a result
of a wheat marketing confer
ence In Tokyo to grentlv In
crease the sale of U. S. wheat
tn that area.
Taiwan currently Imports In
excess of 10 million bushels un
der V. L. 4S0. Hans are under
way for Taiwan to shift to a
cash market net year which
may mean W.W.A. will open
another office there. Okinawa
now takes all her wheat require
ments from the U. S., and Hong
Kong has shown Increased In
terest In purchasing American
Fred Schnelter. Manila office
director, points out that the
Southeast Asian area also of
fers further possibilities for ex
panding U. S. cash wheat sales.
New flour mills are now In op
rrdtlnn in Thailand. Mal.iV.l.
and Singapore wtth more mllUj
under construction.
"These are relatively new
mnrkeK for U. S. wheat."
Schnelter said, and Wheat As-
soclates will place more empna
sis on developing sales and
wheat flour usage In these areas
In 1300.
Cash sales of U. S. wheat to
hith Jantn anri hp Phllil)t)lnes
during 1905 showed marked In
creases over 1901. The purpose
, a i
oi ine conierence was io his-
miua mnnna tif nhtnlnincp liircpr
share of these Important cash
Gain. trt Jtnnnn nnt vpar
reached 64 million bushels,
which accounted for 43 of all
U. S. cash wheat sales In the
u;nrll mirkot Tho PhilinnlneS
is the second largest dollar mar
ket In the Far Last, ineir aoi
lar purchases from the United
Ctna taut venr rearhid 9 mil
lion bushels which represents
more tnan nan oi me loiai i nu
ipplne wheat requirements.
Iimoi Untrhlnnnrt r'lnnnl
director of foreign market de
velopment located in loKyo re
ported, 'The potentials for In
creased U. S. wheat sales In the
Far East are very encouraging."
interests of the community will
need to crystal ball the future
growth pattern for the area.
This doesn't need to be taken
entirely off the top of their
heads. Economic and population
forecasts are available from a
number of sources In Oregon.
These forecast will at least serve
as a starting point for the com
mittee. Four-H Riders Meet
The lone 4-H Horseflies club
met at the home of Susan Lind
strom on Monday, February 21,
after school. There were 11 mem
bers present. Our 4-H noteboons
came ana we passea mem out
Thru rflmo In the color of black
We had a little test on parts
- . . i i t I i .i i
oi tne ncrse, saume anu onuie
T?frpshmpnts were served.
The date of the next meeting
will be March 7 at 4 p.m. a;
the home of Mrs. Wavne Hanw
Debra McBath, reporter
Your Homo Agent
'Durable Press'
New Development
In Clothing Care
Morrow County
Homo Eatonalon Agont
Heic'a a tip on one of the
new raay-lron feature In cloth
ing. Durable trc H another
development In ah and wear
lulu l-n that make It raster to
care for clothing.
Garments labeled 'durable
wh" get their final wrinkle
it sistaiuf or wh and wear
prvtH-tty affr the t'ann.-nt
la made. iiv FJalne K. Carlwrn.
eMrnslon clothing and textile
Meclaltt. The fahiV U given a
Mvlal finish and I "cured."
When the garment U complete
ly ronaU-uctcd, the curing pro
om In completed cither In a
HMiial o en or bv prvwdng un
der hlh ptessuro on mhh-UI hot
bed prt-aM-a. The flnUh take
full r If oct at thu time. khajH-M-tting
the garment's wrinkle-free-
appearance and setting In
construction details, auch at
pleats In fcklru ami crraws in
pants and hem.
Hecause the finish U set after
the garment l made, the right
lining. taie. thread, and HP
Hni must be used to be sure
they will not pucker In the fi
nal "curing."
Don't buy a puckered gar
ment. Those pucker will never
come out.
Be ure you get the right
lxe. The nhape I o well net
that If seam must be let out.
the original line or edge will
khow and It won't Iron out.
rant legs can be Murtenel
bv cutting the cuff off and
stitching them to the pant leg
at the appropriate place.
Durable press cost a little
more, but you can cxieet more
than a fair return in durable
neatness and easy care.
Buying Tips lor Shoota
If you take advantage of
while sales, you can sine lot
of money If you know the qual
ity of sheet and pillow cases
you are buying. Many of these
items are packaged and It Is
lmNssible to determine quality
by handling the fabric. Klalne
K. Carlson, extension clothing
and textile specialist at Oregon
State University gives some
pointers on Judging quality.
