Classified Rates it per word - tnlnlmuM 7i per Insertion. Cards ( Thanks 11.50 ClaaalfWd DUplay SOc per CLASSIrTtD DEADLINE Noon Wednesday T enrol d MUUia. cash U re swMtod for small ada when bteugbt to the Idee, 8 Services '14 Automotive I'HKK fy ilMATfS irUdly Riven on new or rrriHHia'iiritf ! I r jt or r-matl. Have In ! k Mvw.xmI, doors, lumber, build inn hardware, tools. Pettyjohn a rarrn and Hululera Miip'My, in 67UW157. Si -52c 1 Cards of Thanks CAUD OF THANKS I would like to extend my thank for the prayer, iruu flmrr, carda and vUlta from my friends during my lllneM Your klndnraari have been very much aritreciated. Kdith Nlrhofton 52p CARD OF THANKS We wUli to extend our sen rroua thanka to our frlenda for the plants, rarda and rayeri durlnir recent werka. we give pedal thanka to the Bill Gen try family for taking our child ren Into their home the paal three week-ends, and for car Inn for our dog while we were out of town. The Jim Myers family 52c Notices FUIJ.KR BRUSH PRODUCTS Vt orders c Information rail Mrs. Ma llarrla. 670 5.V.J. 50 53c COMPLKTE your hWth school education at home In spare time, hmall monthly pay menta. Diploma awarded. Write American School fot free booklet that explains how. P. O. Box 1287. IVndle. ton. Ore iron. 47-57c OUK SPrXIALTIKS Body and fender wirk. repairing, re mod ellng. painting, and radiator repair. Top prices for cupper, aluminum, iron, uaea rauiat ors and batterlea. Ceella'a Shop and Wrecking Yard. Ph. 676-5M5. 37tfc SAND AND GRAVEL HAULING. Contact llama Truck Line, lone. ph. 43 7277. 41-tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry FOR SALE35 head 2 year-old Angus bulls. Also 33 head yearling Angus bulls (good heifer bulls). Also Tillamook dairy cattle. Don Greenup, Itt. 2. lleppner, ph. 670-9795. 5052c ANYONE not having use for this week's Gazette T 1 m e s please save f me. I ran use WANTED TO BUY Horses. Any kind. Ph. 9K9 8107. 50tfc ONE STOP SHOPPING LOOK at these Deals! Used Cars 1963 Chevelle V-8 eport coupe. overdrive 92750 19C3 Chevrolet sport coupe $3100 12 Corvalr 2 door 102 HP 4 speed 1959 4 door sedan Commercials 14 Automotive Buicn TUNED CAR TRADIN' DERBY $100,000 Sweepstakes YOU CAN BUY A NEW BUICK FOR $2332 F.O.B. FACTORY Used Cars .41300 1963 Rambler Classic, excep- I tionaiiy clean -4850 iir.rj inevroici aiauon wagon. clean with air conditioning 11957 Bulck many copies of the new Uw in Form and Garden No. 167.740. Anyone having ' U ana UOracn 1962 CMC 4 wheel drive -42100 1957 Pontlac 4 dr. Fullpower -1200 Used 4-Wheel 1959 CMC 4 wheel drive pickup S1300 1960 Chevrolet K ton pickup, Drives 1959 Int. 4 wheel drive pickup with winch $1250 1964 Jeep pickup, like new. very much. Lois Winchester. 52c AMMUNITION! We have It will supply your ammunition and reloading supplies. Also hunting and fishing licenses available soon. Pettyjohn's Karrn and Builders Supply, ph. 67C 9157. 51 -52c DEALER Highland Mschln ery Company, Condon. Oregon, phone 384 6452. 35-tfc 4 Help Wanted DEALER WANTED for 15O0 family Rawlelgh business In Morrow, Sherman and CHIlam coumles. Many doing $100 to $300 or more weekly. Good op portunity for profitable busi ness ol your own. Write Raw. lelghs. 306 Adeline. Oak land. Calif. 49 52c 12 Furn., Appliances SEE t'S for your Irrigation prob lems. Cornell pumps and aluminum pipe. Free cMl mates. Pettyjohn's Farm and Bulli-rs Supply, ph. 676 9157. 51 52c 13 Misc. For Sale AT COST undercarriage parts for all track layers. Also, will work on your rat at your place. $1.50 hr. Ph. 422-7474. 52tfc CUVCK WAGON CAMP TRAILER. SLELT5 2. $150 WANTED Mechanic. CIRCLE J HORSE TRAILERS PRICES START AT $855 See Us For TRAILER PARTS. BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sorts of Trailer Parts FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PH. 676 9921 Oldfimers Back For Visit Here IT BLANCHE McDANIEL HARDMAN. RHEA CREEK Guy Crispin was pleasantly sur il-d one day last week when three old school chums of long ago dropped by for a visit. They were (Hear Baker and his sis ter, Mary Cravens of Klamath Palls, and another Bister, Olceva Mi Lain from Walla Walla. It had been CO yeara since Mr. Baker was here, but the worn- I en had been bark several years ago. They lived In the moun talna when they were young and attended school at Burton Val ley with Guy and some of the other oldtlmers from this area. . Mrs. Percy Cecil brought her husband home from St. Anthony hospital Saturday night. Al though still weak, he is able to be up and about. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Vinson ol Monument vis Ited the Cecils over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brinda of Pendleton spent Thursday with their son In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevens, and family. On Saturday the Stev. ens family motored to Monu ment to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Muscrove. Kenny Wright, a student at Blue Mountain college. In com pany with his fiancee. Miss Judy Smith of EOC, were week end visitors with his parents, the Harold Wright. Saturday evening Mrs. Wright, Kenny. Judy and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer were dinner guests of KEfPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, february 14. IX T MONUMENT Br MARTHA MATTESON MONUMENT Bud Keeny and family visited Sunday at the Harold Up pert home. Mary Lip pert took Maynard Hamilton to Heppner last Tues day on business. Marlene Lewis, oldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis. had the misfortune to spill some wax while trying to make can dles, and received first and sec ond degree burns on her arm Mrs. Dick Waddell of Echo visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crewdson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Darold llama spent Friday In Heppner visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Blettell. Alta Stevens spent the day shopping and visiting friends. and stomach Mrs. Harold Rey nold took her to John Day for medical aid. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Matteaort drove to John Day last Tuesday on business and also traded In their car. Ben Spain came home from Portland Friday evening where he had been fur treatments. Mr. and Mrs. FrM Shank came home Sunday. They drove as far as The Dalles Friday from Portland, where he had been for aurgery. American Legion and Auxil iary held their regular meet ings In their hall last Thurs day evening. Neva Jones and Martha Matteson served the re- freshmtnts. The MMM dub met last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ed Round, with 10 mem bers and two visitors present Next meeting will be 7-liursday, March 17. at the Doris Capon home. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Building Construction Groves Construction RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL REMODELING All Types of Building We Can Help You With Plans Let Us Modernize xour Kitcnen I960 Jeep pickup. "5 Jsast !?- "MAS 5 excellent stock racks. 1 2 used station wagons. with Pickups and Trucks 1957 Ford H ton pickup. V-8 motor, auto transmission; In I good condition. 5 Work Wonted WORK WANTED Daytime gen eral housework, or Ironing. Box 1676, Heppner. 52-53p FOR LAND LEVELING, bulldoz ing, etc., ph. 422-7474. 62tfC WORK WANTED Will do iron- Ing and light housework. Ph SPECIAL SILVER SALE 52- Piece acts Community Flight, Affection. Morning Rose, and , 1847 Rogers Bros. Garland, i Reflection. Magic Rose, Heri tage, Flair. All regular $89 95 patterns, now only $09 95. Peterson's Jewelers, Ph. 676 9200. 52C 670-5813. 52p BACK HOE and dump truck work wanted, by hour, or by contract. Bob Pierce, ph. 676- 9-167. Box 446, Heppner. 46-4p Wanted WANTED House cleaning woman to work In Heppner , I . . I , J L. I nan or iuii oay cblii wmi year long. References needed Write fiov A. HpDDner Gazette- Times. 521c For Rent FOR RENT Furnished apart ment, $65 month. Case Bldg.. Heppner. Ph. 676-5571. 49-tfc FOR RENT Two bedroom un furnished apart ment. Call Dick Meodor, 676-9192 after 6:00 p.m. 37tfc FOR RENT Furnished apart ment. Ph. 676-9684. 27tfc ROLL TICKETS for sale In single and double rolls. Use for drawings, admissions to events. Gazette-Times, Hepp pner. Ph. 676 922a 37-tfC 9 Livestock, Poultry LOOKS LIKE A LATE SPRING On v 200 or 300 plow shares have been brought In so far this year. Remember our stock of bolts and iron when need for these Items comes up. BECKET EQUIPMENT CO. Ph. 676-1261 521c A FOR SALE New and used rail road ties; galv. corrigated roof ing; rough 2x8, 16 ft. long, and many other Items. Contact Del T. Harmon, Stanficld, Ore., ph. 419 8606. 51-54C USED CARS AND TRUCKS WE'VE JUST PURCHASED a new electric pipe threading ma chine. Have in stock V through 2" pipe fittings, also plastic pipe, W through 1H" Remember, we cut and glaze glass for all lobs. Pettyjohn's Farm and Builders Supply, ph. 676-9157. 