Cotton sheets Include two
types, muslin and percale. Mus
lin Is made from heavier yarn
than those used In percale. I
less closely woven and Is coars
er to the touch.
The yarn or thread count, (the
numiwr nf lengthwise and
crosswise thread In a square
Inch) is one indicator oi qual
ity. Muslin with a thread count
r.r 112 Tvim 112. I often coarse.
sleazy, and poor wearing. Type
128 is a good quality economy
muslin sheet which Is easy to
launder, strong and long wear
ing. Typo 140 (heavy-duty)
which is heavy to handle and
bulky to launder. Is used In in
stitutions because of Us long
wearing characteristics.
Percale has a thread count of
180 or more per square Inch.
Type 180 Is most common. It Is
durable, soft and smooth and
easy to launder.
If your mattress Is not a
standard size, measure to deter
mine sheet size. Sheets should
,: z I
A ..III I "i
y.lri Jr
For unstoppable, grab-hold-and-go power, profettlonal 4 wheeler
depend on the TOYOTA LAND CRUISER. It's the rugoed pro-rig
that goe where tho other get hung up, Only TOYOTA world'
champion of 4 whoel drive In 78 countries give you the BIG 6:
1. POWER 6 cylinder, 135-hp itudhorse engine
2. SPEED crulso 65 mph on the highway all day long
3. GRADEABILITY only 4-wheel drive that climbs 67 grade
4. HI-LO GEARING 9 forward, 3 reverse gear combination
5. RUGGEDNESS heavy duty, tank-tough TOYOTA construction
6. COMFORT carries 7 men on foam rubber scats, plua gear
4-WHEEU DRIVE ff vammmmmoM. iiisiiwawaMT
Hardtop, Vinyl Top, Toplesl, Slalion Wagon modeli, Long Whcalban Pickup Fully
Equipped 12 mo.12,000 mile warranty PartiServlcs available eoait to eoatt
See Them At
Highland Machinery Co.
Ph 384-2562
Evcryono Reads Ads,
Says Harold Becker
"I know reron raiU yir
tlaxM led ml Im ! rny
one h tM-en asking lr Ix.lU,"
Si tnll ll.il. .Id Uikel of
k-4ket rqulpincht In the
Curette Time oftbv l.od Wed
lu-.lay. , ,
tin leccnly ktinked a lare
m..ly of lolls. Iron and in. tal
lltc nl !' Im-4-ii lutuiliig
a.U In ll'' Ml'' ( ll'eot
Since It-en he ha had a num.
t-r ol talU iti-ry day mHIi
nim.lMi! friu m lew rent
to J.'V
IhiM.l.t sal. I that he mily had
toe request that he louMti't
fill Soli. .'lie wanted a "'' II
In. Ii. i . iu; and P I'm he In
diameter lie umiii will be able
to fill all H-quest. though, lr
he plan lo gel a miuhlnc to
Ihrea I hi own Ik.Iu.
Riding Club Elects
The necon.l meeting of the
South Spring 4 II Hiding cluh
wa held at Valerie Hoyrra
home. It was railed to order bv
Kerry Copork ' February IS.
We answered roll call by nam
ing the part of a hore.
We elected office. They are
Kerry loppork. president; Val
erie IUer, view president ; Gwen
lrnke. nccretnry; Michelle Mil
ler, recreation leader: Sherry
Kemp. rcmrtcr. and Mr. Wil
liam i Duherty. leader.
Refreshment of lo cream and
rookie were served by Mr.
Hoyrr. Our next meeting will !
at Michelle Miller' on March
Sherry Kemp, reMrtor
be 32 Inches longer than mat
Ire and 30 Inches wider. Sie
label refer to the torn length
before hernmnlg.
Fitted hheet are made for
standard mattresse and are al
ways pre shrunk. Fabric shrink
ace should Iw les than 1.
Pillow rne are also describ
ed In their size before seaming
and hemming. For down andor
feather pillow, which arc flut-
fu -rt ?H lit .TO Im-he. the
correct pillow case ale I 43 x
3ti'. For newer Dacron polyes
ter or fam rubber pillow. 17x
23 or IS x 2 Inches, choose cas
es In sue ii x .Hi or u x jji'h.
All Shopos All Models
Experience In
Aluminum Products
v -. r ' j"
Condon, Oregon