51 52c CRUSHED GRAVEL for sale. Contact Bob Pierce, ph. 676 9467. 50-55p RUBBER STAMPS made to order, also STAMPING PADS In black, red or green. For busi ness or personal use. Orders filled promptly at the Gazette Times office. 1964 Falcon Station Wagon Dr. 1962 Ford Station Wagon 1961 Ford Starllner 1960 Chevrolet Bel Air Station Wagon I960 Falcon Station Wagon 1960 Falcon 4-Dr. Sedan 1960 Ford Starllner, overdrive 1960 Ford Starllner, automatic 1953 International 170 Truck-Chassis Cab ner spent last week-end Iva Lou McDanieL Mrs. Genevieve Wooley of Portland spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Huston Lesley. The Lesleys spent Saturday and Sunday at Mt. Vernon visiting a brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. lKfi Chevrolet U ton clckun. MianKs; a niece. Mrs. naie 4-speed I Ljernon' ana orumer, jue ieg- I ler. 1950 Ford H ton pickup, very Mrs. Barton Clark had a re- clean, with new paint Job. cent letter from her parents, Mr. Innrl Mm Rav Wricht ctAtlnp 1950 Diamond T 6 wheeler, th-v WOuld be home about the 10.000 x 20 rubber, excellent ript nt March Thpv havo hMn to move farm tractors spending the winter at Apache 1942 International with stock rn;Art?naLJl"d... JE2 r"tR cold most of the winter. 1941 CMC bulkbed I Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McDanlel . ,1 and Dixie were in Pendleton 1941 Chevrolet truck, bulkbed last Tuesday for medical atten- tlon and business. On Thursday they spent the day at LonerocK visiting Air. and Mrs. Lmmett Davis and Carroll. and Among those attending the game Friday night at Wah tonka were the Gene Hall family, Non da Clark, Carole Rawlins, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer and Bob Harris. Mr finrl Mr T Rnhincnn MOTOR COMPANY spent Tuesday "night with Mr. ana aits, xennein oauy in Heppner, and left Wednesday morning for an indefinite stay at Ashland. Haiold Wright Is on the sick list this week and Creth Harris Is still battling an ear infection. Correcting an error of last week, the Mitch Chapmans are residents of the Spray area, and not of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dallas McDanieL and electric hoist SPECIAL Free Estimates Ph. 676-5546 Heppner. Ore H&M Construction Co. Builder of New Homes And Remodeling Henrv (Hank) Pedersen 3216 S. W. Jay Ph. 276-7776 Pendleton City Council Heppner City COU nC i lesuus Citizens having matters for discussion please bring them before the coundL Ph. 676-9618 Mortuary Sweeney Mortuary Licensed Funeral Directors Ph. 676-9600 Heppner Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 676-9465 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physician and Surgeon Heppner Ph. Office 676-9943 Home 676-9718 Electricians Number of good fishing hunting cars. WE ARE YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER FARLEY PonUacBulck-WUlys-GMC Rambler Phone 675-9118 Phone 676-9921 Call FREE to Pendleton Say -276-3611 Collect" Authorized V. W. Dealer Cars Galore Pendleton Electric Co. Bonded and Licensed Commercial, Industrial Real dential wiring, Electric heat, Wiring supplies. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES PROMPT SERVICE 1802 S. W. Bmigrant. Pendle ton, Oregon. Phone 276-2672. Exterminating Service WAS $500 THIS WEEK $445 14 Automotive FOR SALE '63 Plymouth sports Fury. P.S., P.B. and power windows, 383 engine torque, fllte transm. $1600. Jim Stea gall. 676-9737. 52tfc MARKET REPORT Tuesday Sole February 22. 1966 Hogs 5; Cattle 327; Consign ors 39; Buyers 27. SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls 20.00 to 22.10 Young Standard Cows 18.00 to 21.00 Commercial Cowa 15.50 to 17.50 Utility Cows 14.00 to 15.50 Canner & Cutter Cows 12.00 to 14.00 Shells 8.00 to 11.00 FEEDER CATTLE Yearling Steers 600- 900 Pds 22.00 to 26.60 Stews 400-500 Pds 26.00 to 32.00 Steers 250-350 Pds 29.00 to 33.40 Yearling Heifers 600- 700 Pds 21.00 to 23.80 Heifers 350-500 Pds 23.00 to 27.50 Heifers 200-300 Pds 26.00 to 28.50 Light Holsteln Heifers 400-500 Pds 19.00 to 21.00 Light Holsteln Steers 350-500 Pds 21.00 to 23.70 Old Stock Cows, Springers 170.00 to 188.00 Young Stock Cows, calves at side 210.00 to 225.00 Old Stock Cows, calves at side 180.00 to 200.00 Baby Calves, Beef 30.00 to 48.00 COMMENT: Prices are steady, buyers are plentiful, reeder and stocker cattle are in great de mand. Sell now while prices are high. Consign to Northwestern and get the top dollar. 1962 Chevrolet Pickup 6 cyL speed 1959 Ford Ranchero 1959 Chevrolet Pickup 6 cyl. 4- speed 1956 Chevrolet Pickup 6 cyl. 4 speed 1950 Chevrolet Pickup 6. 4-speed Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. Highway 80, Hermlaton DO WINK. Mgr. Kra. 567 -Jill Fhon 567-5668 EVERETT SNYDER, Era. 667-3961 Four Broncos IN STOCK ONE TICKUP $2885.38 THREE STATION WAGONS VARYING PRICES FROM $3,238.92 EASY TO DEAL ON HEPPNER AUTO SALES, Inc. "Fords and Friends Are Our Business" Heppner Ph. 676-9152 TYPING PAPER. Mimeograph paper and other office sup plies for sale at the Gazette Times office. New Volkswagens SEDANS (any color,) STATION WAGONS PICK-UPS PANEL DELIVERY $395.00 Down lyour car paid for or not) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO INC. PENDLETON, OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 pjn. Public Notices Ayers Pest Control Insect and Rodent Ex termination Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogglag Clayton Ayers Ph. 676-9953 15 Real Estate FOR SALE or RENT Two bed room house in lone; living- dining room combination kitchen. Phone 422-7195. 37tfc Don't forqet . . . every litter bit hurts 7 .11 -'Sir KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL Published a public sarvica in ceoo- ' ratio with Tha Advertising Council. In the Matter of the Estate of MARTHA GERTRUDE O'HARRA. Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, as Exec utor of the estate of MARTHA GERTRUDE O'HARRA. deceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and that Friday, the 25th dayi of March, 1966, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day and the court room of said court have been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of object ions thereto and the settlement thereof. DATED and first published February 24. 1966. DATE of last publication, March 24. 1966. NEWTON O'HARRA, Executor GENE B. CONKLIN Attorney for Executor P. O. Box 1122 Pendleton. Oregon 52-4c Dobyns Pest Control Rodent and Insect Exterm ination Termite Control Bird Control Grain Fumigation Guaranteed Work John Jepsen Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7244 Floor Covering, Heating Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician A Surgeon 1st National Bank Bids;. Bet. Ph. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 The Heppner Clinic C. M. Wagner, M.D. Physician A Surgeon 233 N. Gale St Off. 676-9114 Res. 676-9208 Dr. Wallace H. Wolff M. D. Office Hours: 10 to 12. 2 to 5:30 Moil, Tue&, Wed. and Fri. 1 to 5:30, Thursday Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676-9620 Printing The Gazette-Times offers complete ; Printing Service Dealer, Moore Business Forma Ph. 676-9228 Rubber Stamps NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, as exec utrix of the estate of Ray Mark Taylor, deceased, has filed his final account and report in said estate with Clerk of the Court of Morrow County and that the Judge thereof has fixed Friday, the fourth of March, 1966, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. as the time in the County Court Room in the County Court House at HepDnor. Oregon, as the place for hearing exceptions and ob jections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Ob lections to said final account should be filed on or before that date. LOA ELLEN TAYLOR, Executrix WINTER AND BALFE Attorneys at Law Heppner, Oregon 49-52p M&R Floor Covering and Heating Co. WlUiama Furnaces Completa In stallations CarDetlns Linoleum OU Burner Refrigeration Berric Domestic and Commercial Fraa Estimates All Work Guaranteed Ph. 67S-M18 - - Heppner Insurance C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box 247 Heppner, Oregon Insurance Turner Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 676-9652 Monuments Eternal Marker Co. Solid Bronze CEMETERY MARKERS JerrySweeney SWEENEY MORTUARY Heppner Ph. 676-9600 Rubber Stamps made to ycur order All sizes all types Prompt service Gazette-Times Ph. 676-9228 Heppner Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract Cr Title Co. TITLE INSURANCE Office In Peters Building Ph. 676-9912 Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods . Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Ph. 676-9200